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Posts posted by quilty964

  1. Happy Friday to all!  I'm prepping my straw bales to plant some veggies, not a fan of Nascar, but I do like the Boys and Girls Clubs.  My niece volunteered for a while, and had a wonderful "little sister" that she made good friends with.  Our church body has a similar group called the Lighthouse.  They support neighborhood kids after school, and our church is opening a site soon.  

    @StLouisCruisersI feel you with the GI issues, I've had something going on since Tuesday...need to stay close to a BR, so I haven't had my walk since Monday.

    @grapau27Your food looks so yummy! 

    @Denise TI can feel your excitement for your cruise to Alaska!  ENJOY!

    @Crazy For CatsEnjoy your cruise!  Wish we lived close to a cruise port, that would make vacations so much easier, and more fun!  No airline worries would be great!

    @GTVCRUISERYour pictures always look so fun!  


    Have a great weekend everyone, cheers and hugs to all who need them! 


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  2. Happy Wednesday.  Today was the last day of Reading Buddies at our school.  Classes are done next week, and they have special activities each day.  I'll miss the little kiddos.  I think I might like the drink today, but not sure about the meal, and I'm not fond of wine.  I prefer beer, or a Brandy Old Fashioned! 

    Hoping that the fires in Canada can be contained, and that the air can be cleared for the residents nearby.  

    @lindalersorry to hear about your kayak incident...I always worry when we try to get out of our canoe...incidents have happened with us!  @1ANGELCATglad to hear that Fluff is feeling a little better today, it's so hard when our fur babies are not feeling well.  

    I've started conditioning my straw bales, it's a 12 day fertilizing process before you plant things.  I have tomatoes and cucumbers ready to plant!  Have a good rest of your day, cheers and hugs to all who need them.  karen

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  3. Happy Tuesday. A "pneumonia" front is coming through here.  It was sunny and 80, supposed to quickly drop to 60.  We did some more planting here, praying everything survives!  🙂  

    @Cruzin Terrihoping you all get some sleep tonite.

    @aliaschiefHappy Anniversary! 

    @1ANGELCAThoping Fluff feels better at home with you and your love.

    @bennybearthat does not look good, I'm sure you're staying in as much as possible.

    @Vict0riannThe flowers look beautiful, glad to hear you have cleaning help!

    Have a good rest of your day, hugs and cheers to all who need them!


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  4. Happy Monday!  It's a nice day here, sunny and low 70's.  I started conditioning my straw bales for planting my tomatoes and cucumbers.  There is a 'recipe' for 12 days of fertilizers, etc., and then you plant in them.  We've had good luck the last 2 years doing this. 

    Our 9 year old grand daughter is becoming a baker, she loves making chocolate chip cookies.  This summer we're taking a decorating class with Abby, who was on the kids baking show on Food Network a few years ago.  Can't wait! 

    The recipes today sound good, but I've never tried that before.  

    @Cruzin Terriglad to hear the procedure today went well.

    @StLouisCruiserssorry to hear about Ren and his soccer team today.  Our grand daughter played on her High School team for 2 years, then decided she wanted to focus on golf.  She did very well on the golf team!  

    @dfishsounds like your new house work is going well.  I'm sure your neighbors are loving you!

    Thanks to all who share here, cheers to those celebrating, and prayers for those who need them.  K

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  5. Good morning and Happy Friday!  It's been fun reading the World Cruise blogs, safe travels home to everyone.  How do you have pizza without real cheese?  Not for me!  We like veggies on our pizza, but cheese is a must here!  @StLouisCruisersGood luck to Ren and his team mates!  Thanks to all who contribute and make me smile every day!  Blessings to all who need them, and cheers to the rest.  Have a great weekend!  K

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  6. Good morning, thanks for all of the info here.  @dfishThe tomato soups look great.  I just got my straw bales, so will start to condition them soon so I can plant tomatoes and cucumbers.  I made some soup with fresh tomatoes last year.  These recipes look great to try again.  Our local library had a little talk on container gardening last night, I'm going to check out some herbs today to try in a pot this year.  I'm wondering if  I could put spinach in a pot.  We have very hungry rabbits here!  (grr)  

    Technology has been interesting here..we've had the new car around 6 weeks now, still trying to figure out all of the bells and whistles.  (The old car was 16 years old!)  

    Hoping @marshhawkis doing ok on her cruise...I've been reading Crew News and his story, sure sounds like a bad day yesterday!   

    Thanks again for sharing your pictures and stories...I travel to all of these places through you.  Have a great day, our weather should be great today!  Karen


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  7. Happy Wednesday!  Today is my Reading Buddy day, only 1 more left before school is done for the year!  Yay for school nurse day, and I love to support local, small businesses.  @NickelpennyOur neighbor worked in the health room at our local middle school, she can tell you lots of stories!  Lots of "sick" kiddos who didn't want to take tests or have gym class!  She also was in charge of epi pens, blood sugar testing and insulin dosing. 

