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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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1 hour ago, delgirl said:

We were on a fix until last feb. When that finished stayed exactly the same. I was expecting it to go up lots in april, guess what still paying the same as I have been the last 2/3 years. Either we have slipped through the system or we were overpaying on the fix. Can't decide.🤣

I think I'd be inclined in that situation to check actual usage (via meter readings) and costs per kWh against direct debit payments (which are only estimated) in case there's an underpayment building up!

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1 hour ago, Eglesbrech said:

But that’s an entirely different point John.


The discussion was around captive audiences. There are are options on land, some may not choose to use them but they are there. 



I thought you were attempting to say it was easier for cruise ships to inflate prices compared with equivalent land based hotels. 

I disagree and think both would be judged by the value for money they give.

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9 hours ago, terrierjohn said:

I thought you were attempting to say it was easier for cruise ships to inflate prices compared with equivalent land based hotels. 

I disagree and think both would be judged by the value for money they give.

It it is easier, there are no other options once the ship leaves port which on land there clearly are. The very definition of a captive audience.


I do agree that both would be judged on value though and recently the value of cruises has diminished (in my opinion) in the short term due to lower service levels, closed restaurants, missed ports, cutbacks etc across the majority of cruise lines. Attributed to covid but let’s see what goes back to normal once the worst is over.


By comparison the land based resorts I have visited recently are fairly normal. I may just have been lucky.


Anyway, nice day here again today. Have a good day John.

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48 minutes ago, Eglesbrech said:

It it is easier, there are no other options once the ship leaves port which on land there clearly are. The very definition of a captive audience.


I do agree that both would be judged on value though and recently the value of cruises has diminished (in my opinion) in the short term due to lower service levels, closed restaurants, missed ports, cutbacks etc across the majority of cruise lines. Attributed to covid but let’s see what goes back to normal once the worst is over.


By comparison the land based resorts I have visited recently are fairly normal. I may just have been lucky.


Anyway, nice day here again today. Have a good day John.

Our June cruise on Britannia was fairly normal as well, about the only grumble I had was that they no longer have those delicious Sundaes in the MDR.  I had no idea ice cream was a covid carrier. 😉

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10 hours ago, wowzz said:

The difference now  is  Putin.

Before, gas and oil prices varied, depending on assorted supply and demand issues. 

However,  now we have one man who, basically can turn off the supply of gas to major parts  of  Europe.

Consequently,  demand for, not only gas,  but also for other carbon fuels,  increases, not only in Europe,  but globally. 

Anyone expecting gas, oil  and electricity prices to fall whilst the war in Ukraine continues, is living in an alternative universe! 



Yes it is more difficult to replace Russian gas than oil from alternative sources hence the inflated prices. Gas prices averaged around 50p/therm before last year now at 270p/therm, did come back down to 130 a month or so ago. If Russia was a 'normal' country they could be such a rich country with so much natural resources and plentiful supplies to the world, which would also reduce global prices.


I do think that countries that are buying cheaper Russian oil or gas like China and India should have import duties imposed to the UK as they are getting a economic advantage.

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18 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

Currently playing with a spreadsheet working out what’s going to be disappearing from our bank account by way of direct debits from next October when the energy ‘price’ cap goes up again. 42% was the projected increase not so long ago. It’s now 65%!

We’re fortunate in that we’re on a fix at the moment, but it ends in early October, so with last April’s 54% and another 65% on top of that the current £200 pm will rocket to just over £500 pm. I knew it was going to be a lot, but across the country that’s a huge chunk of spending taken out of the economy. 

Netflix is an early casualty, along with big ticket items like white goods, but it strikes me that cruise companies may have to make some pretty hefty price cuts if they’re going to pull in the punters. I’m sure they’re well aware already, with contingency plans in place, but I’m not sure it’s yet fully hit home how much higher the energy bills are going to be in October.

