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The Daily for Thursday 04/28/2022


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

In honor of Astronomy Day, here is a picture of M51, Whirlpool Galaxy, with another smaller galaxy above it.  The larger galaxy is pulling the a smaller one into it.  DH took this picture with his new telescope on January 6 this year.






This picture is out of this world fantastic!  Thank you for sharing it.


1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I'm sorry you did not get a definite answer.  To keep you from having to be put under twice, couldn't he just take care of both the gall bladder and the mass at once?




He said that would be very difficult because to do the gall bladder I would be on my back and to do the adrenal mass I would be on my side.  I guess they can't turn people? No, I get it.  


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Sending you our prayers 🙏 that a solution can be found to make you better Debbie.



Thank you, Graham.


1 hour ago, kazu said:


No, I think you’ve got them all covered now.  Over the last 5 months I’ve learned all the key tests.  Ultra sounds can show things MRI’s don’t and vice versa so hopefully it helps 🤞 



I know it’s frustrating but it sounds like he is being methodical.  I do hope he can get it resolved for you 🙏🏻 



I just needed to vent a bit.  I've been chasing this pain for a year now.  It can be as intense as a kidney stone.  In fact, that is what I thought it was at the beginning. But, I ruled that out because kidney stone pain doesn't react like this does.  I'm frustrated because still no resolution after a year.  We thought it was my back so I did the PT, I did massage, I did dry needling, I did nerve ablation, I did trigger point injections.  Nothing worked.  The MRI showed that my back wasn't as bad as we thought it was.   So, rule that out.  We thought it was the cluneal nerve.  We did PT for that and injections for that.  No such luck.  I'll be ok.


I am sorry Jose is having such a rough time.  You have really been through it all, Jacqui.  Prayers for you.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Ugh. My post went into cyberspace. Trying again.



@dfish More tests! I guess he's being thorough. Was this a general surgeon? Around here it's usually an endocrine surgeon that removes adrenal tumors.



He isn't an endocrine surgeon, but more than an general surgeon.  He does a lot of abdominal work as well as bariatric surgery.


7 minutes ago, JAM37 said:


Debbie, I'm sorry you feel no progress has been made. Prayers that the ultrasound gives a definitive diagnosis and that only one surgery is necessary.



Thank you!  I really didn't need to pick up a second surgery.


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9 minutes ago, dfish said:

I just needed to vent a bit.  I've been chasing this pain for a year now.  It can be as intense as a kidney stone.  In fact, that is what I thought it was at the beginning. But, I ruled that out because kidney stone pain doesn't react like this does.  I'm frustrated because still no resolution after a year.  We thought it was my back so I did the PT, I did massage, I did dry needling, I did nerve ablation, I did trigger point injections.  Nothing worked.  The MRI showed that my back wasn't as bad as we thought it was.   So, rule that out.  We thought it was the cluneal nerve.  We did PT for that and injections for that.  No such luck.  I'll be ok.



Oh my heavens Debbie - you’ve really been through the ringer 😔 You vent away!  You deserve to.  I sure hope this doctor can help you 🙏🏻 

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31 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Thanks for those pictures, Lenda.  I had no idea that a home telescope could produce results like that.  I assume you have to be far from the lights of the city, a very clear night sky, and a steady foundation for the telescope.


The telescopes were developed in France, but are pretty pricey.  Vanos is the company, and the models are Stellina and Vespera.  DH did say than anyone who could navigate CC, can use them.  DH got them because of the neignbor's lights the lights don't seem to bother them.  You do need a relatively level, steady base.  


BTW, DH added that someone on the Singletary FB page who lives in Seattle has had his for three weeks and has not been able to use it due to the cloud cover.  



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@kazu Jacqui, I'm so sorry to hear about Jose's condition. I'm praying that he can stay in that caring ward until he gets placed. Also praying for strength for you. Please find time to care for yourself. Here's one more hug heading your way!

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Good evening all, I hope everyone had a great day and a better tomorrow. 
Well, this Dr seems a little more helpful than the last one. He ordered a different medicine than the last one.  Also ordered an MRI and physical therapy for my hand. He wants to see me in 6 months but wants a phone in 2 weeks to see how the new medication is doing.

@dfishsorry your news wasn’t better. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists, @kazuspecial thoughts to you.🙏❤️

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39 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi all! Happy to report that Sis & I are on the plane at JFK. Tomorrow we'll be in Belgium! Prayers for all who need them, and cheers to all who are celebrating!






Have a fabulous time and safe travels.

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I finally found the pictures I posted on July 31, 2021, of Loreto and our to San Javier.  Evidently, it was also Mutts Day.


We were in Loreto on the Ruby Princess in 2016.  It is in the Sea of Cortez on the east coast of Baja California north of La Paz.  Cruise ships usually only do one or two cruises in that area each year.  We took a tour to San Javier, a small town up in the mountains; then, we walked through Loreto on the way back to the pier.


