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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday March 2nd, 2023

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Today is rescue cat day, but too soon for me.  Jerry is on my mind and in my heart.  With the unsettled weather we have had, lots of snow and ice hitting the windows, I keep thinking I hear him Jumping off my (our) bed or running up the stairs.  Perhaps one day I will get another cat but just not now.  


I am glad I have a new cruise, Volendam August 2nd to Alaska with my 12 yr. old grandson.  We are looking forward to spending time together. 


As always Thank You for CC being a safe and kind place to be.    Kate  

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have visited Trondheim twice, in  2005 on Marco Polo and in 2011 on Prinsendam. On those visits, we wandered around and took a tour offered by the visitor's office.


In 2011 while on the Prinsendam, the local tour took us to a park that had a collection of old buildings on display, including a small Stave church.





The altar in the church, the roof trusses, the door, and a side view.









An ancient boat



We also visited the fortress, but my pictures are the same as @StLouisCruisers Sandi's.  The next two are from a high point over looking the town and port.





Scenes from our walks around town.  The rest of the pictures are duplicate of those already posted.









A band marching through town.



The view from the ship as we sailed.





Nice photos Lenda.


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Today is Doctor Seuss's Birthday. 

I think the Cat in the Hat may have been a Rescue Cat. Here is a picture of my DW and the pre-school teacher during today's story time. The children have been cropped out of the shot to honor their privacy.


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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites.


Well, we lost March 2nd and on to March 3rd as we crossed the International Date Line.


Many thanks to our ladies who have stepped up to bring life to our Daily. You are awesome!


My seasickness wore off after I added my new patch. Eventually..


2 cats have found their way into our lives: Izzy and Sophie. Sophie did not stay long as my sweet husband was so allergic to her. She is now the queen of the household at our groomer. She even rules the dogs..


I cleaned out every old thing I wouldnt be using in our move to Texas 2 years ago. Anything I have that is old I want to keep.


We have a neighbor who passed away this morning. She had long years with many cancers. She devoted herself to research in her last 2 years. Lived life to the max. She has 3 cats ready to go to their new homes. Everything well planned. God rest her soul.


Prayers lifted to all on our care list, I pray everyday for you. Roy I hope you grow stronger each day. Prayers to Sarah and her friends who went thru her friends funeral.


Take care. Be kind. Have an awesome day! Happy Friday!! 💕

Condolences to everyone who liked and loved your neighbour Joy.

Pleased you are having a great cruise.


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8 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

Today is Doctor Seuss's Birthday. 

I think the Cat in the Hat may have been a Rescue Cat. Here is a picture of my DW and the pre-school teacher during today's story time. The children have been cropped out of the shot to honor their privacy.


Nice photo.

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Good afternoon.  We got a small rain shower, but the main rain will be late today and into tonight.  Our wind is already picking up, and when I took my walk to the mailbox it was slightly difficult walking into the wind.  Our wind gauge says 3.6 mph, but the weather app says 18.3 mph.  I think I believe the app.  The wind was strong enough that when I got back in the house, my hair was sticking out every which way.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Well, the bad storm that was forecast gave us pretty much of miss yesterday. We only got about 3 inches instead of the 8-10 predicted and today the sun is shinning. I have not had the fortitude to look at the long range forecast yet. I can celebrate all of the days and Shepard's pie in any form is a favorite with me.


Little new from here. I continue the very, very slow process of clearing out. Other than that, just dog walks unless I have to go the shelter for some reason. I do have to try to bust up the snow pile (ice really) in front of the trash bin. I am short and can not reach over it to open the lid. I keep hoping someone else will do it. Someone younger maybe. Which is just about everyone else in these buildings.


@smitty34877Sorry there are increased health concerns at your house. Hopefully the doctors will find they were looking at nothing. I always dread a return visit. @kazutake it easy with the elbow... it may be trying to tell you to slow down (something that I know is hard to do). Best wishes for good or improving health (whichever fits) to all.








Susan, I'm glad you did not get as much snow as predicted.  If I was in Durango, I'd help you with chopping the ice.  Hope another resident comes to your rescue.


