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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday March 13th, 2023


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Will read earlier Boards later. I have had the "No, its not Covid" crud and have been down with it for a week. All tests for C19 negative. Upper respiratory and tummy.... terrible stuff. This is the first time I have even felt half-way human. Dogs are taking good care of me.... my neighbor is bringing soup and dog walking. Lost 9 pounds so far. More later. Avoid this whatever it is if you can.



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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Well, we have a definite plan moving forward.  Test results and size of the tumor qualify it for surgery, so that is where we are going.  Finally!


It seems almost ghoulish to congratulate someone on qualifying for surgery, but in this case it might be appropriate.

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Thank you everyone for your kind birthday wishes for Pauline.

We have just got home after 6 nights away.

We had been to Costa Adeje in South Tenerife in the Canary Islands.















Edited by grapau27
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2 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you everyone for your kind birthday wishes for Pauline.

We have just got home after 6 nights away.

We had been to Costa Adeje in South Tenerife in the Canary Islands.















Graham you and Pauline are living the good life and good for you both. Enjoy!

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2 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:


Debbie, that's great that you're getting the adrenal mass taken care of.  I bet that will be a big relief.


We're also talking about going to the falls -- not sure about the Yellow Fever shot requirement.  Last time down there, we needed one.

A "splurge" excursion we did was a flight to Torres del Paine National Park out of Punta Arenas.  It was a great day that really got you out in Patagonia.  We saw all the local animals and had a very nice scenic lunch.  Very glad we did that one. 



Maxine, I don't want surgery, but I don't want to continue feeling the way I do.  I'm hoping this will take care of a few annoying issues that have been passed off as aging.


I will have to look up the Yellow Fever shot requirement.  Just found it and we don't need it.   https://www.puentesabroad.com/iguazu-falls#:~:text=Note%3A The yellow fever vaccine,not in the deep jungle.


I looked at that Torres del Paine excursion and unfortunately, it is out of our budget.  We'd have to save for a few more  years.  


56 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


It seems almost ghoulish to congratulate someone on qualifying for surgery, but in this case it might be appropriate.


It does seem goulish, doesn't it.  We had a long talk this morning and there were many reasons to go the surgical route.  It is the right decision and I am happy that we are doing something rather than just "watching and waiting."   We've done that long enough.  

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2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Will read earlier Boards later. I have had the "No, its not Covid" crud and have been down with it for a week. All tests for C19 negative. Upper respiratory and tummy.... terrible stuff. This is the first time I have even felt half-way human. Dogs are taking good care of me.... my neighbor is bringing soup and dog walking. Lost 9 pounds so far. More later. Avoid this whatever it is if you can.



Sorry you have been so ill.  Hopefully you have turned the corner. 

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1 hour ago, kochleffel said:


It seems almost ghoulish to congratulate someone on qualifying for surgery, but in this case it might be appropriate.


It does.  But they take so darn long to get procedure orders and authorizations these days that it feels like a win when it happens.  Sad, right?

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37 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


It does.  But they take so darn long to get procedure orders and authorizations these days that it feels like a win when it happens.  Sad, right?

And they have to run every test known to man to back up their recommendation and get approval.  

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6 hours ago, dfish said:

Well, we have a definite plan moving forward.  Test results and size of the tumor qualify it for surgery, so that is where we are going.  Finally!

I pray that your surgeon will have a blest day and that the surgery will relieve you of the problems you are suffering.


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1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

But they take so darn long to get procedure orders and authorizations these days that it feels like a win when it happens.


I think it's particularly discouraging when it's the doctors who are saying that the treatment isn't warranted. They're not the one with the condition.

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Good afternoon!

Home again after having a lovely afternoon and lunch with BFF.  We try to get together once/month and meet half-way in Mt. Vernon.  It's about a half-hour drive for each of us, and we (usually) have lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant.  We didn't get our usual walk today though, the rain was coming down too hard today.


Lots happening today!  I appreciate all the photos of Dunedin today because we'll be there next year.


Graham @grapau27 Happy Birthday to Pauline!  It looks like you celebrated the right way!I  

Maureen @RMLincolnI'm so sorry to hear that you both have Covid.  Prayers that it will be mild.

Terry @smitty34877Great that the new aide is working out well.

Jacqui @kazuIt was very nice to see your post today.\

Vanessa @JazzyVI also don't like anything on my head like hats or ear muffs.

Debbie @dfishYay that it's been settled about the adrenal mass surgery.

Eva @superomaVery sorry to hear your DD and family all have Covid.

Lorraine @cruising sisterI'm sorry you had a frustrating day yesterday when settling your son's estate.

Susan @durangoscotsI'm very sorry to hear you've been unwell.  I hope you start to feel much better soon.


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Hi Everyone

Sorry I have not been able to post.

Yesterday and today were not good days for me.

it appears that I have had a bad reaction from that medication that was given to me in the ER that was not meant for me.  I have had severe diarrhea and have not been able to eat at all. 

Had a bad night last night and all I was able to eat today was a piece of toast and a cup of tea.

On top of that the workers were here and it only makes things harder.

