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The Daily for Thursday 06/16/2022


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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

After what I hope will be a brief rain shower this morning, we're supposed to have sun and up to the mid 60's F today. Summer is late coming. Compared to our friends on the east coast and mid-west, I feel like we're in the arctic!


I love fresh veggies, especially just-picked.  My tomato and sweet pepper plants are getting such a slow, late start this year though.  Also love waterfalls, and a good nursing assistant is worth her weight in gold.  Will pass on the drink (coconut and pineapple), sweet wine, and meal.  Not a fan of chicken on pizza.  Agree with the quote. 


We're waiting and watching -- so far DSIL and our oldest grandson have managed to escape getting Covid from DD and our youngest grandson (who are doing great).  We have reservations for a couple days at the ocean this weekend with the boys and have decided that DH and I will go even if the boys aren't able (only if Foster gets sick between now and then).  Either way will be a nice get-away (one being much more tiring than the other!)  😅


Today would have been my late sister's 82nd birthday.  Happy Birthday in heaven, Beverly! ❤️


I have been missing @St. Louis Sal's posts and hope she's ok.


@kazuJacqui don't you hate it when workers hurt your plants??  Your experience reminded me of when the A/C installers piled wet, heavy mud on top of my small Azalea -- and they had been asked to be careful around it.  


@dfishDebbie I'm so sorry to hear that the pain is back!  How frustrating!!  


@HeartgroveJack prayers for you today as you lay your sister to rest.


@Sharon in AZI'm loving your photos from Venice, thank you!


Here is a photo of one of our local waterfalls.  Snoqualmie Falls.  It's also where DS proposed to our DDIL.









Happy heavenly birthday to your sister Beverly.

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On Fresh Veggie Day, I'm just back from working in Our Neighbors Garden where our group of volunteers grow potatoes, carrots, lettuce, green beans, squash, and many other vegetables. ONG produce is picked up by Food Rescue which distributes it to local food banks and meal programs for those among our community who are food insecure.


In 2019, ONG raised 4,000 pounds of vegetables. COVID shut down our garden in 2020. Last year, we planted a smaller area that yielded 2,500 pounds (some pictured above). This summer we are back in full force hoping to grow 5,000 pounds as we know the need is great.


Volunteering at ONG is perfect as I can go (or not) as my DH's situation allows. And, now living downtown and no longer having large perennial beds, ONG satisfies my need to dig in the dirt!



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@ottahand7 I am so glad to learn from your post today that last night's big storm skirted your area. When our TV stations started advising us in the NW Lower to move to interior rooms AND warned of the massive storm headed your way in the U.P., all I could do was think of you and pray.



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8 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@VictOriann  I am laughing at your meme, not the fact that you don't feel well.  I am sure that you are testing for Covid...??  Get better soon.

Yes I tested on Tuesday, and I think I will again, today.  Just to be sure.  I can still smell the peanut butter, and my oxygen levels are high.

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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning fellow Daily-ites. Thank you to all contributing. 


Prayers for Sandi, DH, Buddy, Jen, Debbie, and all who need extra prayers today. A special prayer being sent up for @Heartgroveand his family. Jacqui..you know.. and love the 🧸.


Our neighbor set up new traps for the armadillo last night. They are rummaging under our drip lines and making a mess. Our neighbor just planted beautiful canna lilies and they've been trounced thru. 


It's been several weeks now since our neighborhood had a Covid19 outbreak. We decided to try Mahjongg tonight and see how it goes. 


Still 100 degree days into the foreseeable future. Neighbors are getting $60 fines for 1st offense crimes of watering on their non watering days. The 2nd offense is worse..


Wishing you a blessed day.



Joy, this is an amazing picture!


3 hours ago, kazu said:


So sorry to hear this Debbie,  I sure hope that the PCP can help figure things out 🙏🏻 



First of all, you are not negative.  You definitely need to vent with all you are going through and we are here for you. ♥️ 


I am so very sorry of your difficulties with covid and the quarantine issues.  My prayers for Buddy and for both of you that you can endure all this and recover quickly and get out of that h*ll hole of a cabin 🙏🏻



😆 😂 


I have really been enjoying your LIVE thread.  Thanks so much for taking us along  and doing such a great job 👍 




Thanks 🙂 You will see Jose in my cabin on the cruise.  There is a heart in the bear’s pocket with some of his ashes ♥️ 



Jacqui, I have tears in my eyes reading about the heart in the pocket with some of Jose’s ashes. What a special and touching thing to make sure he is with you always. ❤️

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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu A special new avatar. Beautiful azalea. I hope you get things straightened out with the lawn people. I have a rhodo in my back yard that I want to move to the front. I hope I don't kill it when I do that! Great cruise plans.


thanks.  Is your rhodo already in bloom?  If you don’t mind me piping up - can you wait until the Fall?  It’s late in the season to move it IMO.  Especially if you have any kind of heat there and growth on the plant.   I would wait until the Fall when it is more dormant and doesn’t go into shock.  