2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good afternoon from Brazil. Thanks for the Daily Reports each day Sandi and thanks @JazzyVfor the cares report. Prayers for all on our list, the family of the NS entertainer and the people of Ukraine.  @smitty34877I pray things go well for your DH at the cardiologist.  I have friends on the NS and I see they are heading to Port Everglades. What a somber way to end a cruise.  

We are in Santarem and did the piranha fishing trip.  Few fish were landed but they were biting with a lot of bait used up.  The boat ride through the flooded during rainy season areas was nice and we got to see local small scale farming up close.  It was a partly sunny day with a breeze and not a bit hot. 

They really handled it well. We boarded our fishing boats off a barge tied to the ship.  No taking a boat ride to take another boat ride. I would like to sit on the balcony  but we are low on bug repellent.  Maybe we can find some in Manaus.  Have a wonderful day. Nancy 


















Nancy, thanks for the pictures of the boat tour.  We took that tour in April 2006, and DH caught a small piranha, but it was too small and was thrown back.  One lady caught a big one, and the crew on the boat filleted it and fried it.  We each got a taste along with some manioc.  The piranha tasted like perch, but the manioc was very hard and could have broken a tooth if you weren't careful.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:


The Contractor and the Tilers will be here tomorrow morning at 9 am.



Terri, I wish there was a Hooray button.  That is really good news. 👏 👍


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Thursday from snowy Tucson. It started about 10:00 last night and was still snowing at 8:00 this morning when I got up. Third snow this winter and the latest I ever remember.  According to my weather app we got 2.8 inches. 

Last night:



This morning:



Our kids called us this morning excited. Our DS works outside so has the day off. He and his SO decided to just drive around and take in the beauty. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, thanks for the pictures of the snow in Tucson.  It looks nice especially with clear roads.  I'd be driving around looking at it too.  The nearest snow we've gotten in Quartzsite was on top of the mountains ESE of town.  It was gone by 9 am.


1 hour ago, kazu said:


Thanks Sandi but there’s no denying it will be a doozy.  



It stings at the tip a lot.  I’m hoping it is due to the barometric pressure or the cream and massage yesterday by the physio?  But, I can feel the pin pressing - just stay there please until I see my surgeon in a few weeks.  




Oh dear on the CT scan and the worries 😔 You have more than enough without that.


I hope the cardiologist can help with an easy solution 🙏🏻 




Yippee!!!  Hallelujah!  




So sorry to hear this 😢 Bless her for planning for her fur babies.  May she rest in peace.  🙏🏻 




I can send you some snow if you would like more 😂 




Jacqui, I hope that pin "behaves" and stays in place until you see the surgeon.  Please continue to be careful with the elbow.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's 38 F and raining here, all the snow has washed away.

We have a lot of "old stuff" here, including us!  Like others, I have treasured items that belonged to my grandparents (desks, a china cabinet,  needlepoint chairs, paintings my grandmother did) that I cannot ever part with. I have moved them around the country for 40+ years.  Yesterday DH took 2 large bags of clothing and several boxes of glassware to "Helping Hands", a donation center here.  


All but 1 of our many cats over the years have been rescue cats, and as I've posted, DD has 2 new kittens who are rescue too.  One of mine was a rescue of only 10 days old (abandoned in a field).  I raised her with a bottle and she lived 17 years.  All my cats have been special, but that one was especially close to me.


I'll pass on the meal, wine and drink. Tonight I'm going to make one of the cheesy tortellini  recipes that Debbie @dfishprovided the other day.  We've been to Norway but never to Trondheim.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the great photos.  I'd love to go there some day.


This afternoon I'll see the Nephrologist for the first time.  I'm anxious to get answers and  a plan, but also nervous.  Yesterday I decided to see where the building is, since it's outside of our clinic.  I was dismayed to find out that it's right downtown Everett, an area I try to avoid.  There's basically no parking either. It's a nice new building, I just don't like that area.  My wonderful DH has offered to drive me there and drop me off.  I'll call him when I'm done.  Much better!  Even he doesn't want me parking in that area (if I could find a spot).  


Sandi @StLouisCruisersI'm so very sorry to hear about your brother's pulmonary fibrosis.  Sending hugs and prayers to the family in this trying time.


Terry @smitty34877Prayers that your DH's coronary issues can be easily dealt with.  You certainly don't need more to worry about, I know it's hard not to.  (((hugs)))   Your DD's cats are all gorgeous, thanks for sharing that photo. 🙂  


Vanessa @JazzyVI'm glad that your eye seems better today.


Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserSo happy to hear that your DH got a good report from the surgeon. 🙂  


Jacqui @kazuGo easy on that elbow 🙂  


Terri @Cruzin TerriGreat news that the contractor and tilers will be out tomorrow.




Carolyn, I hope the Nephrologist appointment goes well, and he has a plan going forward.  Your DH is nice to drive you so you don't have the hassle of finding a parking place.  Thank you for your nice words about DH's report yesterday.


51 minutes ago, jodi58 said:

Happy Thursday!

it’s snowing here, as usual.  

Unfortunately, I’m allergic to cats but my son, sister and nieces all have sweet rescue cats.


We will be getting a foster dog next week,  we adopted our present foster dog after having her for just one week!🙂.  DH keeps reminding me that we will only be fostering,

not adopting this new pup.  I’m going to try and remember that!

Sending positive thoughts to all.


Good for you fostering another puppy.  Remember the word is FOSTER.  🤣


19 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Good morning!  It is a bright, clear blue sky day in Western Colorado.  After our on again/off again snow that can't make up its mind, I am enjoying the sunshine!   I have to go to a meeting that is about 1-1/2 hours away, so am grateful!


I have never had shepherd's pie, so think the recipes look interesting.  I am trying to reduce the amount of meat I eat, so that might be one way for me to try something new.  Of course, when I make anything, then I get to eat it for 3-4 days, even if I try to downsize a recipe. 


I probably will get In the mood to "declutter" but when the weather warms up.  There is too much old stuff around here, including me!


I am keeping all on the cares list in my prayers!  So many of the Daily family have such difficult health challenges currently,  Since I returned from Hawaii, I have had wine on one occasion, so I will raise a glass of water/soda to those celebrating.  I know the wine industry is probably hurting!


Have a great day, everyone

Mary Kay


Mary Kay, that is nice that you have a clear day when you have a meeting so far away.  Since I don't like eating the same thing for several days in a row, I usually portion leftovers and freeze the portions.  That makes dinner easy on busy days.



1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites.


Well, we lost March 2nd and on to March 3rd as we crossed the International Date Line.


Many thanks to our ladies who have stepped up to bring life to our Daily. You are awesome!


My seasickness wore off after I added my new patch. Eventually..


2 cats have found their way into our lives: Izzy and Sophie. Sophie did not stay long as my sweet husband was so allergic to her. She is now the queen of the household at our groomer. She even rules the dogs..


I cleaned out every old thing I wouldnt be using in our move to Texas 2 years ago. Anything I have that is old I want to keep.


We have a neighbor who passed away this morning. She had long years with many cancers. She devoted herself to research in her last 2 years. Lived life to the max. She has 3 cats ready to go to their new homes. Everything well planned. God rest her soul.


Prayers lifted to all on our care list, I pray everyday for you. Roy I hope you grow stronger each day. Prayers to Sarah and her friends who went thru her friends funeral.


Take care. Be kind. Have an awesome day! Happy Friday!! 💕


Joy, our condolences on the death of your neighbor.  She sounds like a remarkable lady who put others first by devoting herself to research and by living life to the fullest.  How nice of her to provide for her cats before her death.


It sounds like the washer made it through the sixth and final load without breaking down. That is a small victory for today.



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For those who have not been to Trondheim, I found a few more pictures to share.  We were lucky to have sunny days both times we were in Trondheim.  


 Pictures of the main square, which is actually a circle.







The grave yard at the cathedral which Sandi @StLouisCruisers shared.  BTW, Sandi, my pictures of the cathedral look like yours.  I think that was because we had to be so close to the church, it made the church seem like it was leaning back.



The remainder of the pictures were taken from the Marco Polo and the Prinsendam of the area around the dock.





It is a nice town to visit and easy to navigate.





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I think that the Junior Cat qualifies as a rescue cat, because the MSPCA took her from the home of an incipient hoarder where she was terrorized by older and larger cats.


I could envision making the vegan shepherd's pie, although an older friend from Newfoundland would be distressed by calling it that. She argues vociferously that it can only be called shepherd's pie if made with lamb or mutton; she would call the beef version cowboy pie, although cottage pie is a more common name for it. I actually have the ingredients for the recipe with a sweet-potato topping, but I don't think I would like that combination of flavors so much. The drink and the wine would also be OK with me. I'd like to visit Trondheim but it's not imminent.


