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The Daily for Sunday 04/24/2022


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Good Sunday morning.   Happy Orthodox Easter.  The news showed that phony Putin at Mass this morning.   


I miss my pets.  We made a decision to go petless until we are homebound and can't travel anymore.   It wasn't fair to them to leave for lengths of time.   New Kids No.   An interesting and fun quote.   Looking forward to the Linguini recipe - it sounds good.  A great drink so good I took a picture of it to give it a try.  I sure hope that the Cote du Rhone shows up on HA again.  There is such a need for tasty value wines like that.  God willing March 6 2023 we will spend 1/2 day in Parentins on the Volendam.   


Prayers for all on Roy's care list and for the souls in Mariupol.  🙏 @kazu Sincere prayers for strength for you.   You just get things seem being OK and the rug is pulled out from under you both.   @Cruzin Terrigood luck with your testing today.   


It was 80 yesterday, first time since October 10.  I got a lot of plants divided and potted for a sale.    A palm like house plant was repotted and Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) seeds started to grow indoors to bring to our cabin.   A productive day and another good 1/2 day today before rain and then the cold returns.    


Since Amsterdam was our port yesterday I am sharing a couple of seafood dishes from a lovely seafood restaurant we enjoyed so much we ate there twice.   Lobster for my Maine(er) friend of course.   Clams and baby Dover Sole.    

amsterdam seafood.jpg

baby Dover sole.jpg

Edited by ottahand7
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Thank you for the Daily Report!  It is supposed to be a gorgeous day here  with the temp going up to 21C!  We are pet parents to two sister cats here.  One is a Tortie and the other is a Tuxedo.   My daughter was a Back Street Boys fan so NKOTB was "the enemy" at the time and now they have toured together.   I started watching Blue Bloods and became a NKOTB fan because I liked Donnie on BB.  Then I got hooked on watching Walhlburgers which revolves around the Wahlberg family.  NKOTB even have an annual cruise on another cruise line. 


Very happy to see my favourite BHB will have passengers again starting today.  

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Good morning. It is sunny here and expected  to be in the sixties.We had a nice cook outdoor but eat indoor BBQ meal here last night and decided we would repeat the procedure today with the addition of grilled salmon and chicken.I have a rice and chickpea salad to make and there will be enough for everyone. 

We celebrate being pet parents here but will not go so far as the boy band.My musical tastes include my beloved Allman Brothers ,the Rolling Stones and Talking Heads.We will declare it their day here and listen to a lot of music that makes one want to dance. And sing along.

@kazu,Jacqui, I am so sorry  to hear about the latest obstacle for you and Jose. I hope the person in charge lets you in earlier to assist It sounds overwhelming. 



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1 hour ago, kazu said:

I am weary physically and mentally.  Bear with me and I will try to be more cheerful tomorrow.


No, No, No @kazu please don't think you have to be feeling any certain way to come here. Come here to share you pain, cry your tears, and also shout your joys -- please know that here you can be whatever you are on any given day. So, come as you can. Your Daily-ites love you, care deeply about you, and we miss you when you're gone.

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Good morning everyone. Looks like it will e a nice day. We have been pet parents at least four times but for now we are done. Not a fan of New Kids unless it means new students or new people moving in. When we were new kids on the block nine years ago, we were made to feel very welcome. 
Yesterday our handyman cleaned out our garage. Among the things to go was a baby gate for the stairs we bought when our two 20 year old grandsons were babies. Somehow we moved with it nine years ago and never noticed we still had it.

I am on a clean up and donate campaign because we have too much of everything.

Stay safe everyone,


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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

Paska is a delicious, sweet, festive bread that is rich in butter and eggs and baked only for Easter. You can easily recognize one by its tall and cylindrical shape with a rounded top, which is usually decorated with dough ornaments or a white glaze. It smells divine, and no wonder: its flavorings may include ginger, saffron, vanilla, citron and rum.

I saw your photo of the Paska and looked up a recipe to make when it is cold later this week.  It is also known as Kulich which I think may be the Russian name.  I have baked it before and I have a recipe in a book.  The problem is the round mold to cook it in.  I used to make it in a 1 pound coffee can.   I don't have any cans that size in the house.  I guess we will need to buy some baked beans and have them before I can make it.  It is a very tasty bread.  Please share a picture.    Thanks for the happy memories.  

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The weather forecast is for 80° F. today, and then snow on Wednesday. I still have lawn to mow but I don't like to do it on Sunday -- I grew up in a neighborhood full of churches and of neighbors who belonged to them and objected to noisy outdoor work on Sunday. My present neighbors aren't churchgoers but it's so ingrained that only desperation on my part will overcome it.


Last night was Rumpelnacht, "Rumble Night," the night when Passover ends. The term refers to the noise of hurriedly packing up and storing the Passover dishes and cookware; if there is too much haste some dishes may get broken, and as a charm against this some families used to save any chipped or cracked dishes to break deliberately. Goes to show: Moroccan Jews have an elaborate celebration on the last night of Passover, while my people pack dishes.


