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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Kat, I’m so sorry that our smoke has now invaded UT and most likely other states too. Here it’s so bad that they are warning everyone to stay inside. Not everyone is paying attention, however. Apparently the smoke particles can not only cause breathing/lung problems but can get into the blood stream and travel to the heart! One can experience some of the same symptoms as Covid and it’s difficult for doctors to know for sure if they are from Covid or smoke. Since testing is taking several days to return results, it leaves the doctors with a treatment dilemma. 

I hope your gov gives the ok for the continued mask rule. It’s such a easy thing that everyone can do. You know, I was thinking that maybe we should challenge those who say that they won’t wear a mask because they don’t do any good. Tell all of them to prove we are wrong. EVERYONE wear a mask for 6 weeks and if cases don’t decrease then we will concede. Now I know this challenge will never happen but I’d love to see the results. 

So now there are 2 hurricane heading for the Gulf! OMG can’t imagine what everyone in their path is thinking and doing. Very scary! I guess FL was spared this time. Sally is most likely glad about that.

Anita, what yummy food and drink. How much fun was that adventure?!


Lois, that’s a bummer. Makes one question their competency. Hope the second appointment goes smoothly for you.

Debbie, hoping the smoke situation where you are isn’t so bad that you can’t get out for a run. We haven’t been able to walk in several days:(


cruisemom, our state is a mess too and I also wonder if we will ever get on top of it.


redbird, sounds like a really nice and very convenient bathroom will soon be yours!

Staying in of course. No make up and a Talbots tee with my favorite 32 Degrees  Cool Ankle pants.  Hoping the power stays on!



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Sharon - we get the smoke from California and Nevada every summer when they have fires - it's the usual air flow.  We've been known to get smoke from Idaho and Wyoming also.  


I just took a shower.  Felt nice to use cool water!  I'm going to put on something and head out to Whole Foods - I desperately need food for tonight, tomorrow and Monday breakfast.  After I see my dentist on Monday, I'll swing by Trader Joe's on the way home.  


A little promo for a friend:  If you get Amazon TV, check out "The World's Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji."  Not for what's going on necessarily, but because my one skeleton girl is a camera assistant.  She's done Survivor as a crew member for a few years when she has her off-season.  She said that, this one is the most difficult and grueling she's done, even including all her training and 4 Olympics!!!!  She's an animal, so I can only imagine!  It's going to be my binge tomorrow. 

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On 8/21/2020 at 12:14 PM, cruise kitty said:

posting on the fly here, but Lois, that stinks 😞   like you said, not life or death, but nowadays, it's nerve-racking to have medical people get something wrong, especially when you have to do a little prep ahead...  they should throw i a freebee, but I can't think of what....


Sharon, good to hear from you 🙂

Hi Debbie........no freebee..........LOL......just get the test done correctly on Tuesday.

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5 hours ago, slidergirl said:

Ramen - I love ramen, but due to good old Diabetes, can only have it once in awhile.  Have you tried putting a slice of American Cheese on it yet?  It's something I saw in my Food & Wine.  Roy Choi, a big-time chef in LA and one of the founders of the food truck culture in LA does it.  He said it was a Korean thing.   If you do a search of "Roy Choi ramen", you find lots of entries with his recipe.  I love the soft egg in mine (some places it's poached, some places it's soft-boiled).  

The dressing from Whole Foods - was it in the refrigerated section or in the dressing aisle.  I'm always on the prowl for a dressing/marinade.  If you get to TJ's, check out the Spicy Peanut Dressing - it's the the section with the bagged salads/greens.  It works good on salads, on noodles, on chicken...


Sorry if you've already set out on your expedition to Whole Foods -- the salad dressing is called Meyer Lemon and Poppy Seed dressing. I don't go into the store, so I can't remember 100% if it came refrigerated (I think so) or whether I just have refrigerated it after opening. It was on sale a couple of weeks ago and I really, really like it.


