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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday February 23rd, 2023


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5 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
We had the pleasure to be in Hobard , Tasmania back in 2013 while on the Oosterdam which seems now ages ago , so just a few pictures today from the port and the gorgeous park we visited 
BTW Tasmania was named after Abel Tasman a Dutch seafarer , explorer and merchant , he was the first known  European explorer to reach New Zealand and the Fiji Islands and the Van Dieman’s Land  ( now Tasmania )  Nov 24 , 1642 .
The kangaroo and her kid
The devil 
Our wonderful guide Judy from “Eye See “ Tasmania , the " purple lady " who gave us a wonderful day and a delicious home prepared picnic out in the wild ! 
Guess this is now also from the good old days an open flame BBQ out on deck 
Have a great day everybody Please Take Care and Stay Safe 
Tony 😘


Tony, thanks for sharing your pictures.


5 hours ago, lindaler said:

Thank you Sharon and all for the birthday wishes. Here is the wonderful sunset I had. 




Linda, I loved the beautiful sunset  picture.


4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Someone just opened my storm door and picked up my overnight pulsox,  Done,




Roy, I'm glad that's behind you.  Relax and get some sleep tonight.


3 hours ago, superoma said:

Good news, our power is back. I was remotely able to turn up my thermostat so in about 15 minutes I will head home. 


Eva, good news about the power being back on.  We have a thermostat that we can control remotely from our phones or tablets.  It's great when we're away from home.


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

One thing our vet does do, is get an imprint of their paw in clay of the kitties we have had, so that we can hang the clay with paw print on the Christmas tree.  Which I have never done.  I have paw prints in drawers all over the house.  The Tucker Animal hospital has been my go to since 1979 when I  moved to the Atlanta area.  The original vet has retired.  During his last year, he hired a young female vet, who's last name is Tucker, and she in turn hired another vet to assist.  Her last name is Prescott. 


Dr Prescott came in with all sorts of ways to cure animals of everything, which most of the time included costs that neither DH or I could afford.  Dr Tucker on the other hand understood her patients parents more, so several years ago we requested that all appointments be with Dr, Tucker.  after my Mere (pronounced mear) had such an aggresive cancer that her skin burst open.  Prescott wanted us to do chemo  and surgery, my wallet said no, my brain said cats dont understand this, and DH who has been battling cancer since 2004 said absolutely not.  Dr Tucker put her down and called me to say, wise choice, this cat was in extreme pain.  Duh. But Prescott has come around I think because more and more people left the practice.  


DH is out in the back digging a little grave, Neko has refused special treats this morning, and the house is very quiet today.  


Annie, I'll be thinking about you, Chuck and Neko tomorrow and sending virtual ((((HUGS)))) to all of you and Dr. Tucker.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. It is gorgeous out; sunny and 70! Sorry to those with snow and ice. The stress test was good, yay!


I got my pharmacy to straighten out the prescription (they too were surprised the brand cost less than generic, and have to order it for me). And I'm now a T-mobile customer. Next will be changing my home and auto insurance.


Thank you all for the condolences. 


@StLouisCruisers The ice at DDIL's is pretty but dangerous to trees, powerlines and people. Good for you for getting to the gym!

@marshhawk Hugs to you and DH for what you face tomorrow with Neko.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I agree, neither man would have wanted to linger, so the fact that they didn't is a blessing. Interesting about T-mobile; I had planned and did use a bank account for auto-pay.

@superoma Sorry to hear you lost power, but good you had DD to go to, and I'm glad it's back on now. Fancy, being able to remotely change your thermostat. Another pretty iced tree; I hope it doesn't harm the tree.

@lindaler Happy Birthday! Great sunset.

@cruising sister Condolences to your niece on the loss of her friend. And sad about DGS struggling after the loss of two important people in his life; good that he's seeing a therapist.

@jodi58 Congrats on the Springsteen tickets! My BFF was online this AM too, at the request of his cousin in Germany, to get tickets; he and a friend will be here in September for the local concert.

@grapau27 Great looking dinner Graham.

@ottahand7 I'm glad that you didn't lose power, and I hope your siblings' power is back on soon. So sad about that firefighter.

@sailingdutchy Tony, thanks for the great photos from Hobart. 

@rafinmd Good to hear you're no longer a prisoner in your house. Prayers for good results.