Wow ,that's some price hike,  our decision to spend 10k on seventeen solar panels,  all south facing and a large storage battery two years ago is now turning out to be one of the best investments we have made ,and has made a big difference to our electricity bills, if anything it has made us more aware of how much energy we used before them and how we now time the usage of the heavier items, washing machine ,dishwasher, fan oven etc. if we have a full battery at night we can still be using the stored energy well into the next day. Gas prices is of course another matter   

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Fresher and breezy here today but forecasting 34oC next Tuesday, could be highest ever temp in Cheshire?? I've lived up here for 35 years and I recall 30 or 31oC max, although in my childhood I know that Southampton had higher temps especially in 1976 and holds the record for the highest UK June temperature.

Up early today to watch the start of the Open, first tee off at 6.35!!! Not much will be getting done the next 4 days.

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11 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

I think I'd be inclined in that situation to check actual usage (via meter readings) and costs per kWh against direct debit payments (which are only estimated) in case there's an underpayment building up!

checked online our payments are on track owe about £20. Obviously come the winter it won't cover it but will just put it up or make an extra payment.

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2 hours ago, gsmt47471015 said:

Wow ,that's some price hike,  our decision to spend 10k on seventeen solar panels,  all south facing and a large storage battery two years ago is now turning out to be one of the best investments we have made ,and has made a big difference to our electricity bills, if anything it has made us more aware of how much energy we used before them and how we now time the usage of the heavier items, washing machine ,dishwasher, fan oven etc. if we have a full battery at night we can still be using the stored energy well into the next day. Gas prices is of course another matter   

I’m interested in the storage battery concept  - until relatively recently they haven’t made a lot of financial sense. We installed panels under the early Feed in Tariff scheme in 2010 and they’d  repaid the £14,000 cost by 2017. The maximum allowed was 4kW at the time, but it’s been a very good investment, bringing in around £2000 a year on top of the savings on the electricity bill.


We don’t use anything like all the electricity generated in the summer, so if batteries are now cheaper and better I need to check that out. 

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4 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

We installed panels under the early Feed in Tariff scheme in 2010 and they’d  repaid the £14,000 cost by 2017. The maximum allowed was 4kW at the time, but it’s been a very good investment, bringing in around £2000 a year on top of the savings on the electricity bill.



Snap!  Even at the same time and we also get around £2000 pa. Up to now, I think the only post where I differ from you is that I love Lindt Lindors (mint especially) 😄😄 

Edited by mrsgoggins
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On 2/14/2021 at 6:24 AM, Presto2 said:

That looks stunning 🙂 Oh to be there now.


We don't do alpine skiing (dodgy knee) but cross country -- well, we make an attempt.

Not sure if there is anywhere in Italy that is suitable. We have looked but not really found anywhere.


Funnily enough, I was just checking breaks in Rome for October half term. We went a few years back and had a stunning 5 days. Found a hotel in the Monti area by an amazing local, family owned restaurant. Amazing location (5 mins from the forum) and the food was amazing. The locals queued up every night for up to an hour just to eat there. 


Now find me somewhere like that for the snowy season where I won't break a leg and all will be well 😉

Just curious, what was the restaurant called?  I know your post is old but we're going to be staying in Monti and I'm looking for recommendations lol

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2 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I had a follow up appointment with my doctor this afternoon after my steroid injection in my knee 3 weeks ago.



I hope after your steroid injection, your knee has shown improvement .

Take it easy mate :classic_love:

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4 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I had a follow up appointment with my doctor this afternoon after my steroid injection in my knee 3 weeks ago.