My DS has been urging me to try the cheese ramen. I just can't get enthusiastic about the idea (and since I don't eat American cheese, I don't have any to hand anyway.....). I like Tonkatsu ramen best, with a little extra spice. We have a great local place for ramen, when we eat there I ask them for a "chili spice bomb" in my bowl. ❤️   


Spicy peanut dressing sounds 😻 !!

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4 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


Sorry if you've already set out on your expedition to Whole Foods -- the salad dressing is called Meyer Lemon and Poppy Seed dressing. I don't go into the store, so I can't remember 100% if it came refrigerated (I think so) or whether I just have refrigerated it after opening. It was on sale a couple of weeks ago and I really, really like it.


My DS has been urging me to try the cheese ramen. I just can't get enthusiastic about the idea (and since I don't eat American cheese, I don't have any to hand anyway.....). I like Tonkatsu ramen best, with a little extra spice. We have a great local place for ramen, when we eat there I ask them for a "chili spice bomb" in my bowl. ❤️   


Spicy peanut dressing sounds 😻 !!

We must have been channelling each other!  That Myer Lemon Poppyseed is what I bought!  It is on the aisle, not in the refrigerator section.   As for the cheese - I had some slices still from something I tried that called for American Cheese.  First time I had any in I don't know how long.  I wanted to make some eggs yesterday but had nothing but that cheese.  I did it anyway, and I was surprised at how good and creamy it was when it melted.  It was organic American cheese - now, that sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it.  

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We’re having lots of smoke from the Colorado wildfires, exacerbated by 95+ heat


i don’t normally go to Whole Foods (prefer our Sprouts) but will have to try that Meyer Lemon poppyseed dressing. Great combo. 

we ate so much ramen when we lived in Okinawa I quite lost my taste for it (my kids will only eat it occasionally too)


the Pikes Peak Marathon is being held today, many international runners. They’ll have to wear masks first 2 miles until they reach the trailhead & last 2 miles when they’re descending into Manitou Springs. We’ll see how it goes (first time in 35 years we’re not going to be at the finish line. Don’t want to be near crowds. 

Les finished the floors, trim & walls (I painted the trim). Looks so nice. Just realized you can’t see the trim (it’s Devonshire cream) Melody




Edited by awhfy
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1 hour ago, awhfy said:

Les finished the floors, trim & walls (I painted the trim). Looks so nice. Just realized you can’t see the trim (it’s Devonshire cream) Melody





Amazing how much difference a new paint job makes. Looks great!  And your wood floors are lovely. 


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On 8/20/2020 at 10:24 PM, purduemom1 said:

Hello all-had to catch up and there seems to be a lot going on! Kat, love the tie dye shoes. Must be fun wearing them and they will compliment just about any color clothing. About the fires and smoke. No fires near us but plenty of smoke. Outside it is sort of yellow brown and we also have unhealthy air warnings. Looks really nasty outside. So far we have not seen any ashes, just smoke. 


Debbie, I have “those days” frequently and it’s tough. I keep telling myself that it won’t go on forever but.....  Stay safe when running, those mountain lions could get the upper hand! Does the smoke bother you when you run? Here we are warned to avoid outside actives when possible so that is pretty depressing.


Lois, sending thoughts for good scan results. New shower doors, how nice! Your bathroom must really look nice with all the updates.


57redbird, a bathroom remodel, nice!


Melody, hope you are feeling much better now.


interesting to see how the Dem  convention was arranged to accommodate the virus limitations .  I think they did a nice job.


Well, I had a dentist appointment today so I did put on makeup and a little nicer outfit. Guess that is what it has come to-dressing up for a dental appointment!



Hi Sharon,  yes, on "those days"  it's so easy to go down a rabbit hole :)  (at least for me)   my husband walked into the kitchen on that day, found me cursing at Alexa, & wisely backed out lol ;)     much better today, but that's the corona coaster for you :)


Also,  congrats on the dental appointment, hope it went well.    


