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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday December 20th, 2022


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a still windy and cold central Texas, but at least it warmed to 51F.  The sun came out as we were on our way home.  Maybe it came out to help celebrate the good news from the visit with the surgeon.  DH is officially discharge with the exception of an x-ray and visit every two months until October.  These visits are to check on the amount of bone growth from the spinal fusion.  The bone is growing slowly but that is to be expected.  For DH, the best news was he could put the "hated" back brace in the closet!  👍 👏


DH just got some more good news.  He no longer needs PT, and will be discharged from PT and the nurses visits soon.  Yesterday, we found out that the therapist has not been vaccinated against Covid, so we were uncomfortable having her come again.  We originally said we only wanted fully vaccinated and boosted people coming here, and were shocked when heard she wasn't.   No more adjusting our days to accommodate their schedules!





Lots of reasons for you, Steve & the rest of the family to celebrate this year, Lenda!


Woo hoo!

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4 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@Cruising-along Sad about the neighbor's cat; I'm glad she had you come to say goodbye. Good wishes for DH to tolerate his treatment.


Thank you Vanessa, my neighbor is a good friend and knows how much I loved that cat. DH is doing fine so far, thank you!

4 hours ago, ottahand7 said:


@Cruising-alongI am so sorry your neighbor had to put your buddy kitty down.   It is always inevitable but is always too early.   I am sure you will miss him.  

I just got a message from my DS that she is taking her kitty that has returned home to the ER vet in Grand Rapids.  She has rapid breathing, maybe that is why the people returned her.    It is so hard to get into a regular vet these days.  Too bad stock isn't sold in animal ERs.  


Thank you.  We always know it will happen some day (sooner than later in his case) but never makes it any easier 😞  Please let us know how your DS's kitty is doing. I hope it isn't anything serious.

4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

What a sweet looking cat Carolyn.

I'm sorry to hear his time is almost over.

I hope everything goes well today for your husband's bladder chemo wash.

Thank you Graham.  That cat was as sweet inside as he looked outside.  The only cat I've ever known who loved belly rubs and never knew a stranger -- loved everyone.

3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Oh dear Carolyn, I am so sorry about your buddy. What a beautiful kitty.  I hope Henry does well with the treatments. 


Thank you Sharon.  He was gorgeous and always reminded me of my Ebony who passed in 1999.

3 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

@Cruising-alongSo sorry to hear about your little fur buddy.  It's such a difficult decision, but we can't let them suffer.

Thank you Melanie.  Yes, difficult, but it was his time. 😞  

2 hours ago, marshhawk said:


@Cruising-alongI am so sorry about your buddy, but what a nice neighbor you have that understood the bond that you had with him.


Annie it was so special....she told me that she was giving him all his favorite things that last day, and because I was his "favorite person" .... I really appreciated it.

1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Carolyn, I'm sorry your buddy reached the point it was time to say goodbye, but how nice of his owner to give you that opportunity.  He was a very handsome guy.  I hope your DH  can tolerate the weekly treatments this time.


DH just got some more good news.  He no longer needs PT, and will be discharged from PT and the nurses visits soon.  




Thank you Lenda.  Such good news that your DH no longer needs PT or nurses' visits!

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Update on DD.  The surgeon says all is healing well, she can begin to use a boot to get around better.  She is going to have to figure out how to drive to work after the New Year's holiday.  Probably take the boot off to drive with a shoe on, then boot back on at work.  The boot will be on several weeks.  She's on her feet all day at school, but will figure something out (knee scooter?).  

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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@dfish I would recommend that when you call FedEx again, you just ask for a manager before you even start talking to anyone.  Mentioning the word manager makes the rep feel like they aren't' good enough (they aren't ) and if the manager is stupid, well you know,  poop doesn't bury itself.


