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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday September 16th, 2022


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Good morning from central Texas where there is a very light breeze and clouds.  I hope the clouds do not clear until after I finish trimming and mowing the yard.


I salute the American Legion and all veteran organizations.  We used to collect rocks and polish them, and we still have one jar of polished rocks.  A salute to step families, especially those like Terry's @smitty34877 who make it work.  Both our fathers remarried after our mothers died, but we were grown and already married.  My stepmother was a wonderful woman who took wonderful care of my father.


Today's quote is interesting but confusing.  We'll pass on the meal since the presentation with the whole fish is off putting.  We'll also pass on the drink and the wine.


We have been through Drake's passage and by Cape Horn twice.  The first was on Noordam III in 1999 where the water was almost glassy.  In 2015 on Ruby Princess, it was very rough.  


@dish  Debbie, you deserve a day off.  Enjoy your clean house.

@kazu  Jacqui, what a wonderful gesture by the dealership and Hyundai to pick up the tab for the repairs.  There are still some businesses that put customers and loyalty first.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, hope the appointment goes well and you get the appointments for the crowns soon.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad that the talk around the dinner table helped and things were better yesterday.  I hope I'm not butting in, but I wonder if a few sessions for the entire family with the counselor provided by hospice would help with better understanding and dealing with the stress and all the issues.  I am happy everyone was willing to work together.

@aliaschief  Bruce, safe travels today and have a great visit with the granddaughters.

@ottahand7  Thanks for the lovely pictures of your garden.


This is what I posted last December.


Here are a couple of pictures of our 2015 visit to Cape Horn on the Ruby Princess.  We were supposed to sail around the island, but the weather was extremely bad and the seas were so rough, the Captain decided to stay behind the island in the calmest area.  I think Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, will agree that he made the correct decision since we'd had two days of extremely rough seas between Cape Horn and The Falkland Islands.


In the first picture of the lighthouse, you can see how the flag is blowing in the wind.  The second picture shows the rough seas and the waves crashing on the shore.





In 1999, the crew on the Noordam III couldn't believe how calm the seas were.  That was the only time that season they'd had calm seas.





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Good happy Friday morning Dailyites. Blessed to be here with my friends. Looking at all the nasty wars and devastating news lately makes me feel very blessed to be where I am right now. Except for the skunk at 4am that let it loose and filled our bedroom with stinky skunk juice. But that too shall pass.


@aliaschief safe travels Pop Pop. Sandi I do not love the dentist. Except for @DeeniEncinitas. Her I love..but hope all goes well for you and DH. 

Yay Debbie on the house pending! Your picture at the sign is priceless! @smitty34877 I am thinking of you and hoping for a positive outcome. 

Jacqui wonderful people your car repairman is. Good people!


I have a stepson and he has a wife and family. Have not seen them since before covid. I get along great with his mom. She and her husband are very nice. That makes for an easy transition to "step".




Shout out to all Veterans of American Legion and other organizations. 


Rock day. Huh, who knew? 




Cheers, Blessings and prayers lifted! Have an awesome day! Xx


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Good Morning All,

We’re halfway through September. Hard to believe. Today is Clean the House Day.


@smitty34877 Happy to hear about the improvements. Praying for you all.


@kazu Your news warms my heart.

@dfish Congratulations!


Today’s Wine:

Ryder Estate 2020 Pinot Noir Rosé (Central Coast)

At last, a red. 😊 This is being classified as a rose from California’s Central Coast.


Winemaker Notes

#79 Wine Enthusiast Top 100 of 2021

The Ryder Estate Pinot Noir Rosé is crisp, fragrant and refreshing. Strawberry, raspberry and cherry aromas lead into a compelling palate of luscious fruit flavors framed by crisp, refreshing acidity.

Critical Acclaim

WE90Wine Enthusiast

Ground up gravel and soil aromas meet with berry fruits on the earthy nose of this bottling. It's somewhat smoky on the palate, where strawberry, sea salt and light oak flavors make for a savory style

Ground up gravel and soil aromas meet with berry fruits on the earthy nose of this bottling. It's somewhat smoky on the palate, where strawberry, sea salt and light oak flavors make for a savory style. MATT KETTMANN


Have a great day everyone!