I need to organize medical visits for myself and the Junior Cat. She needs the vaccination that she missed during her gastric upset; I need to get labs ordered and have a blood draw, see my PCP, and see the oral surgeon.



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Happy Thursday from a dreary SE Wisconsin.  We've had an "easy" winter, but some snow is in the forecast for tomorrow.  Lots of "old" stuff in our house, and it keeps accumulating!  Went to our church quilting group today, and brought home more fabric for baby quilts...hopefully it'll all get used!  @Sharon in AZ my niece and her husband live in Tucson, 2 x this week they've sent snow pictures...they say it melts quickly though.  I'd like to visit Norway some day.  My mother's family came from there.  They were from a central area of the country, so I don't think a cruise port would be near by, but it would be nice to visit.  Prayers for all who need them and cheers for the rest.  Karen

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4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:


The Contractor and the Tilers will be here tomorrow morning at 9 am.



Well, Glory be!  It is about time!



3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Thursday from snowy Tucson. It started about 10:00 last night and was still snowing at 8:00 this morning when I got up. Third snow this winter and the latest I ever remember.  According to my weather app we got 2.8 inches. 

Last night:



This morning:



Our kids called us this morning excited. Our DS works outside so has the day off. He and his SO decided to just drive around and take in the beauty. 

Have a great day everyone!


I wish that was all we were getting.  One forecast says 4 inches, another says 6-10 inches, another says 4-6 inches.  I guess we'll find out when it falls tomorrow afternoon and evening. 


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


DH is upset with Amazon today.  He ordered something Sunday and of course your prime membership delivery is supposed to be two days, right?  Well, that never happens anymore.  You know why?  They send these packages all over the country on their way to your house.  Yesterday morning the package was in Atlanta where it originated, and then they sent it off to Katy, Texas yesterday afternoon.  So now it's there in Katy.  What is wrong with this picture?  We live 30 to 40 miles from Atlanta depending on north or south.  Somebody made a boo-boo!


When I was living in Ohio an item I ordered went from St. Louis, Missouri to some obscure place out west, then to Olathe, Kansas, then to Grove City, Ohio, then to Michigan, then to Toledo and finally to my front porch.  I think I could have gone and picked it up quicker.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


We have a lot of "old stuff" here, including us!  Like others, I have treasured items that belonged to my grandparents (desks, a china cabinet,  needlepoint chairs, paintings my grandmother did) that I cannot ever part with. I have moved them around the country for 40+ years.  Yesterday DH took 2 large bags of clothing and several boxes of glassware to "Helping Hands", a donation center here.  


I really like the old stuff we have.  I have Grandma's china, Mom's Waterford crystal, Grandma's gate leg table, Grandma's Belleek, and Grandma's silver.  No one else wanted any of this stuff, saying what would they do with it.  I can't help but think Grandma and Mom would be thrilled that these things are being used and cherished.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


This afternoon I'll see the Nephrologist for the first time.  I'm anxious to get answers and  a plan, but also nervous.  Yesterday I decided to see where the building is, since it's outside of our clinic.  I was dismayed to find out that it's right downtown Everett, an area I try to avoid.  There's basically no parking either. It's a nice new building, I just don't like that area.  My wonderful DH has offered to drive me there and drop me off.  I'll call him when I'm done.  Much better!  Even he doesn't want me parking in that area (if I could find a spot).  



Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Carolyn, that the nephrologist can give you a treatment plan that will help your kidneys.  I think it is a good thing that Henry will be with you on the way there and on the way home.  


@Seasick Sailor I am sorry to hear of the passing of your neighbor.  She sounds like a remarkable woman and reminds me of a friend I taught with.  My friend made all the arrangements for her funeral including setting up babysitters for the littlest grandchildren.  