If that doesn't work, then call the realtor, and see if they can get in touch with the PO.  My PO here is deceased, his son sold me the house, but the son also owns about 8 more properties in the hood, and sells when he needs money.  So sadly we have vacant houses that have been vacant for years.  I wonder what the law says about keeping packages that dont belong to you.  There might be food and gold in them.  But then again, if the sender was that close to them, you would think they would know she moved.  So maybe not gold.


I'm going under the assumption that they will pick it up.  I know it doesn't contain gold as it is from Chewy and is probably stuff for her cat.


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a still windy and cold central Texas, but at least it warmed to 51F.  The sun came out as we were on our way home.  Maybe it came out to help celebrate the good news from the visit with the surgeon.  DH is officially discharge with the exception of an x-ray and visit every two months until October.  These visits are to check on the amount of bone growth from the spinal fusion.  The bone is growing slowly but that is to be expected.  For DH, the best news was he could put the "hated" back brace in the closet!  👍 👏


Good news to help make the season more jolly.


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Debbie, I'm glad you told your niece it would be better to reschedule the visit until everyone is well.  I can't believe FedEx is making you responsible for getting the packages to the correct person when that person no longer lives there.



My niece's fiance can be a problem.   I don't know where she found him, but he needs to go back to his cave.  Not sure what FedEx's problem is.  Once I called because an order of mine looked to be stalled in Olathe, Kansas.  They told me they wouldn't even look for it because it had been more than a week since it was last scanned.   It arrived two days later.


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

DH just got some more good news.  He no longer needs PT, and will be discharged from PT and the nurses visits soon.  Yesterday, we found out that the therapist has not been vaccinated against Covid, so we were uncomfortable having her come again.  We originally said we only wanted fully vaccinated and boosted people coming here, and were shocked when heard she wasn't.   No more adjusting our days to accommodate their schedules!





The best news ever!  Well, not about the therapist being unvaccinated when you requested only vaccinated.  But, the release from PT is a huge move.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser,Lenda, I am so glad Steve has progressed so well a d is discharged from PT!

We had an aide come last week for Tana who told us she was nit vaccinated.I asked her to leave as it is very risky for all of us.She told me covid wasn't  real.I had all I could do to shut my mouth and not display my temper.Oh my.


Wow, that is really nervy of that aide.  She's in your house, she lives by your rules.


13 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Update on DD.  The surgeon says all is healing well, she can begin to use a boot to get around better.  She is going to have to figure out how to drive to work after the New Year's holiday.  Probably take the boot off to drive with a shoe on, then boot back on at work.  The boot will be on several weeks.  She's on her feet all day at school, but will figure something out (knee scooter?).  


Great news for your DD.  She still has some time before she goes back to school, so perhaps the foot will be way further along.  I taught on a broken foot once.  Only missed two days for the whole thing.  

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13 minutes ago, dfish said:


I'm going under the assumption that they will pick it up.  I know it doesn't contain gold as it is from Chewy and is probably stuff for her cat.

I buy quite a bit from Chewy for my cats and my impression is that they are very quick to write off things that go wrong. Examples, I had several shipments that the container for Greenies (a treat type thing) was split. Nothing wrong with the product, I put it in a jar and told them that. I just want them to know that their packers weren't careful. They sent another container both times that it happened. More recently I saw that a package was delivered to the wrong place. Chewy sent another which was delivered to a different wrong address and FedEx didn't seem to care. At least the second wrong address was someone I know so I did get that package.


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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Sharon, they call them Climb suits and everyone must wear them. A safety harness is then put around you and a safety line attaches you to the bridge at all times during the climb

That makes sense. It definitely looks like something I would never do because of the height but I’m sure the views were amazing. 

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Do you remember when I donated blood about a month ago? This evening I received an email message from the blood bank, telling me where my blood had been sent (Upstate University Hospital in Syracuse).


They've never done that before. I suspect that it was related to their call, which I missed, asking me to schedule my next donation, even though it will be another month before I'm eligible. And I did schedule it, a few days before I leave for Bermuda, although Bermuda isn't a country that requires deferral.

