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The Daily for Thursday Feb 4, 2021


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today is USO Day, Stuffed Mushroom Day, and Thank a Mailman Day


Duct tape is like the force.  It has a light side, and a dark side, and it holds the universe together ...
        -- Carl Zwanzig


Meal suggestion for today - Bucatini with Sausage & Kale

Drink of the Day - Blue Lagoon

Wine of the day - Santa Carolina Cellar Selection Merlot - Chile - Red


at Sea Pacific
Nieuw Amsterdam destination Long Beach
Zuiderdam destination San Diego eta today

Great Stirrup Cay
Nieuw Statendam





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Good morning.

Happy Thirstday Thursday.

Thanks for the Daily Report.

Stuffed mushrooms sound good.  Hats off to the USO.  Thanks to all who work at the post office.

That quote is so true!   My brother says if it can't be fixed with duct tape, you're not using enough duct tape.

The dinner suggestion sounds good,  thanks.

Looking forward to reading about the drink of the day and the wine.

Sending prayers to everyone who needs them.  Cheers to all with something to celebrate.

Have a wonderful day.

Stay safe.

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Good morning.  Rich, isn’t this the day you’re getting your first shot?  I hope it goes well - I know it will.


I have some cocktail napkins That say duct tape is like wine - it fixes everything!


Be safe everyone and keep up the good cheer.

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Thank you for the Thursday (and I believe for you jab day) Daily, Rich.  Here's a salute to the USO and to Mailmen.  I'll pass on the stuffed mushrooms and the Bucanti.  Duck tape is an incredible invention.  My alternative meal suggestion is Chilled Watermelon Gazpacho,Tropical Fruit Medley, and English Roast Beef, as served on MS Maasdam February 4, 2015,


Happily, I think the celebration list is longer than the support list today.


Today's care list:

Mrs Vmax undergoing radiation treatment

Caregiver Gsel and her DH battling Alzheimers

NextOne DH with Renal Cancer

My brother in back surgery

Sharon’s mother and  daughter (but both improving)

Mamaofami’s friend’s final days, but rallying

HAL (and other crews)

and Krazy Kruisers and Joe


Today's Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Teachers, school workers and at home surrogates

Front Line Health Care Workers

Proper sendoff for Brian Sicknick

Successful surgery for Sharon’s mom

First jabs for cat shepard and durangoscots; second for  Icand1923 and kb1463

Gator65 and Icand1923 helping at vax clinics

doobieb and family cleared of Covid

Special garage find for TiogaCruiser

New life in OverheadFred’s home

and Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




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Thanks for the daily, Rich, and for the care list and shout outs, Roy.

We are all better for them!

We got a new mail person last fall. She rang the doorbell the first day and wanted to meet our dogs so she would know what kind of costumes to buy them for Halloween. We love our mail carriers!  As one told me a few years ago, “I know all about you.” 

Stay safe everyone. I love the cooking challenges!

Encouraging news in the U.S about the number of available vaccines.

Maybe Alabama will get out of first place for new positives. Although, our governor had a “State of the State” event last week and no one was wearing a mask!  Lots of hugging going on......


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Good cold morning. It's in the 30's here. Thank you Rich and Roy!  Unique group of days.  I thank our mailman everyday for her service, love stuffed mushrooms, and thankful the USO was there for our armed forces when something from home was needed.  Do not like Kale so will skip the meal.  Roy's does sound good.

Great quote by Carl Zwanzig.  Duct tape has so many uses.

WOW to the wonderful things on our Celebration list.  Prayers and virtual hugs to our care list.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.


Blue Lagoon:

Ingredients: 1 part Blue Curacao, 1 part Vodka, 4 parts Lemonade
Preparation: Pour vodka and blue curacao in a shaker with ice, shake well & strain into ice filled highball glass, top with lemonade, garnish and serve.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Orange slice or lemon slice

Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 7.40.51 AM.png

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4 minutes ago, doobieb said:

Thanks for the daily, Rich, and for the care list and shout outs, Roy.

We are all better for them!

We got a new mail person last fall. She rang the doorbell the first day and wanted to meet our dogs so she would know what kind of costumes to buy them for Halloween. We love our mail carriers!  As one told me a few years ago, “I know all about you.” 

Stay safe everyone. I love the cooking challenges!

