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The Daily for Tuesday 02/22/2022


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Today is Walking the Dog Day, National Wildlife Day, and Play More Cards Day

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.--Dr. Seuss

Meal Suggestion for today - Three Cheese Meatball Mostaccioli
Drink of the Day - Sugar Pop Martini
Wine of the Day - Colosi 2020 Acacia Grillo (Sicilia) Sicily & Sardi
Destination of the Day - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Ships With Passengers

Amber Cove, Dominicana, Puerto Plata

Nieuw Amsterdam   07:00 - 18:00

At Sea Caribbean

Rotterdam   Destination Aruba eta 2/23

Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Mexico

Koningsdam   11:00 - 19:00

Cartagena Colombia

Eurodam   07:00 - 13:00

Half Moon Cay, BS

Nieuw Statendam   08:00 - 15:00

Huatulco, La Crucecita, Mexico Riviera

Zuiderdam   13:00 - 19:00


Ships Without Passengers

At Sea Mediterannean

Oosterdam   Destination Augusta, IT eta 2/24

Cadiz SP

Volendam   Shipyard
Zaandam   Shipyard

Freeport BS

Noordam   Shipyard

Long Beach CA US

Westerdam   Anchorage
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Good morning.  Thanks for the Daily Report.


Bertie and I will go for a walk shortly, when the sun comes up.🙂  He'd go for a walk anytime, but we have reports of coyotes so I like to wait until it's daylight and other people are out.  We've got rain and possibly freezing rain in the forecast, so a game of card could be fun.


Love the quote.


The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing the recipe.

The drink sounds a little sweet for me but I hope the wine is tasty.

Hope there are lots of pictures of Victoria.  Thanks in advance to everyone who posts.


Prayers for everyone.

Stay safe.

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Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich.


Great collection of days!  Walking the Dog Day is everyday here 😉 




Wildlife deserve to be protected and celebrated every day!.  Love the Dr. Seuss quote.  Meal sounds good sans meatballs 😉. Waiting on cat’s description for the wine.  




Love Victoria - such a beautiful spot.  I was so jealous when we were there as their shrubs & flowers were all in bloom while I knew ours weren’t even sprouting yet at home.  Gorgeous spot 🙂 


 Another storm heading our way tonight - snow, freezing rain & then it warms up and rain before it heads back to the deep freeze.  Great 😠 More flooding and freezing & closed roads.  I’ll take extra supplies for DH today to be safe.  This is getting tiresome - You can add rain and ice to this meme:




Can’t believe I went through my gardening catalogues and ordered some new perennials and bulbs.  Must be habit 😉 How I will find time to do it all is beyond me.  I’ll probably end up looking like this:





@puppycanducruiseyou are smart to wait until daylight to walk Bertie.  I do the same due to the coyotes here.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Shout Out / Celebratory list


Have a great Tuesday, everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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Good afternoon.

It is currently 50°F and sunny here in NE England.

Isolation rules in England are being removed in England on Thursday which is concerning for cruising imo.

Thank you for today's daily Rich.

Interesting days.

I rarely play cards.

Unusual quote.

I will give today's food and drink a miss.

We have never been to today's port so I am looking forward to seeing photos.

Prayers for Sandi and her niece and everyone else on the care list.

Take care and stay safe.



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Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report.  No dog to walk although it is a nice morning for it.  I’ll pay extra attention to any wildlife that I come across, you would be surprised at what you see in the city sometimes.  Won’t be playing any cards.  Fun quote and a delicious sounding meal suggestion.  I’ll pass on the drink.  I’m sure there’ll be some very nice photos today of a port that I haven’t been to.  Prayers for all on our list. Cheers to everyone celebrating everyone happy events today.  Have a nice day all you Dailyites!

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Good morning from SW Florida, another beautiful day in the mid 80s.

2-22-22 today, some lucky numbers for me, might have to buy a daily lotto ticket today which I very seldom do.

No golf today but had a nice round yesterday shooting my age.