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3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

That is very promising and well deserved news about your husband's improved health Lenda and I am thrilled for you both.

I'm looking forward to hearing about lots of new cruises for you two.



Thank you, Graham.  We hope to cruise again soon.  There is a Princess ship out of Galveston that we could drive to, but we want to see how the covid numbers are brfore we take the plunge.  Flying still sounds prolematic.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Good news for DH about only having to get x-rays periodically, getting rid of the back brace, and no longer needing PT! I'm surprised the therapist was unvaccinated, but there were healthcare people here who resisted the shots. I wasn't sure I could do the bridge climb (this was in 2006) from a fitness standpoint rather than being afraid, but I did it and was proud of myself.




Thank you Vanessa.  There are a lot of people around here that are unvaccinated.  We try to avoid them.  On couple were teaching when the vaccines came out.  They continued teaching but would not get vaccinated.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Update on DD.  The surgeon says all is healing well, she can begin to use a boot to get around better.  She is going to have to figure out how to drive to work after the New Year's holiday.  Probably take the boot off to drive with a shoe on, then boot back on at work.  The boot will be on several weeks.  She's on her feet all day at school, but will figure something out (knee scooter?).  

  Sandi, I'm glad your DD got a good report from the surgeon.


1 hour ago, dfish said:


I'm going under the assumption that they will pick it up.  I know it doesn't contain gold as it is from Chewy and is probably stuff for her cat.



Good news to help make the season more jolly.



My niece's fiance can be a problem.   I don't know where she found him, but he needs to go back to his cave.  Not sure what FedEx's problem is.  Once I called because an order of mine looked to be stalled in Olathe, Kansas.  They told me they wouldn't even look for it because it had been more than a week since it was last scanned.   It arrived two days later.



The best news ever!  Well, not about the therapist being unvaccinated when you requested only vaccinated.  But, the release from PT is a huge move.



Wow, that is really nervy of that aide.  She's in your house, she lives by your rules.



Great news for your DD.  She still has some time before she goes back to school, so perhaps the foot will be way further along.  I taught on a broken foot once.  Only missed two days for the whole thing.  


Debbie, maybe our therapist could join your niece's fiance in his cave.  We liked her, but we should have been informed at the start.  Needless to say, we will probably test before DD and DSIL come next week.  At least, we are vaccinated and fully boostered.


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser,Lenda, I am so glad Steve has progressed so well a d is discharged from PT!

We had an aide come last week for Tana who told us she was nit vaccinated.I asked her to leave as it is very risky for all of us.She told me covid wasn't  real.I had all I could do to shut my mouth and not display my temper.Oh my.


Terry, I think all the hard work in rehab played a big part in his prgress at home.  All she had him do was walk a couple of laps in the house.  The PT who admitted DH to home health showed us several more exercises.  The PT was the only one who visited who never wore a mask.  I don't blame you for asking the aide to leave.



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1 hour ago, richwmn said:

I buy quite a bit from Chewy for my cats and my impression is that they are very quick to write off things that go wrong. Examples, I had several shipments that the container for Greenies (a treat type thing) was split. Nothing wrong with the product, I put it in a jar and told them that. I just want them to know that their packers weren't careful. They sent another container both times that it happened. More recently I saw that a package was delivered to the wrong place. Chewy sent another which was delivered to a different wrong address and FedEx didn't seem to care. At least the second wrong address was someone I know so I did get that package.


That's good to know.  I won't worry so much about the PO getting their cat supplies.  If they don't pick it up tomorrow I know cat people who can use whatever it is.

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Good evening all from at Sea sailing to Ensanasa.

Interne has been a bit wonky today despite 3 bars.  One minute it seems to work and then the post goes spinning.


Or is it CC?  Not sure.

Thinking of you all and prayers for all that need them.  Hugs form the middle of nowhere.


and in @rafinmd mode a couple of early sunset pics for you from Cabo.






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