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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 4th, 2023


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Cooler day today in Maryland 

Thank you Graham for Fr David’s sermon!

@St Louis CruiserSandi, we all have days of sorrow, hoping your reflections can bring comfort too. 

My “kids” (both in their 50s!) still love their great grandma’s applesauce cake!  I sent it to them now and then. So glad I have her recipe. 

We have been trying to get to Newfoundland for 4 yrs now ti see friends and the beauty and tge interesting geology there. One thing after another has interfered, thus year it’s the August 1 eye surgery and post op visits into mid September. Maybe next year….   

Love scallops!  
No red wine. And probably not the drink either. 

Heading to church in person for a change!  Blessings to all in need or away, and cheers to all celebrating!  Praying for rain on all the fires and protection for all those impacted! 💔



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  My mom used to make an applesauce spice cake - it was more like a gingerbread cake than applesauce, though.  Sochi will definitely get the appropriate amount of hugs today; thinking of all who have lost their beautiful kitties this past while.   DH will be in his glory; he loves cheese.  I can take it or leave it.


We had a good day yesterday; the skies were overcast and there was fog in the air as we drove the 2 hours to my cousin's memorial service.  Of course we got there early, so had a chance to do some shopping (that's what we do wherever we go!), and I was able to pick up a second cushy Lego pillow for the DGS's.  I had one and scoured our city for another, but none was to be had - travel 2 hours and voila, there's #2!    It was nice getting together with my cousins again, although a lot of them due to age or illness were unable to attend, so we didn't stay a long time.


On the way home we saw the skies darkening, with the heavy clouds seeming to follow  the very direction we were headed.  We barely had time to get into the house before the deluge hit - with lightning and thunder that lasted well over 2 hours.  Later in the evening I saw images of underpasses that were flooded with cars and trucks stalled in them, and people canoeing down some streets.  Fortunately we live on a slight incline so the water ran down the street and came up as far as the edge of our lawn and no higher.   I'm sure the insurance companies are going to be getting their pens and papers ready for the onslaught of claims.


@Horizon chaser 1957 Over the past years I've used what I call a Tent Caterpillar Cocktail to get rid of those ugly creatures.  In a spray bottle combine 2 oz Dawn dish detergent (I think any brand will do), 4 oz white vinegar and 4 oz water.  Directions are:  shoot to kill.  Also, instead of removing the nests - ugh, ugh, ugh! - spray the nest with vegetable oil and it kills them.   Thankfully this isn't one of the years when we have an infestation of the critters, but I'm always ready for them when we do.


I'm sure I'd like today's menu suggestion, as I do like scallops, but we're having an early birthday barbecue for our son-in-law (DH's daughter's hubby), so we'll be having barbecued ribs, garlic parmesan potatoes, corn on the cob, and coleslaw on the deck tonight.  And birthday cake.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the victims of the horrific train crash in India, and as always, for the people of Ukraine.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It's Sunday so a day off from exercise.  I've had breakfast and am ready to tackle the Daily now.  Thanks to Rich @richwmn for posting it for us today.  And thanks to Graham @grapau27 for Father David's sermon.  😇


A nice group of days today.  My twin has a good applesauce cake recipe so I should tell her this is her day to make one.  I wasn't as big a fan of it as she was.  Reminded me of fruit cake.🤔  Everyone who can should hug their cat this morning. 🐈 I don't have one but wish all the cats and cat lovers my best.  National cheese day should go over big.  I like cheese a lot and usually have at least a little bit everyday.🧀


I am fine with F. Scott Fitzgerald's quote.  And a big day in U.S. golf when they won the Ryder Cup in 1927.


No thanks to the scallop recipe today.  But I appreciate you posting the recipe Debbie @dfish.  Death and Taxes should be quite an interesting concoction.  Can't wait to see that Dixie, @summer slope .  A Syrah today for the wine, but I don't drink red so more for all of you.  Thanks Ann @cat shepard for your report on it.


Prayers for those on the Care list and even if you're not.  🙏  Three cheers to the Celebration list people.  Hoping your happy events are going well, and to all the cruisers, fair winds and smooth sailing.🚢Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for posting it for us!


As to port of the day, Corner Brook, Newfoundland was a port on our Seabourn Route of the Vikings cruise in August 2018, Reykjavik to Montreal.  It was here as our port of the day on July 7, 2022.  The link is included as are photos from my one time there.  I am going back in August on Zaandam along with Debbie @dfish and sister Sue.



My report:

Nearing the end of our fabulous cruise from and to Iceland, Greenland, and Maritime Canada, our port on Aug. 27, 2018 was Corner Brook.  We intended to walk around the city and had no out of town plans for it.  I had been bitten several times in Red Bay by those nasty black flies and intended to locate some itch cream at a pharmacy to help relieve the pain.


