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The Daily for Monday 04/25/2022


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Good morning. Getting our 12x18’ front yard covered in Astro turf. DH isn’t able to mow and our lawn guy moved to Colorado !

Shucks! Almost made page 1 🤪

Edited by Suslor
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Good morning, all! I just love today’s quote. Very sweet. The meal would be a wonderful,appetizer. I’ve never liked oaked  Chardonnay, but was intrigued by the mention that the flavour improved with extra aeration. I’ve never aerated Chardonnay, and wonder if that might change the taste for me. I love a good oakey red after it’s been aerated - maybe that’s the step I’ve been missing.

Weve been to Phu My on the Volendam. It is the port for Ho Chi Min city. The port itself is completely industrial. Unless you wear a hard hat and work there, there is nothing to do within walking distance. The shuttle bus to the city is a long drive and like an excursion of its own. We took the bus to the city, went up the tower (I’ve forgotten the name), and went to the huge market. There is an area by the market where the tour busses go. It was beyond crowded, with noisy, packed and overpriced coffee shops. About two blocks away we found a local coffee shop where we got authentic and delicious Vietnamese coffee paid for in Bahts for the equivalent of about 50 cents US. With free WIFI included. We sat under an awning on little plastic chairs at a little plastic table and watched the neighbouring shops carry out their daily business. We lingered until we had to head back to the bus. Less than three blocks from the solid mass of tourists, and in an hour we only saw one couple from a ship walk past.

Like @puppycanducruise, I overdid it in the garden and my back is not happy today. It was worth it, and now everything is planted and can settle in and establish while we’re away.

Happy Monday, everyone! Only two days until I’m finally back aboard a BHB!

Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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@StLouisCruisers No need to apologize for the number of beautiful pictures you (or any Daily-ite) post. 


Many find ourselves now uncommonly 'at home' for a multitude of reasons. Photos from Daily-ite's former travels and current adventures allow us to go places with you that our situation doesn't currently allow. 


And, you help us curate a list for future travel when our life opens different doors…

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7 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@StLouisCruisersNever too many photos.  Thank you! .   The food looks good.   Was that a HA tour?  I think in some countries I would only want to take HA tours especially when eating.    


Yes, it was a Princess ship tour.  Starting in about 2013 I started keeping a spreadsheet on cruises because we were booking more cruises each year and I needed somewhere to keep all the details straight.  So I see by my spreadsheet that tour was $129pp.  7 1/2 hours long and included lunch.

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1 minute ago, HAL Sailer said:

@StLouisCruisers No need to apologize for the number of beautiful pictures you (or any Daily-ite) post. 


Many find ourselves now uncommonly 'at home' for a multitude of reasons. Photos from Daily-ite's former travels and current adventures allow us to go places with you that our situation doesn't currently allow. 


And, you help us curate a list for future travel when our life opens different doors…


Thank you.  I hope you do get to travel more in the future.  DH used to say I want to cover the earth before the earth covers me.  Since we've been sitting at home so long he seems less interested in travel but I'm trying to encourage him since I'm not ready to retire from travel.

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Drink of the day:

Still Steam:

2 parts Kilbeggan® Single Grain Irish Whiskey
½ part Lemon Juice
½ part genepy (alpine liqueur)
½ part Simple Syrup
1 black tea bag

Combine ingredients, top with hot water, and steep for 3-5 minutes.


Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 10.47.26 AM.png

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

A salute to East meets West, and DNA day for finding relatives, solving crimes and medical research. I love penguins, as my avatar attests to. What a sweet quote.

Pass on the meal; I don't like or eat olives. I'll pass on the drink and wine too.

I've never been to Vietnam. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers.


Another warm and sunny day today, although thunderstorms this evening. I'm going to try to do some edging and mow the lawn prior to storms, but it's too wet out right now, so I will have a small window to get that done. 


@Cruzin Terri Great to hear that your first test was negative! Prayers for the same result for the second.

@kazu Wow on the inconsistencies at the hospital with putting on protective gear. 

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana and the family.

@aliaschief Thanks for her service and Congrats to Sue on her retirement! Now let the travels begin!

@StLouisCruisers I had just seen on the news in February that Colonel Gail Halvorsen "the candy bomber" died at age 101. Good to hear that Ryan is home; I know they don't usually due a knee replacement on someone that young, as they don't last long enough, so he must have had extenuating circumstances.


Prayers for the Care List and Ukraine. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone. 