Hope you are successful whatever you decide 🤞 



1 hour ago, puppycanducruise said:

@kazuLovely new avatar.❤️  I hope you 2 have lots of cruises.


Thanks - he will be coming with me wherever I go 😉 The heart inside with the ashes was only attached by a ribbon.  I had my jeweller fix it with a lobster call clasp so I can remove the heart when I need to wash the bear.  I am pretty sure it will need washing down the road 😆 


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Hi Jacqui.

Pauline got this specially made with some of her dad's clothes he wore on his last cruise in 2007 before he died in July 2008.

Maybe someone locally might be able to make something similar if you think it is a good idea.




Thanks Graham.  When I saw the bear, it was perfect.  Jose was kind and gentle just like a teddy bear.  I am very happy with it.


1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@kazu  Jacqui, I like the new avatar and significance behind it.  I'm still enjoying the pictures of the flowers.   I'm sorry the yard guys were not careful with your plants.  We fired one lawn service because they tried to get as much done in as little time by racing their zero-turn mower through the yard.  They broke a sprinkler head almost every time.  Our neighbor who mows our yard when we're not here does an okay job, but not the job I do.


Thanks.  We had one of those idiots two years ago.  they didn’t wreck sprinklers but made deep gouges in our lawn.  We got rid of them.  the company I am using this year was excellent last year.  I think it’s just a matter of getting it straightened out 🤞 The boss was out and I didn’t want to play phone tag so will call him in about 10 minutes when he should be in 🤞 


39 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, I just had my phone appointment with the doctor, actually his locum, and he told me the barium swallow didn't show any deformities of the esophagus, just reflux and some irregularities in swallowing (getting things down - I blame it on the marshmallows!).  I have to get back to them when we get back from our trip.  I am to take my PPI in the morning not the evening as I have been doing.  


Glad to hear you didn’t have any deformities 👍 Now let’s hope you are feeling much better FAST & don’t test positive 🙏🏻. And, you are NOT wallowing in self pity.  You are feeling miserable and that’s what we are here for ♥️ 


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9 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Jacqui, I have tears in my eyes reading about the heart in the pocket with some of Jose’s ashes. What a special and touching thing to make sure he is with you always. ❤️


Aww - thanks Sharon.  I have another heart as well which also has ashes in it. (It’s the blue thing next to the bear).   It sits next to the bear and will not travel out of fear of it being broken.  As soon as we saw it, my friends and I both said at once - that’s Jose!




The colours were Jose - he loved bright colours and it looks quite Mexican.  His son has the matching urn with some ashes in it.


2 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning, a few waterfalls





Absolutely gorgeous pics, Brenda - thanks so much for sharing them 👍 

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We've been told to expect severe storms about two hours from now. I've put my phone on to charge and have a flashlight in my pocket. And I postponed a film screening that would have been tonight -- even if the storms have ended by then, people will have decided not to go out.






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29 minutes ago, kazu said:

thanks.  Is your rhodo already in bloom?  If you don’t mind me piping up - can you wait until the Fall?  It’s late in the season to move it IMO.  Especially if you have any kind of heat there and growth on the plant.   I would wait until the Fall when it is more dormant and doesn’t go into shock.  

Hope you are successful whatever you decide 🤞 



Yes, the rhodo has already bloomed. The past few years I've wanted to move it, before it got too big, but was lazy and didn't do it. I can wait until fall to move it. It's in-between 2 large old hydrangeas which are giving it no room, even though I cut them back quite a bit every year. Thanks for the advice.

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35 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Jacqui, I love your bear, what a lovely thing to be able to take a little bit of him with you when you travel.  


thanks Ann.  Jose was a real sentimental person and quite romantic.  I guess I am too 😳 


19 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

We've been told to expect severe storms about two hours from now. I've put my phone on to charge and have a flashlight in my pocket. And I postponed a film screening that would have been tonight



Yikes!  Stay safe please!


9 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


Yes, the rhodo has already bloomed. The past few years I've wanted to move it, before it got too big, but was lazy and didn't do it. I can wait until fall to move it. It's in-between 2 large old hydrangeas which are giving it no room, even though I cut them back quite a bit every year. Thanks for the advice.


