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The Daily for Friday Jan 1, 2021 -- Happy New Year!!!


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11 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

My work is done!  See we have a mutual admiration of fake monsters in common. 

We are fairly close geographically, so I may just have to refer to you as “neighbor”.

Of course! We are neighbors! I have rented vacation houses in Ormand by the Sea several times, right across the street from the beach, with it's pink sand. 

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7 minutes ago, surfcitygirl said:

Another "lurker" checking in. Have been following all year long and really appreciate all the time involved in keeping this going every day. Makes me feel like a part of the community. Blessings to all for 2021.


Welcome to the Daily. 🙂 

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We were in bed last night well before midnight.  Up and already exercised.  That's why I don't get here earlier every day.  Weather report for us is dense fog and rain with thunderstorms possible later.


I am stumped as to a traditional meal on New Year's Day.  Today we will have for dinner whatever DH's little heart desires since he is now our official chef.


Let us continue with the Antarctica cruise of 2016-2017 on Seabourn Quest.  After partying till after midnight with our fellow passengers, we awoke to a somewhat cloudy but relatively warm day at a place called Half Moon Island.  There is a tiny Argentinian base located on this crescent-shaped island, but it is only manned in summer.  Once we arrived by Zodiac, we walked around enjoying the exercise.  Here is a shot of the base.  enhance


But the actual first thing we saw when we stepped ashore was this rotting boat.  Who knows how long it had been there.  I love the penguin casually walking by.enhance


For some reason I love the next photo.  And you can see the Quest hiding in the background.enhance


Upon further explanation we spied this whale bone.  One of the Expedition Team was nearby to answer questions and they were of the opinion it was from a blue whale and had probably been there at least 100 years.enhance


But of the most interest to us were the rocky hills covered with chinstrap penguin nests. enhance


Here's a close up of a chinstrap and her two chicks sitting at her feet.





This one looks like he's on stage.enhance


And these two look like they're slipping down a slide.enhance


I've said this before, but don't they look like a London Bobbie? enhance


Feeding the chicks.enhance


Half Moon Island is known as a birding area because of the variety of birds who nest there.  Unfortunately for the penguins there are a lot of skuas, but we also saw some Kelp gulls and even some with babies in their nest like this one.  There are three little ones there if you look closely.enhance


Well that is all for the Island.  In my next post I'll show the brave people who took the Polar Plunge.  

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Happy New Year!


No hangover here today.  I was sound asleep by midnight last night and slept soundly until it was light out this morning.  We have a winter weather alert this morning for a little bit of snow, but some ice glazing as well.  It is only supposed to last until 1:00 pm and then be fine.


I'm not having any special meal.  Tom is coming over to watch the game with Ohio State and he requested just Football food.  So, we have chicken wings, sauerkraut balls (pork and sauerkraut for good luck), deviled eggs, cheese and crackers, you get the idea.  


Here's wishing everyone the happiest of new years and good things to come in 2021.

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily and Happy New Year to everyone!  I love the fact that we've begun a new year; it's like starting the first day of a new grade with empty notebooks.  This year we're going to write a new story and I hope for everyone on these threads, it's a happy one.


DH and I spent a quiet evening over dinner and wine, then progressed to listening to some great tunes (50's, 60's and 70's) on the radio, and finally watching some Netflix, ending with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot (seems popular on this board) to usher in 2021.  After a kiss for good luck, I ran to open the back door to let the old year out, then opened the front door to let the new year in.


We don't have a traditional new year's meal at our home, just whatever happens to be in the fridge - in this case, there are leftovers from last night's pulled pork for another round of sandwiches, as well as cold meats, cheeses and vegetables for us to munch on throughout the day. And wine.


I do have a tradition of settling down to watch the Tournament of Roses Parade, but it isn't going to happen this year - apparently there will be a highlights program instead.   Maybe we'll just head out for a walk in the neighbourhood while the weather's still nice.  Last night at 7PM we stood in the middle of our street with a number of neighbours and made as much noise as possible to salute the front line workers who took such good care of us throughout 2020.  It was a fun way to end a most unusual year.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, whether you think you do or not.  We'll raise our glasses tonight to toast everyone on the happy list, and everyone who contributes to these daily threads for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021.  Be safe, stay well, wash your hands and wear your mask.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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8 minutes ago, surfcitygirl said:

Another "lurker" checking in. Have been following all year long and really appreciate all the time involved in keeping this going every day. Makes me feel like a part of the community. Blessings to all for 2021.

Welcome aboard.



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Good morning and thanks for the update.

     Happy New Year 🍾🎉🍾

    I’ll be joining @Crazy For Cats with pork and sauerkraut for dinner tonight.

       My neighbors all celebrated at midnight with fireworks, not as bad as July 4th but still noisy.

         Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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14 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

@kazu, you and I have a different definition of “a simple presentation”. Go take a look of my simple pic of my wine glass that I posted to yesterday’s Daily last night.  

And please do not think the wine glass reflects my idea of simple. It was a gift, and I also shared that picture with the person who gave it to me. 

I love the pic of your & Jose’s meal. Glad you shared it. Happy New Year!


Well you can colour me confused - I thought your wine glass was ornate and very pretty.  I wouldn’t call it a simple presentation at all 😉  a very nice gift, indeed!