At this point the smoke/fire situation is pretty much gone where I'm at, but I know up where you are, it's just awful.   Hope the fires continue to stay away from you.  :)   I have an aunt & uncle who live near Napa, & every year for the last five years they are evacuated due to fires, but thankfully, haven't lost their house yet.


on topic:  it's 12:30 here, & I"m still in jammies :)



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On 8/21/2020 at 6:59 PM, cruisemom42 said:

Work is starting to crank up again, oh yay. :classic_dry:


This week DS and I got on a ramen kick. We ordered some different kinds of the noodles and various add-ins. We have created versions ranging from one step away from egg-drop soup (with ramen) to a pretty authentic tasting Tonkatsu ramen, to a very spicy version. Now I am ramen-ed out. Had a boring salad with grilled chicken for dinner, saved by a citrus poppy-seed dressing from Whole Foods.


By the way, my state is still in terrible shape, COVID-wise. It's starting to feel like things will never improve. I did discover a new series I'm enjoying: Agatha Raisin. British humor + a very independent-minded heroine + the Cotswolds. What more can I say?



I bought a case of Ramen from costco at the beginning of this (Instacart) it's the spicy kind, & I do the egg drop in it, so good!  


Yeah, your state is definitely not doing so well, I don't know what the solution is,  my area is still on the states watchlist, meaning we're mostly shut down, with a few exceptions....  


Did  you ever get your haircut?  I know you mentioned trying to get an appointment.   At this point, I don't know if I would remember how to blow dry or style mine...  I just wash it, let it dry, & wear a ponytail & hat, thank goodness for hats:classic_biggrin:


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5 hours ago, awhfy said:

We’re having lots of smoke from the Colorado wildfires, exacerbated by 95+ heat


i don’t normally go to Whole Foods (prefer our Sprouts) but will have to try that Meyer Lemon poppyseed dressing. Great combo. 

we ate so much ramen when we lived in Okinawa I quite lost my taste for it (my kids will only eat it occasionally too)


the Pikes Peak Marathon is being held today, many international runners. They’ll have to wear masks first 2 miles until they reach the trailhead & last 2 miles when they’re descending into Manitou Springs. We’ll see how it goes (first time in 35 years we’re not going to be at the finish line. Don’t want to be near crowds. 

Les finished the floors, trim & walls (I painted the trim). Looks so nice. Just realized you can’t see the trim (it’s Devonshire cream) Melody






Hi Melody,  it looks great, I love the smell of fresh paint :)


I'm surprised they are still holding the marathon,  the race I signed up for with SIL was cancelled last week,   we still get our tees & finish medals if we do a virtual run & send in our stats,  so when this heat dissipates, I'll record on my watch.   I'm still running every night, but much shorter, it's so hot & humid, as soon as I hit the five mile mark, I am done & head home.  


anyhow, sorry you can't be at the finish this year, hopefully next year, right?

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They did cancel the Pikes Peak Ascent (2000 runners that run up the trails& get bussed down). The marathon only has 800 runners That run up & down the trail so I guess they figured they’d space themselves out over a 7518 foot elevation gain. We’ll watch the news tonight to see how it went. Seems funny not to be eating enchiladas & fajitas & drinking margaritas with the gang tonight. 95 degrees & heavy smoke because another fire broke out on the backside of the mountain on Friday. Glad I’m not there Melody 

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16 hours ago, cruise kitty said:


Did  you ever get your haircut?  I know you mentioned trying to get an appointment.   At this point, I don't know if I would remember how to blow dry or style mine...  I just wash it, let it dry, & wear a ponytail & hat, thank goodness for hats:classic_biggrin:



Yes, I did get a haircut on Saturday. My hair is just unmanageable without periodic trims and thinning (it's very thick and even though it's straight has a lot of body). So much easier now!


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Cruisemom42, I am a longtime fan of MC Beaton ,who writes both the Agatha Raisin and Hamish McBeth book series. Both have been made into very successful tv series in the UK. Great fun books and characters. Try  one of her Hamish McBeth stories, you’ll love them too!