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The Junior Cat is still hiding and not eating. When she came out this morning, I got a little food into her on my fingertip, but not much. I'm thinking that syringe feeding may be required, but I don't have the apparatus. I have to pick up prescriptions (for myself) this morning and I'll see what Petsmart or Petco has.



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Good morning, all! DH is a great stepdad to my two DDs, and I have quite a collection of pebbles from places we’ve visited over the years. Larger rocks are hard to bring home!

Its so good that both @smitty34877 and @kazu are finally catching a break! Jacqui, I geared up a little reading about your Hyundai dealership and their compassion.

Today is geared for dealing with government stuff that needs to be done before we leave. Monday is a holiday for the Queens funeral, so it’s now or cutting things too close. I expect to listen to a lot of on hold music today!

We sailed Drakes Passage and Cape Horn in January 2020. The water was quite calm, but there was some rain.


Sunrise over Drakes Passage.



Cape Horn, which is actually an island. The southernmost tip is like the curved spine of a sleeping dragon. Or like a sharp horn. Hmmm… Cape Horn…🤔A229B4BA-5B9C-4C9D-85BF-3255DA1674BF.thumb.jpeg.914f9941d9c58897d6e397b7d8709e2f.jpeg




The lighthouse on the Cape.



The monument just up from the lighthouse - representing two albatrosses.



Happy Friday, everyone! Cheers to those approaching a weekend on a BHB!

Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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3 hours ago, dfish said:

After a whirlwind couple of days I am going to take today to relax and enjoy my clean home. 

Congratulations on the sale of your Ohio house @dfish. Soon we'll be able to call you a Michigander! (Yes, this is a MSU household!)



3 hours ago, kazu said:

Hyundai and the manager were picking up the cost as a gesture of good will.

If anyone deserves this break, it's you @kazu!


4 hours ago, richwmn said:

Destination of the Day - Cape Horn and Drake Passage


Both are still on my Bucket List. DH's mobility and memory challenges will not allow him to make that arduous of voyage. Maybe, someday, I can.


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Good morning all!

So funny, it's 57 F here this morning too.  Must be the temperature of the day!  We're heading to highs in the low 60's, perfect.


Today I'm having lunch with a friend, and then we'll be picking up the DGSs when they get out of school and will have them all weekend.  Tomorrow we'll drive to Leavenworth with hopefully a fun stop for some swimming and beach time on the way.  Lots of ice cream and milkshakes are on the agenda.


Last night we weren't sure if all this would be happening.  The youngest grandson fell at scouts yesterday and for awhile they weren't sure if he'd broken a rib. 😢 But he slept well and is just a little tender today.  So except for Ibuprofen and no rough housing (that will be the hard part) we expect a normal weekend with them.


I may not be back before Monday, I hope everyone has a great weekend!  


Terry @smitty34877and Jacqui @kazuI'm so glad to hear you both have good news.  You both deserve it!!  

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40 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

Congratulations on the sale of your Ohio house @dfish. Soon we'll be able to call you a Michigander! (Yes, this is a MSU household!)

Thanks, Melisa!   This is a homecoming for me as I grew up in Michigan.  I have two MSU sisters.  The brothers tend to gravitate towards U of M, mostly to aggravate their sisters.   I had to support the Maize and Blue down here in Ohio.  It will be nice to be able to be blissfully unaware.  

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Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion, it’s sloppy joes tonight.  A busy work morning but I still managed to get a load of laundry done and clean the bay window to start bringing in some plants.  I hope everyone has a nice day today.



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Good morning. I started to read the Daily earlier.... then realized I had an appointment for my covid booster booster booster - so off I went. It is early stages yet, will see this afternoon what sort of a reaction I have. I am splitting this from the flu shot which I will get in about 2 weeks. Then, I should be ready to tackle the airports for my trip back to Maryland. Will be carrying test kits with me and masking. 