The sunrise on Loreto as we approached the anchorage.



The main street and church in San Javier








Behind the church was an area with ancient trees with twisted trunks.



In honor of mutts day, a local resident



The little café where we had an early, good lunch



On the way back to Loreto, we stopped at a view point with a wayside chapel/




Back in Loreto, our guide took us to the local church.




Loreto on the walk back to the pier and the tenders.








Love  the  photos.


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Very late to the daily today, busy, busy!  Love astronomy and always hug my mate.  Poetry escapes me although someone once told me that if you want to be a more concise writer you should take a poetry class. The quote is wonderful, I may need to make it into a poster as I near retirement.  The meal suggestion looks delicious as does the wine.  I’m not a JB fan so I’ll skip today’s drink. Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events 🥂

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1 hour ago, dfish said:


This picture is out of this world fantastic!  Thank you for sharing it.



He said that would be very difficult because to do the gall bladder I would be on my back and to do the adrenal mass I would be on my side.  I guess they can't turn people? No, I get it.  



Thank you, Graham.



I just needed to vent a bit.  I've been chasing this pain for a year now.  It can be as intense as a kidney stone.  In fact, that is what I thought it was at the beginning. But, I ruled that out because kidney stone pain doesn't react like this does.  I'm frustrated because still no resolution after a year.  We thought it was my back so I did the PT, I did massage, I did dry needling, I did nerve ablation, I did trigger point injections.  Nothing worked.  The MRI showed that my back wasn't as bad as we thought it was.   So, rule that out.  We thought it was the cluneal nerve.  We did PT for that and injections for that.  No such luck.  I'll be ok.


I am sorry Jose is having such a rough time.  You have really been through it all, Jacqui.  Prayers for you.



He isn't an endocrine surgeon, but more than an general surgeon.  He does a lot of abdominal work as well as bariatric surgery.



Thank you!  I really didn't need to pick up a second surgery.



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Sending extra prayers and hugs to  Jacqui and Debbie,

@dfishI’m sorry there is no definitive  answer and just more questions.  Hope you get some pain relief soon.  I’ve head one kidney stone and that is enough to put you through the roof, so I can’t imagine how difficult this has been.

@kazuoh poor Jose,  hope they can get on top of this. I’m glad the unit is so much better, but I’m sorry you have to watch him suffer.  Gentle hugs! 

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i have finally read through all the posts and am so sorry to hear of all the illnesses and pray that things improve for those involved. Especially @JazzyV with diagnosis of RA, @dfishthat your situation is resolved and you get some pain relief and most of all @kazujacqui, that Jose’s edema is resolved and that you get some much needed rest and relief.  

Cheers to all celebrating and cruising.

Prayers for Ukraine.

God Bless,


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4 hours ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone.


The surgeon wants an ultrasound of the abdomen.   Is there any other kind of imaging that can be done?   I've had x-rays, MRI, CT, and now ultrasound.  If there is more, let me know and I'll tell him to schedule those, too, and be done with it.  


He thinks it is the gall bladder, but the pain isn't in the right places for gall bladder.  The CT did find stones, so maybe that is the issue.   He said he'd take that out and if that wasn't the problem then we could go back and do the adrenal mass.   Frustrating.   I don't really feel any closer to a resolution on this than I was before I paid him beaucoup bucks.

Debbie, I hope the ultrasound works out and the doctor can get a better opinion on the source of your pain.  Good luck!  I'm sure this is totally frustrating for you after all this.



3 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the Thursday Daily, Rich and your faithfulness in starting it for the last 3 years 👍 


I am very late to the party today but finally have the strength to post.  Yesterday was not good and today was the worst.  When the PCA (Personal Care Assistant) says ‘we are all here for you - would you like a hug’  you know the picture isn’t pretty.   And it really wasn’t.  I’ve never been so scared or sad as I was today and last night.  Jose’s oedema is so bad that the water is seeping out creating blisters (in this case - on his feet).  It’s very painful and I’m sure he didn’t know it was me there except for maybe one minute.

thank heavens Jose was transferred to this ward.  I have a full update now and wound care was called in twice for Jose and a specialist is evaluating what food he can eat with his difficulty in swallowing.  They are working on his oedema and I hope tomorrow is a bit better.  I am exhausted.


sorry @rafinmdno kiss today - it would have frightened him.  I do slip my shield off at times to give him one and hope I don’t get in trouble but today was not the day for that 😢 



@puppycanducruise Your roses are gorgeous and well deserved.  Happy Anniversary!





So happy to hear there is a new puppy on the way for her ♥️ I love her Cinco de Mayo tree and I know Jose would too.



