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The Daily for Sunday 03/06/2022


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Thanks again for the Sunday Daily, Rich.  Wishing @kazu a day of peace and recharging with the storm coming to Saint John.  I am named for a Canadian cousin I only actually met once.  My long standing dentist retired recently but fortunately a very nice lady took over his practice.  As a single I eat a lot of frozen food both things that start out that way and things where I use some regular food and freeze the rest.  I have never been to Senegal; Dakar was on the itinerary for my segment of the 2014 Amsterdam World Cruise but it and Banjul were cancelled due to Ebola.  Not a fan of Nietzsche but that is a great quote.  I'll pass on the chicken pot pie.  My alternative is watermelon gazpacho, fillet steak (sans lobster ravioli), and apple strudel as served on MS Prinsendam March 6, 2019.





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Good Morning.

I was away for a few days. My band played at an event up in Orlando. We played to a crowd of 570 +.

We had a great time playing but the down side ws the horrible traffing coming and going. It is why we always avoid the entire Orlando area as much as we can. Mile after mile you just creep along, stop, creep along some more, It's terrible.

Today we are looking forward to spending some time in the pool. The weather is delightful.

Havent ried todays wine but have had many others from this winerary and they have all been good.

The quote today is a sad truth. Once you've been lied to, it is hard to regain trust.


Have a great day and stay safe.

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Good Morning from an overcast but warm day at the beach

       Like the quote. I dont understand sometimes why people lie. Makes no sense. Tell the truth, it is easier to remember.  

       I was named after my father as was my brother. My  mother liked the name Charles, so Charles for him, Charlene for me. As a child, I didnt like my name because I was the only kid that did not have a " nameplate" on their bike.  It is not really a common name.

      I dont think I would like todays port. I dont like aggressive vendors.

     @JAM37 Hope you are feeling better.

       It is great to see so many going on cruises. Love following the blogs. My day will come.


Stay safe and enjoy today

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thanks for our Sunday Daily, Rich.


Interesting collection of days.  I hate going to the dentist but have to say my periodontist has helped overcome some of that with his kindness & understanding.  My freezer is loaded with food - mostly because I have lost my appetite at times. 😉 




I can definitely celebrate Namesake day as I was named for my father - Jack.  My legal name is Jacqueline but after being teased for years in school, I went by Jacqui and the only 2 people permitted to call me by my full name were my father and DH.


Love the quote and I abhor liars.  Today’s meal suggestion is true comfort food, but on the way home yesterday, when I stopped at the grocery store to pick up DH’s and Marley’s goodies I spotted corned beef.  Haven’t had it in years as DH didn’t like it as much as I did.  So, assuming I have the energy, it will be corned beef and cabbage tonight.  I’m pretty sure I can get that down with wine 😉 


The wine today is one of my favourite grapes.  Thanks @cat shepard




Marley was looking at me expectantly at “the time”.  He’s now a happy camper realizing I’m not going anywhere 😉 




I’m contemplating doing some house cleaning today along with some other tasks.  I’ll see if I get past ‘contemplating’ 😂 




It’s a mess outside.  Snow is coming down fast and furious, then it will change to freezing rain/ice pellets & then rain.  Hopefully the rain washes away the snow enough that we are not stuck with ice later.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Sunday everyone !!!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 




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Good Morning!  It seems weird not to hear from Graham so that I can get my weekly "church service" before I have to face the world.  Well, not the real world.  Just my little world.  Friends are coming over today, we plan to walk at the bird sanctuary.   Well the husband does, his wife is just not doing well at all, so we will throw a chair in the back of the car, and she can sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.


This is the couple that we usually cruise with, there is a large age difference between them.  She is much older, 15 years older than he is.  And within the last two years she has really gone downhill, brain wise.  She lost her ability to see humor, or understand jokes first, then she will tell you that she has memory problems.  She can remember the past, but not what she had for lunch.  She has become "ornery" and argues and berates people.  And on our last trip last year, she spent every hour we were together telling me about a pond that is near them that is drying up and turning into a swamp, and then (this trip was in Florida)  she overheard the word manatee.  So then the drying pond was full of manatees.  She was the best cook for southern cuisine, and she gave up cooking, mainly i think because she not only forgot how to, but she would put things in the oven, and forget to turn the oven on, or leave things on the stove, and forgot about them.   So the husband works, cooks, and is about to burn out.  She on the other hand, lives in a fantasy world where she is queen, and as long as she gets what she wants  is calm, otherwise, she is quite nasty.  Like a 5 year old. in a temper tantrum  Oh well, he is too close everyday to her to notice the big differences, and while we see them every 3-6 months, we notice the changes right away.   He is debating about booking a cruise with us, because he has no idea how she will be doing in a month, let alone 7 months off.  I think he needs one, but I'm scared she will fall over board.