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A trip to my dentist yesterday.  How many people can say they enjoy going to the dentist office???  Great people there and they make everyone feel like family.  One little cavity that I'm going back on Wednesday to fix.  Other than that, all is good.  Even my baby tooth is still in there strong!  Today, it's a trip to my Nurse Practitioner (NP) to get my A1C retested.  It's not going to be good, I just know.  It has been rough since the whole eye thing started and I'd eat what I shouldn't because it was what was in the house or I just felt like I needed a dose of junk.  When you can't drive and the only delivery around is Domino's (county didn't allow 3rd party delivery) and there was no Instacart delivery (again, the county), sometimes the choice was not that great. I am eating better now the past couple of weeks, but the A1C covers 3 months, so...


One good piece of family news:  My grand-nephew just did an early verbal commitment to Radford University for baseball!  He's still has 2 years of HS left, so I was surprised.  He is tall and is also a quality basketball player.  But, he excels at baseball.  I'm really happy for him.  It's not that easy to get a full-ride scholarship given to you that early!  Now, I just have the grand-niece left to get into college.  She's still in Jr. High, but she's another tall one in the family and is smoking the basketball court and the volleyball court.  Will be interesting to see what happens with her in a few years!


I did get to Trader Joe's after the dentist.  I did my best to remember to pick up stuff for lunch.  I got more jicama wraps and shredded cabbage to make lunch "tacos" of whatever I have around.  Another box of shrimp burgers.  Some more frozen fruits to make smoothies with.  Lots of coffee beans (probably $40 in just that).  Some nuts for snacks.  Some beverages (flavored waters).  Some fruit for the week.  I picked up jars of Pineapple Salsa, Peach Salsa, Hatch Green Chile Salsa to spice things up.  The only real junk food was a bag of sweet potato tortilla chips.  And, it was another "holy crap" total at the end.  


OOTD:  whatever is lightest in weight since I'm sure I'm going to get weighed at the NP!  I hope I didn't do the COVID-19!!!!  I'll probably put on my Athleta camo Tshirt and gray running skirt.  Figure out which shoes are lightest.   Just pulling my hair back in a ponytail to put in a baseball hat when I'm done.  



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Hi girls, had my kidney ultra sound this morning........it went as scheduled and the gals did apologize for last week's

mess up.

Afterwards, I was starving LOL.....(remember, for this correct one I was on a fast).  So, I went out for breakfast🙂

Had a mushroom/cheese omelette, side of grits and yes, an English Muffin!   It was delicious!


Then I went to the grocery store as I had to get some food for the house.


Hope all of you are having a good day.🙂

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Good morning!  Cynthia & Lois, congrats on the haircuts :)  Maybe I'll get one in 2021 lol ;)   Lois, I hope the results of your scan are clear...  & your breakfast sounds delish.. I had avocado & tomato (from my garden)  on rye Wasa Crisp...  ran out of yogurt, darn it.  


Kat,  I hope your appointment goes well,  it's my belief that shoes magically weigh ten pounds at any medical facility ;)  & I don't know if I mentioned it already, but thanks for the tip on the jicama wraps, they are so good!


another mention, I don't know who posted the dawn/vinegar thing first, but I've been using it to wash my glasses & sunglasses, & it's amazing, my readers are sparkling with no streaks, so thank you :)


I hope everyone is staying sane & healthy,  well, back to work 

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1 hour ago, cruise kitty said:

Good morning!  Cynthia & Lois, congrats on the haircuts 🙂  Maybe I'll get one in 2021 lol 😉   Lois, I hope the results of your scan are clear...  & your breakfast sounds delish.. I had avocado & tomato (from my garden)  on rye Wasa Crisp...  ran out of yogurt, darn it.  


Kat,  I hope your appointment goes well,  it's my belief that shoes magically weigh ten pounds at any medical facility 😉  & I don't know if I mentioned it already, but thanks for the tip on the jicama wraps, they are so good!


another mention, I don't know who posted the dawn/vinegar thing first, but I've been using it to wash my glasses & sunglasses, & it's amazing, my readers are sparkling with no streaks, so thank you 🙂


I hope everyone is staying sane & healthy,  well, back to work 

I agree about the shoes!  even if they are flip flops....  🙂

Glad the dawn/vinegar works on glasses --- I'll have to try that.