The trip to the store with DB was interesting.  He refuses to consider using a cane so I had to drop him off at the door and go park.  Then, I found him in the store, collected the walker from the basket of the Amigo and took it out to the car.  I got my groceries and put them in the car and went back in with the walker and my cart.  I collected his groceries as they were bagged and left him with the walker while he paid.  I told him to wait at the door for me and I went out and loaded his groceries in the car, put the cart where it belonged and then went to pick him up.  When we got to his apartment building I gave him his walker while I went and got the cart from the lobby and then loaded his groceries on it.  I walked the cart back up to the door where he insisted he could manage the cart and the walker the rest of the way.  No sense arguing with him.  It may have taken him an hour to get to his apartment.  I hope he didn't have any frozen food.

Edited by dfish
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20 minutes ago, dfish said:

wish that was all we were getting.  One forecast says 4 inches, another says 6-10 inches, another says 4-6 inches.  I guess we'll find out when it falls tomorrow afternoon and evening. 


Craig says we got 4 inches maybe 5.  Of course it depends upon where you are and where the reporting is.  Very unusual for us, especially in March.  If I wanted snow I'd still be living in Colorado.

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24 minutes ago, dfish said:

When we got to his apartment building I gave him his walker while I went and got the cart from the lobby and then loaded his groceries on it.  I walked the cart back up to the door where he insisted he could manage the cart and the walker the rest of the way.  No sense arguing with him.  It may have taken him an hour to get to his apartment.  I hope he didn't have any frozen food.

Sounds like my Mom! No sense arguing with her either!

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Today has been a good day.  Went to my final physical therapy session this morning for the leg fracture.  The therapist did a few tests to see how far I could bend the ankle in different directions and how much pressure it could exert in different directions.  All the numbers were good, some surprisingly better than just a week ago.  So I can consider myself healed.  I was talking to the therapist about computer applications and he said he was amazed at what the new ap ChatGPT can do.  He had it on his laptop and showed how it could write a three paragraph description of the first year of the American Revolution just by him asking it to do that.  I asked him to have it describe a one day walking tour for a tourist in Yokohama.  The results were amazing!  I just bought a 900 page Lonely Planet book on Japan and have started to research some of the ports, but using ChatGPT may make the old way of researching a port obsolete.  Have any of us in this group tried it yet?


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1 hour ago, erewhon said:

@StLouisCruisers  Today Friday 3rd March, Noordam is berthed at Port Chalmers.  To view her, 



click on photo to enlarge


Yes, I see it there on the webcam.  I've been having this debate every day lately on the position of the Noordam.  Twelve hours from this point in time I will be posting the Daily for March 3 here in the U.S.  When I look at the time at that point in New Zealand, it will be approximately 11pm on March 3 and the Noordam will have left the port listed on Halfacts.com/Daily and will be heading to the next port.  Therefore I try to update to its actual position or where it is actually heading at that point in time.  Does that make sense?  I've been trying to be accurate.  Anyone have any ideas what is the correct way to do this?


Edited to say, I just checked cruisetimetables.com and see that I may have jumped one day forward on the itinerary this morning.  I apologize if I have posted incorrectly at times.  Perhaps I should try not to overthink the position at that date and time and just post as it is listed on halfacts.  We can all look at the maps posted and see approximately where the ship is located.

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Perhaps I should try not to overthink the position at that date and time and just post as it is listed on halfacts.  We can all look at the maps posted and see approximately where the ship is located.


Please don't make any extra effort to correct for local time. You're already going above and beyond, and by the time we read the post the position may have changed anyway.

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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Carolyn, that the nephrologist can give you a treatment plan that will help your kidneys.  I think it is a good thing that Henry will be with you on the way there and on the way home.

Thanks Debbie.  It was a positive visit. She said that the illness I had in December for 2-3 weeks definitely caused the acute injury to my kidneys since before that I was doing ok. 

Of course she can't make any promises, but she said it's possible to get back on track.  I'm to continue doing what I'm doing (drink 64 oz water/day, exercise and avoid salt).  I was happy to hear that other than salt, I don't have to change my diet drastically.  We're tweaking another one of my blood pressure meds and will test in a month to see if that helps.  If not, we'll try other things.  So another month before I see if my labs have improved...

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54 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


Please don't make any extra effort to correct for local time. You're already going above and beyond, and by the time we read the post the position may have changed anyway.


Thanks for your viewpoint Paul.  At 5 am with not much sleep it's really hard to analyze positions especially because that date is nearly over by the time we see the Fleet Report.  I'll just post what is on Halfacts.com/Daily and be done with it.  🥴

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:


It was a positive visit. She said that the illness I had in December for 2-3 weeks definitely caused the acute injury to my kidneys since before that I was doing ok. 

