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The Daily for Wednesday 01/05/2022


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Cherbourg/D-Day Beaches – Part 4 


After our visit to the Cemetery, Patrick took us to a quaint local restaurant for lunch.



I've always viewed French meals as being rather dainty in portions, but that was definitely not true for what Patrick said would be great place to grab a quick snack.
We both ordered the grilled-cheese sandwich and neither of us were able to finish our meal. Should have ordered one and shared it.  


Patrick had his normal order of the quiche, as he said it was a nice light meal. Patrick is an ex-restaurateur, so he should have a good understanding of meal sizes.😉



After lunch we drove over to the Omaha Beach area, where Patrick gave a brief presentation regarding the D-Day landing.









Edited by GeorgeCharlie
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Got the news from NCL today that many cruises have been cancelled, including our Hawaii cruises. I'm happier now, because 1) the decision is out of my hands and 2) we'll get a refund rather than an FCC that had to be used for sailings no later than 12/31/22. Time to look forward to alternatives!


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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Good days. A salute to birds and screenwriters. I mainly watch carbs, not strict keto.

True, true quote. I've got a stack to read.

I like the meal and wine (but too pricey for me). I'll pass on the drink.

I haven't been to Normandy. I'd really like to visit there. Thanks for the pictures.


It's sunny but very windy and cold. Supposedly only slightly over an inch of snow tomorrow night, so I shouldn't have any issue getting to the dentist early Friday morning. I'm leaving decorations up, as BFF and I will likely celebrate Christmas Jan 25th, like we did after our Antarctica cruise where we were on board for the holidays.


Good news! I failed my test. I'm feeling pretty much back to normal, so I guess it was some viral thing, thankfully not Covid. Many schools are back to remote here, due to Covid numbers and lack of staff. Also our Children's Hospital just opened a 2nd Covid unit as admissions have surged.


@kazu Prayers for Jose, his doctors, and you. Also I hope Marley is recovering. I hope you get to see Jose soon.

@marshhawk I join the chorus of people saying you need a new PCP. Shameful behavior by yours.

@Mr. Boston Happy Birthday to Nick.

@Heartgrove Nice pictures of the snow and cold. We've had almost no snow in Western PA yet.

@smitty34877 So sorry to hear that Tana needed hospitalization and ICU. Prayers for her improvement. It's terrible the hospitals have to keep people in the halls due to the crush of Covid cases.

@dfish Maybe the chicken tenders could be air fried. I'm just setting up my Breville air fryer oven, which was my Christmas gift to myself.

@*Miss G* Love the cardinal amongst all the white snow.

@rafinmd Sorry to hear about the prescription issues. At least your rapid test was negative; that's a positive!

@Crazy For Cats I'm glad you feel better today, Jake.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for improvement for you. I felt that way about my eyes; just when I thought they were better, I'd have a flare. Trying numerous treatments, only to have the side effects be terrible. Hang in there!

@Vict0riann I hope there's no hip surgery in the near future.

@1ANGELCAT I heard about that awful fire and loss of life. They said there were 4 smoke detectors in the building, but they weren't working. Terribly sad.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Try to stay safe everyone.


Vanessa, I''m glad you are feeling better, and great news you failed your test.  I think the chicken tenders can be cooked in the air fryer.  When I cook something like that, I spritz it with a light coat of vegettable oil on both sides.  I have a spray bottle with vegetable oil that I use.  Olive oil would be healthier, but I found that it clogged the spray bottle and the mister I used before that.   It also helps to turn the food half-way through cooking.  



1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday!  

I was super tired yesterday after our long day of traveling on Monday. We got home later than expected, it took forever to get our luggage at the airport. Blue was overly excited to see us and we could hardly hold him on the way to the car. Thank goodness we didn’t have any broken water lines. It’s going to be warmer in a few days. 

@JAM37, my DSIL had the same thing happen as your friend when she was on Atkins. Very scary and since then I’m not a fan of diets. I love birds but don’t really like the messy pigeons and doves we have. 

Prayers to all on the Care list and especially Jose, Jacqui, Roy, Tana plus those I’ve missed. 

It has been a rough transition from vacation to real life cooking and planning meals and cleaning up from cooking, etc. Our fridge is rather bare right now and need to make a TJ’s run but I'm quarantining after finding out DS has covid. We saw him on Monday night before he had any symptoms. We have some at home tests and plan on testing in a few days just to be sure. DD has offered to shop for us.  Good thing our freezer is stocked. 

The meal suggestion sounds good. Chicken tenders are my favorite part of the chicken. I have chicken wings defrosting in the fridge so we will probably have those. I like to coat them in taco seasoning and bake them, they turn out good. 

Have a great day everyone!



Sharon, I'm sorry your DS has covid.  Hopefully, you and your DH won't get it.


20 minutes ago, LivGreat said:

Well, I have a similar packing problem, but not as bad as yours. I am going to Orlando to visit with Sister and her husband post cruise. Will definitely need the washer and dryer when I get there! See you all onboard on the 30th!


Welcome to the Daily.  You'll find us a very caring, helpful, supportive and friendly bunch.