Encouraging news in the U.S about the number of available vaccines.

Maybe Alabama will get out of first place for new positives. Although, our governor had a “State of the State” event last week and no one was wearing a mask!  Lots of hugging going on......

Yikes!  BTW, I look forward to the Astra Zenica vaccine which has actually demonstrated that it can reduce the virus transmission.  I hope everyone will be encouraged to get that, even those who have gotten the other vaccines. 



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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our morning smile 🙂 


USO is a wonderful organization & deserving of a day, indeed.  Yay on stuffed mushrooms. 


Definitely grateful for my mail person (it’s a woman) here.  I got my first batch of mail order seeds yesterday.  Expecting my 2nd batch possibly today so that will keep me busy and hopefully help take me out of the winter & covid doldrums.




LOL on the duct tape quote.  It certainly is something a lot think can fix everything 😉 


Good luck with your shot today, @richwmn


The meal sounds good but I have no kale in the house. Someone will have to get inventive in the kitchen.  If only.....




Our Premier has announced that he will not lift our Code Orange to move us back to Code Yellow until our most vulnerable have been vaccinated.  (The UK variant has been identified in 3 cases where people travelled). That’s certainly a while away 😢 And a wait.  Whenever I find myself feeling despondent about all of this, I look back on this FB post of mine from last year:





Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and a toast to everyone on the Celebration / Shout Out list.  It’s nice to see the Celebration list is longer than the Care list today 🙂 


Have a good Thursday, everyone!  Stay safe and don’t forget your masks 😷 


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  More good days to celebrate; I remember seeing black & white photos of Ann Margaret and Bob Hope entertaining the troops, bringing them sunshine during dark times.  We love our mailman - I always leave bottles of water in a little cooler for him during the hot months, and during the winter have a box of handwarmers for him to take whenever he needs them.  He rewards us by not bringing any junk mail.


I like the menu suggestion for today (although I'd leave out the kale), but we just had pasta with dinner last night.  DH said there are a couple of small pizzas in the "ice cave", so I think we'll dress them up with extra ham, veggies and cheese, and will cook them for dinner tonight.  And wine.


It's encouraging seeing more people able to get their Covid vaccines - here in Canada it seems things have come to a standstill.  First it was the Pfizer vaccine that wasn't coming, now it seems the Moderna will be delayed as well.  Grrr.  I just have to remember to breathe . . .


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Toasting with raised wineglasses tonight to all on the celebration list.  Be well, stay safe, wash your hands and wear your mask.


Smooth Sailing!   🙂🙂🙂


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12 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our morning smile 🙂 


USO is a wonderful organization & deserving of a day, indeed.  Yay on stuffed mushrooms. 


Definitely grateful for my mail person (it’s a woman) here.  I got my first batch of mail order seeds yesterday.  Expecting my 2nd batch possibly today so that will keep me busy and hopefully help take me out of the winter & covid doldrums.




LOL on the duct tape quote.  It certainly is something a lot think can fix everything 😉 


Good luck with your shot today, @richwmn


The meal sounds good but I have no kale in the house. Someone will have to get inventive in the kitchen.  If only.....




Our Premier has announced that he will not lift our Code Orange to move us back to Code Yellow until our most vulnerable have been vaccinated.  (The UK variant has been identified in 3 cases where people travelled). That’s certainly a while away 😢 And a wait.  Whenever I find myself feeling despondent about all of this, I look back on this FB post of mine from last year:





Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and a toast to everyone on the Celebration / Shout Out list.  It’s nice to see the Celebration list is longer than the Care list today 🙂 


Have a good Thursday, everyone!  Stay safe and don’t forget your masks 😷 



Love the Anne Frank reminder. I am actually now rereading the diary after about 40 years. Quite a sobering place to visit.

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Good morning and thanks for the update.

I would to thank my mailman but I haven’t seen any since last Saturday 😱

      Blue Lagoon sounds great . I’m not sure about dinner tonight, maybe chicken and leftovers.

       Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good morning -- it's been a busy work week but I just wanted to pop in and say that my elderly parents in Florida finally have gotten appointments to be vaccinated -- on Monday!!  This is such a relief....!  💉💉


Duct tape, stuffed mushrooms and the USO I can be thankful for. The mailman -- not so much. We have a new one and several of my neighbors are not convinced he can actually read since we continually get delivered the wrong mail. We all just go retrieve it then put it into the correct mailbox after the truck leaves the neighborhood.  I do worry about something important going astray though.