There is a telemarketing God.  He/she was looking out for me yesterday.  I got a text from my CA boss, that he was sending a call my way, that he was trying to process but his computer crashed, and it turns out that it was one of my call backs.  The gentleman had asked for me, but "the boss" said it would be easier if he took the sale.  Which didn't work for him.  HAHA!  This sale was an hour after "the boss" had posted that the first person who got a sale would get a bonus commission on the last two sales that he did the day before.  Now, if  his computer had worked, no one would have gotten that bonus.  Instead, I got the bonus.  And then I thought, how many times has he done that ?  Taken the sale for himself and denied us (any of the remaining 35  employees) the bonus.  Again, my problem with them is in ethics.  And the funny thing is, the East Coast crew don't get commissions, or bonuses.  So, again HA!



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Good morning. Debbie @dfish has sent us her rain a d we are expecting  60 balmy degrees. I was named for both grandmother's but the only people who called me Theresa were the Catholic school nuns and my father. We Terry 's are picky about our spelling as well.

We have not been to the port and will pass on the recipe.I am trying a one pot pasta and vegetable  dish with chicken peas tonight for the group.

DD and I spent a few hours at the Ukranian church nearby assisting  a whole lot of people packing supplies.We were overwhelmed  by the welcome we received  and heard many frightening  stories of loved ones in Ukraine.It is such an awful situation.We sat in the car together and cried  .I was glad I held it together until then as it felt important to just listen.

Take care everyone. 

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Today's sunrise is from my 2014 Crystal Symphony/Serenity/Amsterdam.  On March 6 Crystal Symphony crossed the Equator on the way to the first transfer point, Singapore:





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Good morning everyone. As a child, I hated my dentist who had a home office. His two young children used to run around the dental chair while the patient was sitting in it because he was always babysitting for them. So, I go and marry a dentist. I will certainly celebrate him and the wonderful dentist and hygienist I found here when we moved and DH retired. 
I hate liars. Several of the aides have lied to me and it’s maddening. The present one told me he never even lied to his parents, but when I asked who left my front door wide open he said not him. Ten minutes later, he said, OK, I did it. Once a liar, always a liar. Goes well with once a cheater, always a cheater. It’s so hard to ever trust a liar once they have been found out.


Its going to be 70 this afternoon so we have plans to meet our friends in one of the gazebos here. I miss all our social get together so glad so many of the covid restrictions have been lifted.

Prayers for the brave people of Ukraine,


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Happy Sunday! I miss the dentist I last had. He retired and his replacement is not as good. I am not named for anyone, but there are four generations of Edwards in my family. I finally made the shoutout list, although my “name” was misspelled. Gave me a chuckle though - I am definitely not a banker, but I am a biker (with my own Harley) - lol. 

The food sounds delicious, as does the drink and wine. I’ve never been to Africa and it’s never been on my list to go. Europe is my favorite place outside the US. 

Have a blessed Sunday. 

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My family has certain naming conventions.  All of the girls have their Mother’s name as their middle name.  All of the boys have the same middle name.  Don’t really know how/when this started, but while researching the Family Tree I found it goes back close to three generations.


My first name didn’t “fit” with all of the other first names in the family.  When I was 13 or so, I asked my Mom why I was named what I was named.  Her reply, “I never met a XXXXXX that I didn’t like, until you!”. (Needless to say, she was rather aggravated with my teenage antics at that moment.  She later gave me a big hug and told me all about the other XXXXXXXX’s that she liked and how I was so like them.)

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2 hours ago, 0106 said:

Me too.  It was the dinner I requested for my bday growing up.  Unfortunately, I never learned how to make the noodles.  Watched my Grandma make it many times but she didn’t use a recipe.  She said make a well in the flour.  Add egg beaten with water.  If it’s too wet, add more flour.  If it’s to dry, add water.  When I tried to make it my husband said the kitchen looked like there was an explosion in a flour factory! 

