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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday March 11th, 2023


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15 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

As a professional religious worker, I have to oppose the worship of tools, but it is OK to be grateful for them. For travel I prefer a small cross-body bag to a fanny pack.


I haven't been to Reunion, but I have a story for the garden club. The Bourbon rose originated on Reunion in the 19th century, apparently as a natural hybrid between China or tea roses, which are reblooming but not winter-hardy, and damask roses, which are hardy but not reblooming. Reunion was formerly called the Ile de Bourbon. As Vita Sackville-West put it, "They married in secret." Bourbon roses are very vigorous and free-blooming; they can actually outgrow blackspot; many grow as climbers. They're not suitable for my garden, alas, because most are thornless or nearly so, and deer eat them.



The only lasagna I could make at home would have to be vegetarian, because I don't combine meat and dairy foods.


The hospital had my lab results ready by last night, and today I also received them by email from my doctor. Everything was in the reference range or very close to it (a few were one point above or below). They included some additional tests to check for liver or kidney impairment from covid; those tests were completely normal. My cholesterol was the lowest it has ever been, and hemoglobin A1C, which I don't think had ever been tested before, was precisely in the middle of the normal range.


This is boring for the doctor, but he doesn't object -- unlike the hospitalists when I had surgery for a broken arm, who were bound and determined to diagnose a serious heart problem and grew frustrated and angry when they couldn't find one.



Great to hear you had excellent test results.


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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Funny! Remember our visit from a bear last Monday that scattered our trash all over. Today I found another shredded bag in back yard. The bear must enjoy caffeine highs as it opened up our discarded Keurig pods an ate all the coffee grounds from many pods. 

Aliaschief, how close to you live to RedneckBob?  He may be making his caffeinated moonshine again, and just needed some supplies.

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38 minutes ago, travelnap said:

Aliaschief, how close to you live to RedneckBob?  He may be making his caffeinated moonshine again, and just needed some supplies.

About a ten hour drive?😎 I’m not sure about his moonshine. I’m more curious what he’s been smoking!

Edited by aliaschief
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33 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

About a ten hour drive?😎 I’m not sure about his moonshine. I’m more curious what he’s been smoking!

Six hours, 18 minutes plus or minus ??? Based on rest stops.

Only thing I ever smoked in my life were those candy cigarettes back in the ‘50’s. Did not get me hooked!

Edited by RedneckBob
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1 minute ago, RedneckBob said:

Six hours, 18 minutes plus or minus ??? Based on rest stops.

Only thing I ever smoked in my life were those candy cigarettes back in the ‘50’s. Did not get me hooked!

That’s pretty close. We might have to move!🤪

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Good afternoon from a warm, 85F and humid central Texas.  The sun is out even though there are still clouds.  It was hot when I took my walk a few minutes ago. 


The house is clean.  Even though it takes longer to clean the floors with the steam mop, the floors are much cleaner.  We both agree that we hate to think what all the mop was not getting off the floors.


Early this morning, I didn't have any trouble with CC on my tablet, but about three hours later, it said this site is unavailble.   Since I was busy, I just left it alone.  This afternoon, some weird site came up with the message I needed to give some information before I could login.  I just closed the tab, opened a new tab and clicked on the CC icon.  CC came up as it normally does.  Since our internet was working this morning when I couldn't get in, I also tend to think it was a problem with CC they got fixed.


8 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a cloudy and cool day at the beach

        Not a fan of fanny packs but saw quite a few on our last cruise. I prefer a cross body bag.

       I do like vegetarian lasagna. 

       @Lady Hudson this would be a good week to skip Port Canaveral. Weather predictions are cool and rainy plus it is spring break for Florida kids. So everywhere would be very crowded. 

     @RMLincoln Hope you are feeling better soon and your DH does not catch it

       @cat shepard Ann, with all the bikers in town, better to stay home.  We have a lot here also but no where near the numbers in Daytona Beach. 

         We had our annual golf tournament yesterday. It was a lot of fun and all had a great time. I did not win but I did get a few side awards. My son won the same award for the Mens division. Everyone was giving us a hard time ( jokingly)  We then had a big barbeque dinner and the non golf playing family members joined us. All worked out well. 

         Stay safe and enjoy today





Charlene, congratulations to you and your DS on the awards.  Very glad the day was a success.