The meal of the day isn't in my plans. I might have cauliflower pizza, if I go to a store to buy it.


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20 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


No, No, No @kazu please don't think you have to be feeling any certain way to come here. Come here to share you pain, cry your tears, and also shout your joys -- please know that here you can be whatever you are on any given day. So, come as you can. Your Daily-ites love you, care deeply about you, and we miss you when you're gone.

+1 I absolutely agree.

We are here to listen and support you Jacqui @kazu.


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1 hour ago, puppycanducruise said:

There are daffodils blooming in my front yard.  I did not plant them there, but I enjoy seeing them, hope you do too.



Thanks for these pictures, now that I'm living in SoFlo I really miss spring flowers. I always buy tulips and daffodils but for the last couple of years they have been almost non existent for purchase here. And of course traveling to England or Ireland for walks in the woods has been impossible.

When family visit in January/February they are always amazed at the flowers here, especially hibiscus and bird of paradise. To them daffodils are not that unusual and hopefully mean winter is over.

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@kazuWhen I wrote I was worried because we had not heard from you.  


Why is the wheelchair your responsibility when there is National Health care in Canada?  Is the National Health System reliant on income? I thought all qualified.  I really don’t mean to sound stupid, but I don’t know.  This makes no sense to me.  


I hate to sound dumb, but even in the US, something like that would be wholly or partially covered by Medicare regardless of income.  


i hope you can get this sorted out.  You are in my prayers.  

God Bless,



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Jacqui, I checked the Dailyite bylaws and there is NOTHING that says you have to be cheerful in your posts. 

Of course I want you to have something to be cheerful about & pray that day comes soon. ❤️

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Good morning, everyone.


The internet and power came back on sooner than expected.  I guess there was a fire in a transformer which affected the power and I have no idea what did in the internet.  But all is well now.  


I got up this morning at 5:00 to take my keynote speaker to the airport in Columbus.  My last official duty.  So, I decided to just drive home then.  I had forgotten how much work it was to put on a statewide conference like we had.  We had a decent turnout despite Covid.  We did require vaccination and masks to attend.  


Today's meal sounds pretty good to me.  I'd just have to substitute zoodles and I'm good to go.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/turkey-linguine-with-tomato-cream-sauce/




Of course, you don't have to use linguine.  Any pasta will do.  https://sugarandsnappeas.com/pink-pasta-sauce-tomato-cream-sauce-with-ground-turkey/




You can add a little spinach to it for more vegetable matter.   https://thesaltedpepper.com/one-skillet-turkey-spinach-pasta-with-tomato-cream-sauce/




Or if you don't want turkey, you can substitute other meats like Italian sausage.





Prayers for all who need them, especially Ukraine and our Daily family members.  Here's hoping @Cruzin Terri makes it out of Covid jail soon.   Cheers to all who are celebrating.   Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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42 minutes ago, dfish said:

The Meal of the Day will be late today.  I have no power or internet.  Sitting outside the library right now.


Oh dear - I hope your power comes back on soon 🤞 


18 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@kazuWhen I wrote I was worried because we had not heard from you.  


Why is the wheelchair your responsibility when there is National Health care in Canada?  Is the National Health System reliant on income? I thought all qualified.  I really don’t mean to sound stupid, but I don’t know.  This makes no sense to me.  


I hate to sound dumb, but even in the US, something like that would be wholly or partially covered by Medicare regardless of income.  


i hope you can get this sorted out.  You are in my prayers.  

God Bless,




I am swimming in new waters here (sometimes treading water and sometimes sinking) Terri but yes we are covered for most health care in the hospital.  It’s not relegated to income.


Here’s where the catch comes in - if you are “medically discharged’ which means there is no more testing to do, diagnosis is made and the hospital has no further work - then our Medicare no longer covers it and the hospital stay is no longer free.  After a brief period they charge for Jose’s care and stay there while he waits to be placed.  it is at a reduced rate fortunately as long as you are ‘co-operative’ (trying to get him placed).  This is the 3rd month I am being charged.


As to the wheel chair, there is a possibility my insurance will cover a portion of it. (They paid 80% of my elbow brace / metal cast recommended after surgery, etc but this is $1,000’s of dollars more than my elbow brace)  The OT will send the application off to them once we know the measurements, etc needed for the wheel chair.  I WOULD qualify for total payment IF we qualified for the Government subsidy for the Nursing Home.  We don’t.  I am going to be making a number of calls on Monday in case there is some coverage I am unaware of but sadly we  are middle class and have a decent pension,  so when your income is above x there is no Government subsidy for Nursing Home care nor for many medical devices that have to be specialized.


I paid nothing for Jose’s multitude of tests (the nurses’ were calling him the Million Dollar man because of the costs) and stay in the hospital until there was nothing more they could do and he was ‘medically discharged’.


