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Cruise cancellation before NCL cancelled the cruise; 150% credit denied


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So I was scheduled to go out on the Pearl on 3/15 and cancelled on 3/11 (with no penalty) 2 days before NCL officially cancelled on 3/13. (I may be wrong on my exact dates, but close enough). My point is I cancelled BEFORE NCL did it for me.

That next week, NCL published on their website (see pic) that all guests who were scheduled with embarkation dates of 3/13-3/17 would be issued a 150% credit. My wife and I discussed whether we should take the 100% refund or let NCL keep our money and have an even nicer cruise later on. We opted to take our chances and use the 150% credit for a future cruise instead of getting 100% of our money back. Conveniently enough, this page is no longer active on their website.

Now, NCL is reneging on that promise stating that in fact my credit is only 100%, not 150%. They said that they have sent out emails in the previous weeks clearly stating this policy, and oh by the way, yesterday was the last day I could have filed for a refund. Now the only option I have is a 100% credit 😞


Needless to say I am not very pleased with NCL and am seriously considering now filing a dispute with the credit card company. If I am only going to get a 100% credit, why would I NOT have taken the 100% refund initially, except that I was expecting a 150% credit for my "loyalty' to NCL.


Anyone have any suggestions on how I can get NCL to honor their original offer? Otherwise instead of making a new customer, they will have made an enemy...


I'm a lifelong Carnival cruiser and was truly looking forward to my first NCL cruise when it was cancelled. If this is how they treat their customers, there are plenty of other options out there...


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Unfortunately, you canceled before they did, that offer only applied to those who didn't canceled, not if you were booked on the cruise and canceled earlier. I know the 2 days early sucks, but there were some that canceled just before the earlier "peace of mind" announcement  and I am not sure if they got anything back.

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13 minutes ago, shof515 said:

the problem is YOU cancel. if you would of waited for NCL to cancel for you then they would of been no problems. since you canceled before they did, you lose some benefits

Geez. Thanks for pointing out it was all my fault...:( God forbid I cancelled because a pandemic was fast approaching and I didn't want to endanger my family

Edited by Tallyfins
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To be honest but this information about 150% credit sounds to me like a fraud. If you ever will have to file a case in court I am sure you will win the case. But to be honest, If I were you I would also take 150% credit instead of a full refund. But as it always happens - you never know how it will turn. In other circumstances you will be a big winner but its hard to trick the fate unfortunately. Hope you will get your refund in one way or another 

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38 minutes ago, Tallyfins said:

Geez. Thanks for pointing out it was all my fault...:( God forbid I cancelled because a pandemic was fast approaching and I didn't want to endanger my family

Easy there Karen.......  no one is pointing out you are at fault.....  you invited a public forum to your party and now not pleased that people are correctly stating that the 150% credit ONLY applied to ACTIVE reservations.   Since ANY reservation cancelled (want to make sure I say "any" so you don't take it personally) before NCL offered the 150% was not an ACTIVE reservation those people receive the benefit at the time of when they cancelled.


This reminds me of the stories where people make a car or mortgage payment before the banks offered COVID-19 relief of 6 months... and now are screaming they want the money they already paid refunded. 

Edited by esm54687
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YOU accepted the terms of the cancellation when you canceled.   You-  did not  have any reservation when the new terms-  with a NCL cancellation came out.  


Very clear you you are not entitled to anything.    

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1 hour ago, Roger88 said:

To be honest but this information about 150% credit sounds to me like a fraud. If you ever will have to file a case in court I am sure you will win the case. But to be honest, If I were you I would also take 150% credit instead of a full refund. But as it always happens - you never know how it will turn. In other circumstances you will be a big winner but its hard to trick the fate unfortunately. Hope you will get your refund in one way or another 

There certainly is NO fraud.  The OP did not even have a reservation.  