Of course she can't make any promises, but she said it's possible to get back on track.  I'm to continue doing what I'm doing (drink 64 oz water/day, exercise and avoid salt).  I was happy to hear that other than salt, I don't have to change my diet drastically.  We're tweaking another one of my blood pressure meds and will test in a month to see if that helps.  If not, we'll try other things.  So another month before I see if my labs have improved...


Yes!!!  I was waiting to hear how it went. That's a good report!  I had to do the battery of tests and consult with the nephrologist and mine went like yours.  I was amazed at how many more definitive diagnostic tests there are and was so happy that it wasn't as bad as the general tests had led me to believe.  I was sooooo hoping that you would have a positive visit as well.  I'm toasting you tonight, girl friend.  Kidneys are...important.

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Sorry to hear about more people passing and funerals today.  


Cruising Along - it sounds like things went well with your doctor. I hope your kidney issues resolve.


Sandy you are doing quite the task, as is Debbie, Vanessa and the others who post the drink and wines.  It is quite a task and done nowhere else on this site by any group of people. Thank you all for doing this every single day and thank you Rich for doing this in advance for this group.


I loved the pictures of the Cat in the Hat and all of the new puppies that have been posted recently.  


Vanessa for now you can take me off of the care list. As I thought the surgeon said I needed surgery since I have a broken bone in my lower back and it will not get better on its own. As of now it is scheduled for early May but I am hoping they can move it up to April since I have my son's wedding in mid  June which will entail traveling by plane though thankfully not a long flight. The surgeon swore I would be fine to do this since it gives me 6 weeks of recuperation time.  


We had booked a wonderful long cruise this summer to Iceland, Scotland and Norway on the Rotterdam, for this summer,  but given the very long flights and the intensity of the ports, we thought it would be best to cancel.   We have had this reservation for over a year so I am quite bummed out with having to cancel though I know it is for the best.     So now I have to cancel all the private shore excursions, hotel etc.  Oh well.   We booked a Princess cruise for July 2024 doing Iceland and Norway. For those of you who have taken princess can you let me know if this is a mistake. The  ship is the Sky Princess and it goes out of Southampton which allows us to take a non stop flight from FL and is port intensive. I actually liked the fact that it was only 14 days since we thought we would spend some time in London seeing the sights either before of after the cruise. 


I hope everyone has a good evening.  

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A note on the fleet's positions. I set up the file that lists the ships positions back in late November and early December based on published itineraries. I have asked many time, on both these threads and on the main board, for people to let me know if they get an itinerary change notice. I rarely receive any. When I see a topic here or on FB I try to update the file.

Several years ago, prior to the shutdown, I was getting a lot of messages about the ships in the Australian area being a day off, so I adjusted the report to show the location for the next day, which is only about a 12 hour offset.


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48 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


Yes!!!  I was waiting to hear how it went. That's a good report!  I had to do the battery of tests and consult with the nephrologist and mine went like yours.  I was amazed at how many more definitive diagnostic tests there are and was so happy that it wasn't as bad as the general tests had led me to believe.  I was sooooo hoping that you would have a positive visit as well.  I'm toasting you tonight, girl friend.  Kidneys are...important.

Wow, thank you so much. I'm really glad to hear that you're doing well.  It's kind of scary not knowing what's happening, and stories like yours are so helpful.  I'm not out of the woods, but at least feeling more hopeful.  If you don't mind my asking, what battery of tests did you have?  

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Thanks Debbie.  It was a positive visit. She said that the illness I had in December for 2-3 weeks definitely caused the acute injury to my kidneys since before that I was doing ok. 

Of course she can't make any promises, but she said it's possible to get back on track.  I'm to continue doing what I'm doing (drink 64 oz water/day, exercise and avoid salt).  I was happy to hear that other than salt, I don't have to change my diet drastically.  We're tweaking another one of my blood pressure meds and will test in a month to see if that helps.  If not, we'll try other things.  So another month before I see if my labs have improved...

Good news, Carolyn!  It takes time, but you'll do it.  And the experience of Maxine @AncientWanderer is great to know.  I know you are resting a bit easier and I'm happy.

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