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50 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thank you.  I hope you do get to travel more in the future.  DH used to say I want to cover the earth before the earth covers me.  Since we've been sitting at home so long he seems less interested in travel but I'm trying to encourage him since I'm not ready to retire from travel.

Oh, I love that quote.  Thanks for the inspiration.

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

In 2013 Diamond Princess stopped in Phu My and we began a tour which included a village temple, a market, a home visit, a whale temple and lunch at a seaside resort.  Some shots of the village temple along with our guide.enhance






Then a stop at the market in case we were out of anything.😄enhance




If that market was out of rice paper for spring rolls, never fear!  We stopped at this woman's home where she was busy making some.  enhance




Here is where she lays them to dry.enhance


She was fast and talented at it.  Here's a batch of them drying outside.enhance


Our guide showed us what they would look like in use in the kitchen.  Looks good!enhance


One lucky guy volunteered to try his skill at making rice paper.  Check out his results!  I guess practice really does make perfect.enhance




Rice paddies seen from our bus.enhance


Next we headed into this family home to see what life was like there.enhance


In the main living area they had a shrine to their departed relatives.  enhance


Then on to their kitchen with their family "pet" pig nearby.enhance








Time for a snack in the garden.enhance


Just fruit, no pig!enhance


Next up was the seaside resort for lunch.  It was called Binh An Resort.  enhance


Here are two plates of their buffet items we had chosen  enhance




After dining we strolled their grounds and took photos.enhance








From there we drove along the coast, stopping to take photos of the fishermen bringing in their catch at Front Beach in Vung Tau.enhance






We continued on to the Whale Temple.  enhance


They had whale bones in glass cases along with their offerings of money to the whales.enhance








I think that covers the tour from Phu My to Vung Tao.  Sorry so many photos!

Thank you so much for taking the time to post so many photos Sandi.

Photos and people I trust recommendations of places helps me and Pauline to decide on future travels.


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Good morning, Dailyites.  Thanks for the Fleet Report and all the extra goodies!  Love olives, and I'll drink anything at least once...  Happy retirement to the Chief's DW, and congrats to @Cruzin Terri and her DH for testing negative.  Keep up the good work!  Good that Ryan got his new knee at such an early age.  My cousin's daughter, with RA, is in dire need of new shoulders, in her early 50's (seems like everything else has already been replaced once or twice), and they won't do them as "she's too young"!  They are talking about cortisone injections into the shoulders, but I would think they might do more harm than good.  They won't do her elbows, either, they just removed bone.  And she's a piano teacher, she goes through great struggles.


Today there are men all over the place, we are having a heat pump installed.  Pat has gone to play golf, so I am in charge...   At least he had time to have a discussion with them before he left.  Now they are drilling holes in the house.


We visited Vietnam in 2014 on the Volendam.  I think I posted photos from our day docked in Phu My last time.  We took a private tour to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).  Hopefully these are different.


Some street scenes





At the market









The main square and train station from the Rex Hotel




There were ev en t-shirts for sale advertising "Vietnam Telecom"




On the road on the way back to Phu My






My other pictures are like others posted, temples, etc.  A very interesting day.









Edited by Vict0riann
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Good morning from a cloudy, windy and soggy central Texas.  Unlike Quartzsite, when rain is forecasted here, we generally get rain.  Overnight a cool front moved in with thunder, lightning, rain, and DH said some hail.  I slept through most of it.  We got about 1.25 inches of rain, and I hope that will encourage the grass seeds to germinate.  We may get some more rain today.  It was in the low 80sF yesterday, and today, it will be about 64F before warming up tomorrow.


East Meets West was an important milestone in WWII.  DNA is important in many ways.  I like watching penguins, and  hope to see many more in the coming years.


I like the Alfred Tennyson quote.


We'll pass on the meal. ( @JazzyV Vanessa, I don't like olives either, and will only eat a few black olives on pizza.)  We'll also pass on the drink and the wine.


We were in Phu My in 2018 on Coral Princess.  I'll post my pictures I posted in June later.  We enjoyed our day in Ho Chi Minh City.


@kazu  Jacqui, you would think the hospital would have one protocol for all units as far as when and where to mask and gown.  Your meme about curse words reminded me of my father.  He very rarely cussed, but told me that there were times when a well placed "damn" was appropriate.  For me, sometimes that is not enough.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, great news that you both tested negative today.  Sending positive thoughts that you will have the same results tomorrow.

@Cat in my lap  Welcome home.  Hope you trip was good.

@aliaschief and @DWAliaschief  Congratulations on your retirement, Sue.  Enjoy your future travels.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad Buddy is home and hope the pain eases soon.

