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The Daily for Friday 03/04/2022


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9 hours ago, richwmn said:


Ships Without Passengers

Cadiz SP

Volendam   Shipyard
Zaandam   Shipyard




Some pics of  Volendam and Zaandam at the Navantia S.A. shipyard in Cadiz, Spain. Volendam went out of the water on 09 FEB and Zaandam entered dry-dock on 27 FEB 22


May be an image of outdoors


May be an image of outdoors


May be an image of outdoors


May be an image of text that says 'Navantia'


May be an image of 1 person and outdoors

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Good afternoon.  


Getting our Covid tests at the hospital in Parker was easy, but it took time to check-in.  Getting the results was a little complicated.  They send the results to the patient port,al and we had to set up an account.  While I was at the big box store getting a few last minute items, DH got his email  invitation to join, but mine did not arrive.  A quick stop at the hospital on the way out of town fixed the problem.  Some one had typed an "i" instead of an "l" in my email address.  The problem was fixed and I had the email before leaving the hospital.


Naturally, the drama continued when we got home, as the web-site was having problems. 

@kazu  Jacqui, your meme about getting an medical appointment was aptly timed for today.  On the third try logging in, the results were there and we are both NEGATIVE!  👍 👏  All in all, it was still a lot easier and less stressful than what we went through in November.  Now, it's time to do a little more organizing so packing tomorrow will be easy.  And later, I'll get a much needed haircut.


Now more drama.  To quote a line from A Christmas Story, "Oh, fudge."  DH just noticed that our test results do not have our names on them.  He's calling them now.  We didn't tell them it was for a cruise since they had told someone else they wouldn't do the test for a cruise.  I'll let you know what he finds out.


@cat shepard  Glad the new iPad is working and was easy to set up.

@Cruzin Terri  Sorry  your DH is having pain and can't get a CAT scan until next week.  Hope you are on the cancellation list, and I hope the scan leads to an easy solution.

@marshhawk  Ann, glad your getting a new customer who you are more comfortable representing.  We've found where it is restaurants or ports, sometimes it's better to remember what was than learn what is now.

@Sea Viewer  Glad you liked the new cardiologist.  Hope your DH makes the needed changes.

@smitty34877  Terry, sorry Tana is struggling at night.  Now nice of you and the dogs to keep her company in the wee hours.

@mamaofami  😱  YIKES, Carol.  Not getting Sam up for an appointment is inexcusable. 

@Lady Hudson  Glad you DSIL got the needed stents.  Hope they help her a lot.

@durangoscots  Good to know that the repairs are progressing and hope the needed moisture, no matter the form, doesn't delay them too much.


Will finish later.  On the way to Parker to get printed lab results -- hopefully.



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54 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:


Some pics of  Volendam and Zaandam at the Navantia S.A. shipyard in Cadiz, Spain. Volendam went out of the water on 09 FEB and Zaandam entered dry-dock on 27 FEB 22


May be an image of outdoors


May be an image of outdoors


May be an image of outdoors


May be an image of text that says 'Navantia'


May be an image of 1 person and outdoors

Nice! I will be on the Zaandam this fall so I’m sure she will be nicer than the last time I was on her 🥰

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1 minute ago, Oceansaway17 said:


are you on vacation again and in Italy?  if not that breakfast looks also like and English Breakfast.

No we are in England Jody.

The breakfast was in an Italian restaurant.

We sat outside today for a late lunch Graham.


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2 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

No we are in England Jody.

The breakfast was in an Italian restaurant.

We sat outside today for a late lunch Graham.


my what a nice looking wife.  Love the hat,

watch PTZtv live for Wonder of the SEAS leaving Ft Lauderdale soon if you can


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3 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

my what a nice looking wife.  Love the hat,

watch PTZtv live for Wonder of the SEAS leaving Ft Lauderdale soon if you can


Thank you Jody.

Pauline will be 60 on March 13th.

We have been married 40 years.


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Just now, grapau27 said:

Thank you Jody.

Pauline will be 60 on March 13th.

We have been married 40 years.


very nice.  Love the name too.


So Wonder is leaving soon.  Lots of stuff on You Tube for you enjoyment.