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58 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

I agree about the shoes!  even if they are flip flops....  🙂

Glad the dawn/vinegar works on glasses --- I'll have to try that.

I always take my shoes off!  They laugh at me. The Dawn & vinegar is my new favorite cleaning tool. Our slider has never been so clean!!

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That was my one household hint . Glad you all got haircuts . I hated when I could not get my hair cut and colored .The one thing I have not had yet but would love is a pedicure . I am ready to venture out to get one . Having a new facet installed tomorrow . My other one was so slow .I hope this has a better flow. Lois , I hope your test went okay .

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Thanks Sally.  My follow up with Kidney Dr is next week so will have all the results at that point.  Unless it is something bad (hopefully not)-----.but as long as I don't hear from her before then, I am guessing the results would be good.

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Well, the appointment went as I expected.  My A1C went up.  And, I got the COVID-10.  I go back on Thursday so I can get another set of labs done and a COVID antibody test.  This is to see if I was an "early adapter" back in February.  There's been a set of post-COVID symptoms of things that I was talking about, so she said we might as well do that.   I go back then the beginning of December to see if I got the A1C down again and lose the 10.   Ugh.   I did have my heaviest shoes on, so I'll say 5 lbs of the weight was the shoes...  


Yep, those jicama wraps are really good.  


I've got chicken skews marinated by Whole Foods in Meyer Lemon and some veggie skewers I got a TJ's.  Back on the food train - I just have to remember to get the proteins out of the freezer!!!



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Hello All, another smoke filled, bad air quality day where I am! Getting a bit tired of staying in but so far no end in sight.


Sounds like several medical/dental appointments going on. I guess we knew we couldn’t put them off forever. Hoping all results are good ones.

Kat, big congratulations to your great nephew! Just think, he and his parents won’t be bogged down with the college application process when he is a senior. 

Cruisemom thanks for the dawn/vinegar tip for glasses and to Debbie for also giving it a good review.


Kat, sounds like quite a TJ haul. For me, the fact that TJ’s wants customers to stand well away from the register while checking out just means more of a shock when they give me the total! Before I could watch the total rising and the shock factor wasn’t quite as bad. Well, that and now I’m trying to go less frequently.


Melody, sorry you missed out on the marathon festivities. The smoke must have made it difficult for all the runners.


Debbie, I’m sorry your race was cancelled. I remember you mentioning, earlier on this thread, that you and SIL were doing it together. Nice that they give you a way to participate anyway. 

Take care everyone.



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On 8/22/2020 at 3:08 PM, slidergirl said:

Sharon - we get the smoke from California and Nevada every summer when they have fires - it's the usual air flow.  We've been known to get smoke from Idaho and Wyoming also.  


I just took a shower.  Felt nice to use cool water!  I'm going to put on something and head out to Whole Foods - I desperately need food for tonight, tomorrow and Monday breakfast.  After I see my dentist on Monday, I'll swing by Trader Joe's on the way home.  


A little promo for a friend:  If you get Amazon TV, check out "The World's Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji."  Not for what's going on necessarily, but because my one skeleton girl is a camera assistant.  She's done Survivor as a crew member for a few years when she has her off-season.  She said that, this one is the most difficult and grueling she's done, even including all her training and 4 Olympics!!!!  She's an animal, so I can only imagine!  It's going to be my binge tomorrow. 


Hi Kat, we watched the whole series, it was so good!  & so cool to know you know one of the crew,  definitely the toughest race/challenge I've ever seen.  

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Hi girls, I don't know if anyone on here lives in/near Texas/Louisiana/the Gulf Coast but sending all my best to those

in Laura's path.  This is going to be a mega storm.😲  She is a cat 3 and looks like she will be strengthening to a 4!

Hope all of you will join me in hoping there won't be too many deaths and that the folks who need to evacuate will

be able to do so safely. 

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