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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday December 8th, 2022


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Good afternoon.  It's been a busy one.  The physical therapist was here today, and will be back three times next week and twice the week after.  It sounds like that might be all the PT DH will need.  There is not much they can do for back surgery except make sure he can move, stand and sit without twisting his back.  The dreaded, hated back brace helps to prevent twisting.  I also got the Christmas cards ready to mail in the morning.


6 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Sunny and cold. I rushed the dogs in and out quickly this morning but now the sun is shinning and we will head out again as soon as the black ice is gone. Will have to wake pups up since both are now curled up in bed. My bed.


Sorry to hear of the loss of the 2 fire fighters in PA. And I am truly sorry that so many of us are feeling stress and/or illness at this time. Some way the holiday time seems to compound the problems we are facing. Right now a friend and I are beginning to sort through our list of friends who may be alone at Christmas day and are planning to have a Christmas dinner at her house. She will fix the meat and veggies, I will handle desserts, beverages and breads. We will split the cost. I imagine there will be about 8 to 10 us ... we will have to see who will accept our invitation. And of course I will be dog walking both at home and at the shelter.


Have not been to today's destination. Tomato soup is one of my go to comfort foods. Along with grilled cheese... or sometimes I melt the cheese into the soup. Tonight I am having some turkey from the freezer and some sort of veggie...  just have not decided what. Probably whatever my hand lights on.


Have a good, safe day all.








Susan, that is so nice of you and your friend to host a Christmas dinner for single friends.


6 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

We're having rain today and that's fine - better than ice! Today is special in our household as 44 years ago we had our son placed with us for adoption. He was a 2.5 year old red-headed ADHD child who made us parents. He's turned out to be a wonderful man who still has issues focusing but will do anything for you. I don't remember what day he became legally ours but this day is ingrained in me. 

DH is making progress and there is hope. Yesterday he stood up in the parallel bars unassisted 6 times. That's a first as he usually needs some assistance. I told him I'd bring him a Costco chocolate sundae today. 


We've decided to gift ourselves new appliances for Christmas to do a kitchen make-over. Yesterday I priced out fridge, dishwasher, stove and range hood at Home Depot and today I'll check one of our local stores for comparison. 


Best wishes to everyone celebrating and kind thoughts to all. 



Karen, I am pleased to see the progress your DH is making.  Adoptive parents are a blessing.


8 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Thank you all for your contributions to our Fleet report and Daily. 


Fervent prayers being said this morning for all on our care list. Our numbers are going the wrong direction. When I went to the dentist this week I found I have a cracked tooth that is part of my bridge. Scheduled an appointment after we get home. Bridge needs to be sawn, the bad tooth pulled, and start the long and winding road for implants.


Today will be fun. Couples pedicures then meeting Cav guys and wives for Christmas lunch. Tonight is walking our neighborhood looking at lights. There will be judges choosing which top 3 are best in show and we have cute prizes to hand out. (Christmas yard gnomes)


Wishing everyone a delightful day. Be kind.






Joy, sorry about the cracked tooth.  I hope it behaves until you get back from your cruise.


4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda, do you mean you lost another neighbor?  I'm so sorry but sounds like it has been coming for a while.  Condolences to his family.



Sandi, yes it was another neighbor who died today.  He had been in very bad shape for quite a while.  That's the problem with living in a 55+ community, you lose neighbors.


4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon from Miami.

We’re sitting in the Concierge Lounge at the JW Marriott Marquis waiting for our room to be ready.  On arrival we were asked if we would like a further upgrade if we would not mind waiting.  So, of course we said yes.

So we are overlooking the Miami cruise port and sipping a cappuccino.


This is our first experience flying to Miami and leaving the terminal.  We usually only make a connection here.  I will tell you, it is not worth it if you don’t have to do it.  We usually drive here and it is much more pleasant.  The taxi fare alone is a small fortune.  Should have taken an UBER.  

Tomorrow we will use an UBER to go to Total Wine for our stash.  Oceania does not care how much you bring on board.  If you bring it to the dining room or bar there is a corkage fee, otherwise…….