    The recipe today sounds good, we're having left over lasagna. 

    I found a new World cruise blog to read yesterday, sounds like she and her daughter had a wonderful time.  She has a very positive attitude about life!  It was great to "see" the world through her eyes.  I'll never see those places except through others.  

    The weather will be nice here again, 2 days in a row! I'm heading to Aldi to check out their flower baskets today, they always have nice ones that do very well, most of the time thy do better than the expensive ones.  

    Have a great day, Blessings to all who need them, and cheers to the rest.  karen

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  8. Happy Tuesday!  The sun is out today, Yay!  I have a button basket that was my grandmothers.  It's a treasured memory.  @JazzyVI hope your legs feel better soon, not fun while you're traveling.  @luvteachingHappy birthday to your DH, and congrats on the new baby!  @kazuIvan looks wonderful after his spa day.  Hoping his lumps and bumps aren't a problem.  Hoping your elbow gets better soon.  I'm having lunch with some co-workers from the "olden" days today.  Have a great day!  Karen

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  9. Happy Monday!  It was a quiet day here, yesterday was 80 and sunny, today 50's and rain.  I did more sorting and strip cutting today with my fabric piles.  I think I'm almost done!  Our school principal asked for some covers for the PreK kid nap mats.  My quilting group and I have around 25 made so far.  Our irises are up, but not blooming yet.  We have a park with beautiful gardens close by...might have to go there soon to check out what's blooming.  The flowering crabs have been popping the last few days.  The white chicken chili sounds good!  @Cruzin Terrihoping your estate issues can get settled soon.  @dobiemomgreat news that your eye pressures are good!  @GeorgeCharlieGreat picture.  Many years ago, our hospital made this week "caregivers" week...everyone was acknowledged.  We usually got a small token during the week.  During that week, they had a party for the people celebrating 5, 10, etc. anniversaries.  Those were always fun to go to.  They started doing it at Am Fam Field, the Brewers Baseball stadium.  That was a fun event with tours and lots of fun food!  

    We put out grape jelly for the orioles yesterday, and did see 3 today!  


    Have a good rest of your day!  Karen

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  10. Happy Sunday!  I've had home brewed beer, it was good.  Tourism is a good thing, and we all enjoy some good humor, lots of funny jokes here.  We're taking the grands to a local, small theater this afternoon to see Descendants.  Should be good, we had to read up again on the story line 😉 They

     were dressed as the characters for Halloween a few years ago.  It's around 80F here today, but the forecast is for 50's tomorrow.  Prayers for those that need them, and cheers to the rest.  Enjoy your day, Karen

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  11. Happy Saturday!  I also saw some of the coronation this morning.  Lots of pomp and circumstance!  The children were darling!  And now the Kentucky Derby is on.  I've been in the basement cutting up scraps of my quilting fabric...making strips for scrap quilts.  As soon as I think I''m close to done, I find another pile!  It's never ending....

    I've done scrapbooks, but now it's photo books from Shutterfly.  That's also a job that never seems to be done.  @Vict0riannGood to hear that DH's surgery well, but wow, that's a lot of time to wait for news.  @grapau27Your table setting looks delightful!  @ger_77sorry you started your drive on the wrong day...sounds like something I might do!  I'm trying to put everything on the calendar on my phone now, that seems to help me some!  

    It's about time for me to have an "adult beverage!"  Karen

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  12. Happy Friday and Cinco de Mayo!  A Mexican food truck stops in our community on Thursday afternoons.  We got food yesterday, and will have the leftovers tonight. 

     It's been a pleasant day here, maybe spring has really arrived...still haven't washed my winter jacket though.  

    Thanks for all that contribute here, prayers for all who need them, and cheers to the rest!  Have a great weekend!  K

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  13. Happy Wednesday!  We finally have sunshine today, and it's around 60F!  The warmest it's been in a while.  This morning was my "reading buddies" day, the little ones are so much fun!  I learn from their books, and I also learn from them.  Read a Magic School Bus book this am, I may have to get it from the library to hear the end of the story!  We were reading about Louis Pasteur and rabies treatment!  Haven't been to todays port, and I don't think I would like the meal, no chickpeas for me!  I did have some black beans in my salad, though!  


    @RMLincolnHoping the dr. apt for your DH goes well today.  

    I'm celebrating teachers, and everyone who works in a school building this week...they have a very important, but difficult job to do every day!  


    Have a great rest of your day, cheers to all celebrating and prayers for all who need them.  K

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  14. Happy Tuesday.  Another chilly, dreary day here.  Better weather is on the way, soon I hope!  No babies here, the youngest grands are 7 and 9.  The 9 year old is learning to bake.  Her chocolate chip cookies are great!  @kazuIvan looks like he's settling in nicely.  @marshhawkhave a wonderful trip!  @smitty34877prayers that things are a little better at your house with Tana and your teenager.  Prayers for all who need them, and cheers for the rest.  Thanks for sharing, Karen

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