I am going to take a break from the daily until things calm down around here.

Will post when I am able.

Take care everyone,

God Bless


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Good evening.  I'm just now getting time to finish reading the what has been happening on the Daily this afternoon.


5 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Will read earlier Boards later. I have had the "No, its not Covid" crud and have been down with it for a week. All tests for C19 negative. Upper respiratory and tummy.... terrible stuff. This is the first time I have even felt half-way human. Dogs are taking good care of me.... my neighbor is bringing soup and dog walking. Lost 9 pounds so far. More later. Avoid this whatever it is if you can.




Susan, I'm very sorry you have been fighting the crud, but I'm glad you are finally on the mend.  It is nice of your neighbor to bring you soup and walk the dogs.  Speaking of the dogs, dogs can be such good comfort and nurses when you don't feel well or upset.  Take it easy and rest until you're 100 percent again.


7 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

It is another frustrating day working on my sons estate.  I have a judges order that I am administrator and can act on his behalf. I went to sell his car and the dealership said I had to go get it registered in my name first. When I previously went to the DMV  they said all I have to do is sign the title. The dealership said  there was no signature or notary on the administrator paperwork. Luckily I had friend who is a paralegal with me who said all judges orders are electronically signed now and judges don’t need to be notarized because they supersede any other paperwork.  I left things with them to figure it out. I will await their call. If my friend wasn’t with me I am sure I would have been in tears. 


Lorraine, some people are just obtuse, and that guy at the dealership was one of them.  Lucky for you that your friend with you knew the law.  I hope it all works out.  You didn’t need this hassle.


14 hours ago, 0106 said:

Here is the rest of Maya Angelou’s quote where she reflects on the meaning of life. She was a very wise women, a fabulous poet and writer.

I’ve always had the feeling that life loves the liver of it. You must live and life will be good to you, give you experiences. They may not all be that pleasant, but nobody promised you a rose garden. But more than likely if you do dare, what you get are the marvelous returns. 

Thank you @StLouisCruisers for getting us started and the fabulous pictures.  

Several of you have been talking about an Antarctic cruise in 2025.  I just got a Private Fare offer for the 2024 Oosterdam Antarctic cruises that is a really good price.  I am trying to decide if I should begin the cruise in Santiago or Buenos Aires?  Which direction is better?  West to east or vice versa?  I was specifically thinking of the Drake passage. TYIA


We have been fortunate to have sailed around the tip of South America twice, once in each direction.  DH and I talked about it, and could not say one direction was better than the other.  The biggest factor will be the weather, which is beyond anyone's control.  Going east to west has the advantage of gaining an hour with each time change.


8 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hi Everyone

Sorry I have not been able to post.

Yesterday and today were not good days for me.

it appears that I have had a bad reaction from that medication that was given to me in the ER that was not meant for me.  I have had severe diarrhea and have not been able to eat at all. 

Had a bad night last night and all I was able to eat today was a piece of toast and a cup of tea.

On top of that the workers were here and it only makes things harder.

I am going to take a break from the daily until things calm down around here.

Will post when I am able.

Take care everyone,

God Bless



Terri, I'm sorry about the latest development.  I hope you are feeling better soon.  In the meantime, take care of yourself, and get as much rest as you can.


4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you everyone for your kind birthday wishes for Pauline.

We have just got home after 6 nights away.

We had been to Costa Adeje in South Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
















Graham, I suspected you two had gone somewhere last week. I'm happy you and Pauline had a good  birthday week.




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2 hours ago, lazey1 said:

I pray that your surgeon will have a blest day and that the surgery will relieve you of the problems you are suffering.



Thank you so much, Jane.  


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

@dfish. Hey gal wishing you the best on your up coming  procedures.

Debbie you’re special to all of us here on the Daily. Prayers it all works out.


 Thank you, Bruce.  That means a lot to me.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:


Debbie @dfishYay that it's been settled about the adrenal mass surgery.

'Bout time!


@Cruzin Terri I hope you are feeling better soon.

@durangoscots I hope you are quickly on the mend.  


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:


I think it's particularly discouraging when it's the doctors who are saying that the treatment isn't warranted. They're not the one with the condition.


Sometimes their hands are tied.  The endo went through the diagnostic criteria with me today, step by step.  If you don't fit the algorithm, you lose, but the algorithm is what will determine authorization and payment.  Some of us are outliers.  

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Just checking in way too late I know

@dfish  I hope this resolves the problems.

@durangoscotsI am so sorry to hear you are so sick.  Get well soon.

@Cruzin TerriDont worry about us, you get yourself well, and your home straightened out.  And your tummy straightened out.  Well not straightened, but you know what I mean.


I have a HAL question.  My friends who decided to join us on this upcoming Alaska cruise on the Nieuw Amsterdam are talking about some fancy dinner that cost 110.00 can you tell me what that is?  I thought it might be something like the Chefs table on Carnival, where you get to try weird and bizarre foods, that are accompanied by wines at each course.  He thinks it's a hibachi dinner, because the chef is Japanese.  What can you tell me?