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Good morning, all! Fingers crossed - the gremlins wouldn’t let me post yesterday at all. By bedtime I could react and comment, but it was really to late to post!

I feel for the birds today. The temperature has dropped to -7, and we have a winter storm warning for tonight and tomorrow. Keto used to be a guarantee of a gluten free meal. Lately, however, they’ve caught on to adding ‘wheat protein’, which IS gluten, to ketombaked goods to make them rise. Sheer poison for celiacs! Well, it was nice while it lasted!

Ill post fast to avoid the gremlins.

Happy Wednesday all, and cheers to those far from winter storm warnings on a BHB!


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Leaving Amber Cove the captain did an impressive horn melody. At least 10-15 toots. 

I am sure I am very much in the minority, but I hate to read this and similar posts.  To me, this is just like the captain is "crying wolf".  At least 10-15 toots of the ship's whistle in the danger signal.  In my USN career I qualified as officer of the deck for underway steaming and I know the meaning of whistle blasts and I am sure the captain of a cruise ship has received similar training.  I wonder why they ignore the International Rules of the Road?


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Today's sunrise is a lot more tropical than yesterday's.  It's from my 2019 Prinsendam Grand South America cruise, and was taken on our first day out of Fort  Lauderdale heading towards the Panama Canal.





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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:


Tana has been moved to the ICU.DD is waiting for  the hospitalist in charge to call.We assume that the high flow oxygen was the issue.


Oh, my.  I hope they can get Tana to a condition of comfort so that she can come home.  I know she would probably rather be home and for sure her son would want her there.   More prayers.

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During our 2019 World Cruise, we stopped in Cherbourg and chose a tour that involved a long ride to Mont Saint Michel.  While we loved visiting this World Heritage site, we had the worst meal of the entire cruise in a small cafe shortly before leaving the island.  Although the tour was an all day affair, it did not include lunch and did not give us much time to get lunch on our own.  Although the island has several interesting looking places to eat, a meal at one of these places within our time restraints obviously would not work, which led to our pick of a very small cafe that was not busy.  Obviously, we now know why it wasn’t busy!



















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1 hour ago, LivGreat said:

Well, I have a similar packing problem, but not as bad as yours. I am going to Orlando to visit with Sister and her husband post cruise. Will definitely need the washer and dryer when I get there! See you all onboard on the 30th!

This is bizarre. The gremlins would not allow me to quote & welcome you from page 4. But on page 5 - all is well!


Welcome to the Daily! 

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2 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

This is bizarre. The gremlins would not allow me to quote & welcome you from page 4. But on page 5 - all is well!

Unfortunately for me this is the norm. One page I’m logged in and the next I’m not, or I can like and then not like, or can post then not post, etc. I’ve stopped mentioning it because it happens every day. It’s getting beyond irritating. 😡 I first started having issues back in late August while on our Alaska cruise. If I didn’t love the Daily so much I would stop coming back to CC. 

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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday!  

I was super tired yesterday after our long day of traveling on Monday. We got home later than expected, it took forever to get our luggage at the airport. Blue was overly excited to see us and we could hardly hold him on the way to the car. Thank goodness we didn’t have any broken water lines. It’s going to be warmer in a few days. 

@JAM37, my DSIL had the same thing happen as your friend when she was on Atkins. Very scary and since then I’m not a fan of diets. I love birds but don’t really like the messy pigeons and doves we have. 

Prayers to all on the Care list and especially Jose, Jacqui, Roy, Tana plus those I’ve missed. 

It has been a rough transition from vacation to real life cooking and planning meals and cleaning up from cooking, etc. Our fridge is rather bare right now and need to make a TJ’s run but I'm quarantining after finding out DS has covid. We saw him on Monday night before he had any symptoms. We have some at home tests and plan on testing in a few days just to be sure. DD has offered to shop for us.  Good thing our freezer is stocked. 

The meal suggestion sounds good. Chicken tenders are my favorite part of the chicken. I have chicken wings defrosting in the fridge so we will probably have those. I like to coat them in taco seasoning and bake them, they turn out good. 

Have a great day everyone!


 I'm sorry to hear your son has Covid Sharon.

I hope it is a very mild case.

Prayers 🙏 for you that you stay free of covid.

Take care and stay safe.


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6 hours ago, *Miss G* said:


The squirrels drive my husband bonkers so he put out hot spicy suet mix.  He saw a squirrel eat it, jump off and do some back flips, and then take off running towards the stream.  Hasn’t been back since.


Unfortunately rodents, including squirrels,  cannot vomit what they eat. 

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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I was super tired yesterday after our long day of traveling on Monday. We got home later than expected, it took forever to get our luggage at the airport. Blue was overly excited to see us and we could hardly hold him on the way to the car. Thank goodness we didn’t have any broken water lines. It’s going to be warmer in a few days. 

Be careful, especially if you have outside spigots.  A frozen pipe there may still be frozen and start to leak when it thaws out.



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8 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. We have had freezing rain,sleet and ice overnight and it was treacherous getting the dogs outside earlier. I unfortunately watched a car slide down the hill into the parked cars on our street. It was unable to back up the hill to disengage from the car. My neighbors were out using ice melt on the street and one took both dogs from me so that I would not have to go on the stairs or sidewalk. That was a lovely thing to do but I worried that he would fall. We are all safely inside now.

