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The Daily for Saturday Jan 30, 2021


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3 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Rich and Roy, thank you for your dedication.  Interesting group of days.  The quote is so true.  Both meals sound great.

Safe travels Roy and durangoscots for your vaccine shots.

Prayers and virtual hugs for our care list and 🍹to the celebrations.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.



Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz White rum, 1 oz Fresh lime juice, 2 teaspoons Sugar, 6 leaves of Mint, Soda Water
Preparation: Mint sprigs muddled with sugar and lime juice. Rum added and topped with soda water. Garnished with sprig of mint leaves. Served with a straw.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Sprig of mint, Yerba buena

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 7.02.13 AM.png

Sounds a bit too sweet for a diabetic!

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Good morning DAILYITES:  Rich Thanks for the Fleet report.  Roy thank you for the daily care list.  Thanks to the many posters on this thread.  The weather report says we will get a lot of snow tonigh. I hope the snow misses our area.  Have a good day all you wonderful people.

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Thank you to Rich, Roy and the 'drinks ladies'.


Getting ready to go watch a little storm at the beach for a few days.  In between drops I can get in some nice walks.


Prayers to all on the care list and best wishes to all.

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


I’ll be happy if that’s all we get.  If it tracks the way they are forecasting, it will be a full blown ‘Nor Easter.  Very high winds, lots of snow and a mess.


Maybe we’ll all be lucky and the weathermen will be wrong? 

I’d like it very much if they are wrong.  I do have plenty of gas for the snowblower just in case.

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Well, we are seeing January out this weekend -- typical weather here for this time of year, gray and chilly, but at least we are not getting any of the expected snow.  As @KirkNC says, it only takes a dusting down here to create total mayhem. Feels more like a red wine day than a mojito day.


I feel answering machine messages peaked in the late 1980s. With cell phones, no one listens to messages anymore, on either end...  But one funny one I recall was "Hi. I’m probably home, I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you."


It's great to hear more and more stories of people getting vaccinated like @smitty34877 -- we are still trying hard to get an appointment to get my elderly parents vaccinated in Florida. I haven't seen them in over a year. I'm glad they are trying to put an end to all those who were flocking there to get a shot.  


In honor of croissant day, a rare sight:





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Glad to finally be able to check in to the Daily.  We had another big vaccine clinic yesterday and did several hundred more.  One of our last "victims" was a 99 YO WW2 veteran.  It makes it worthwhile to spend a day there just to see the appreciation from the patients.  Very large community clinic today but I am not working again until Monday.


I had to laugh at the 

4 hours ago, richwmn said:

National Inane Answering Message Day

since I recorded mine in Spanish.  It has cut down on the number recorded messages as most think they got the wrong number...


Meal tonight is beef stew and cornbread swirls as a salute to the cold weather.


Wear your masks...

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Good morning all!

No snow here thank goodness, just days and days of more rain in our forecast.  @dfishDebbie they will plow your driveway for a fee?  I would take them up on that too.  Here they won't even do our little cul de sac road so I'm very thankful we rarely get it so bad it's necessary.  I do remember one year being unable to get out though.  Usually for us it's more ice than snow (or ice under snow)!


Aw, great memories of fresh croissants every morning at the 500-year-old castle we stayed at in France before our very last cruise the end of 2019.  


Love the quote, and so true in our house.  DH seems to think I won't be able to do half the things I can LOL.  It just makes me try harder. 🤣


Cannot wait to be able to garden again, but not much planting from seed here in my garden.  I've run out of room with the many, many perennials.  My planters are filled with bulbs and sometimes seedlings from the nursery.  I did get some Ranunculus seeds from my daughter, hoping they put on a nice show this summer.


@smitty34877congratulations on getting your first jab!  I know how you felt.  I was so excited after getting mine I didn't sleep much that night. 😉  @Seavieweryay for no ill effects after your 2nd jab!  Please let us know how you do.  Our DSIL said it took about 24 hours before he started feeling some effects, mostly just tiredness and achiness for a day.  @cruisemom42I LOVE that answering machine message!!  What a hoot.  @65 Gator Leon LOVE your answering machine message too!  Perfect.  And those who know you would know to leave a message.  The others....great idea.





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    Good Morning Everyone from a cool but sunny day .

Love the quote, it is so true!   

     Today we drive over to Orlando to get our first shot. It is a drive thru set up at the Convention Center.   DH and myself, plus 2 neighbors all have appointments between 7 and 8 tonight. Crazy time but we are not complaining. Very grateful  that we are able to receive it.  

  Stay safe, wear masks and dream of sailing again!

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1 minute ago, cunnorl said:

Today we drive over to Orlando to get our first shot. It is a drive thru set up at the Convention Center.   DH and myself, plus 2 neighbors all have appointments between 7 and 8 tonight. Crazy time but we are not complaining. Very grateful  that we are able to receive it. 

Glad you are able to get your injections even with the drive. My DB and DSIL have one for 2 AM next Friday. It's a 2.5 drive each way - they plan to get a "cheap" motel room. Will do the same for the second injection.

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Good morning, everyone.  I was up at the crack of dawn today getting ready to head to work and the news said the huge community vaccination event at our Carolina Panthers Stadium had just opened up some more slots at the previously booked-up event.  It was about 5:30 AM when I called the appointment number, and they were able to schedule DH and me for our first shot this morning.  We had appointments for about a month from now, but they were happy to schedule us anyway.  The event included a lot of appointments for people to actually go into the stadium, but ours were for a drive-through.  It went like clockwork, and I can only imagine the manpower and logistics to pull this off!  They scheduled the second shot at the same time, so we are all set.  Whew!