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Been a busy day here but we are managing ok. I’m feeling better but pulled/twisted a lower back muscle.  Probably my body reacting to my head panicking yesterday!  
Neighbor brought us fresh fruits and veggies!  Angels all around us!  Tomorrow is to be a stormy day so not even going out to do a grocery order/pickup. Even with being gone 17 days we have the basics covered. Good mountain-living training. 

@dfish Debbie, glad you’re on a path forward!  The medical system is tough!  Love your positive attitude. And courage! 
@durangoscotsSusan, awful sounding, but seems you know how to get through it. Lots of bad bugs around. So sorry you are going through this. 
Terri, you take whatever time you need, we’ll be sending our collective good thoughts to you!  
@kazuJacqui, hunker down!  Please try not to do much now, I hope you can take a break, and stay extra cautious- not a good time to be needing help to come to you. Physio will be open soon enough. 
@rafinmdRoy, thanks for the great Dunedin views and memories of @erewhon!  Hope you sleep later!  
@marshhawk Annie, hope the work situation stabilizes.  
@Overhead Fred Outstanding!  

Good night friends!  Stay safe through the storms, they seem to be everywhere!  Good healing rest for all ailing…. 

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Was surprised to see that Port Chalmers/ Dunedin the destination of the day again. Thanks for all the photos.  No cruise ships in Port Chalmers today.

The Cadbury Factory photos are now part of history. Mondelez who owns Cadbury's closed the factory, the site was sold to the Health Ministry, the area has been cleared to make way for a new hospital to be built, consisting of two buildings.  

We rarely buy any Cadbury product, preferring to buy Whittakers chocolate which is a New Zealand product, produced in Wellington, a superior chocolate to Cadbury.

@rafinmd  Roy, we were pleased to meet with you during both of your visits, when we met  @richwmn Rich we took him  lunch at that same venue..  Roy those shoelaces must be nearly worn out.!

@RMLincoln  Maureen sorry that you both have Covid, hope it is mild and plans for DH's surgery can progress.  If we had lived here when you tried to visit the Albatross colony on the 25th, you would have been very welome to have spent Christmas Day with us.

@kazu pleasing to see you posing today.  Take care.

@smitty34877 hope that the new aide works out OK.

@durangoscots  hope that you will recover quickly.  Thankful that you have such a good neighbour.

@dfish  good news that the surgery will be performed, does there have to be a few weeks between the two operations.?

@grapau27 Birthday Greetings to Pauline, in the photo you shared are the flowers on the arch natural?



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3 hours ago, erewhon said:

Was surprised to see that Port Chalmers/ Dunedin the destination of the day again. Thanks for all the photos.  No cruise ships in Port Chalmers today.

The Cadbury Factory photos are now part of history. Mondelez who owns Cadbury's closed the factory, the site was sold to the Health Ministry, the area has been cleared to make way for a new hospital to be built, consisting of two buildings.  

We rarely buy any Cadbury product, preferring to buy Whittakers chocolate which is a New Zealand product, produced in Wellington, a superior chocolate to Cadbury.

@rafinmd  Roy, we were pleased to meet with you during both of your visits, when we met  @richwmn Rich we took him  lunch at that same venue..  Roy those shoelaces must be nearly worn out.!

@RMLincoln  Maureen sorry that you both have Covid, hope it is mild and plans for DH's surgery can progress.  If we had lived here when you tried to visit the Albatross colony on the 25th, you would have been very welome to have spent Christmas Day with us.

@kazu pleasing to see you posing today.  Take care.

@smitty34877 hope that the new aide works out OK.

@durangoscots  hope that you will recover quickly.  Thankful that you have such a good neighbour.

@dfish  good news that the surgery will be performed, does there have to be a few weeks between the two operations.?

@grapau27 Birthday Greetings to Pauline, in the photo you shared are the flowers on the arch natural?



The arch was in the hotel reception area and twice the length it looks in the photo.

The flowers seemed incredibly natural to touch but I don't think they were.

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7 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good evening.  I'm just now getting time to finish reading the what has been happening on the Daily this afternoon.



Susan, I'm very sorry you have been fighting the crud, but I'm glad you are finally on the mend.  It is nice of your neighbor to bring you soup and walk the dogs.  Speaking of the dogs, dogs can be such good comfort and nurses when you don't feel well or upset.  Take it easy and rest until you're 100 percent again.



Lorraine, some people are just obtuse, and that guy at the dealership was one of them.  Lucky for you that your friend with you knew the law.  I hope it all works out.  You didn’t need this hassle.



We have been fortunate to have sailed around the tip of South America twice, once in each direction.  DH and I talked about it, and could not say one direction was better than the other.  The biggest factor will be the weather, which is beyond anyone's control.  Going east to west has the advantage of gaining an hour with each time change.



Terri, I'm sorry about the latest development.  I hope you are feeling better soon.  In the meantime, take care of yourself, and get as much rest as you can.



Graham, I suspected you two had gone somewhere last week. I'm happy you and Pauline had a good  birthday week.




Thank you Lenda.

It was a nice 80°F there and we had an amazing time.


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