8 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Yay for Johnny Appleseed - apples are my favourite fruit.  DH has tons of tools, but none that we worship.  Early in our marriage, he gave me a pink kit full of essential tools for odd jobs around the house that I quickly named the Barbie Kit.  You have no idea how often I've referred to the Barbie Kit for my needs, and frequently when DH needs something, rather than going out to the garage, he brings it out as well.  I've never used a fanny pack; I prefer using a cross body bag.


It was a dark and stormy night last night - fortunately we didn't get much snow, just a lot of wind.  As I look out the window, I can see the wind is still with us and it's just whipping around the snow that fell last night.  A couple of hours south of us, however, is a different story - roads are closed, power is out in a number of communities, and the storm hasn't finished with them yet.  There are still blizzard warnings and extreme snowfall warnings out for that part of the province.


Today is a day forever etched in our memory; 12 years ago our son was teaching kindergarten in Japan when the 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck.  He was close enough to Fukushima that he was able to capture a photo of the mushroom cloud when one of the explosions occurred.  As he crouched on the parking lot with his tiny students, he saw the ground open up in front of him and close again. What normally took him a 2.5 hr train ride to get home, took 21.5 hours walking through debris and broken streets.  Along the way, people offered him food, water, and if they had power, the opportunity to recharge his phone and laptop.  I stayed home from work that day and had 8 different windows open on my computer, trying to get updates on the situation, and was so relieved when we finally heard from him that he, our DDIL, her family, and their friends were all safe.  I will keep a candle burning today in memory of the thousands who lost their lives, and for the hundreds of thousands who lost their homes, their livelihoods.


I'd like to try the wine today, but if I was making the lasagna, would probably add ground beef (we like our meat!).  I think I'll bring out some salmon to bake, and will serve it with baby potatoes and green beans at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those facing nature's wrath.  Extra for the people of Ukraine for continued strength.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





Gerry, that day must have been so terrifying for your DS, DDIL, her family, you and your family on this side of the Pacific.  I'm glad everyone in the family was safe, but feel for everyone who lost so much.


8 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. Well, we did not get as much snow as had been forecast. And the roads stayed fairly clean because we stayed at or above the freezing mark, at least in our little corner of Ontario. 

quiet day today, only laundry, since I cleaned yesterday. I have a couple of books to finish. Just watched season 22 of midsomer murders. I borrowed it from the library. Just waiting for them to get the newest season of death in paradise or for the Detroit pbs station to start broadcasting it. I should start sorting paperwork for income tax filing just so I know what I am missing.

prayers for all who need them and will lift a glass later for those celebrating.


Eva, that's good news you missed the worst of the storm.  Tomorrow will be a quiet day here, then, laundry on Monday.  I'm taking my birthday off tomorrow.


8 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


It is a chilly start to a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. The skies are a beautiful shade of blue!  I love it.  Today is a busy day.  I have to get the house cleaned, pick up Sue's birthday cake at the bakery, and be ready for the birthday party tonight.   Those of us living in town will be here celebrating.  DB of knee replacement fame feels he cannot negotiate the half flight of stairs in my house.  He did, however, ask to use the cane.  Wonders never cease.  


I like lasagna and could go for either version, vegetarian or meaty.  I prefer the one with meat in it.  I remember way back when that Stauffer's had a vegetarian lasagna - spinach lasagna - that we gravitated to when we were on one of our diets.  It was actually pretty good.  We'll start with this one from Cookie and Kate that declares it is the best vegetarian lasagna.  https://cookieandkate.com/best-vegetable-lasagna-recipe/




This next recipe uses spinach and mushrooms.  I love mushrooms and bet they would add a lot to the dish.  https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/vegetarian_spinach_and_mushroom_lasagna/




This next one is from Food Network. I probably won't make it as it has a tomato carrot sauce. I would prefer to not know if they are putting carrots in something.  But, you guys might like it. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/vegetarian-lasagna-3364145




I don't want to leave this one out because it is another best vegetarian lasagna.  I think it might be pretty good because they roast the vegetables they put into it.  That would really ramp up the flavor.  https://www.loveandlemons.com/vegetarian-lasagna/




Still thinking ho hum?  How about this vegetarian lasagna with a white sauce?  If you're going to take out the meat, you might as well really shake things up.  https://sweetlysplendid.com/vegetable-lasagna/




We've got some great choices here!   If you really want the meat, just add it in.  I know I would.  


Wishing everyone a wonderful day.


Debbie, please wish Sue a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.


3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  Good wishes to all, and I second @JazzyV's remarks, so well put!  Early this morning, I heard a lot of pattering on the roof, I thought it was a heavy rain, but when I went out to get the papers, I could see all the bits of hail on the ground.  What a place!  At least the reservoir is up to 97.6% - just a little more needed to fill it up.  But we are way behind.  