Vanessa, T-Mobile hasn't informed their customers yet of the change, but I've seen two news articles about it.  It's one of the changes the new CEO is making.


1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Last night's beautiful sunset here accurately foretold what a beautiful day today would be.

In the 80s! But snow on Saturday? C'mon!!!



Edi, thanks for another beautiful sunset.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Greetings, all.


I would like to inform you that the Messy Painters Guild is alive and well.  Today I managed to get paint inside my gloves.  I have to do another coat of paint tomorrow in the bathroom and then it will be done and I can put it back together.  Thank goodness there is a second full bath in this house.  


Debbie, thank you for upholding the high (or is it low) standards of the Messy Painters Guild.  Paint inside the gloves is a new one for me, but then, I skip the gloves.  😉


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


DDIL sent me a second photo about 20 minutes ago showing the ice all melted today on the trees, deck, lawn, etc.  And the white birch tree is standing up proudly with no damage now.  Thank goodness!  She said she saw several birches and other trees with broken limbs just down the street.  


It's supposedly windy there now so hopefully the wet streets are drying right now because the temp will be down to 30F by 11pm and could refreeze causing black ice.  DS's plane lands around 11:30 pm and then he has the 30 minute drive home.  I'll be glad when he's home safely. 


Sandi, sending positive thoughts your DS arrives home on time and safely.


17 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:

Hello everyone,

I continue to follow and lurk but want to post about once a week; that seems to work best for me.

First I want to wish my condolences, prayers and good thoughts to all who are struggling with loss, challenges and just things that are hard. Life is not always a cruise, just saying, I wish it was.

I also want to say that I am happy for those who are celebrating and enjoying life. Cheers to you all!


This past week has been quite the week here in the Twin Cities, MN area. @Overhead Fredlives in the St Paul area and I live more in the Minneapolis area. If anyone has been following the storms moving across the US, MN has been hit pretty hard. Where I live, we have 'received' about 15 inches of snow this week. Some got 20 inches of snow, but I agree with @Overhead Fred they were predicting at least 2 feet. But 15 inches of snow is not good! It closed down quite a bit of the cities and driving was not recommended by MNDOT. That is a pretty big statement because MN people will try to drive through any amount of snow, no kidding! We all have SUVs with 4WD for that reasonI think it was the wind and the drifting that was the bad part. Watching it on TV proved it was awful!


I have been on pins and needles this week because I am scheduled to fly to Miami tomorrow for a 15day PC cruise on NCL Bliss. Lots of flights were canceled this week but I lucked out and so far it is a go and the weather is behaving; the winter storm has moved East. Sorry to those who live East of us.

So, now I am finishing packing to go to Miami tomorrow for my cruise. Pretty excited to be in warm weather!

Have a good weekend everyone, I will try to follow/lurk while I am on my cruise.

Please take good care, virtual hugs for you all. OOOh, long message!!😊




Safe flights tomorrow and have a great cruise.  BON VOYAGE!


Living in a very small town has some advantages.  Our doctor left another practice almost ten years ago and opened his practice.  We were one of his first patients the new practice which has really grown.  He now has an excellent PA who I see, a nurse practioner and a social worker.  This summer, he told DH he would personally handle his case. 


Besides all that, he has a phebotomist to take blood samples and once a week an x-ray technician comes in.  Yes it takes a while to get results from blood tests since they have to send them to an independent lab.  If the results are good, it may take a little longer to hear from them,  but if something needs changing or checking out, they call right a way.  Two days a week, the doctor sees his patients in their nursing homes.  


Not only do we have a full service medical practice, but they are not afraid to admit when something is beyiond their capabilities, and to refer the patient to a specialist while still following the progress.  Plus, the big boys are not in the picture.



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1 hour ago, Cruisercl said:

Hello everyone,

I continue to follow and lurk but want to post about once a week; that seems to work best for me.

First I want to wish my condolences, prayers and good thoughts to all who are struggling with loss, challenges and just things that are hard. Life is not always a cruise, just saying, I wish it was.

I also want to say that I am happy for those who are celebrating and enjoying life. Cheers to you all!