I order it whenever  I see it(sometimes it’s called slippery noodles) but nothing will ever taste like Grandma used to make.

I hope this helps.  I use this recipe and the noodles always come out good.


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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  I have a love hate relationship with the dentist.  I really don’t like going but understand their importance for my health.  Was very disappointed when the governor said they weren’t essential during the pandemic.  @dfish the recipes look good for chicken pies.  HAL’s Navigator app chirped this morning alerting me that I have reservations at the Tamarind for today, if only that were true I’d be a very happy camper.   Today looks like a stay at home day and get some chores done.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! Just checked PTZ Port of Miami and the Quest is here awaiting us.



Bon Voyage !!!!  I hope you have a fabulous time and hope you can post during your cruise if you have time 🤞 


Looking forward to hearing your impressions and experiences.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

DH is doing a bit better.  Will call the Mayo Clinic tomorrow and see if the surgeon can see him.  Keeping my fingers crossed. Otherwise, the CT scan is Friday. Hoping it is nothing too serious.

Other from that all is good here and with less than a month to go for this six week trip, I am trying to get everything done that needs to be in order.


Have a wonderful Sunday and stay well.

God Bless,,



1 hour ago, Sea Viewer said:

DH is still sleeping, he had a restless night with cramps in his good leg and pain in the leg he injured in the fall. I had to help him out of bed earlier this morning. Maybe a good sleep in will help.



Hoping the good sleep helps your DH 🙏🏻 


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Dear friends of ours stopped by with a "hit and run" yesterday afternoon.  DH was napping and I was on the computer when the security camera alarm on my phone dinged.  I clicked on it to view the video to see that they'd left a package on our doorstep, so went out to investigate.  There was a decorated brown paper bag containing warm hot cross buns from our favourite bakery, a beautiful kitchen towel that says "This is our Happy Place", and a card wishing DH well with his medical procedure on Monday.  They knew we were isolating so we wouldn't risk a possible positive test, so didn't come in to visit, but wanted us to know we were in their hearts.


How very nice of your friends ♥️ What a lovely gesture 👍 


40 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

 Well the husband does, his wife is just not doing well at all, so we will throw a chair in the back of the car, and she can sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.


This is the couple that we usually cruise with, there is a large age difference between them.  She is much older, 15 years older than he is.  And within the last two years she has really gone downhill, brain wise.  She lost her ability to see humor, or understand jokes first, then she will tell you that she has memory problems.  She can remember the past, but not what she had for lunch.  She has become "ornery" and argues and berates people.  And on our last trip last year, she spent every hour we were together telling me about a pond that is near them that is drying up and turning into a swamp, and then (this trip was in Florida)  she overheard the word manatee.  So then the drying pond was full of manatees.  She was the best cook for southern cuisine, and she gave up cooking, mainly i think because she not only forgot how to, but she would put things in the oven, and forget to turn the oven on, or leave things on the stove, and forgot about them.   So the husband works, cooks, and is about to burn out.  She on the other hand, lives in a fantasy world where she is queen, and as long as she gets what she wants  is calm, otherwise, she is quite nasty.  Like a 5 year old. in a temper tantrum  Oh well, he is too close everyday to her to notice the big differences, and while we see them every 3-6 months, we notice the changes right away.   He is debating about booking a cruise with us, because he has no idea how she will be doing in a month, let alone 7 months off.  I think he needs one, but I'm scared she will fall over board.


Oh dear on your friend.  What a burden the husband is carrying.  I feel fro him.  It’s so painful to do what he’s doing 😢 


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Good morning, All.

Like @dfishDebbie, we used to get those frozen pot pies on our parents' date nights.  Or the ones with two pieces of chicken and some mashed potatoes.  We liked them!  Now I've upped my game and sometimes order things from various companies that provide "gourmet" food.  One of many ways to avoid cooking these days.

I was named after my grandmother.  Now DGD has my name as her middle name, so that's nice.  And so does a very cranky old Hallmark cartoon character.

@msmayor, I was so tired of being pregnant with our son that I resorted to a biofeedback technique of visualizing oxytocin flowing out of my brain to the appropriate parts to trigger contractions.  It worked!  No joke.  I went into labor that day.  Maybe would have anyhow, but it can't hurt.  A giant restaurant dinner did the trick with our daughter.  lol


To each and every one, have a great Sunday.  We have lots to pray about, but many things to celebrate as well.  Thanks, Rich & Company for the Daily.

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