We haven't been to Reunion, we love apples, ("an apple a day....")  and if we have a vegetarian lasagna, I usually get Pat to grill a steak to go with it.  Usually I make lasagna with ground turkey, as then DD will eat it, too.  I Have a turkey breast in the freezer, which I think I will roast today, though.  


In the paper today we saw three obituaries of people we knew, what a place, again, no wonder they say it's a town of "newly weds and nearly deads"...  


Ann, our condolences to you and Pat on the passing of three people you knew.


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

As a professional religious worker, I have to oppose the worship of tools, but it is OK to be grateful for them. For travel I prefer a small cross-body bag to a fanny pack.


I haven't been to Reunion, but I have a story for the garden club. The Bourbon rose originated on Reunion in the 19th century, apparently as a natural hybrid between China or tea roses, which are reblooming but not winter-hardy, and damask roses, which are hardy but not reblooming. Reunion was formerly called the Ile de Bourbon. As Vita Sackville-West put it, "They married in secret." Bourbon roses are very vigorous and free-blooming; they can actually outgrow blackspot; many grow as climbers. They're not suitable for my garden, alas, because most are thornless or nearly so, and deer eat them.



The only lasagna I could make at home would have to be vegetarian, because I don't combine meat and dairy foods.


The hospital had my lab results ready by last night, and today I also received them by email from my doctor. Everything was in the reference range or very close to it (a few were one point above or below). They included some additional tests to check for liver or kidney impairment from covid; those tests were completely normal. My cholesterol was the lowest it has ever been, and hemoglobin A1C, which I don't think had ever been tested before, was precisely in the middle of the normal range.


This is boring for the doctor, but he doesn't object -- unlike the hospitalists when I had surgery for a broken arm, who were bound and determined to diagnose a serious heart problem and grew frustrated and angry when they couldn't find one.



think there was a problem with CC that they got fixed.


Paul, thanks for the information on the Bourbon roses.  Congratulations on the great lab results.


3 hours ago, richwmn said:


Tonight the Pinnacle Grill became Tamarind for the evening (and I believe tomorrow). I had dinner there with a friend so here is the food porn.


Dinner was the Wasabe Beef



Dessert was a Cheese Cake




Rich, thanks for the pictures from the Tamarond pop-up.  I really enjoyed the Tamarind on Kdam.  Loved the steak and the lamb chops.


8 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

We enter our second day of rain- maybe the third. I’m loosing count. Today is expected to be the heaviest. Was supposed to go to a powwow today, but we postponed that to tomorrow.

We have joined the leak club. Late yesterday I was in the kitchen and felt a few drops of water. Then a good sprinkling. Looking up, the water was coming from a light fixture that was on. On investigating I found water trickling down the inside bathroom/attic wall on the second floor above. The water must have pooled and dumped, because it didn’t continue falling. I have the electric switch duct tapped off for now, and DH bought some Henrys at the Depot last night. He plans to go topside Sunday after the rain. We signed a contract a couple weeks ago to repaper that portion of the roof. We’re expecting to start in May. That’s how backed up they are.


@ger_77 I have a set of pink tools also. Years ago when I was taking woodworking, I found my toolbox empty ( except for a tool belt that fits a small waist.) 🥴 And all the other tools in the garage were missing. So I bought another set and a can of spray paint in the most horrible shade of pink, and the tools have not disappeared since.


@RMLincoln Hope you feel better soon. So sorry you are sick.


Most of the crepe paper flowers are done, so today I start working on implementing the centerpiece design for my friends upcoming tea.


Have a great day everyone!



I'm sorry we started the leak club.  People have been trying to find the source of ours for six or seven years.  The flowers turned out really pretty.



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It's  a sunny Sunday, temperature 24 C.

I eat an apple most days, the new season apples are arriving in the shops.  Another New Zealand wine, have not been to Waiheke island.

Fanny pack, known here as a bum bag,  have only used one to carry my chemotherapy pump.

@kochleffel thank you for the Bourbon Rose information, good news about your results.

@RMLincoln  welcome home Maureen, have you done a covid test?  Hope you are feeling better, and preparations for DH's surgery can go ahead.  Sorry to read of the death of your cousin.

Thanks for the photos of Reunion Island.