@Vict0riann  Ann, cortisone injections should help with the inflammation in her shoulders until she is "old" enough to get the replacements.



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We first visited Vietnam in 1996, onboard RCCL's Sun Viking. At that time we docked at Vung Tau, which is close to the Phu My dock. Apparently, Vietnam was just opening up to international tourists and the Sun Viking was the first cruise ship to visit Vietnam. 


We also took a bus tour to Ho Chi Minh City. Our pictures of that visit are all pre-digital, but when we compare them to the pictures from our 2015 visit, we can definitely see how much Vietnam had opened up in a couple of decades. In 2015 the ship docked at Phu My.


An interesting event which was happening when we visited in 1996 was the first Ho Chi Minh City Marathon.


A picture of my t-shirt from that event.




And no, I didn't run in the marathon. My only participation was to drink their beer - it was a very hot day😉😉




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This is what I posted on June 2,2021, about our day in Phu My.


We have been to Phu My and Ho Chi Minh City once on the Coral Princess in 2018.  Our call there in 2003 on the old Regal Princess was cancelled due to SARS.  I'll try to not duplicate any pictures.


This was the sight our our window as we arrived in the container port.



A couple of pictures as the bus headed for Ho Chi Minh City.




Street scenes as we drove to our first stop 





Our first stop was the War Remnants Museum.  It is amazing how much equipment we had to leave behind.  It is an interesting, but disturbing museum which also covers the time since the fall of Saigon.  The saddest thing was people are still being affected by agent orange.  The Vietnamese call it the American War.  The girl in the second picture making the peace sign, wanted to have her picture taken with me.




We also stopped at another museum dedicated to Ho Chi Minh.




Our next stop was a plaza with the cathedral and the post office.  We couldn't go in the church because of renovations.  The plaza also had a McDonalds where many on the bus went.



The post office






While we were waiting to reboard the bus at the post office, DH asked our guide where the American Embassy had been.  We could just see it in the distance.  This is the top portion where the helicopters landed on April 30, 1975



After our lunch buffet at a modern hotel, we had the "obligatory" shopping stop.  After wandering through some of the stores, we went across the street and joined most of our group relaxing in the air conditioned Grand Hotel.  Wish it had been the Rex Hotel.



Our final stop was the former Presidential Palace.  Here are a few pictures from inside and from the underground bunker, which had offices for the top officials..




The South Vietnamese president's office and limo




Some of the equipment in the bunker.



Back at the port, we sat on our balcony and watched a ship being unloaded and all the activity.  It was a lot cooler and more pleasant than in the big city.



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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Drink of the day:

Still Steam:

2 parts Kilbeggan® Single Grain Irish Whiskey
½ part Lemon Juice
½ part genepy (alpine liqueur)
½ part Simple Syrup
1 black tea bag

Combine ingredients, top with hot water, and steep for 3-5 minutes.


Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 10.47.26 AM.png

I'd try that drink.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

A salute to East meets West, and DNA day for finding relatives, solving crimes and medical research. I love penguins, as my avatar attests to. What a sweet quote.

Pass on the meal; I don't like or eat olives. I'll pass on the drink and wine too.

I've never been to Vietnam. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers.


Another warm and sunny day today, although thunderstorms this evening. I'm going to try to do some edging and mow the lawn prior to storms, but it's too wet out right now, so I will have a small window to get that done. 


@Cruzin Terri Great to hear that your first test was negative! Prayers for the same result for the second.

@kazu Wow on the inconsistencies at the hospital with putting on protective gear. 

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana and the family.

@aliaschief Thanks for her service and Congrats to Sue on her retirement! Now let the travels begin!

@StLouisCruisers I had just seen on the news in February that Colonel Gail Halvorsen "the candy bomber" died at age 101. Good to hear that Ryan is home; I know they don't usually due a knee replacement on someone that young, as they don't last long enough, so he must have had extenuating circumstances.


Prayers for the Care List and Ukraine. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone. 



Wow, I didn't know he died recently!  In the book I've enjoyed learning about him.  He was such a caring individual, but way too shy because he's kept his sweetheart back home waiting way too long to ask for her hand.  I'm halfway through so I don't know what happens with them so I'm hoping she doesn't give up and marry someone else.  The book is mostly about all the details of the governments, President Truman, and all the troubles everyone went through from 1945 to the time I'm at in the book, 1948.  I didn't expect all that!