Late yesterday Tana was taken to the hospital by ambulance. DD just heard from her and she has been admitted to a room after being in the ER hallway all night. Her doctors feel IV antibiotics are needed and perhaps the high flo oxygen. If she had to go,it certainly was better that she went last night when our fourteen steps to the street were fine. The City EMT’s have a special stair stretcher they use.

Please be careful out there!




So sorry to hear that Tana’s challenges continue. She is definitely a fighter and so lucky to have you all fighting with her and all of us praying for her. 

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sharon, I'm sorry your DS has covid.  Hopefully, you and your DH won't get it.



Thank you Lenda.  


56 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

 I'm sorry to hear your son has Covid Sharon.

I hope it is a very mild case.

Prayers 🙏 for you that you stay free of covid.

Take care and stay safe.


Thank you Graham. 

47 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Be careful, especially if you have outside spigots.  A frozen pipe there may still be frozen and start to leak when it thaws out.




Good point Roy. The worst cold weather was last week so I’ll remind DH to check outside for any leaks. 

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Unfortunately for me this is the norm. One page I’m logged in and the next I’m not, or I can like and then not like, or can post then not post, etc. I’ve stopped mentioning it because it happens every day. It’s getting beyond irritating. 😡 I first started having issues back in late August while on our Alaska cruise. If I didn’t love the Daily so much I would stop coming back to CC. 

Sorry Sharon! I remember you sharing your problems months ago. Mine took a bit longer to show up, so I should be grateful for that. 

Praying that you & DH do not come down with Covid & that your son recovers quickly. 

Edited by cat shepard
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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Unfortunately for me this is the norm. One page I’m logged in and the next I’m not, or I can like and then not like, or can post then not post, etc. I’ve stopped mentioning it because it happens every day. It’s getting beyond irritating. 😡 I first started having issues back in late August while on our Alaska cruise. If I didn’t love the Daily so much I would stop coming back to CC. 


There are several threads about this in the Help Forum.  One of them has been going on since 2020, which gives you the idea how long the problem has persisted.  I think those of us having these issues should let the powers that be know on a somewhat regular basis.  You can email them at help@cruisecritic.com.    And let them know that clearing cookies and caches is only a temporary and constantly annoying solution.  There needs to be a fix.   

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54 minutes ago, dfish said:


There are several threads about this in the Help Forum.  One of them has been going on since 2020, which gives you the idea how long the problem has persisted.  I think those of us having these issues should let the powers that be know on a somewhat regular basis.  You can email them at help@cruisecritic.com.    And let them know that clearing cookies and caches is only a temporary and constantly annoying solution.  There needs to be a fix.   


Has anyone ever responded to you, other than to tell you to clear cookies?


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4 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

I am sure I am very much in the minority, but I hate to read this and similar posts.  To me, this is just like the captain is "crying wolf".  At least 10-15 toots of the ship's whistle in the danger signal.  In my USN career I qualified as officer of the deck for underway steaming and I know the meaning of whistle blasts and I am sure the captain of a cruise ship has received similar training.  I wonder why they ignore the International Rules of the Road?



The captain did say he tooted due to a surfer in our way. We couldn't get out for almost an hour past.

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1 hour ago, dfish said:


There are several threads about this in the Help Forum.  One of them has been going on since 2020, which gives you the idea how long the problem has persisted.  I think those of us having these issues should let the powers that be know on a somewhat regular basis.  You can email them at help@cruisecritic.com.    And let them know that clearing cookies and caches is only a temporary and constantly annoying solution.  There needs to be a fix.   

Here's my tale of frustration. I am a normal Chrome user but several months ago, I had to start logging in with every visit to CC and then that may not hold for my entire visit to the site. So, I started using Firefox - although slower loading, it was reliable. Suddenly, a couple of days ago Firefox started being the culprit and Chrome is once again the champ with at this point no problems at all in a two day time period. Who knows what gremlins live in our various systems? 

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4 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

I am sure I am very much in the minority, but I hate to read this and similar posts.  To me, this is just like the captain is "crying wolf".  At least 10-15 toots of the ship's whistle in the danger signal.  In my USN career I qualified as officer of the deck for underway steaming and I know the meaning of whistle blasts and I am sure the captain of a cruise ship has received similar training.  I wonder why they ignore the International Rules of the Road?


I am sure you are in the minority too as these are cruise ships tooting while still in port, not quite underway out of the port.

If there was any danger wouldn't there be immediate communication with the port?

What do the Rules of the Road say about that?


The only horn blowing I have witnessed at sea is during a TA when we were encased in fog and the horn was blown every 5" or so to alert other ships.


Thank you for your service, sir!!

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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:


Has anyone ever responded to you, other than to tell you to clear cookies?


Yes, I did get a response telling me they were working on it.  They have been working on it since September of 2020.  Obviously, a solution or fix is not an urgent matter for them.   So, the more emails they get, the more urgent the problem becomes to them.   

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