Oh good.  I think it will have a much better chance if you move it in the Fall when it is more dormant.  If it’s been between the hydrangeas all this time, it will be fine until the Fall.  Good luck and thanks for not minding me sticking my nose in where it might not have belonged 😂 

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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:


@dfishI hope you are getting closer to pain free.  Same to @Cruzin Terri.  I went to bed last night with my right hip hurting, and woke up with my left hip hurting.



Thank you.  I hope I get closer to no pain as well.  It is mostly at night, although my whole right side is tender today.  Probably just another one of those joys of aging things.  


4 hours ago, 0106 said:

I love fresh vegetables!  Every year we join a CSA.  Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, Interested consumers purchase a share and in return receive a box of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.  Advantages for farmers:  Receive payment early in the season, which helps with the farm's cash flow.  Advantages for consumers: 1)Eat ultra-fresh food, with all the flavor and vitamin benefits 2)Get exposed to new vegetables and new ways of cooking.  


This week, I got broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, garlic scapes, snow peas and beets.  All because I prepaid $15 a week in April.  I highly recommend looking for a CSA in your area if you like fresh veggies.



I stopped and stocked up on vegetables on the way home from the pool.  I'm going to grill a bunch of them tonight and then I'll eat off that for a few days.  I love your suggestion of the CSA.  I did find one around here, but it is over an hour away to do the pick up.  I'll keep looking.  


4 hours ago, kazu said:


So sorry to hear this Debbie,  I sure hope that the PCP can help figure things out 🙏🏻 



Thanks, Jacqui.  It is just frustrating.  

4 hours ago, kazu said:

I have really been enjoying your LIVE thread.  Thanks so much for taking us along  and doing such a great job 👍 



Add me to the list that is enjoying the thread.  


4 hours ago, kazu said:


Thanks 🙂 You will see Jose in my cabin on the cruise.  There is a heart in the bear’s pocket with some of his ashes ♥️ 



That is wonderful.  Always a little bit of Jose with you.


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Hi Jacqui.

Pauline got this specially made with some of her dad's clothes he wore on his last cruise in 2007 before he died in July 2008.

Maybe someone locally might be able to make something similar if you think it is a good idea.




This is a neat idea.  I have heard of people making quilts out of loved one's clothing.  


1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:



On Fresh Veggie Day, I'm just back from working in Our Neighbors Garden where our group of volunteers grow potatoes, carrots, lettuce, green beans, squash, and many other vegetables. ONG produce is picked up by Food Rescue which distributes it to local food banks and meal programs for those among our community who are food insecure.


In 2019, ONG raised 4,000 pounds of vegetables. COVID shut down our garden in 2020. Last year, we planted a smaller area that yielded 2,500 pounds (some pictured above). This summer we are back in full force hoping to grow 5,000 pounds as we know the need is great.


Volunteering at ONG is perfect as I can go (or not) as my DH's situation allows. And, now living downtown and no longer having large perennial beds, ONG satisfies my need to dig in the dirt!




What a wonderful thing to be doing!


My lawn care people just left.  They weeded the gardens for me and laid down fresh mulch.  It looks so so good.  I think I found a winner with this company.  The owners just live a block over from here and it is a small company right now, but the work they do is beautiful.  My front lawn looks like a golf course.  Last  years crew was a mess.  I fired them when they came to plow 3/4 of an inch of snow from the driveway.  And, came back to redo it, of course charging me for both trips.  

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Joy, this is an amazing picture!



Jacqui, I have tears in my eyes reading about the heart in the pocket with some of Jose’s ashes. What a special and touching thing to make sure he is with you always. ❤️

I agree Sharon it is a lovely thing to do.

Pauline is a little Psychic and has been to see several Mediums which were recommended to her after her dad died in 2008 and had message's that it would have been impossible for anyone to know.

Both my mam and Paulines mam came through after they died with messages only we knew.

I understand a lot of people might be sceptical but our experience has helped us both immensely to get over our losses.



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1 hour ago, kazu said:

I have another heart as well which also has ashes in it. (It’s the blue thing next to the bear).   It sits next to the bear and will not travel out of fear of it being broken.  As soon as we saw it, my friends and I both said at once - that’s Jose!

I love the blue heart!  


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So far it is a lovely day here - which translates to no wind and in the low 90’s. Tonight is our Thursday concert in the park which should be enjoyable.


@kazu, your pictures of your flowers are lovely.  I love azaleas, so I especially enjoyed that one.  Your gardening tips are welcomed by all, ism sure.  Your experience saves someone from trying to “re-invent the wheel.”


I have a Zoom meeting in a few minutes, so will try to post more later.


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

Mary Kay

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