So we will get enough for our whole cruise of 18 days. 


Thank you all for your kind words for my neighbor Joanne.  I will convey the thoughts to her husband and family when I see them.


Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.  And to Roy for the Lists.  

I have not yet read the posts and will do so as soon as I am able.  I will respond accordingly.

Just wanted to touch base.


It has been a long day and it is only 2 PM.  Got up at 6 am.  Then we had a delayed flight. And now a wait for our room.


Hope everyone is having a nice day.

God Bless,



Terri, 👍 on another upgrade at the hotel.  Things are beginning to head in the right direction for you.


3 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

Not a bad day here in the Pacific NW.  Had some rain last night that washed away most of the snow on the ground.  On Sunday I was walking outside and slipped on some ice.  Twisted my right ankle and it was very painful at the time, but not as bad by yesterday.  We were going to go to some Asian markets in Seattle for grocery shopping, but first DW wanted to stop at the Navy Hospital to pick up and renew some prescriptions.  As long as we were there I decided to stop at Urgent Care to let them look at my ankle which was pretty black and blue.  Took a bunch of x-rays and was surprised to find the fibula was broken.  They fitted a splint to it and I will return to see an orthopedic doctor on Friday.  With the splint strapped tight there is less pain, so I can walk around OK with a home made cane.  Urgent Care took about three hours, so we skipped the trip to Seattle.  I have heard that our bones are more brittle as we age, so this is probably an example of that.



Ray, I'm glad you decided to see someone about the leg, but sorry it is a broken fibula.  Take care.


3 hours ago, dfish said:

I went and completed what I think is the last task of moving - getting my Michigan drivers license and car license plates.   Wow, this is expensive!  $291.  They are good until April of 2024 and I did get a park pass for the state parks and registered to vote at the same time.  One stop shopping.


Debbie, that is good news that the one stop shopping completed your move.


3 hours ago, summer slope said:

And the bad news continues. DH tested positive for Covid. He is not doing well. I’m negative but have to be tested every morning at 9. I can leave the cabin but masked and no crowds. Eat meals in cabin. No problem with any of it. 


Dixie, I'm sorry your DH has Covid and is not doing that well.  Sending positive thoughts that he is better soon, and that you continue to test negative.


49 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

No rash. Dr. Put me on two antibiotics x ten days. They are already working and I will be back to normal soon. 
Just a sincere thank you for all the kind supporting post here on the Daily.


Bruce, I' pleased that the antibiotics are already working.



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11 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends from the Atlantic Ocean and Volendam.  We are moving right along at 22 knots trying to get back on schedule after the low water problems of the Amazon.  It looks lovely outside.  DS and family are back in Michigan after spending 5 days in the Palm Springs area at a scouting event for soccer.  Hoping to get a full report from him soon though DH checks scores online, etc. 


Thank you Rich @richwmnfor Today's Daily and Fleet Report.  We appreciate it!  Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor documenting the highs and lows of our lives.  Jane @lazey1so sorry to read you returned from your cruise with the Covid virus.  Get well soon!  Terri @Cruzin Terrihave a great trip knowing your house is rapidly being put back together now.  And @Cruising-alongprayers that your severe flu is soon overcome.  Prayers for everyone on our Care list and cheers to those on the Celebration list. 


Willemstad, Curacao was port of the day last time on Sept. 18, 2021 and here is a link to Rich's post that day.  What a lovely port it is!


We've only been to Willemstad, Curacao twice, 2016 on our Westerdam Panama Canal cruise and in 2019 on our Rotterdam Western and Southern Caribbean cruise.  Such a pretty and interesting place!  