JJ Cruise did LIVE and also doing a Vlog.  



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3 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

@Horizon chaser 1957 Lovely printing. If it was legal, I’d be willing to supply you with lots of eucalyptus. Somehow I don’t think our governments would be in favor.

A heartfelt thanks for the offer, but I think you’re right. I was prepared to have my eucalyptus taken away when we drove home, but the border agent was profoundly uninterested in it. 
Mind you, it was the first day of the new border Covid regulations, and the IT department hadn’t updated the computers to reflect the changes. The poor guy had his hands full. He probably wouldn’t have cared if we’d had a live Buffalo in the back seat!

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We're back from our second trip to Parker, and as Shakespeare said, "All's Well That Ends Well".  The test results were waiting when we arrived, and they were the same format as the test results we get for normal labs.  However, the lab tech and both of us weren't really thinking. DH commented on the way home that we probably could have gotten them printed at the satellite clinic in Quartzsite.   


I even found time to get my hair cut, so now all that's left is packing tomorrow.  


@NextOne  The donations through Amazon sound nice, and it was nice of you and your neighbor to help pack them for shipping.

@Horizon chaser 1957  Several of our neighbors have eucalyptus trees that are the bane of my existence after a windy day like today.  All the leaves seem to wind up in our yard, but by then they are dead and dry.  Sometimes a distraction at the border helps if you have things you shouldn't.  😉

@Suslor  I hope they finally find the answer to DH's pain.  Of course, you could always move to a BHB.  🤣

@StLouisCruisers  Jen and Amy's DH are still in our thoughts.  Hope they both improve soon.

@JazzyV  Sorry you can't completely get rid of your headache.

@grapau27  Pauline and I almost share a birthday.  Mine's March 12.


It's time to wrap things up for today.



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6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

I did ok yesterday until around 3, then had to take something for the headache. I'll see how it goes today.


Glad to hear there is some improvement.  I sure hope it continues and improves finger 🤞 


6 hours ago, Suslor said:

Apparently it’s not related to his hiatal hernia but they can’t seem to find out what causes it. He was medivac off a plane on our way back from Israel one time. I think something, maybe an intestine spasms ad twists and finally after excruciating pain flips back into place. That’s my laypersons diagnosis from dealing with it all these years 🤪. There’s no rhyme nor reason for it’s occurrence but interesting he doesn’t have an attack on a BHB.

Hope they find a reason and a treatment for both of our DH’s. Take care. 


I hope they can find  a cause and help your DH 🙏🏻 


7 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

I brought some eucalyptus home from California, and did a test print yesterday. Some varieties print a beautiful bright red, and sure enough, one of the types I picked did. I’m very pleased. If only I’d known, I could have stuck with that variety. Eucalyptus doesn’t grow here, so it’s a rare commodity. I can’t wait to sort it out and use it on some real pieces.




Really pretty 👍 


8 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Spring has sprung here, it seems.  Temps in the 50's, lots of flowers.  My poor hellebores are just recovering from the freezes we had last month, they had pretty much fallen right over, now they are beginning to hold their heads up again.




I am officially jealous since we are still stuck in ‘frozen tundra’ mode (stealing Gerry’s expression.


8 hours ago, aliaschief said:

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Have two negative rapid Covid test will travel. Insurance covered it at Urgent Care!




8 hours ago, NextOne said:

My morning took an unexpected turn today. I was just getting ready to get on the treadmill when I got a text from my neighbor asking if I would be interested in helping pack boxes of supplies for Ukrainian refugees. Well, sure! A quick change of clothes & we were off. Went to a warehouse that was stocked with boxes of donations - really heartwarming to see how generous people are! Apparently Amazon has an arrangement that you can order a donation and it gets sent to this warehouse. Hadn't heard about this before, but obviously others had. Truly a bright spot in the middle of the horror.


What a lovely thing to be involved in.  I hadn’t heard of this either.  Going to do some digging to see if we are doing this here.


How nice of you to help.


8 hours ago, durangoscots said:

The roofers at the shelter are securing everything just in case. We did get the new structural beams in place and some other interior work done this week with minimal disruptions. Glad to see the progress.