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2 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:

I just wanted to pop in and say that my elderly parents in Florida finally have gotten appointments to be vaccinated -- on Monday!!  This is such a relief....!  💉💉


That is really good news 🙂. And a big relief, indeed.

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Rich Thanks for the Daily Fleet Updaste and your meal, drink and wine suggestions.  I hope your shot goes well.  Roy thanks for the care and shout out list.    Thanks to all other contributors to the thread.  Take care my friends.

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Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! Wonderful combo of days, though your source needs to update itself a bit and replace “mailman” with “mail carrier”. Our mail carrier is Bindi’s favorite person in the world after me, because Marian gives her t-r-e-a-t-s. So we thank her everyday! Love stuffed mushrooms and what a great organization the USO is!

Happy jab day to you!


Roy, thank you for our lists! Morning Dailyites. Love the quote. The meal sounds interesting. And the drink is beautiful. Not sure about drinking something blue, but I would at least try it.  Tonight I am trying mini sheet pan meatloafs, but using ground Turkey in lieu of beef.

Congrats @cruisemom42- happy to hear your parents are scheduled. @dfish, kudos to you for snagging Tom an appointment. 

My arm is a bit sore when I raise to the ceiling and stretch it fully. Otherwise, nothing. So I am a lucky gal. I even received a compliment, when the County Health Department rep, who was signing off on my paperwork, asked me if I was a Healthcare worker. When I told him I wasn’t, and asked him why he asked me that, he told me only Healthcare workers and people 65 and older were eligible to receive the vaccine. And when I told him I was 66, he actually started working the math to confirm I was. When he was satisfied, he told me I didn’t look my age. So last night I toasted my parents & thanked them for the great genes they passed on to me.

Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to our looooong list of celebrants!

Stay well everyone!


Lots of distributors for the 2018 vintage, with prices starting at $10.99. This is the first wine I have seen anyone use the word “fluffy” to describe.
Winemaker Notes

With a deep, bright violet color, this Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits an expressive fruit-scented nose of raspberry and sarsaparilla complemented by black pepper and cedar notes on the palate, grippy tannins, and a long, pleasant finish.  

JS93 James Suckling: A tight, focused red with fresh-plum and chocolate character. Medium body, firm and creamy tannins and a flavorful finish. Drinkable now, but better in 2022.
WE90 Wine Enthusiast: Expansive cherry and plum aromas are clean, friendly and fluffy as they introduce a deep palate that's in fine shape. Flavors of cassis, wild berries and plum show backside spice, while this remains balanced and classy on the finish.


Edited by cat shepard
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Good  Morning  to  all. We  did  not  see  our  mail person  until  yesterday  due  to  the  dangerous  driving  and  walking  conditions  around  here. Things  are  improving overall with  a  glimpse  of  pavement  noted  at  the  sidewalk  while  dog  walking  earlier. My  faithful  Fred(a  bouncy  cockapoo) found  a  snow  pile  that  would  hold  his  weight  and  left  me  a  deposit  to  pick  up. Suffice  it  to  say it  did  not  hold  my  weight....snow  in  boots  at  6  am! Oh  well.


Thank  you Kazu  for  the  reminder  about  Ann  Frank. Visiting  that  museum in  Amsterdam was  so incredible.  It  puts  things  in  perspective.


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Good morning, everyone.  


Another bright sunny day here in northeast Ohio.  They can be rare, so I will enjoy it while I can.  


The Anne Frank reminder is a good one.  I have thought of that often during this pandemic.  We are stuck at home with Netflix, toll free calling, Zoom, and a host of other distractions.   We can certainly stay home as long as it takes.  


Busy day here.  I need to put together a Power Point for a Zoom presentation I am doing tonight.  I'm mostly done, but I will keep tweaking it right up to meeting time.  


Today's meal sounds good, but a bit to heavy on the carbs for me.  My blood glucose doesn't like pasta very much.   But, for those who can handle it, the recipe is here:  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/bucatini-with-sausage-kale/


Stay safe, everyone.  That light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and no, it isn't a train!

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