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15 hours ago, JazzyV said:


Today’s care list:

Roy recovering from pneumonia

Dailyites not sleeping well

Cruising sister’s loss of a dear friend to cancer

Cruzin Terri with pain from myofascial strain

Difficult days for Jacqui (kazu)

Citizens of Ukraine/CA deluged by snow and rain

From the rotation:

StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis 

Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy

Tana’s pulmonary issues

Former President Jimmy Carter in home hospice care


Celebrations and Shout outs:

Welcome home SusieKIsland Girl!

Vict0riann’s DH Pat home from the hospital

Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana

Cruzin Terri’s bathroom nearer to completion

Many Dailyites planning cruises


1 day for Lady Hudson’s sisters cruise (Anthem of the Seas 3/12 to 3/19)

6 days for RedneckBob (Celebrity Constellation 3/17 to 3/27)

7 Days for DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam 3/18 to3/29)

7 Days for Seagarsmoker (N Statendam 3/18 to 3/25)


Cruisercl (NCL Bliss to 3/12), TAW1963 (Ruby Princess 3/12), ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Suslor (Zaandam to 3/18), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea



Thank you Vanessa for the wonderful list keeping!  We are going to miss you when you're gone on that TA you have planned next month!




14 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Good morning Dailyites! 
Checking back in after our family cruise. Rotterdam returned us Wednesday… DH and I drove home to Maryland, arrived safely yesterday. It’s a tough slog up

I-95 with lots of traffic and periodic congestion. Thinking I don’t want to do it again. Glad to be home safe, but not too sound…  I am sick!  It began second day on the road home. Maybe a cold maybe COVID. I am so disappointed - we wore KN -95 masks 100% out of our room. Only ate in MDR with the family. No shore excursions, avoided crowds, etc. Not sure how this will impact DH’s eye surgery schedule - he has pre-op physical Monday, surgery the 28th. That’s the great concern now. He needs the eye drain implants for glaucoma so he can get off (some?) of the eye drop meds that he has become allergic to or sensitized to. He has three meds, only two come in preservatives-free versions. He has constant itching of the eyes and face. Still hoping we can get the surgeries started this month, one eye at a time. Appreciate your prayers!

The cruise was excellent. 8 of us - daughter from Idaho, son and wife from North Carolina, 2 granddaughters and the married one’s husband from New York State. Some flight problems, cancellation, delays arriving but everyone made it. They did lots of excursions, tons of fun!  We had a table for 8 in main/late dining and the most exceptional servers we ever had!  Some did specialty dinning a couple of nights but it was all good. The ships is a great place for people to have their own space. I think they want to do it again!  

Rotterdam is a beautiful ship with stunning artwork. She certainly felt very new!  The MDR wasn’t horribly noisy like Koningsdam. The Lincoln Center Stage musicians were excellent. I don’t know when their contracts end and HAL shifts them to a main stage act but we thoroughly enjoyed them. We found a place to sit in the BBKings lounge away from people so we could feel safer. No idea where I picked up this bug, probably disembarking. Will let you know how we do, how it impacts us. 

Thanks for the excellent screenshots of SailAway!  I captured them this morning, will share them with family. How special this “family” is!  Blessings to you all, and Kia Ora to our NZ friends who have shared the last decade with us!  You all lift my spirit and I deeply appreciate our connections. 

Have tons to catch up on, here and everywhere!  Plus I lost a cousin while we were away. She was a great positive influence in my life and a wonderful role model for my sister and me growing up. She wound up living in Houston but DH and I got to visit with her many times- when we trailered around the country, when we used the Houston port, and during our stays there for MD Anderson for treatments. The longer we live the more people we lose. I’m so grateful for all the myriad connections we enjoy. 


Maureen, nice to see you back but I sure hope it isn't Covid you have.  And also I hope your DH gets his surgery as scheduled and doesn't come down with anything. Sad news about the cousin you lost.  We are definitely getting to that age.  We need to live life to the fullest while we can.



13 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all of you.  Somehow I never got to post yesterday.

I started to read yesterday’s posts and something distracted me and I was never able to return.  I will try to read the posts today.

Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the Daily and Fleet Report and your dedication to making sure it is accurate.  I always love your narrative afterwards.  it is so well put together.

Thank to Vanessa @JazzyVfor the Cares and Celebration list.  You seem to capture everyone’s situation, good and bad and otherwise.  Appreciate your dedication and organization to this.  

You both jumped in to take over without even a blink of an eye.

@summer slope Dixie, I will pass on the drink and @cat shepard Ann, I will have to pass on the wine, not because I would not want to drink it, but I don’t think it fits my budget. 