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1 hour ago, Roger88 said:

To be honest but this information about 150% credit sounds to me like a fraud. If you ever will have to file a case in court I am sure you will win the case. But to be honest, If I were you I would also take 150% credit instead of a full refund. But as it always happens - you never know how it will turn. In other circumstances you will be a big winner but its hard to trick the fate unfortunately. Hope you will get your refund in one way or another 



 But the OP cancelled on their own, which makes the peace of mind policy take effect. They are only entitled to a 100% FCC and not a refund. If they dispute with their CC it will probably get denied since NCL will just refer to their cancellation policy.

 I'm not defending NCL, but that is/was their written policy, just because they wound up eventually cancelling the cruise does not mean someone can receive those benefits if they cancelled prior to that.


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10 minutes ago, KSSS2013 said:



 But the OP cancelled on their own, which makes the peace of mind policy take effect. They are only entitled to a 100% FCC and not a refund. If they dispute with their CC it will probably get denied since NCL will just refer to their cancellation policy.

 I'm not defending NCL, but that is/was their written policy, just because they wound up eventually cancelling the cruise does not mean someone can receive those benefits if they cancelled prior to that.


OP, I wish you well. 


The OP knows this but is disappointed with the expected outcome. 


I cancelled my cruise prior to NCL cancelling too, so, I understand this is the consequence of that action. OP has never cruised with NCL previously, also, there has never been a situation like this in the past.  


I understand how upsetting this is for  someone who was taken by surprise by the ultimate outcome. 


I feel for those who cancelled their cruise before NCL cancelled it.  I cancelled mine prior to NCL as well, however, I'm OKay with the 100% + 20% that I rec'd when I rebooked a cruise I already had booked in April 2021.  


It's not the same for everyone. This situation is new to all or most of us so we should be more understanding of different circumstances that may present themselves. 


Be well, be kind, stay at home. 

Edited by All-ready2cruise
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3 hours ago, Tallyfins said:

So I was scheduled to go out on the Pearl on 3/15 and cancelled on 3/11 (with no penalty) 2 days before NCL officially cancelled on 3/13. 


That next week, NCL published on their website (see pic) that all guests who were scheduled with embarkation dates of 3/13-3/17 would be issued a 150% credit.....


.....Now, NCL is reneging on that promise stating that in fact my credit is only 100%, not 150%....

f9fb84fe1734403e331d389f83296d2c4f84ce40.jfif 146.39 kB · 10 downloads


So, the picture you attached confirms clearly that NCL have acted correctly. The following wording, which you have conveniently ignored, precedes the part you have quoted in relation to the 150% credit  (FCC):


Guests who were booked on suspended cruises.....


You were not booked on a suspended cruise, having previously cancelled the cruise in question, so clearly cannot be granted such 150% FCC. Instead, NCL have granted to you a 100% FCC which is exactly what the 'Peace of Mind' policy offered....you accepted the offer when you initiated your cancellation under that policy.


Rather than NCL reneging on their promise they have granted precisely what was promised! 😉 

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You needed peace of mind before NCL cancelled and took NCL's peace of mind policy. You benefited because you did not have to pay any penalties and we made whole.


people who did not need peace of mind and waited for NCL to cancel got a different policy that had different outcomes.


I feel bad for the OP but its pretty clear at this point.


I would be bothered by this if I was the OP too but there is nothing that NCL did wrong in this case


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It's risk/reward.  Those who took more of a risk (did not cancel) got a bigger reward.  You took less of a risk (which was actually a great offer) so your reward was smaller.

Those who chose not to cancel could have gotten stuck quarantined and/or sick for a few weeks.  You didn't have that hanging over your head.

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8 hours ago, Tallyfins said:

Needless to say I am not very pleased with NCL and am seriously considering now filing a dispute with the credit card company. If I am only going to get a 100% credit, why would I NOT have taken the 100% refund initially, except that I was expecting a 150% credit for my "loyalty' to NCL.