I think I can skip the meal. I have crossed the Drake on two cruises and been around the horn on 3. My passages were all fairly calm. My Great Grandfather and family went 'round the horn when they moved from Canada to Oregon about 1848. He worked on the ship for his family's passage (wife and 2 kids). He had been a sailor on the Great Lakes and actually was shipwrecked there....got to spend a winter by himself guarding ship's cargo which had been off-loaded after the ship ran aground. His wife supposedly kept a diary of their travel to Oregon, but unfortunately it was lost some years ago by a very careless family member. Once he reached Oregon he was never interested in a return to the sea. Since he had emigrated from England (involuntarily - England suggested he leave) to Canada and then to Oregon, I guess that is understandable. 


@kazu glad your car will be taken care of. And that you have a cruise to look forward to. Wishing everyone health and peaceful days. 





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Good evening.

We called back to the beach with a picnic.

It is 57°F and very windy.

The sea is very choppy and it is high tide.

The daily DFDS Newcastle to Amsterdam ferry passed us about 20 minutes ago and I can just see it in the distance.

Lovely to hear good news today from Debbie @dfish and Jacqui @kazu.







Edited by grapau27
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We are having pleasant end of Summer weather here.  Sara saw here eye doctor yesterday the day after cataract surgery and all is going well.  He gave her some well-fitting sunglasses to wear in daytime and some clear glasses with foam around the edges to wear at night to protect the eyes.

As a child and teenager I was a rockhound.  Grew up in Central Washington where there was a lot of petrified wood and agates in the hills.  My parents bought me a lapidary outfit so I could cut and polish stones.  My father turned our milk house over to me to set up the cuting and polishing equipment when we go rid of our milk cows.  I now have a wooden dynamite box in the garage filled with rocks I collected as a kid.  Surprising I have held on to that box for more than 60 years.

There are a lot of veteran's organizations; American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vietnam Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, etc.  I belong to the DAV, as  they were very helpful when I needed to file a claim to the VA for my leukemia associated with my service in Vietnam.


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Good afternoon.  The yard was finished in just under two hours since there were no interruptions and no stops to wait for batteries to recharge.  We bought an additional battery last week for that reason.  However, I really goofed.  Not remembering the mower was set lower than in the past, and that the ground had shrunk during the drought, I tried to mow over a sprinkler head.  Tried is the operative word since I broke the sprinkler head off the pipe going into the main line in the ground.  😱


I've seen DH replace the sprinkler heads many times, so I decided I would tackle the job.  It didn't go quite as planned.  But what does?  😉  First, the tool that goes in the pipe to unscrew the fitting didn't go in far enough and I couldn't get the pipe fitting to break loose.  About that time DH came out to see what I was up to, and he wound up having to help.  Somehow, between the last time I had the tool in the pipe and the next time, a small rock had lodged in the pipe.  Between the two of us, we got it out and the broken pipe.  The new sprinkler head is installed and working.  There is another one that needs replacing.  It's working, but since I bumped it (twice) with the mower wheel, it is loose and leaking.  That is a job for another day.


3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser , @ottahand7 (and any other Daily-ites, too):

You both mentioned King Ranch Chicken yesterday. I've had it, enjoyed it, but never made it. Googling it turns up more recipes than I care to sort through. Do you have a favorite recipe?



Melisa, I will gladly share my King Ranch Chicken recipe, but I'll do it in another post, so this one isn't too long.  It is easy to make and makes enough for several meals.  After the first dinner, I divide the rest into to portions that are enough for two for one meal.  I freeze what I am not going to use within a few days.  The frozen servings are easy to reheat in the microwave.



3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

So funny, it's 57 F here this morning too.  Must be the temperature of the day!  We're heading to highs in the low 60's, perfect.


Today I'm having lunch with a friend, and then we'll be picking up the DGSs when they get out of school and will have them all weekend.  Tomorrow we'll drive to Leavenworth with hopefully a fun stop for some swimming and beach time on the way.  Lots of ice cream and milkshakes are on the agenda.