As for the meal, we will see what @dfish Debbie comes up with, but I like real lasagna.  So I think we will skip that too.

The days are interesting.  Hats off to Johnny Appleseed.  We all appreciate tools, especially when we need them. I usually do not use Fanny packs.  I have enough packed into that area.

St. Denis, Reunion Island is a favorite stop on World Cruises.  I have not been to that port.


As for an update. The right side of my upper back is still hurting.  The heating pad provides temporary relief and lying down helps too.  However, with all the work to be done around here, I cannot sit still for long.

The tiling is finished and looks lovely.  The vanity, toilet, mirrors and medicine cabinet should be arriving this week.  The glass for the shower door will be measured this week and installed as soon as it is ready. So hopefully, I will have a completed bathroom very soon.  This has been a long haul.

And expensive!


Today Jim and i will celebrate his DB’s birthday in heaven.  Eugene was a very special part of our lives for a very long time and we will remember him very fondly today and keep him in our prayers. If anyone is in heaven, it is Eugene.  There is a special place in heaven for those with special needs.

Happy Birthday Eugene.


We are also going to make a jaunt to Costco.  We used to have to go to either Charleston or Jacksonville, but now they have opened one in Pooler, GA, which is a 40 minute drive.  We have not been there since the flood and really need to replenish supplies.


Finally, we remember in prayer all those who are on the cares list and those around the world who are suffering.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


We have sunshine today and it will be a great day.

Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead.

God Bless,



Terri, thank you for your kind words.  We're doing our best to keep things running here.  I hope the remainder of the bathroom renovation happens quickly this week.  Nice of you two to celebrate Eugene on his birthday up in heaven.  From what you say he was a big part of your lives for quite a long time.  Sorry about the continued pain.  Prayers for some relief for you.





13 hours ago, richwmn said:



We (WC2023) were there not too long ago. Here are the pictures I posted.











Thanks for your pictures from St.-Denis.  First ones of the day.




12 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Yay for Johnny Appleseed - apples are my favourite fruit.  DH has tons of tools, but none that we worship.  Early in our marriage, he gave me a pink kit full of essential tools for odd jobs around the house that I quickly named the Barbie Kit.  You have no idea how often I've referred to the Barbie Kit for my needs, and frequently when DH needs something, rather than going out to the garage, he brings it out as well.  I've never used a fanny pack; I prefer using a cross body bag.


It was a dark and stormy night last night - fortunately we didn't get much snow, just a lot of wind.  As I look out the window, I can see the wind is still with us and it's just whipping around the snow that fell last night.  A couple of hours south of us, however, is a different story - roads are closed, power is out in a number of communities, and the storm hasn't finished with them yet.  There are still blizzard warnings and extreme snowfall warnings out for that part of the province.


Today is a day forever etched in our memory; 12 years ago our son was teaching kindergarten in Japan when the 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck.  He was close enough to Fukushima that he was able to capture a photo of the mushroom cloud when one of the explosions occurred.  As he crouched on the parking lot with his tiny students, he saw the ground open up in front of him and close again. What normally took him a 2.5 hr train ride to get home, took 21.5 hours walking through debris and broken streets.  Along the way, people offered him food, water, and if they had power, the opportunity to recharge his phone and laptop.  I stayed home from work that day and had 8 different windows open on my computer, trying to get updates on the situation, and was so relieved when we finally heard from him that he, our DDIL, her family, and their friends were all safe.  I will keep a candle burning today in memory of the thousands who lost their lives, and for the hundreds of thousands who lost their homes, their livelihoods.


I'd like to try the wine today, but if I was making the lasagna, would probably add ground beef (we like our meat!).  I think I'll bring out some salmon to bake, and will serve it with baby potatoes and green beans at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those facing nature's wrath.  Extra for the people of Ukraine for continued strength.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



What a horrifying event in your son's life!  That is an extremely powerful earthquake.  Very thoughtful of you to keep the candle burning for those who lost their lives that day.




12 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a cloudy and cool day at the beach

        Not a fan of fanny packs but saw quite a few on our last cruise. I prefer a cross body bag.

       I do like vegetarian lasagna. 

       @Lady Hudson this would be a good week to skip Port Canaveral. Weather predictions are cool and rainy plus it is spring break for Florida kids. So everywhere would be very crowded. 

     @RMLincoln Hope you are feeling better soon and your DH does not catch it

       @cat shepard Ann, with all the bikers in town, better to stay home.  We have a lot here also but no where near the numbers in Daytona Beach. 