Yes, I intend to ask DB about Ryan's knee problem, but I've been a little too busy this morning.  Will get to that after lunch.

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21 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

This is what I posted on June 2,2021, about our day in Phu My.


We have been to Phu My and Ho Chi Minh City once on the Coral Princess in 2018.  Our call there in 2003 on the old Regal Princess was cancelled due to SARS.  I'll try to not duplicate any pictures.


This was the sight our our window as we arrived in the container port.



A couple of pictures as the bus headed for Ho Chi Minh City.




Street scenes as we drove to our first stop 





Our first stop was the War Remnants Museum.  It is amazing how much equipment we had to leave behind.  It is an interesting, but disturbing museum which also covers the time since the fall of Saigon.  The saddest thing was people are still being affected by agent orange.  The Vietnamese call it the American War.  The girl in the second picture making the peace sign, wanted to have her picture taken with me.




We also stopped at another museum dedicated to Ho Chi Minh.




Our next stop was a plaza with the cathedral and the post office.  We couldn't go in the church because of renovations.  The plaza also had a McDonalds where many on the bus went.



The post office






While we were waiting to reboard the bus at the post office, DH asked our guide where the American Embassy had been.  We could just see it in the distance.  This is the top portion where the helicopters landed on April 30, 1975



After our lunch buffet at a modern hotel, we had the "obligatory" shopping stop.  After wandering through some of the stores, we went across the street and joined most of our group relaxing in the air conditioned Grand Hotel.  Wish it had been the Rex Hotel.



Our final stop was the former Presidential Palace.  Here are a few pictures from inside and from the underground bunker, which had offices for the top officials..




The South Vietnamese president's office and limo




Some of the equipment in the bunker.



Back at the port, we sat on our balcony and watched a ship being unloaded and all the activity.  It was a lot cooler and more pleasant than in the big city.



Very interesting photos Lenda.


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Good afternoon all.  Thanks for the daily report and lists.  Important days today.  I have a screensaver on my office computer that changes daily and today is a magnificent King Penguin!  Very nice quote today.  Not sure if I’d make a meal of the suggestion but I sure would try it as an appetizer.  The wine sounds nice, I do like chardonnays.  I haven’t been to today’s port and am enjoying the pictures so far.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today.

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Good Monday morning!  At least it is good here because no wind!  Our wind has been crazy for the last few days.  Little to no precipitation in all of this weather fury!  Guess the mountains got some snow over the weekend.  Helps the water situation, at least.  I worked at an outdoor event on Saturday for Red Cross and almost froze to death - can anyone say "Wind Chill."


I haven't posted for several days, so want to wish very Happy Birthdays/Anniversaries to those who have celebrated.  Lots going on family wise which has kept me occupied.  I try to at least read the Daily, but sometimes posts don't happen.  Thanks to @richwmn, @rafinmd, @dfishand all others who make this "The place to BE!!"


@Quartzsite Cruiseram so happy that you made it back to Texas, especially since the winds were so fierce!

@aliaschief, congratulations on your DW's retirement.  Wish I was going to Hale Koa.  Still have about 9 more months till my annual January visit there.  My favorite hotel!  Hope that you have many years of happy retirement travel.  I know we enjoyed 15 wonderful years of it!

@kazu, I am so sorry that you have to continually have obstacles presented to you in your care for your beloved husband.  Caregiving is hard enough without roadblocks.


I am loving the pictures of Ho Chi Minh City.  Looks so different from the pictures that my DH had from his Vietnam stint in 1969-70 at Tan Son Nhut in Saigon.


Have a great day, everyone.  I am working on dinner to take to my Ddil's parents (hip surgery).  Think that I may be agreeing to a couple more volunteer "jobs."  Prayers for all on the Cares List and special prayers for the wonderful caregivers who are doing so much.

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It has been windy here too..... and much too dry although I do see some snow on the mountain peaks. We did have a frost last night.... am not sure how much damage was done.  The roofing on the condo starts tomorrow rather than Wednesday. He hope to be done by the weekend. 


I have been to Viet Nam on the QE2. My neighbor and I did the cruise together and we left the ship in Singapore for Angkor Wat (3 days) and rejoined in Viet Nam. I loved both countries and would love to go back. I remember that long drive from Ho Chi Minh City to the port. It involved the worst bathroom stop of my life (and I have visited some pretty awful ones). I thought about taking off my shoes and tossing them into the harbor before boarding the ship. As it was I sealed them in a plastic bag and later used heavy bleach!!! Otherwise the side trip was wonderful. 



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