Last night we weren't sure if all this would be happening.  The youngest grandson fell at scouts yesterday and for awhile they weren't sure if he'd broken a rib. 😢 But he slept well and is just a little tender today.  So except for Ibuprofen and no rough housing (that will be the hard part) we expect a normal weekend with them.


I may not be back before Monday, I hope everyone has a great weekend!  


Terry @smitty34877and Jacqui @kazuI'm so glad to hear you both have good news.  You both deserve it!!  


Carolyn, have a good time this weekend with the DGS.  I hope the little one isn't too sore.  I hope the traffic on I-90 isn't too bad.


9 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Currently it is taking 22 hours queueing time to see the Queen's coffin at Westminster Hall.

The Queen's family are taking guard at the moment.





Graham, thanks for the pictures of her family standing guard by the Queen's coffin.  I read this morning the line was 4.4 miles long, and they had stopped more people from joining the line.



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@HAL Sailer Melisa, and for anyone else who is interested, this is the recipe I use.  




7-9 oz. crushed tortilla chips (taco flavor ok)

1 lb. grated cheddar cheese

1 lb. chicken pieces cooked, boned, diced (reserve broth)

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 soup can chicken broth

1 can (16 oz.) tomatoes and green chilies, un drained

1 chopped onion

1 chopped green pepper

1 small can sliced ripe olives, drained (optional)

 1-2 small cans green chilies (optional)


Layer ½ of chips in bottom of a 9x13 casserole, then ½ of chicken.  Mix together mushroom soup, chicken soup, broth, green pepper, and onion.  Spread ½ the mixture in the casserole.  Sprinkle with ½ the cheese.  Repeat for second layer, pour tomatoes and green chilies over the last soup and top with cheese.  Bake at 300oF for 1 hour uncovered.


Over the years, older DD and I have tweaked the original recipe.  We added the chilies and olives.  Later, we decided to leave the green chilies undrained , to add more flavor.  Once, I tried using diced jalapenos, but this made it too spicy for some of us.  This time, I used two cans of green chilies and two cans of tomatoes and green chilies, which added to the flavor.   Younger DD taught me a short cut.  Instead of layering the chicken separately, mix it in with the soup, water and veggies.  I also usually can only find an 11 ounce bag of tortilla chips, and I use them all.





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11 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  The yard was finished in just under two hours since there were no interruptions and no stops to wait for batteries to recharge.  We bought an additional battery last week for that reason.  However, I really goofed.  Not remembering the mower was set lower than in the past, and that the ground had shrunk during the drought, I tried to mow over a sprinkler head.  Tried is the operative word since I broke the sprinkler head off the pipe going into the main line in the ground.  😱


I've seen DH replace the sprinkler heads many times, so I decided I would tackle the job.  It didn't go quite as planned.  But what does?  😉  First, the tool that goes in the pipe to unscrew the fitting didn't go in far enough and I couldn't get the pipe fitting to break loose.  About that time DH came out to see what I was up to, and he wound up having to help.  Somehow, between the last time I had the tool in the pipe and the next time, a small rock had lodged in the pipe.  Between the two of us, we got it out and the broken pipe.  The new sprinkler head is installed and working.  There is another one that needs replacing.  It's working, but since I bumped it (twice) with the mower wheel, it is loose and leaking.  That is a job for another day.



Melisa, I will gladly share my King Ranch Chicken recipe, but I'll do it in another post, so this one isn't too long.  It is easy to make and makes enough for several meals.  After the first dinner, I divide the rest into to portions that are enough for two for one meal.  I freeze what I am not going to use within a few days.  The frozen servings are easy to reheat in the microwave.




Carolyn, have a good time this weekend with the DGS.  I hope the little one isn't too sore.  I hope the traffic on I-90 isn't too bad.



Graham, thanks for the pictures of her family standing guard by the Queen's coffin.  I read this morning the line was 4.4 miles long, and they had stopped more people from joining the line.



It's around 7 miles long now.


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Soon after I left Petsmart, the v-e-t called with the Junior Cat's lab report. Several values were slightly off, but not to the extent of suggesting anything specific. He concurred with syringe feeding and suggested I stop by his office to get prescription foods that are formulated for it.


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