         We had our annual golf tournament yesterday. It was a lot of fun and all had a great time. I did not win but I did get a few side awards. My son won the same award for the Mens division. Everyone was giving us a hard time ( jokingly)  We then had a big barbeque dinner and the non golf playing family members joined us. All worked out well. 

         Stay safe and enjoy today





Congrats to you and your son for the awards you both won.  You two must be pretty good golfers!




12 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


It is a chilly start to a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. The skies are a beautiful shade of blue!  I love it.  Today is a busy day.  I have to get the house cleaned, pick up Sue's birthday cake at the bakery, and be ready for the birthday party tonight.   Those of us living in town will be here celebrating.  DB of knee replacement fame feels he cannot negotiate the half flight of stairs in my house.  He did, however, ask to use the cane.  Wonders never cease.  


I like lasagna and could go for either version, vegetarian or meaty.  I prefer the one with meat in it.  I remember way back when that Stauffer's had a vegetarian lasagna - spinach lasagna - that we gravitated to when we were on one of our diets.  It was actually pretty good.  We'll start with this one from Cookie and Kate that declares it is the best vegetarian lasagna.  https://cookieandkate.com/best-vegetable-lasagna-recipe/




This next recipe uses spinach and mushrooms.  I love mushrooms and bet they would add a lot to the dish.  https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/vegetarian_spinach_and_mushroom_lasagna/




This next one is from Food Network. I probably won't make it as it has a tomato carrot sauce. I would prefer to not know if they are putting carrots in something.  But, you guys might like it. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/vegetarian-lasagna-3364145




I don't want to leave this one out because it is another best vegetarian lasagna.  I think it might be pretty good because they roast the vegetables they put into it.  That would really ramp up the flavor.  https://www.loveandlemons.com/vegetarian-lasagna/




Still thinking ho hum?  How about this vegetarian lasagna with a white sauce?  If you're going to take out the meat, you might as well really shake things up.  https://sweetlysplendid.com/vegetable-lasagna/




We've got some great choices here!   If you really want the meat, just add it in.  I know I would.  


Wishing everyone a wonderful day.


Happy Birthday to dear sister Sue! 🎂  Isn't it great you are able to all celebrate together nowadays?




12 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

We enter our second day of rain- maybe the third. I’m loosing count. Today is expected to be the heaviest. Was supposed to go to a powwow today, but we postponed that to tomorrow.

We have joined the leak club. Late yesterday I was in the kitchen and felt a few drops of water. Then a good sprinkling. Looking up, the water was coming from a light fixture that was on. On investigating I found water trickling down the inside bathroom/attic wall on the second floor above. The water must have pooled and dumped, because it didn’t continue falling. I have the electric switch duct tapped off for now, and DH bought some Henrys at the Depot last night. He plans to go topside Sunday after the rain. We signed a contract a couple weeks ago to repaper that portion of the roof. We’re expecting to start in May. That’s how backed up they are.


@ger_77 I have a set of pink tools also. Years ago when I was taking woodworking, I found my toolbox empty ( except for a tool belt that fits a small waist.) 🥴 And all the other tools in the garage were missing. So I bought another set and a can of spray paint in the most horrible shade of pink, and the tools have not disappeared since.


@RMLincoln Hope you feel better soon. So sorry you are sick.


Most of the crepe paper flowers are done, so today I start working on implementing the centerpiece design for my friends upcoming tea.


Have a great day everyone!



The flowers you are making look so real!  Great job!  Sorry to hear about the leak though.  It's the worst, isn't it?




7 hours ago, Aardvaark said:

Reunion is a delightful island and administrative district of France, 500 miles east of Madagascar.      " Forged in the fire of two impressive volcanoes, Réunion is located 500 miles off the coast of Madagascar. The quintessential island paradise, Réunion satisfies the curiosities of even the most well-traveled explorers with its towering peaks, lush rolling hills, and thrilling new adventures and possibilities at every turn. ".  







Thanks for your photos, too and welcome to the Daily.




7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  Good wishes to all, and I second @JazzyV's remarks, so well put!  Early this morning, I heard a lot of pattering on the roof, I thought it was a heavy rain, but when I went out to get the papers, I could see all the bits of hail on the ground.  What a place!  At least the reservoir is up to 97.6% - just a little more needed to fill it up.  But we are way behind.  


We haven't been to Reunion, we love apples, ("an apple a day....")  and if we have a vegetarian lasagna, I usually get Pat to grill a steak to go with it.  Usually I make lasagna with ground turkey, as then DD will eat it, too.  I Have a turkey breast in the freezer, which I think I will roast today, though.  