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We headed back to the Quest ready to enjoy the remainder of our New Year's Day.  Shortly thereafter we noticed the Zaandam far off in the distance. enhance


At about 5 pm we were told to come out to the pool deck to see the Polar Plunge event.  Hopefully the pool water was good and cold, especially after we'd thrown the ice blocks in it two days earlier. 🥶I went out to watch from the deck above, all bundled up and for good measure a lap blanket wrapped around my lower half.  Meanwhile our brave Captain was the first one out there to take a flying leap into the pool.  He has that thick Nordic blood you know...enhance


Yep, there he went!  Everyone else crept out in their thick robes, tossed them off and jumped in with him.  Meanwhile I was shivering outside because I didn't have my parka on, only my puffy coat.  Thank goodness the sun had come out this afternoon though.enhance


There is our Captain egging on the participants to stay in a little longer.  While he is standing there soaking wet with temperatures in the 30's.  enhance


The wonderful staff brought out some warm mulled wine which hopefully helped to warm up these frozen individuals.  enhance


Most of them hopped into the hot tubs to thaw themselves out, but not the Captain.  He simply donned his robe and chatted with onlookers.  He was probably still barefoot too!enhance


The weather looked fine here but we were told there was a low coming and we would be leaving Antarctica to try to get to South Georgia Island ahead of it.  Farewell Antarctica!  enhance

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Wow, I'm late to the party this morning.  Got involved in a jigsaw puzzle.  Happy New Year to all!  No hangover, was in bed and asleep by 10.  Must not have had fireworks in the neighborhood as I didn't wake up until 5:30.  So true on the quote.  Our meal is pork and sauerkraut.  Prayers and shout-outs for our lists.  Hedge of protection for those in need.

Please stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask!  Welcome to all our lurkers.


Bloody Mary:

  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • 1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger vodka
  • ¾ cup spicy tomato-vegetable juice cocktail (e.g., V-8)
  • 2 dashes Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 dash hot pepper sauce (e.g. Tabasco™)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 2 stuffed green olives

Screen Shot 2021-01-01 at 8.41.47 AM.png

Edited by summer slope
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Lurker here!


I only recently discovered this thread and it is wonderful!  Brings a smile every day, thanks for doing this and Happy New Year to all.


No hangover here but glad to toss 2020 to the curb.


We are also having our traditional tourtière today, also passed down by my Mémère❤️ Also making her sucre à la crème.


Stay healthy all!


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2 minutes ago, jodi58 said:

Lurker here!


I only recently discovered this thread and it is wonderful!  Brings a smile every day, thanks for doing this and Happy New Year to all.


No hangover here but glad to toss 2020 to the curb.


We are also having our traditional tourtière today, also passed down by my Mémère❤️ Also making her sucre à la crème.


Stay healthy all!


Happy New Year.  Welcome aboard.



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Well once again my second post is hidden so I've sent off a report to Host Kat and asked her to review it and release it.  I won't keep trying to post over and over to spare everyone the repeats later on.  I even removed any words I thought they might flag though they were very innocuous.  Keeping fingers crossed it will be soon.

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Happy new year everyone, especially Rich, Roy and the drinks ladies. This is the first place I go every morning. What a great wat to start the day and now the new year. No hangover, in bed before midnight. No traditional food on New Year’s Day but the German in me is liking the pork and sauerkraut idea, may have to start a tradition. The weatherman has promised us rain, freezing rain and snow today. All in all a good day to stay in and work on a puzzle.

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       Good Morning  and a very Happy New Year to everyone!   It is a quiet and beautiful day here at the beach. 

     No hangovers here. Our neighbors sent over creme brule last nite so we had that with tea! It was wonderful.

     We will be having pork and saukraut and spinach today. DH is from western Pennsylvania and it was tradition for his family. Brings good Luck,  afraid not to do it this year! LOL.


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Happy New Year from a wet and dreary coastal North Carolina.  Thanks to Rich, Roy and the gang for this daily diversion...  Keeping my fingers crossed for Rich's Dawgs today.


No traditional meals here as I almost always worked the holidays and ate whatever the cafeteria served.  I made a killer meatloaf to be enjoyed with basmati rice and seasoned lima beans.  All to be preceded by a stout or porter...


Was really happy to see that Jonathan Werleman, former Pinnacle Grill Restaurant Manager, was just promoted to Food and Beverage Director at Radisson Blu in Aruba.  We have been corresponding with Jon for years and he is so deserving of this title. 


Here's hoping for safe and prosperous 2021 to the HAL gang...

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Happy New Years from Texas!   Great quotes for my fellow travelers.  8 seems to be apropos for 2021.


1. “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide

2. “Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all” – Helen Keller

3. “I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

4. “Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have travelled.” – Mohammed

5. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” –Mark Twain

6. “Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest.” – Freya Stark

7. “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain


8. “A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu 

9. “There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign” – Robert Louis Stevenson




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Happy New Year, everyone!!

We made it until 11:30 last night - if the ball drops in NY, that counts for us in Tulsa.  We’ve had some rain and some snow this week, it’s gray today, but I think most of the precip is ending.  

@StLouisCruisersI am so enjoying my trip to Antarctica!  Loved your comment this morning about the penguin strolling by —- 

Hello to all the lurkers peering around the corner.  😀 We’re working to make the Daily’s circulation rival The New York Times’!

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15 minutes ago, Live4cruises said:

Happy New Year, everyone!!

We made it until 11:30 last night - if the ball drops in NY, that counts for us in Tulsa.  We’ve had some rain and some snow this week, it’s gray today, but I think most of the precip is ending.  

@StLouisCruisersI am so enjoying my trip to Antarctica!  Loved your comment this morning about the penguin strolling by —- 

Hello to all the lurkers peering around the corner.  😀 We’re working to make the Daily’s circulation rival The New York Times’!


Thanks for your comments.  Yes, I loved how unafraid of people penguins are.  We were told to stay a certain distance from the wildlife, but they were the ones who came over to see US.  Seals were particularly nosy and would lumber towards you.  As we backed up, and backed up again!

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