This past week has been quite the week here in the Twin Cities, MN area. @Overhead Fredlives in the St Paul area and I live more in the Minneapolis area. If anyone has been following the storms moving across the US, MN has been hit pretty hard. Where I live, we have 'received' about 15 inches of snow this week. Some got 20 inches of snow, but I agree with @Overhead Fred they were predicting at least 2 feet. But 15 inches of snow is not good! It closed down quite a bit of the cities and driving was not recommended by MNDOT. That is a pretty big statement because MN people will try to drive through any amount of snow, no kidding! We all have SUVs with 4WD for that reasonI think it was the wind and the drifting that was the bad part. Watching it on TV proved it was awful!


I have been on pins and needles this week because I am scheduled to fly to Miami tomorrow for a 15day PC cruise on NCL Bliss. Lots of flights were canceled this week but I lucked out and so far it is a go and the weather is behaving; the winter storm has moved East. Sorry to those who live East of us.

So, now I am finishing packing to go to Miami tomorrow for my cruise. Pretty excited to be in warm weather!

Have a good weekend everyone, I will try to follow/lurk while I am on my cruise.

Please take good care, virtual hugs for you all. OOOh, long message!!😊




Have a wonderful cruise.  I remember all the Mary Tyler Moore shows where the snow was a major character in Minneapolis.  


33 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, thank you for upholding the high (or is it low) standards of the Messy Painters Guild.  Paint inside the gloves is a new one for me, but then, I skip the gloves.  😉


I am truly talented in the Messy category.



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When I paint, it gets in my hair, so it has to be color that goes well with my jeans.  Gloves?  I didnt know you were supposed to wear gloves. 


When I do canvas paintings, I put a plastic table cloth down on the dining room table and go to town.  I have green paw prints in the living room and hall floors. 

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22 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

I didn't know that either.  But my gloves would have to go up to my elbows, I find paint there too.


I don't think gloves would help me either.  I have clothes that I only wear when I'm painting.  I also find paint on my arms and legs since I wear shorts and a t-shirt to paint.



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Another busy day on the HAL Fleet/Daily thread.

Have been to Hobart several times by ship, thanks for all the photos, brings back good memories.

Today Noordam has had a day of Scenic cruising, tomorrow (Saturday)  she will berth in Auckland.

@JazzyV condolences on the death of DFF's uncle.

@cruising sister hope that the counselling helps your grandson.

Bon Voyage to @Lady Hudson  and @Cruisercl.

@lindaler Happy Birthday.

@Quartzsite Cruiser  sounds like you have a very good caring doctor.


Appreciate the posters who multiquoted on their posts today, thank you.

Edited by erewhon
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11 hours ago, kazu said:


Oh no - your household’s plate is so full (and by that, I mean yours).  so sorry 😔 hope it is nothing serious 🙏 



No aide for Tana?  No help?  OMG.  So glad her son can help.  I now he has to grow up but when he looks back on his life, I am sure he will be proud 




No wonder the clock is ticking on you with all you have on your plate.  If I may be so bold, it might be a good idea to talk to your doctor.  You need your sleep desperately.




Good plan.  Way back - more than a couple of decades ago, we were able to bring our cat home and bury him in the back yard (extensive acreage).  Now, they have to be cremated and it’s against the law to bury them here 😔. Too many scavengers around, I guess and worries of disease





Wow - that is so sad.  Our province has carried out very safe health protocols and my vet was fanatic, but when it came to sending our beloved fur babies over the rainbow bridge, if you were vaccinated and boosted, and a regular client - she allowed us to be with them for the whole time and until we were ready to say good bye after they were gone.

I was with both Miko and Marley last year and she allowed one friend for each to support me knowing I was on my own with Jose in the hospital.  Probably why I am in an abysmal mood at times.  Small blessings, I guess.  I think she knew she would never be able to take them away from me. 💔

Best wishes for you tomorrow - my heart and thought will be with you.

Thank you Jacqui, I saw this late last night and very much appreciated it.We all survived the day with a few tests added on for DH.Next week there are appointments  on three days to begin the process.Tana's son told me he had one scary moment but DD was able to talk him through it.Thank you so much.

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4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you Jacqui, I saw this late last night and very much appreciated it.We all survived the day with a few tests added on for DH.Next week there are appointments  on three days to begin the process.Tana's son told me he had one scary moment but DD was able to talk him through it.Thank you so much.

Sending extra gentle hugs!  One day at a a time and many deep breaths!  I’m so sorry you have so much on your plate, hoping things will improve soon. 

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