Just to be clear, since I didn't notice anybody else addressing this directly, but you also were not eligible for the cash refund option.  When you canceled your booking, the only option was the 100% future cruise credit.

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I am LITERALLY in the same situation as you.  I cancelled under Peace of Mind on March 10th, cruise that was to sail on March 15th just like you .. and we all know how that went.  I would have loved the extra FCC (or get ALL my money back)  but I totally understand NCL's position.


GET OVER IT (or not)... buyers 'refund' remorse is not going to win this one.  I agree that NCL could have backdated a bit for good faith but they have no obligation as WE chose to do the refund cancellation.  Think this out even further, NCL did not have to even offer Peace of Mind but I am guessing that like me, you were very happy to have that option and jumped on it as quick as possible.  I was elated to be getting anything back since I didn't get insurance so FCC is better than nothing.  


Oh and NCL is not the only cruise line with this stance, RCL is same.  I actually have a friend in the same situation with Royal Cruise, cancelled before it was suspended, her cruise was sailing March 22, and she was pissed but that changed nothing as she only got the 100% FCC with some stuff like taxes refunded to her credit card.


I think the only cruise line that DID back date a bit was Carnival (Princess) and they had (have) a different image to fix with COVID.

Edited by poffles
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I canceled our cruise on March 5 when the NCL policy stated that if you canceled your cruise before 90 days you would get 100% of your money back.   I waited 5 to 7 days to get my money back they did not return it so I disputed it on my credit card.   On April 1 I received the full cruise fare back now on April 23 the cruise line canceled my cruise and has charge my credit card a 25% cancellation fee.   Like the OP I do not have proof that that was their policy.   I do have an email from them saying that I canceled the cruise for cash.  I disputed the 25% cancellation fee with my credit card company and they have denied it since I’ didn’t initiate the 25% cancellation fee on my credit card. They said Ncl initiated the fee on my credit card and the credit card company can’t reverse a vendor initiated adjustment. When I called NCL about the cancellation fee they said it doesn’t even appear in my account so they said they can’t reverse it because it hasn’t even posted to my account

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Like the OP I had a cruise scheduled for March 15 (the Joy out of LA), and I also cancelled on March 11 (I think it was the first day they were allowing penalty-free cancellation). Unlike the OP I realized I was in a game of chicken with NCL and that I was blinking first... I thought that cruises would be cancelled, but I wanted it resolved and was happy to accept the 100% FCC and never thought I deserved the same consideration as those who waited until the very last minute.


I did try to wait out our airfare... we had two separate bookings for our family of four and the airline's policy changed between me cancelling the first booking and the second (literally within hours) and I lost $400 on the first booking, and nothing on the second.


Again, I thought airlines would allow free cancellation, but I needed to resolve it. 


And now I'm sitting with three separate credits - one for a cruise, and two for airfares. I'm hoping that none of these companies go out of business - as it will be profoundly awful for the people who rely on them for their wages, and also because I'd really like to take a trip that has mostly already been paid for. But it is money that I've already spent, so it won't be the end of me financially either way. 


If they do file bankruptcy, whether you received 100% or 150% FCC will make no difference, as it will all be worth $0. 


I know that the decisions that NCL (and other companies) make may seem personal, but they're just trying to stay afloat by managing their cash flow. They're a big multinational corporation, so I would expect nothing less. 



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I to have a nightmare with NCL. I have been E-mailing the CEO, VP of guest service and other. Have a mile long Email string with them. Sail date 3/15 we canceled on 3/12 out of COVID 19 worries and at this point who wouldn't?. They will not give refund or the 150% cruise credit... I get it we cancelled however they had to cancel the the cruise and did it with less then 24 hours..   we now have to go on NCL or lose our 2700.. Not gong to be a very fun vacation!!..
***** I would love to see a class action lawsuit on them. They have been investigated a few time already for lying about what they where telling customers and what they claim they do not know about COVID 19 on one of their ships!!!!