From our 2016 stop I took photos from the ship just before our late departure.  They really know how to highlight their unique city.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLpU-1DPktRJ-h7B9NeEjqD?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460124737


The Queen Emma pedestrian Bridge, also known as "The Swinging Old Lady".00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI8vzPMf5ZVkMxf-DE_yUmn?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460124732


Known for its colorful buildings of course00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIGiAwkQoCDJNR04u06KO3g?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460124500


This was my favorite color building and I had to compliment the man working on it.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKLK_8PfxBrKjLNIAqbv6Y_?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460124467




This was the view from our docking spot on the Rotterdam in February, 2019.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLS769uh8GoqCPt6OoCsjyu?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551119935






We walked across the pedestrian bridge and then it began to swing to the side to make way for a ship coming through.  It went under the taller bridge behind it first.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKM7hG0CyT-BtSHhfm-dPbL?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551120041


And there it goes past the Queen Emma bridge.  That's the Rotterdam in the background.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVInRR7K1hFMMKFzRQRi_tWf?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551118345


More COLOR!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJtQZxUKTQXqu3NKhH-NPc9?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551118356





Here's the local Love Locks.  Trying to keep them off the swinging bridge I would suppose.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIVU-8QNNHW9_1b9pFbTXHl?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551120074


Heading back across the pedestrian bridge to our ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIz6aNm9IxqgY1F_ZdiZwK6?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1551120082


It would be great to be back in Curacao soon.  Unfortunately that is not one of the stops at the end of this cruise.  We are stopping in Aruba though after Barbados.


By the way, there are cases of Covid on this cruise.  One of the Ocean Bar Band is out with it so entertainment is a bit lacking.  Also a couple we met who are very careful about Covid transmission say their server at dinner is out and he is an important part of her dietary selections.  Hoping very much that they don't come down with it too.


Great pics.  I am surprised our senior ship of the fleet is doing 22 knots.  That is full speed ahead with all 4 engines firing unless I am mistaken.  That will ruin the fuel budget.  I hope you have enjoyed the Volendam and the Amazon adventure.

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@summer slope,Dixie , I am so sorry to hear about your husband testing positive and not doing well.

@seagarsmoker, I was also sorry  to hear that you are not feeling better.DH and I had a similar experience  when we had it and it was very difficult.Feel better soon.

@aliaschief,Bruce, glad you have the meds and hope you feel better soon.

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The almost-tortilla pie worked out well even though most, maybe all, of the ingredients were wrong; I especially liked the shallots in it. I made it in a brownie pan, not because of the day, but because the flatbreads were rectangular.


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Yup, it sounds like we are all falling apart these days, but we are doing it together.  Got an email from my senior center, they said this morning that due to the trifecta of covid, flu and RVS, it's back to mask time...  I never left my mask time.


now @Vict0riann reading that your doc says that this strep A used to be called Scarlet Fever, is down right scary, this was the disease that took out our aunts and uncles in the early 20th century.


@USN59-79I am sorry to read about your leg.  My doc says add more Vitamin D to your life for bone strength.


@summer slope I was sorry to read that your DH is having a hard time with Covid.  Please stay safe!



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Good Friday Evening from the Noordam

     I am really sorry to hear of everyone’s health issues. 
   Dixie @summer slope hope your   DH feels  better soon.  
    We thankfully are staying well. We are wearing masks everywhere ( mandatory) and most are complying.  Funny thing is we go into a port and we are the only one in masks. Not sure where the requirement is coming from, numbers are “low”. 
    Had a wonderful but shortened day on Kangaroo Island. Almost didn’t make it due to winds. But at 11 am we were cleared. It was a very bumpy ride . 
     The Island itself is beautiful. I actually saw many kangaroos in the fields, under trees, etc. great day! Only bad thing was DD couldn’t tender so DH stayed and I went. 
   Now headed to Melbourne. 
stay safe and enjoy today



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11 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Great pics.  I am surprised our senior ship of the fleet is doing 22 knots.  That is full speed ahead with all 4 engines firing unless I am mistaken.  That will ruin the fuel budget.  I hope you have enjoyed the Volendam and the Amazon adventure.

Captain told us the current once we got into the Atlantic would help move us along faster which should help on the fuel budget. We have seen 23 knots displayed on the TV screen before!  This morning we are only moving along at 19 knots. Arrival time in Barbados is 24 hours from now, 8 a.m. Saturday. 

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