My late aunt Tessie always made great mostaccioli and meatballs.

Hope everyone is well.

Thank's for The Daily.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Thank you for the Daily report. I like the collection of days, minus the dog-walking since I neither have any nor like any that much to want to walk them. 

The drink sounds tasty, as does the wine and meal. I’ve never been west of the Lake Huron side of Canada but I hear it’s quite beautiful. 

More thunderstorms rolling through here again. We’re supposed to have several inches of rain by the end of the week. We’re already 3.5” over our normal for this year, and the year has just started! I’d much rather have rain than some of the snow y’all are getting. 

Prayers and caring for those who need it. There are some serious issues going on in some folks’ lives that just breaks my heart. Love those memes, @kazu! Stiff upper lip and all that. 

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Good morning, everyone.


It is a warm and rainy morning here.  This is going to disintegrate into a storm with 3-5 inches of snow later this week.  Oh, joy!    I have an early pool time today and then have to head down to the credit union.   After that, all errands are run for the week and I can relax.  


Today' s meal sounds great.  I have to give it a pass due to the carb load, but maybe I could mix the meatballs, cheese and sauce with cauliflower florets.  I did make cauliflower last night and it was great!  


The first recipe gives us an easy to follow and easy to do preparation.   Nutrition facts:  1-1/3 cups: 541 calories, 23g fat (11g saturated fat), 105mg cholesterol, 1335mg sodium, 55g carbohydrate (13g sugars, 5g fiber), 34g protein.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/three-cheese-meatball-mostaccioli/




And here's the healthy version that uses turkey instead of ground beef.   Note it isn't really healthier.   600 Calories, 20g Total Fat, 41g Protein, 64g Total Carbohydrate, 4g Sugars





All the other recipes I found were the same as the first one.   


Prayers for those who need them.  Especially for @StLouisCruisers and niece, Jen, as well as @smitty34877's Tana, and our friend @kazu Jacqui.   Cheers to those who are celebrating and wishing @rafinmd a continued great journey on his cruise.   Have a wonderful day, everyone.



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1 minute ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


It is a warm and rainy morning here.  This is going to disintegrate into a storm with 3-5 inches of snow later this week.  Oh, joy!    I have an early pool time today and then have to head down to the credit union.   After that, all errands are run for the week and I can relax.  


Today' s meal sounds great.  I have to give it a pass due to the carb load, but maybe I could mix the meatballs, cheese and sauce with cauliflower florets.  I did make cauliflower last night and it was great!  


The first recipe gives us an easy to follow and easy to do preparation.   Nutrition facts:  1-1/3 cups: 541 calories, 23g fat (11g saturated fat), 105mg cholesterol, 1335mg sodium, 55g carbohydrate (13g sugars, 5g fiber), 34g protein.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/three-cheese-meatball-mostaccioli/




And here's the healthy version that uses turkey instead of ground beef.   Note it isn't really healthier.   600 Calories, 20g Total Fat, 41g Protein, 64g Total Carbohydrate, 4g Sugars





All the other recipes I found were the same as the first one.   


Prayers for those who need them.  Especially for @StLouisCruisers and niece, Jen, as well as @smitty34877's Tana, and our friend @kazu Jacqui.   Cheers to those who are celebrating and wishing @rafinmd a continued great journey on his cruise.   Have a wonderful day, everyone.



YUM, Yum, YUM!

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Happy Twos Day, 2 - 22 - 22.  We don't have a dog, but I can pick Sochi up and walk her around the house if that'll do.  Being 5 houses away from the river park, we see lots of wildlife in and around our place; rabbits, porcupines, skunks, coyotes, the occasional moose, deer, and even a bear.  We don't play cards often, but I always bring a deck with us when we travel.


Well we're back into the deep freeze today with a temp of -32C and a wind chill of -42C.  Ugly cold again and we're supposed to stay that way until it starts to warm up by about 10 degrees on Thursday.  Ah, life on the "frozen tundra"!


