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Resuming Cruising with a COVID-19 Cruise Ticket Contract

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39 minutes ago, BirdTravels said:

If you are vaccinated,  you can still catch COVID. The vaccines only prevent you from getting seriously sick. If you test positive, there is enough virus to spread. 

This statement only tells a minuscule part of the story. 
if you test positive (and have been vaccinated), and you are on a ship of only vaccinated people, there is not enough viral load to spread the virus, nor to cause a full ship quarantine situation. 
This is the catalyst behind the CDC policy statement that fully vaccinated groups can gather with no masks nor social distancing. 

Edited by not-enough-cruising
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29 minutes ago, easy1234 said:

I'm not trolling you, if I were, I would ask very different questions. I am not implying you that are forcing your views on others, I am simply trying to understand your views. So you admit that covid could be around for the foreseeable future and longer (which I completely agree with, my personal opinion is that it will never go away, same as the Spanish Flu was never eradicated and simply continually mutated into the flu that we see today). What I am trying to figure it is, will you wear masks and social distance the rest of your life if my belief on covid sticking around forever is true?

Okay I will give you a fair answer if you like. 

I cannot answer that question today as right now we are all learning and so for now it’s status quo. What will be in the future if this hangs around as is - is a great question and we will have to adapt to that reality. I wear more protection at work than outside as I am in close contact with sick people at times which is part of my profession. In my personal life I shy away from crowds and only gather with people I trust or outdoors when I want. I will wear a cotton mask outside of my office and when I am around public places. I have flown on an airplane and gone on vacations. 
My thoughts are that is this is the way things will be we will need to adapt and accept the risks to move forward with humanity. This will be a harsh reality to the hard liners but on this site people are here to hear about cruises and they want to move forward and will probably adapt as well. 
The vaccine/therapy is a wildcard. Nobody knows if it will last, be effective or need more as of today and that too will change our outlook on this virus. Maybe if we ever learn where it really came from and if it was man manipulated or naturally occurring we will also gain better knowledge of this. 
COVID is like nothing we have ever seen. So we are learning and hopefully we learn faster than this thing moves and then we will will have more concrete answers. 

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In response to the OP, I just signed this for a new cruise I booked, and am relieved to see this (though we will see how it goes in action). I am based in Michigan, and the rates are out of control here. People aren't wearing masks, the new variant is doing damage, etc. I just got my 2nd Moderna shot last week, and plan to continue to wear masks and socially distance outside my bubble for the time being, until cases are at a significantly lower level. I DO want to travel and I DO want to cruise, but I don't want to endanger others, nor do I want to be in the group of folks that are outsides of the 95% efficacy.  Requiring folks to be vaccinated makes sense and having the OPTION to ask folks to mask, test, and distance provide both RCCL and passengers who believe in science with a little more cushion should rates soar again like they are in MI. I wouldn't travel on a cruise line that wasn't putting these precautions into place.

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11 hours ago, BirdTravels said:

Unfortunately, vaccines do NOT prevent you from catching COVID. They only prevent you from becoming seriously sick

and spread the disease when

you catch it. 

Exactly where did you find this dubious information?  Mad Magazine?  And I quote:


The vaccines cannot give you COVID-19. They will help keep you from getting COVID-19.
Edited by BecciBoo
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Well I have a cruise for January 30, 2022 on a 5 day hold via my cruise planner. After reading the mask part of the contract I’m pulling the plug. I am not wearing a mask on a ship period! If only vaccinated passengers are being allowed why the masks?  Guess I’ll give it some thought once things get moving and we know what the rules are then. 

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Hopefully cruising from the USA will have started up and we will have a feel for the rules and conduct aboard ships by 9/5/21, when my final payments will be due for December cruises.  If not, I will get my refundable deposit back and wait a little while longer.  Don't mind wearing masks now and into the next few months, but not on vacation.