Approaching the relatively large city of Corner Brook.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJIbkVeLA8xrx3RrwviOmXs?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538515977


Seabourn provided a shuttle bus to drive us to the City Hall.  On our way back to the ship we just walked.  It wasn't too far away.  Along the way we saw this cute display.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI50pheIelUlXX47GiEf1av?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538516036






It seemed like a nice place and appreciative of their veterans of past wars.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKTqOvcKgZprTIN13pPN577?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538516037


The light colored building with the bunting under the windows is actually a Museum attached to City Hall.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLp7ZEzcL_RimVQ1EKDOQQI?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538516071


It seemed to be a nice town and we enjoyed the short walk to a shopping area.  A picturesque church along the route.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKRyFqrCWuzZgjyQQfqhuiK?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538516077


I could show you photos of shopping centers and strip malls but I won't.  We found the drug store, bought the itch cream and continued our hike.  Along the walk back to the ship we saw a Canadian Legion Hall.  Makes sense since in the U.S. we have American Legion Halls.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIOio48eExDJX2LtAeIUu9D?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538501569


Working up a thirst as we walked, it was good to see the ship, Seabourn Quest, awaiting our arrival.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL7mxITSnXKCbNYXlzlk69l?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538516112


While we were gone crew had been using a Zodiac to stand in to paint the hull.  I had seen them lowering a Zodiac at breakfast that morning.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI6wTAVOnlMcz7IbZ1ymcja?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538501570


Leaving Corner Brook and heading to Quebec City.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIjgJt-s88jVJqcyoNaHEYR?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538516418


Then because I usually don't post food photos, or at least not often...This night we ate casually at the Patio Grill on the pool deck.  I had grilled chicken, corn on the cob (I normally don't eat that much so they must have served me my plate load of corn), and lobster mac and cheese.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVImd0Szw1LIxBzs2EBWCnwU?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538501601


Great memories of that Seabourn cruise!


Hoping everyone enjoys doing something special this June 4.  I am remembering my DS Nancy who passed away 2 years ago today.  Also passing that day were Nancy's twin great grandsons who arrived months too early and could not survive.  Heaven became a little more populated that day.😢  But today is also a happy day because it is DS and DDIL's 23rd wedding anniversary!  Cheers to them.🥂

Sandi @StLouisCruisersSending you our heartfelt good wishes on your dear sister Nancy's 2nd memory and also sadly her 2 great grandsons memory too.

Happy 23rd wedding anniversary to your son and his dear wife.

Nice port photos.


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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Death and Taxes cocktail:


2 parts Hornitos® Anejo Tequila
2 parts fresh Lime Juice
1 part Simple Syrup
1 part Anaheim Chile Infused Triple Sec
1 part Mezcal
Spicy Bloody Mary Mix

Pour ingredients in a glass over ice and shake. Drizzle with spicy bloody mary mix.


Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 7.54.16 AM.png

Could you tell me the ingredients for Taxes only! 😳

Edited by RedneckBob
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Good morning from an overcast central Texas.  It is 70F with a predicted high of 83F.  There is a prediction of rain beginning about 5 pm and lasting for several hours.  We need the rain as the ground is dry and cracking.  We thought we might get some rain last night as there was quite a bit of thunder and dark clouds east and south of us, but it passed by us.


I don't think I've ever had applesauce cake.  When we had cats, they got a lot of hugs, even if they didn't want them.  DH likes cheese more than I do, and I prefer a mild cheese when we have cheese to snack on.


Today's quote is interesting, but I have not read the book.


I'll take the scallops, but maybe without the wilted spinach which I sort of like, but DH doesn't.  Living this far from the coast, I doubt we can get scallops without the added chemicals.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.  I like red wine, but not Syrah.


Sadly, we have not been to Corner Brook, but it looks like a nice place to visit.  

@StLouisCruisers   Sandi, thank you for your pictures from Corner Brook.


Somehow, I thought the Ryder Cup had been around a little longer than it has. 


@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you got some much needed rain.  The pictures of your garden with the visitors are lovely.  

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, you and your family are in our thoughts on this said anniversary.  Please wish your DS and DDIL a HAPPY 23RD ANNIVERSARY  for us.

@Horizon chaser 1957  I'm sorry you have such an infestation of tent caterpillars.

 @ger_77   Gerry, I'm glad you found the Lego pillow and that you made it home before the rain hit.  I hope the area with the wildfires also had a good rain.














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Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the weather

    Rocket launch this AM. Was delayed because of weaher although it appeared clear to me. But they may have been referring to the landing zone. 

    Love Scallops. in fact we are having them today.

    @StLouisCruisers Thinking of you today. May your memories bring you joy. Your sister is holding those sweet babies and singing lullabys.