Welcome to the Daily 🙂 



Best wishes for your appointment.  I hope this one is much better 🤞 



So sorry to hear your DS & partner have covid, Ann. 😔 I agree - stay away 😉.  Sadly my sister and BIL now have it as well.  So now, both my sisters have gotten it despite carefulness.  So far I haven’t and I’m the one going to the hospital every day 😳 



I am so sorry to hear this 😔 I hope her new facility will be a good one 🙏🏻 It is so important.



Have a great cruise!



I am so glad the two of you finally were able to celebrate Jim’s Birthday 🙂 



No, I think you’ve got them all covered now.  Over the last 5 months I’ve learned all the key tests.  Ultra sounds can show things MRI’s don’t and vice versa so hopefully it helps 🤞 



I know it’s frustrating but it sounds like he is being methodical.  I do hope he can get it resolved for you 🙏🏻 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.

Jacqui, I'm sorry you've had such horrible days witnessing poor Jose's painful condition.  At least this unit seems to be right on top of things which is reassuring.  I really hope tomorrow is a better day.



2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Here are three more pictures that DH took this winter using his new telescopes which he can control with his tablet.


This one is NGC253, the Sculptor Galaxy, taken on January 19, 2022.



NGC4565, the Needle Galaxy, taken February 25, 2022.



M65, Leo Triplet, a small close group of galaxies.  This was also taken February 25.





Lenda, I'm enjoying looking at the excellent photos your DH has been able to take with his new telescope.  I also thought the Loreto photos were great!  Thanks for posting them.



2 hours ago, JAM37 said:


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad to hear Buddy, Jen and Ryan are all improving. DD's tree is terrific and always brings a smile. I can't wait to see it next time. Also looking forward to new puppy pictures.

Julia, thanks for the comments about Jen, Buddy and Ryan.  I'm glad we have some better news on them.  I know DD would appreciate your tree comments.  She has a photo of her next puppy taken at 4 weeks and it would melt your heart.  She looks like another calm little girl.  Cavapoos are known for their calm temperament.



1 hour ago, dfish said:

I just needed to vent a bit.  I've been chasing this pain for a year now.  It can be as intense as a kidney stone.  In fact, that is what I thought it was at the beginning. But, I ruled that out because kidney stone pain doesn't react like this does.  I'm frustrated because still no resolution after a year.  We thought it was my back so I did the PT, I did massage, I did dry needling, I did nerve ablation, I did trigger point injections.  Nothing worked.  The MRI showed that my back wasn't as bad as we thought it was.   So, rule that out.  We thought it was the cluneal nerve.  We did PT for that and injections for that.  No such luck.  I'll be ok.


That's an incredible amount of testing so it's crazy they can't decide what the reason is for the pain.  Prayers for you and I hope they come up with something soon.



1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Hi all! Happy to report that Sis & I are on the plane at JFK. Tomorrow we'll be in Belgium! Prayers for all who need them, and cheers to all who are celebrating!

Have a wonderful trip with your DS!  And safe travels!


1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good evening all, I hope everyone had a great day and a better tomorrow. 
Well, this Dr seems a little more helpful than the last one. He ordered a different medicine than the last one.  Also ordered an MRI and physical therapy for my hand. He wants to see me in 6 months but wants a phone in 2 weeks to see how the new medication is doing.

@dfishsorry your news wasn’t better. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists, @kazuspecial thoughts to you.🙏❤️

I hope this is the doctor you've been searching for.  It sounds like he's going into this aggressively to help you out.  Good luck!

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@grapau27, @JazzyV, @irishjim, and @StLouisCruisers,  DH and I thank you your nice comments on the astronomy pictures. 


I also appreciate the nice words about the pictures from Loreto and San Javier.


@1ANGELCAT  Sounds like the new doctor is better than the old one.  i hope he can help you.



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I was late returning here and sorry to hear about @kazu and Jose's edema issue.I hope things are improved tomorrow. 

@StLouisCruisers,Sandi  I am happy to hear about the improvements for your family members.Also,loved the pictures of Loreto.

@dfish,Debbie, I wish the solutions for the pain problem were simpler and hope it can get resolved soon.

@Cruzin Terri, I hope you start to feel better soon.My family members who have had covid all felt the fatigue was the hardest to deal with.


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2 hours ago, kazu said:


Oh my heavens Debbie - you’ve really been through the ringer 😔 You vent away!  You deserve to.  I sure hope this doctor can help you 🙏🏻 


My ringer is nothing like yours, but thank you.  Frustrating is more like it.  It helped to vent a bit.  I had a sisters Zoom tonight and my cruise buddy sister is now venting for me.  She's more upset than I am.  I think she just wants me to be well for our Norway cruise.  I managed Alaska with this condition, I'll manage Norway.