And how did it go graham? Has the steroid injections helped , and how’s your knees now ? I’m having terrible trouble with both my knees since I’ve stopped running around after the in-laws, I’m now starting to fall to bits 😁 had X-rays etc a bit of arthritis on one a torn ACL on the other from January, now been referred further because they think the pain is coming from my cartridge, my knees lock and very painful to walk down stairs and down hills , I have good days and then painful weeks, doctor said steroid injection won’t help me if cartridge damage so now waiting for a scan 🤷‍♀️

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11 minutes ago, Purdey16 said:

And how did it go graham? Has the steroid injections helped , and how’s your knees now ? I’m having terrible trouble with both my knees since I’ve stopped running around after the in-laws, I’m now starting to fall to bits 😁 had X-rays etc a bit of arthritis on one a torn ACL on the other from January, now been referred further because they think the pain is coming from my cartridge, my knees lock and very painful to walk down stairs and down hills , I have good days and then painful weeks, doctor said steroid injection won’t help me if cartridge damage so now waiting for a scan 🤷‍♀️



My right knee I had keyhole surgery on 10 years ago for a torn cartilage which was very successful.

My knee used to lock then and why surgery was done.

My recent x-rays showed moderate -Severe osteoarthritis in both knees and my right knee was in constant pain and why I had a steroid injection 3 weeks ago.

Walking down our stairs or downhill is still a little difficult but was almost impossible before the steroid injection.

The steroid injection worked almost immediately on the pain plus I lost a stone in weight in the last 3 weeks to further help my osteoarthritis.

Doctor was happy with the results and said if necessary he will give the knee another injection if the severe pain returns.

The next step would be a knee replacement.

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33 minutes ago, kalos said:


I hope after your steroid injection, your knee has shown improvement .

Take it easy mate :classic_love:

Thank you Kalos.

The steroid injection has really helped taking away the constant pain in my right knee.

Doctor said there was still some muscle wastage around my right knee and quad which might be causing knee clicking and some pain walking downstairs and suggested quad strengthening exercises to support the knee.



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Nice photos Graham. 

Without wanting to be too serious,  I assume you only wear the USA  shirt in  "safe" locations.

In these uncertain times, it can  be construed as being provocative. 

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6 hours ago, wowzz said:

Nice photos Graham. 

Without wanting to be too serious,  I assume you only wear the USA  shirt in  "safe" locations.

In these uncertain times, it can  be construed as being provocative. 

I don't think he's got any weekend breaks in Tehran booked up.

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Was a busy day yesterday finally got around to cutting the Ivy hedge back, has been too hot previous days, filled the green bin with the cuttings, jet washed the patio area with my new pressure washer bought on Prime Day for £79 instead of normal £179. It removed years of dirt and grime in 45 mins. I have the slabbed area outside the garage at bottom of garden to do next, but need a longer hose, Will buy a 25m one and connect together.


Decided to walk to chemist yesterday, instead of driving, it’s around a 3.5km round trip past the the lake and through a wooded area, I noticed the level of the “lake” had dropped by around 15cm and that the stream flowing into it and out of it had completely dried up. I have lived here for over 30 years and this is only the second time this has happened. The lake was created in the mid 1800s initially for storing water pumped out of local mines by damning the stream to create a small lake. The lake is now well stocked with fish and bird life and surrounded by houses, but much of the greenery and wooded area has been retained and makes pleasant walking and recreational area. 

Last weekend noticed that the level of the River Severn was low, a friend who worked for Environment Agency, said it would be much lower if not topped up from storage reservoirs in Wales. 

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9 hours ago, wowzz said:

Nice photos Graham. 

Without wanting to be too serious,  I assume you only wear the USA  shirt in  "safe" locations.

In these uncertain times, it can  be construed as being provocative. 

Thank you Wowzz.

They are Ralph Lauren Polo shirts and I wear them because they are smart and never had any issues wearing them.

I have them with New York on and Great Britain on too.

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30 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Wowzz.

They are Ralph Lauren Polo shirts and I wear them because they are smart and never had any issues wearing them.

I have them with New York on and Great Britain on too.


Can you get them with Cleethorpes on ?  :classic_unsure::classic_wink::classic_wink::classic_biggrin:

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38 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Wowzz.

They are Ralph Lauren Polo shirts and I wear them because they are smart and never had any issues wearing them.

I have them with New York on and Great Britain on too.


well I think you look very handsome Graham,  and you are wearing attire that is  very appropriate for the lovely weather we are having.

Please ignore others trying to divert the conversation 🙂



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