In the paper today we saw three obituaries of people we knew, what a place, again, no wonder they say it's a town of "newly weds and nearly deads"...  


Oh no on all the people you knew passing recently.  That's really shocking news.  




7 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I'm pretty sure the problem was on the Cruise Critic end, not the user end.  I got the same thing and it;s back to normal.




Yes, I also couldn't get on CC earlier today.  It worked on my phone but not on my laptop.  I'm glad they got it fixed.




6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Sandi @StLouisCruisers.🙏

I hope you are okay Sandi because we have not heard from you since your second post this morning and you have not been reacting to every post like I do.



Very nice of you to worry about me Graham.  Just a busy day!  After treadmill and breakfast I did a quick run to the gym and did the weight machines.  Then when home again, DH wanted to head to the grocery store which we did.  Then he needed help getting the 10 foot aluminum stepladder down from it's hanging spot high on the garage wall.  He wanted to clean a gutter and found the problem with it was a bunch of leaves clogging the drain pipe.  Then lunch hour and 3 loads of laundry.  Then I collapsed on the sofa and watched some TV.  Hope I am caught up for the night because we turn our clocks forward one hour and my morning will come all too soon.  Don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight!  Disregard this Graham, I think yours comes later.  lol


OMG!  My DB just texted me that he received a letter from a foundation stating his medication for pulmonary fibrosis will be paid for 100%!!  It's a miracle that we've all been praying for this week.  Now maybe he has a chance to live a longer life.  I'm so grateful!  Thank you all for your prayers for him.🙏🎉🥂

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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33 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

erri, thank you for your kind words.  We're doing our best to keep things running here.  I hope the remainder of the bathroom renovation happens quickly this week.  Nice of you two to celebrate Eugene on his birthday up in heaven.  From what you say he was a big part of your lives for quite a long time.  Sorry about the continued pain.  Prayers for some relief for you.

Thank you Sandi. We remembered Eugene today and figured he had a big birthday cake in heaven and blew out all the candles.  Oh! How he loved to do that.  We miss him terribly but his suffering is over and he is at peace.

Thanks for all you do for this thread. So happy about your brother’s medication being paid for.


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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Good morning, 


It's "Here we go again" time for this household. DH is back in the hospital with a UTI. Same bacteria as the one at the end of January. Currently he's starting to come around but his voice hasn't returned. We may be going back to the skilled nursing facility which is ok. However, we're out of Medicare days so a month's stay is about what our three Alaska cruises will cost us for this summer. Oh well. You can't take it with you, right? 
Middle name is Lynne and no reason why. DH's is his mother's maiden name. Our son's is the name his birth mother gave him. 




I got to the hospital today and DH was up in a chair chatting away with the nurses. He is definitely back. H even transferred from chair to bed but with help so that's a plus. I'll find out more on Monday and am now hoping to avoid the skilled nursing facility and the cost! 


Have a good evening, put your clocks ahead and sleep well. 


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thank you Vanessa for the wonderful list keeping!  We are going to miss you when you're gone on that TA you have planned next month!





Maureen, nice to see you back but I sure hope it isn't Covid you have.  And also I hope your DH gets his surgery as scheduled and doesn't come down with anything. Sad news about the cousin you lost.  We are definitely getting to that age.  We need to live life to the fullest while we can.




Terri, thank you for your kind words.  We're doing our best to keep things running here.  I hope the remainder of the bathroom renovation happens quickly this week.  Nice of you two to celebrate Eugene on his birthday up in heaven.  From what you say he was a big part of your lives for quite a long time.  Sorry about the continued pain.  Prayers for some relief for you.






Thanks for your pictures from St.-Denis.  First ones of the day.





What a horrifying event in your son's life!  That is an extremely powerful earthquake.  Very thoughtful of you to keep the candle burning for those who lost their lives that day.





Congrats to you and your son for the awards you both won.  You two must be pretty good golfers!





Happy Birthday to dear sister Sue! 🎂  Isn't it great you are able to all celebrate together nowadays?





The flowers you are making look so real!  Great job!  Sorry to hear about the leak though.  It's the worst, isn't it?





Thanks for your photos, too and welcome to the Daily.





Oh no on all the people you knew passing recently.  That's really shocking news.  





Yes, I also couldn't get on CC earlier today.  It worked on my phone but not on my laptop.  I'm glad they got it fixed.