Happy Birthday to @irishjim, wishing you a great day, and a good report from your DW's appointment.


In case anyone is interested, it's also National Margarita Day, so if you're buying, make mine a strawberry margarita, please!


Not a lot on the agenda for us today, although I found something I can do.  Yesterday while going into the broom closet I was amazed that the number of plastic bags seem to have grown overnight - I'm sure there's a secret bag society that meets in the dark closets and reproduces like rabbits.  I think today's the day when I finally get into it and take care of my "bags of bags"; I know the local food bank is happy to receive grocery bags so we'll be venturing out to bring them over there.


I like today's menu suggestion, but will file the recipe away for another day.  There are a couple of pork chops thawing in the fridge that are going to be baked in the oven along with a creamy rice dish.  Served with a Greek salad, that's what will be happening on our dinner table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  We'll clink our glasses to celebrate with everyone on the happy list.  Be safe, get your boosters, wash your hands, wear your masks (as long as you feel you need to), stay well and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Thank you for today’s Daily Rich.

Happy Birthday @irishjim may your new year be filled with laughter, love and great health. Hope you get your birthday wish!





Thank you for keeping our lists Roy. Hope you had a restful night, Sandi! 
Morning all.  Another glorious morning here. Bindi put in more than 9,000 steps yesterday, so She may have confused her days. Sadly, I do not have any mor Wildlife pics to share, and we have finally reached the end of….


the animal series…











Hoping most of the crowds have left Daytona, since I have an appointment there this afternoon. Hoping to finally get my iPad fixed. It needs a new battery and the place I visited close by last week couldn’t help me. 

Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone!



Colosi 2020 Acacia Grillo
This Sicilian white wine sounds delightful. Certified Vegan. Excellent ratings and a very reasonable price that encourages trying it. Numerous online distributors with prices starting at $11.47.

Grillo is an indigenous Sicilian white grape variety once used as the base for the best Marsala. Originally it produced potent, full-bodied base wines that were supplemented by other varietals such as Inzolia and Catarratto. Sicilian producers have since resurrected their Grillo vineyards and are now producing Grillo as its own wonderfully fresh and clean varietal.
The color is a pale straw yellow. The bouquet on the nose is intense and rich with hints of golden apple followed by sensations of tropical fruit. Sapid, clean, and well balanced sip.  Perfect with fish, seafood. 
Estate owned by: Colosi family

Winemaker: Piero Colosi
Total acreage of vine: 25

Winery Production: 700,000 bottles 

100% Grillo

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Good morning  .  @irishjim,a very Happy Birthday to you!

Dog walking is every day here and the two dogs are kind to me on the steep hills.It is an urban area but we have very well nourished raccoons  and shunks to deal with.I am always a little apprehensive  in the dark.

I have not been to Victoria but look forward to pictures. And the recipe looks divine.

I am taking the plunge today and finally getting  my way too long hair cut.I found a salon where masks are used in spite of changing mandates/rules and I hope to resemble the woman I used to look like when I come home.I have been to grocery stores the library,dentist and medical appointments. I just kept putting this off.Oh my. Real life returns!






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Thank you for the Tuesday (I think Washington's actual birthday as well as @irishjim).  No dog to walk and I don't play cards but salute National Wildlife Day.  I like the quote but was prepared to pass on the meal until I saw @dfish description.  Love Victoria.


My alternate menu suggestion is Minestrone soup, Filet Mignon, and Baked Alaska, my planned selections for this evening.  The photo is from last night, Fruit Salad, Steak au Poivre, and Strawberry Shortcake:


Today’s care list:

StLouisCruiser’s niece with post fall hearing loss
Strength for Jacqui Jose, the doctors and a happy remaining life for Marley
Jose’s blood tests
Welfare of furloughed crews
The Queen with Covid
ger_77 DH Cardiac issues and cancelled cruise
Superoma in isolation
Cruising along niece awaiting a kidney


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

6 BHB with passengers
Happy birthday Irishjim
Successful (although painful) MOSE for StLouisCruisers
Bon Voyage JAM37 (Mariner OTS 2/22-26)
5 days for NorseH20 (Zuiderdam to 4/4)
 0106 {Zuiderdam to 2/27),  ottahand7 (Nieuw Statendam to 3/6),  DeeniEncinitas (Riviera to  3/8) , GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to 2/27) and myself and Lady Hudson (Enchantment OTS to 2/25)at sea
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



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Good Morning Dailyites!  It is supposed to get up to 76 today, and then next week back down in the 30's.  If you are in the path of the snows/rain/tornados/and other weather,  please take care and caution in your travels.