Any advice to get the refund please let me know

Edited by Theboss17
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11 minutes ago, Theboss17 said:

I to have a nightmare with NCL. I have been E-mailing the CEO, VP of guest service and other. Have a mile long Email string with them. Sail date 3/15 we canceled on 3/12 out of COVID 19 worries and at this point who wouldn't?. They will not give refund or the 150% cruise credit... I get it we cancelled however they had to cancel the the cruise and did it with less then 24 hours..   we now have to go on NCL or lose our 2700.. Not gong to be a very fun vacation!!..
***** I would love to see a class action lawsuit on them. They have been investigated a few time already for lying about what they where telling customers and what they claim they do not know about COVID 19 on one of their ships!!!!


Any advice to get the refund please let me know

Again   YOU agreed to the terms.    And the FCC was what was offered,  and you accepted.     And you didn't have any insurance???   (cancel for any reason?)      Sorry=   it's a done deal.   


You can keep writing all you want,  and also set yourself for having a terrible time,  IF you choose to cruise again.    Won't make any difference.   

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13 minutes ago, Budget Queen said:

Again   YOU agreed to the terms.    And the FCC was what was offered,  and you accepted.     And you didn't have any insurance???   (cancel for any reason?)      Sorry=   it's a done deal.   


You can keep writing all you want,  and also set yourself for having a terrible time,  IF you choose to cruise again.    Won't make any difference.   

There apparently is a lot you do not know about NCL.. they lies to customers about the COVID19 not being active in warm weather, they lied about a case on one other there ships. then to wait till the last few hours after 70% of there customers have canceled out of concern for their  health. that is low and dirty and they should offer the refund for all the Cruises for this week I speak of. If you would not have cancelled 2 days out their is something wrong with you. Think to your self what was going on 3/11-3/16 before you reply. most I'm sure would agree  

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10 minutes ago, Theboss17 said:

There apparently is a lot you do not know about NCL.. they lies to customers about the COVID19 not being active in warm weather, they lied about a case on one other there ships. then to wait till the last few hours after 70% of there customers have canceled out of concern for their  health. that is low and dirty and they should offer the refund for all the Cruises for this week I speak of. If you would not have cancelled 2 days out their is something wrong with you. Think to your self what was going on 3/11-3/16 before you reply. most I'm sure would agree  

I was on a ship,  and no,  why would I think you are entitled to a change of terms YOU agreed to.   


The so called "lies" you claim-  have NOTHING to do-  with the terms YOU agreed to.    Your grasping at unrelated straws to attempt to slant your complaint.  


It's a done deal,   I suggest you reconsider your "expectations" of a "terrible" future cruise perhaps?   

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2 hours ago, Theboss17 said:

I to have a nightmare with NCL. I have been E-mailing the CEO, VP of guest service and other. Have a mile long Email string with them. Sail date 3/15 we canceled on 3/12 out of COVID 19 worries and at this point who wouldn't?. They will not give refund or the 150% cruise credit... I get it we cancelled however they had to cancel the the cruise and did it with less then 24 hours..   we now have to go on NCL or lose our 2700.. Not gong to be a very fun vacation!!..
***** I would love to see a class action lawsuit on them. They have been investigated a few time already for lying about what they where telling customers and what they claim they do not know about COVID 19 on one of their ships!!!!


Any advice to get the refund please let me know


They only have to offer the terms that were available to you when you accepted the terms.... at the time it was the most generous offer I have ever seen for a cruise line - 100% credit for a future cruise and you were canceling just days before the cruise. They sweetened the deal later, but the deal you accepted was a great deal based on my years of cruising. 


If NCL was still swimming in cash you would have more chance of getting an exception. At this point they may not be able to make any further concessions because they don't have the funds to do ANYTHING extra. I worked for a company that was filing for bankruptcy, and we were ordered by the court not to make any concessions to customers. NLC is not in bankruptcy, of course, but their corporate finance guy is probably watching every penny that goes out the door. 

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