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I am excited about the future of cruising, and travel in general. We need to stop the fear train and get back to normal. I get my 2nd vaccination a week from this Saturday. I will stop wearing masks 2 weeks after. Period. I have reached the end of my patience with the perpetually terrified. If you want to live in fear and never leave your basement, have at it. I will continue with my life. Not trying to argue with anyone, just saying this is what I choose to do. (if anyone reading this cannot wait to try and shame me for my decision, go ahead, I don't care. Shocking as it may seem, I don't base decisions about my personal life on reactions from online folks, no offense to anyone intended)

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51 minutes ago, DCGuy64 said:

I am excited about the future of cruising, and travel in general. We need to stop the fear train and get back to normal. I get my 2nd vaccination a week from this Saturday. I will stop wearing masks 2 weeks after. Period. I have reached the end of my patience with the perpetually terrified. If you want to live in fear and never leave your basement, have at it. I will continue with my life. Not trying to argue with anyone, just saying this is what I choose to do. (if anyone reading this cannot wait to try and shame me for my decision, go ahead, I don't care. Shocking as it may seem, I don't base decisions about my personal life on reactions from online folks, no offense to anyone intended)

I feel the same way and now that our Governor has rescinded the protocols, My masks are going into a drawer at least here. Even in stores, if they ask me I will reply "Ask the Governor".  I'm willing to capitulate for the sake of our cruise though, I am cruising no matter what.  For the cruise I am taking my acrylic mask, I love it.  Let's me breath and everyone can see.  No one has ever questioned it except to ask where I got it!

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1 hour ago, BecciBoo said:

I feel the same way and now that our Governor has rescinded the protocols, My masks are going into a drawer at least here. Even in stores, if they ask me I will reply "Ask the Governor".  I'm willing to capitulate for the sake of our cruise though, I am cruising no matter what.  For the cruise I am taking my acrylic mask, I love it.  Let's me breath and everyone can see.  No one has ever questioned it except to ask where I got it!

I definitely won't be wearing a mask just because other people are afraid, I can tell you that. Now, if a cruise line requires one, I'll have to decide whether to cruise with that line or go with one that doesn't require them. And if they ALL do, then I suppose I'll have to go along with the charade and bring one with me, but make sure I'm eating and drinking 24/7, LOL.

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I'm fully vaccinated and just returned from Cancun.


Do I like wearing a mask? No. Do I look down on people who wear masks and try to belittle them and accuse them of being afraid? No

Will I continue to mask up if asked or required to do so in a place I desire to do business ? Yes. Why? Because I respect their decision and I will comply. If I don't like their business practices, then I will not do business there.


No shirt, no shoes, no mask, NO SERVICE.

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3 hours ago, BecciBoo said:

I feel the same way and now that our Governor has rescinded the protocols, My masks are going into a drawer at least here. Even in stores, if they ask me I will reply "Ask the Governor".  I'm willing to capitulate for the sake of our cruise though, I am cruising no matter what.  For the cruise I am taking my acrylic mask, I love it.  Let's me breath and everyone can see.  No one has ever questioned it except to ask where I got it!

Are you talking about those clear half shields that cover your mouth and nose? If so and there is a mask mandate when cruising resumes do you really think they'll allow those to be worn? I believe you know the answer. 



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On 4/11/2021 at 12:26 PM, Stick93 said:

Yes - and I think people should take the vaccine and it will hopefully help us get through this faster. 
I have also taken the vaccine but still have not stopped all the safety measures I feel are right for me and have kept me safe for the past year - both at work and at in the community. 

My husband and I are getting our second Moderna jabs on 4/21.  Honestly though, down the road when masks aren't required, there are plenty of scenarios where I can see myself still wearing one. Every single time we've gone on a vacation, I'm always uneasy in a crowded grocery store prior to our trip. I can remember standing in line at the store a few days before we left for a cruise, and the person in front of me hacking and coughing, obviously sick. I'd probably wear one in the airport too. 

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40 minutes ago, jules815 said:

My husband and I are getting our second Moderna jabs on 4/21.  Honestly though, down the road when masks aren't required, there are plenty of scenarios where I can see myself still wearing one. Every single time we've gone on a vacation, I'm always uneasy in a crowded grocery store prior to our trip. I can remember standing in line at the store a few days before we left for a cruise, and the person in front of me hacking and coughing, obviously sick. I'd probably wear one in the airport too. 

I feel the same way. So what if I want to wear a mask in crowded spaces? Some people seem threatened by this.