Glad to hear the roofers have taken precautions.  Hopefully the work can progress quickly and soon be over.  A huge headache for sure!


10 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

This morning , we're heading to Parker for out Covid tests, and we just hope it goes better than it did in November.


Good luck!  I hope you fail royally (test negative)


10 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Thanks for your concern.  That is the best we could do.  The original date was March 18.  i called back and begged and pleaded and they changed it to March 11. But we have to travel 25 miles away to get the earlier date.  


Yikes, Terri!  I think that medical meme I posted this morning really applies to you.  Hopefully they can quickly get your DH’s pain resolved and it’s nothing serious 🙏🏻 


10 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:

He made some minor changes to the medications (again!) but explained that lifestyle choices were going to have the greatest impact on his health. Fingers crossed that he will take it to "heart" His son is getting married later this year so that may be a good motivator.


I hope your DH takes the choices and changes to heart.  It can make the world of difference.


10 hours ago, mamaofami said:

I slept late this am and found the aide didn’t wake Sam in time for his medical appointment. I am practicing mindfulness and trying to keep myself from anger at this man who is passive aggressive.


OMG -  you have the patience of Jobe.


11 hours ago, marshhawk said:

The thing about life, is that it's always changing.  What is now, is not tomorrow. 


My boss (the one who is soon not going to be my boss) knew that I was struggling with the ethics of selling for the HB.  I started asking questions, and wasn't getting straight answers. I asked again, and again the answer was to a question not asked.  All of this is done with texts...arghh? What did ever happen to the telephone, but within two minutes after my last question, I got a call from my boss, who asked me if I wanted to go work for a new customer, and my manager would be an employee I worked with during this past year.  YES!  So I have a few more weeks before the transfer, and I will do the best I can by the patrons that I still have.


Good news!  Yay on your transfer.  Bear with what you have to do now - it will soon be over 🤞 



3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Now more drama.  To quote a line from A Christmas Story, "Oh, fudge."  DH just noticed that our test results do not have our names on them.  He's calling them now.  We didn't tell them it was for a cruise since they had told someone else they wouldn't do the test for a cruise.  I'll let you know what he finds out.


Oh “fudge” is right.  Hope it works out.



Talk about gremlins.  I lost my entire post and had to retry.  I’m afraid I fudged something or missed someone.  😌 



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39 minutes ago, kazu said:

Yikes, Terri!  I think that medical meme I posted this morning really applies to you.  Hopefully they can quickly get your DH’s pain resolved and it’s nothing serious

Well we have plan B in the works. On Monday I will call the surgeon at the Mayo Clinic who operated on him the second time and beg for an appointment.  Stay away from these Mickey Mouse Doctors here in Beaufort County.  Hopefully he can get an appointment and find out what is going on.  We can get down to JAX and back in the same day.  It’s just that the time is getting tight and DH waits until the last minute to tell me something is wrong.   Ugghhhhh!


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4 hours ago, Navybikermom said:

Nice! I will be on the Zaandam this fall so I’m sure she will be nicer than the last time I was on her 🥰


Don't forget her huge Pluer chromatic organ in her atrium 😉 A little Johhny Cash (Ghost) Riders in the Sky



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6 hours ago, kb4683 said:

Both tested negative, heading out tomorrow for Fort Lauderdale to board Nieuw Statendam on Sunday 🥳


Yippee!  Have a wonderful time!


9 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well we have plan B in the works. On Monday I will call the surgeon at the Mayo Clinic who operated on him the second time and beg for an appointment.  Stay away from these Mickey Mouse Doctors here in Beaufort County.  Hopefully he can get an appointment and find out what is going on.  We can get down to JAX and back in the same day.  It’s just that the time is getting tight and DH waits until the last minute to tell me something is wrong.   Ugghhhhh!



Praying that plan B works for you Terri 🙏🏻 

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  • 6 months later...
On 3/4/2022 at 11:07 AM, HAL4NOW said:

We took a river raft tour down the Martha Brae in Ocho Rios.

Good memories 🙂









We have been looking at this excursion either through Holland or a non-ship company.  Wondering about either a Martha Brae river raft or White river rafting.  This is right up our alley.  Is anyone familiar with the White River adventure?

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