Hopefully this makes sense.  


It’s all new to me and I’m learning as I go.


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12 minutes ago, kazu said:


Oh dear - I hope your power comes back on soon 🤞 



I am swimming in new waters here (sometimes treading water and sometimes sinking) Terri but yes we are covered for most health care in the hospital.  It’s not relegated to income.


Here’s where the catch comes in - if you are “medically discharged’ which means there is no more testing to do, diagnosis is made and the hospital has no further work - then our Medicare no longer covers it and the hospital stay is no longer free.  After a brief period they charge for Jose’s care and stay there while he waits to be placed.  it is at a reduced rate fortunately as long as you are ‘co-operative’ (trying to get him placed).  This is the 3rd month I am being charged.


As to the wheel chair, there is a possibility my insurance will cover a portion of it. (They paid 80% of my elbow brace / metal cast recommended after surgery, etc but this is $1,000’s of dollars more than my elbow brace)  The OT will send the application off to them once we know the measurements, etc needed for the wheel chair.  I WOULD qualify for total payment IF we qualified for the Government subsidy for the Nursing Home.  We don’t.  I am going to be making a number of calls on Monday in case there is some coverage I am unaware of but sadly we  are middle class and have a decent pension,  so when your income is above x there is no Government subsidy for Nursing Home care nor for many medical devices that have to be specialized.


I paid nothing for Jose’s multitude of tests (the nurses’ were calling him the Million Dollar man because of the costs) and stay in the hospital until there was nothing more they could do and he was ‘medically discharged’.


Hopefully this makes sense.  


It’s all new to me and I’m learning as I go.


Thank you for helping me understand.  i am so sorry for all your troubles and wish there was some way I could help.  We had a similar situation with Jim’s brother.  His father left him some money and he could never qualify for government help because of that.  We had to foot all the bills.  And now it is causing so many problems trying to settle the estate.

Jacqui, you are in my daily prayers.  i pray that God gives you all the strength you need to cope with this.


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Good morning all!

Just popping in quickly before I start baking chocolate chip cookies to take down to the grandsons today.  DH is working at the Mariner game so I'll be going alone this time.  They asked if I could stay with the boys while DD goes to a cooking class with DDIL and DSIL is skiing this morning.  It's supposed to be a gorgeous day, up to 66F today! Will see what the boys and I can find to do outside.


We were pet parents for 5 years before having children, and always had a pet up until 11 years ago.  When our last kitty crossed the Rainbow Bridge we decided not to have pets while we're still traveling for long periods of time. I miss having a pet, but don't miss how much I missed them when we were away.


I've heard of the New Kids on the Block band, but my first thought, as a Navy wife, was our kids who were the new kids on the block every 2 years because the Navy moved us often.  I'll pass on the drink and red wine, the meal sounds pretty good.


@Cruzin Terriprayers for negative tests for you and DH tomorrow and the next day.

@kazuJacqui I'm so sorry more challenges have been thrown at you.  Prayers that you'll have no problem getting to see Jose as often as you have been.


Well, off to the kitchen! Have a great day everyone. 🙂  



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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is sunny here and expected  to be in the sixties.We had a nice cook outdoor but eat indoor BBQ meal here last night and decided we would repeat the procedure today with the addition of grilled salmon and chicken.I have a rice and chickpea salad to make and there will be enough for everyone. 

We celebrate being pet parents here but will not go so far as the boy band.My musical tastes include my beloved Allman Brothers ,the Rolling Stones and Talking Heads.We will declare it their day here and listen to a lot of music that makes one want to dance. And sing along.

@kazu,Jacqui, I am so sorry  to hear about the latest obstacle for you and Jose. I hope the person in charge lets you in earlier to assist It sounds overwhelming. 




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2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


No, No, No @kazu please don't think you have to be feeling any certain way to come here. Come here to share you pain, cry your tears, and also shout your joys -- please know that here you can be whatever you are on any given day. So, come as you can. Your Daily-ites love you, care deeply about you, and we miss you when you're gone.


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Good morning, Dailyites.  It is a beautiful day here, and my indoor plants will go outside for the day again.  My 3 foot ponytail palm is going to stay out tonight, also the tender fuchsia, but I will bring in the South African bleeding heart for a few more nights, I think, until it gets up to maybe 8 degrees for the low.


Jacqui, @kazu, I'm sorry about all the difficulties you are having,  please do all your venting here, we will always be supportive!  I was wondering if you might need to check with the nursing home you have Jose on the list for, as they may not allow that sort of specialized wheelchair, and it would be a shame to spend a small fortune on it without knowing.  I do hope the hospital allows you to go in whenever you need to.  


@Cruzin Terri, hope you both test negative tomorrow and the next day, and are let out of prison.


@ottahand7, if you get the chance to attend a "Boi Bumba" show in Parentins,  do take it!  It is loud, and very energetic.  Try to get seats in the front row....









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