Very nice of you to worry about me Graham.  Just a busy day!  After treadmill and breakfast I did a quick run to the gym and did the weight machines.  Then when home again, DH wanted to head to the grocery store which we did.  Then he needed help getting the 10 foot aluminum stepladder down from it's hanging spot high on the garage wall.  He wanted to clean a gutter and found the problem with it was a bunch of leaves clogging the drain pipe.  Then lunch hour and 3 loads of laundry.  Then I collapsed on the sofa and watched some TV.  Hope I am caught up for the night because we turn our clocks forward one hour and my morning will come all too soon.  Don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight!  Disregard this Graham, I think yours comes later.  lol


OMG!  My DB just texted me that he received a letter from a foundation stating his medication for pulmonary fibrosis will be paid for 100%!!  It's a miracle that we've all been praying for this week.  Now maybe he has a chance to live a longer life.  I'm so grateful!  Thank you all for your prayers for him.🙏🎉🥂


Sandi, that is great news that your DB's medicine will be paid in full.


10 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


It's "Here we go again" time for this household. DH is back in the hospital with a UTI. Same bacteria as the one at the end of January. Currently he's starting to come around but his voice hasn't returned. We may be going back to the skilled nursing facility which is ok. However, we're out of Medicare days so a month's stay is about what our three Alaska cruises will cost us for this summer. Oh well. You can't take it with you, right? 
Middle name is Lynne and no reason why. DH's is his mother's maiden name. Our son's is the name his birth mother gave him. 




I got to the hospital today and DH was up in a chair chatting away with the nurses. He is definitely back. H even transferred from chair to bed but with help so that's a plus. I'll find out more on Monday and am now hoping to avoid the skilled nursing facility and the cost! 


Have a good evening, put your clocks ahead and sleep well. 



Karen, I'm sorry your DH has another UTI.  I'm glad he's doing better, and may not have to return to skilled nursing.  It sounds like the UTI was caught in time..



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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thank you Vanessa for the wonderful list keeping!  We are going to miss you when you're gone on that TA you have planned next month!





Maureen, nice to see you back but I sure hope it isn't Covid you have.  And also I hope your DH gets his surgery as scheduled and doesn't come down with anything. Sad news about the cousin you lost.  We are definitely getting to that age.  We need to live life to the fullest while we can.




Terri, thank you for your kind words.  We're doing our best to keep things running here.  I hope the remainder of the bathroom renovation happens quickly this week.  Nice of you two to celebrate Eugene on his birthday up in heaven.  From what you say he was a big part of your lives for quite a long time.  Sorry about the continued pain.  Prayers for some relief for you.






Thanks for your pictures from St.-Denis.  First ones of the day.





What a horrifying event in your son's life!  That is an extremely powerful earthquake.  Very thoughtful of you to keep the candle burning for those who lost their lives that day.





Congrats to you and your son for the awards you both won.  You two must be pretty good golfers!





Happy Birthday to dear sister Sue! 🎂  Isn't it great you are able to all celebrate together nowadays?





The flowers you are making look so real!  Great job!  Sorry to hear about the leak though.  It's the worst, isn't it?





Thanks for your photos, too and welcome to the Daily.





Oh no on all the people you knew passing recently.  That's really shocking news.  





Yes, I also couldn't get on CC earlier today.  It worked on my phone but not on my laptop.  I'm glad they got it fixed.





Very nice of you to worry about me Graham.  Just a busy day!  After treadmill and breakfast I did a quick run to the gym and did the weight machines.  Then when home again, DH wanted to head to the grocery store which we did.  Then he needed help getting the 10 foot aluminum stepladder down from it's hanging spot high on the garage wall.  He wanted to clean a gutter and found the problem with it was a bunch of leaves clogging the drain pipe.  Then lunch hour and 3 loads of laundry.  Then I collapsed on the sofa and watched some TV.  Hope I am caught up for the night because we turn our clocks forward one hour and my morning will come all too soon.  Don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight!  Disregard this Graham, I think yours comes later.  lol


OMG!  My DB just texted me that he received a letter from a foundation stating his medication for pulmonary fibrosis will be paid for 100%!!  It's a miracle that we've all been praying for this week.  Now maybe he has a chance to live a longer life.  I'm so grateful!  Thank you all for your prayers for him.🙏🎉🥂

Thank you Sandi.

Fantastic news your brother's treatment will be paid in full and hopefully all of our prayers have helped.

Our clocks go forward on the last Sunday in March which is the 26th.


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