I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts to all, and I'm also sending a great big thank you for all the kindness shared here.

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2 hours ago, kazu said:


I’ll be happy if that’s all we get.  If it tracks the way they are forecasting, it will be a full blown ‘Nor Easter.  Very high winds, lots of snow and a mess.


Maybe we’ll all be lucky and the weathermen will be wrong? 

The weathermen often miss the mark, so hoping you will get lucky.  I sometimes think they have a large map and a large poster with different types of weather.  First they throw a dart at the map; then throw another dart to see what the weather for that location will be.  😁

Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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3 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The weathermen off miss the mark, so hoping you will get lucky.  I sometimes think they have a large map and a large poster with different types of weather.  First they throw a dart at the map; then throw another dart to see what the weather for that location will be.  😁

LOL 😂 Sadly when the forecast is bad here they are usually not wrong.


However, I know of no other occupation where you can be wrong so often and keep your job. 😉 😝 

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1 hour ago, Sea Viewer said:

Good morning everyone,

I'm feeling no effects so far from my 2nd Pfizer jab yesterday, not even a sore arm this time!

Stay safe to everyone in the path of the nor'easter, hopefully it does not mess up anyone's scheduled appointments.



That's good to know about the vaccine effects, since we will be getting our second Pfizer dose in three weeks.

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14 minutes ago, Cruise Suzy said:

Glad you are able to get your injections even with the drive. My DB and DSIL have one for 2 AM next Friday. It's a 2.5 drive each way - they plan to get a "cheap" motel room. Will do the same for the second injection.


2 AM??  Wow!!!  

There was a post on FB a few days ago with “if you had to go at 2 AM to get your vaccine, would you do it”.  Many said yes but I doubt anyone thought they would have to go at 2 AM. Good for you!!!!

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2 hours ago, dfish said:

I'll be finishing off the meatloaf from last night.  The beef hoagie sandwiches yesterday triggered a desire for Muzzy's Marvelous Meatloaf.   A few years back I put together a family cookbook of all our favorites from growing up as well as some new ones we had discovered as adults and wanted to share with others.   We did have some imaginative titles and the meatloaf one is an example.  My favorite is Colonel Cinders Blackened Beauties - a tribute to my dad's grilling technique.  

What a great idea!  And I love the creative recipe titles!  

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Did you read the story of the freezer failure in Seattle that caused an overnight vaccination clinic?  In order not to waste the vaccine, they put out word on social media and got to jab over 1350 doses by 3 am.  



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Good morning!!! And it is a good morning here. The snow missed us this time - we just got a dusting of the white stuff and now the sun is bright and sky is blue.  If I am just as lucky on Wednesday all will be well. Now if my sister could just get her shot scheduled.... she says she keeps trying and her daughter is trying for her as well, but so far no luck.


Little on my agenda for today except for trying to sort and toss - sort and toss- sort and toss. My SIL sent me a bunch of photos that my brother had and many of them are unlabeled family pictures. That may take me awhile to sort out. I opened one album and my first reaction was "who are these people". I think the album itself came from my Grandmother's house... am going to have to do some sleuthing and it is a good reminder to label pictures. Maybe my next project.






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Good morning on a lovely sunny morning.  It looks like (if the weathermen are correct) we are out of our highs stuck in the 50s.  The next ten days are calling for mid-60 to lower 70s.  We can live with that!


Like croissants, but haven't had any since we got off the Rotterdam last February.  I often have a mojito on a cruise, and the wine sounds like one I would like.  🍷🍹  Tonight we're having chicken fajita roll-ups and Spanish rice with our wine.


The Roman Rule is appropriate.


Where we got our shots is a 24/7 drive-thru affair.  We had decided if our second appointment was in the middle of the night, we'd get a motel room.  Luckily, our next appointment is 6:30 pm.


@KirkNC I know what you mean by the town shutting down with snow.  We lived in Wilmington, NC, for several years.  In March 1980, we got a snow and ice storm that shut the area down for a week. 


I found a picture of one of our hummingbirds.  I had to zoom out fairly far to take it, so it is not as sharp as I would like.  Those little birds are hard to photograph.




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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Did you read the story of the freezer failure in Seattle that caused an overnight vaccination clinic?  In order not to waste the vaccine, they put out word on social media and got to jab over 1350 doses by 3 am.  



Yes, I heard about that -- and also this


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11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Did you read the story of the freezer failure in Seattle that caused an overnight vaccination clinic?  In order not to waste the vaccine, they put out word on social media and got to jab over 1350 doses by 3 am.  



It was on our local TV.  Showed some people showing up in their pajamas and bathrobes.

One year ago today we were boarding a plane for Hong Kong to join the Westerdam.  We knew there was Covid in China and brought masks with us.  The stewards on the plane were wearing masks also.  We also knew that HAL would have to skip the Chinese ports, but that was a positive for us.  Interesting to note that in less than one year that a vaccine has been developed and administered for a previously unknown virus.  

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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Did you read the story of the freezer failure in Seattle that caused an overnight vaccination clinic?  In order not to waste the vaccine, they put out word on social media and got to jab over 1350 doses by 3 am.  



We heard it on the evening news and my first comment was way to show initiative. This kind of thinking will help get the job done sooner.

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Good morning, all! 😄  Wow, the US is really rolling out the vaccinations,  You are doing well over your one million a day.  Here things have completely stalled.   And Europe seems to be appropriating all the vaccine being produced there, so we are out of luck.  I have a feeling there will be no cruising for us this year...



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