@StLouisCruisers I hope your head is feeling better today, and that you got the needed rest to help.

@dfishThose recipes look great.  Thank you for your daily research.


After seeing and understanding about price increases in food, DH has finally become willing to eat left overs.  We bought two tenderloins the other day, split one for dinner, and will have the other in steak quesadillas tonight. (I'm pretty sure he is not going to suffer too much).


Our orange feral has disappeared.  He's been gone for about a week.  Poor Fawn really misses him, she spends more time on her porch, sleeping in the chair that is closest to the  window so that she can keep an eye on us.  The indoor (indoorians) cats often check on her.  The boys will go to the window and try to bump their heads with hers. (doesn't really work).  If only we could get her calm enough to get that rabies vaccine,  we would love to bring her in.  She's been with us for 5 years, but wild as can be when it comes to the vets.  The bunch of strays that showed up last week, we are down to just one.  A cute black and white cat, but I do believe she is a female, as Fawn does not like her at all.


DH has a meeting this morning, and i told him i would take him out for lunch, and then i can get the mail mailed, get to the bank,  and then come back and walk the neighbors dog, and then go to work.  Tonight is the night that I take the neighbors dog out again, and since the Olympics are over, my tv addiction is done...now I have to catch up on all the stuff i missed on Britbox for two weeks.


Virtual hugs!

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Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and Debbie for the wonderful recipes everyday.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


Sam loves to go on his walks.


- Jack




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Good morning friends!  It was fairly warm this morning at 55F, but we had some heavy rains overnight.  There is another pond on the fairway behind us.  It shall disappear by tonight I would guess.  Yes, Ann @cat shepardI slept pretty well last night.  At least until 3 am when I awoke for the remainder of the night.  But that is pretty usual for me.  I just stay there in my warm bed and "rest" until time to get up.  My wound feels pretty good today, unless you bump it dressing and then yes, it's tender.  I didn't think I needed more ice on it until I took a close look in the mirror.  I see a crease where some swelling rises and is hidden under the humongous bandage they placed there, so I guess I'm getting the ice pack back out.  I have to take my glasses off to use the ice pack, and when my glasses are off I can't SEE!  So it will have to wait a bit.  Thanks for all the prayers! 🥰


@irishjimHappy birthday today and good luck to Sheila at her appointment.  🎂


I heard it was margarita day and knew a lot of people would be happy about that.  My DD especially.  As for playing more cards, I don't play cards often enough to be good at it.   I can't walk the dog since I don't have one.  As for wildlife I haven't seen any lately.  No armadillos or foxes running loose recently.  The meatballs in the mostaccioli looks so good.  I've never had mostaccioli that way but why not?  When I was growing up in Missouri everybody had mostaccioli at their wedding receptions and family reunions.  I thought it was a Missouri thing.  


Prayers were said for all on our latest Care list, starting with Jennifer.  (I've called her that since she was a baby and can't get used to the shortened version).  She is in an earlier time zone than we are so news hasn't come in this morning on her condition, but I'm confident she is working hard to regain her strength.  If I've got a pain in my head I can't imagine how badly her head must feel with multiple fractures!  I've got a cute get well card with a dog on the front that I'm going to send her.  That should cheer her up because she loves dogs.  Thanks to everyone here who prayed for her.  Love you guys and gals!


Take care on the roads and shoveling snow.  And good luck getting to the hospital Jacqui!  😷

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