2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good evening all, I hope everyone had a great day and a better tomorrow. 
Well, this Dr seems a little more helpful than the last one. He ordered a different medicine than the last one.  Also ordered an MRI and physical therapy for my hand. He wants to see me in 6 months but wants a phone in 2 weeks to see how the new medication is doing.

@dfishsorry your news wasn’t better. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists, @kazuspecial thoughts to you.🙏❤️


I'm so glad the new doctor is working out.  The doctor can make all the difference.  It is important that they listen to what you tell them.  I hope the new medication works for you.  I am now leaning towards the gall bladder as the problem with what I've read so my doctor might be on to something.  The ultrasound will hopefully give us the answer.



1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Sending extra prayers and hugs to  Jacqui and Debbie,

@dfishI’m sorry there is no definitive  answer and just more questions.  Hope you get some pain relief soon.  I’ve head one kidney stone and that is enough to put you through the roof, so I can’t imagine how difficult this has been.

@kazuoh poor Jose,  hope they can get on top of this. I’m glad the unit is so much better, but I’m sorry you have to watch him suffer.  Gentle hugs! 


Kidney stones are the worst!!!  I think this will resolve shortly.   The doctor seemed amenable to removing the gall bladder and if that is what is causing the pain, problem solved.  He said if that didn't do it we could go back in and remove the adrenal mass.


56 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Debbie, I hope the ultrasound works out and the doctor can get a better opinion on the source of your pain.  Good luck!  I'm sure this is totally frustrating for you after all this.


That's an incredible amount of testing so it's crazy they can't decide what the reason is for the pain.  Prayers for you and I hope they come up with something soon.



I've been doing my homework.  MRIs are good for looking at the spine and what is going on with that.  CTs are good for looking at adrenal masses.   Gall bladders are best diagnosed with an ultrasound.  Thank goodness for Medicare.  My MRI cost me $8.34, the CT cost $6.53.  I imagine the ultrasound will come in under that.  I remember pre Medicare when I paid almost $800 for an MRI. 


3 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:


@dfish,Debbie, I wish the solutions for the pain problem were simpler and hope it can get resolved soon.


We are moving towards resolution.  Meanwhile I am treating the pain with wine.  It seems to be the most effective agent.


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6 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

(regarding @Lady HudsonDH's sister)  

Would it reassure them to have a small guest book that people could sign with date and time as a reference?


Friends of mine did that. The Guest Book didn't enhance their mother's failing memory, but it did help the grown children know who had stopped by. And, it eliminated the children's frustration of trying to guess who mom meant and her frustration in not being able to remember.

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Yesterday I had an acupuncture session and almost fell asleep during it, then left more-or-less in a trance, made it home OK, but didn't have a single thought in my head for the rest of the evening.


Did I mention that I was due for a colonoscopy this month but it won't happen until July? This is because they were shut down for part of 2020 and then people didn't want to come in, so they are still catching up.


Anyway, they said they would have a specialty pharmacy in NYC send me the prep mixture, because it has a very high copay in my insurance but the specialty pharmacy could supply it for much less, which is true. The NYC pharmacy was going to send it to me two weeks before the procedure -- but it arrived today. It is shelf-stable, so I just have to put it in a safe place and then remember what the safe place is.


I spent part of the afternoon at work, crawling on the floor under my desk. The purpose was to replace a defunct UPS with a surge protector (the construction that necessitated the UPS is long since concluded), upgrade the memory in the computer, and eventually replace the disk drive with a solid-state drive. The hard part was just getting the computer out from under the desk and untangling the cables, several of which seemed to be for equipment that we don't own and may never have owned. The memory upgrade was easy but I need a few more parts for the disk upgrade.





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44 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

@dfish 🤔 The not knowing must be so very frustrating -- especially for a person like you who appears skilled in defining and solving problems. 🤔




Thank you.  I like to think I am skilled in defining and solving problems.  I think my 30 years in the classroom and training in Mathematics gave that to me.  A physician friend of mine told me last weekend I was the most rational person she knew.  That was a real compliment.  Eventually these people will figure it out.  

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Hello everyone.  I will be off the computer for a week or so, and I already miss all  of you terribly!  But with the house guest, getting it all together for the trip, getting trained on the new job, and barely working the other job at the moment, and still doing the dog walking, I will just be somewhere else.  I will be back on the 10th, gosh it sounds like a long time, but when you find such great friends, you really don't like to be gone from them. Hug yourself for me.  DH says he will let me use his camera, because he wont take any pictures of the traveling gnomes!    Be good!   

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We are halfway through our 9  days on Oceania’s Regatta. Taking the Amtrak from our home to Los Angeles Union Station and a lyft to San Pedro to board was nearly as easy as having a friend drive us to the San Diego Port to board the Zuiderdam in February. Onboard, the food is spectacular, the seas were a bit rough today (heading to San Francisco) and being on any ship at sea is just great. 

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