My wife works in a supermarket and increasingly she is being asked by mask-less customers why she is still wearing a mask even though she is fully vaccinated. 1) because her employer still requires them and 2) it's really none of anyone's business.

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On 4/11/2021 at 9:12 AM, bouhunter said:

No.  None of the vaccines are 100% effective.  Last week they had counted 200+ fully vaccinated people in Michigan who got covid AFTER the 2 weeks following the second vaccine.  And that's only the ones who were found and verified.


Michigan? Isn't this the state w/ the Gov that continues to 'lock down' tight? Makes me wonder if the findings are even true. So much rhetoric these days...


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22 hours ago, BirdTravels said:

Vaccinations is a requirement for current cruises. 

If you test positive, even if vaccinated, you have COVID. And you will be quarantined on the ship or kicked off. 



One can do everything today they could have done pre-covid but go on a cruise. Strange world we live in using strange rules that many assumed to be established laws. 

Edited by Goodtime Cruizin
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7 hours ago, BecciBoo said:

I feel the same way and now that our Governor has rescinded the protocols, My masks are going into a drawer at least here. Even in stores, if they ask me I will reply "Ask the Governor".  I'm willing to capitulate for the sake of our cruise though, I am cruising no matter what.  For the cruise I am taking my acrylic mask, I love it.  Let's me breath and everyone can see.  No one has ever questioned it except to ask where I got it!

What are you going to do, argue with a 16 year old kid just trying to do their job?  That’s sickening. You should be ashamed of yourself. 

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5 hours ago, DCGuy64 said:

I definitely won't be wearing a mask just because other people are afraid, I can tell you that. Now, if a cruise line requires one, I'll have to decide whether to cruise with that line or go with one that doesn't require them. And if they ALL do, then I suppose I'll have to go along with the charade and bring one with me, but make sure I'm eating and drinking 24/7, LOL.

Just like you did on that less than one hour flight and then got COVID?  How many others did you give it to because you needed your baba?  I’m starting to think you post dribble like this just because you have nothing else to do.  

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1 hour ago, B Midged said:

What are you going to do, argue with a 16 year old kid just trying to do their job?  That’s sickening. You should be ashamed of yourself. 

What is your problem?  You bare the shame not I.  I don't know any teenager anywhere that I have argued with, maybe you replied to the wrong poster.  

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1 hour ago, B Midged said:

Just like you did on that less than one hour flight and then got COVID?  How many others did you give it to because you needed your baba?  I’m starting to think you post dribble like this just because you have nothing else to do.  

By the way, the word is drivel, not dribble.  Dribble is what you do eating your pablum.  Go bother someone who appreciates it.  And don't bother...I won't be seeing anything you post anymore...gotta love the block.

Edited by BecciBoo
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5 hours ago, Mapleleafforever said:

Are you talking about those clear half shields that cover your mouth and nose? If so and there is a mask mandate when cruising resumes do you really think they'll allow those to be worn? I believe you know the answer. 



WE'll see soon enough won't we and it's really noneya

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4 hours ago, Pratique said:

I feel the same way. So what if I want to wear a mask in crowded spaces? Some people seem threatened by this.


My wife works in a supermarket and increasingly she is being asked by mask-less customers why she is still wearing a mask even though she is fully vaccinated. 1) because her employer still requires them and 2) it's really none of anyone's business.

Firstly, I don't care what any of you do, nor anyone who wants to criticise.  I only care about what I do.  I have already said I will be glad to comply to cruise, but there are always the police on here who don't accept anything one does or says.  That's not the way we role in the shire.  Live and let live as one poster put it, but he doesn't consider anybody's life but his own.  Just like some protestors I've seen.  No skin off my back, I'll be cruising no matter what they mandate.

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I strongly suggest vaccinated people scheduled on cruises requiring testing be very careful in the 2 weeks prior to testing. Yes, you can be vaccinated, feel just fine, and test positive, thus ruining your vacation. It's happened to people testing before trips to Hawaii, more than 2 weeks after vaccination. 


I'm curious how the dining room is going to work with unvaccinated children on board. Free room service would be a nice option for those who really want to remain masked in the presence of unvaccinated passengers.

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