      Never been to to todays port. Hopefully someday.

      @Horizon chaser 1957 Didnt mean to discourage you on Exmouth. But I do think it would be better to book an excursion. It is suppose to have really great snorkeling. There is a beach right by the tender port. I will post some pictures.


Stay safe and enjoy today


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@StLouisCruisers Sandi, @dfish Debbie, @Crazy For Cats Jake, and anyone else who will be sailing on the Zaandam, be sure to check out the organ in the atrium.  


It is a Baroque-style Dutch pipe organ inspired by traditional barrel organs, and it rises from the Lower Promenade (deck 3) to the Upper Promenade (deck 5).  We were told it is the most expensive piece of art on any HAL ship.  It is not just a piece of art, but a working organ that can be played or that can play using a computer disc.  There is a regular keyboard behind the screens and false keyboard.


DH and I got to know the then Production Manager when we asked about the organ.  Our talks with the Production Manager, got him interested in the organ.  He dug around in the CD's office and found some different songs.  By the end of our cruise, the organ was playing "Ghost Riders in the Sky", a much better selection than the original song.  The manager also commented that he wished they could get an organist to come on board and play the organ.


In the past on seas days at noon, they will play the organ.  If they don't, I strongly urge you to ask that it be played.  It is interesting to watch the organ from all three decks since various parts move during the song.  That would give you three days entertainment since going between decks when it's playing loses something.








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Good Afternoon from Valencia , Spain.

Up early and enjoyed sunrise with coffee as we had an early excursion. Tonight they are busing us to one of the super venues in area for dinner and special entertainment. Every Azamara cruise has an Azamazing evening. Our guide today said we are in for a special evening but didn’t say much as she wanted it to be a surprise. Should be fun.

The seafood buffet extravaganza last night was fantastic.

Need to get ready for tonight.

Thanks for the reports.



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Good Sunday morning,

We have a beautiful morning and I am enjoying reading the daily on the front porch with DGS.  

Sandi, I agree your DS is loving on those baddies in heaven.  Prayers for those on our care list and others in need. 

I have a funny story to tell. A new young woman (30’s) and her daughter moved in our mainly over 60+ neighborhood. Great for DGS as he has someone to play with. She is a body builder and had just worked out when she came outside to get her daughter. I never saw so many (men) in my neighborhood working in their front lawns.

Have a great day!

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from an overcast central Texas.  It is 70F with a predicted high of 83F.  There is a prediction of rain beginning about 5 pm and lasting for several hours.  We need the rain as the ground is dry and cracking.  We thought we might get some rain last night as there was quite a bit of thunder and dark clouds east and south of us, but it passed by us.


I don't think I've ever had applesauce cake.  When we had cats, they got a lot of hugs, even if they didn't want them.  DH likes cheese more than I do, and I prefer a mild cheese when we have cheese to snack on.


Today's quote is interesting, but I have not read the book.


I'll take the scallops, but maybe without the wilted spinach which I sort of like, but DH doesn't.  Living this far from the coast, I doubt we can get scallops without the added chemicals.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.  I like red wine, but not Syrah.


Sadly, we have not been to Corner Brook, but it looks like a nice place to visit.  

@StLouisCruisers   Sandi, thank you for your pictures from Corner Brook.


Somehow, I thought the Ryder Cup had been around a little longer than it has. 


@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you got some much needed rain.  The pictures of your garden with the visitors are lovely.  

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, you and your family are in our thoughts on this said anniversary.  Please wish your DS and DDIL a HAPPY 23RD ANNIVERSARY  for us.

@Horizon chaser 1957  I'm sorry you have such an infestation of tent caterpillars.

 @ger_77   Gerry, I'm glad you found the Lego pillow and that you made it home before the rain hit.  I hope the area with the wildfires also had a good rain.














The TV / Microwave cartoon can also apply to HAL ships. Someone on HAL called Guest Services to let them know their microwave in the cabin would not work. GR responded, “It’s a safe” !

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Good morning. Sunny here with temperature in the low 40's but will get up to around 75 this afternoon. We had a couple light showers yesterday so the grass is happy - and so are the weeds.


I love scallops and wilted spinach so I would be very happy with today's meal. Have been to today's destination on the VOV. For some reason the flies were not a problem for which I was very happy. If anyone is to be bitten it will be me.


I did not get out to shelter yesterday... so I was not tempted to get another dog. They evidently did fairly well on placing dogs although at the rate people seem to dumping them I know we will fill up quickly. We stopped taking owner surrenders a few weeks ago but can begin again. The small dogs go quickly but  the larger dogs are much harder to place. One dog that was adopted just last week ... Remington .... was with us for 5 months. A bloodhound mix who was sure he was a lap dog. Wonderfully sweet. So happy for him and the others. Hope there are no returns.


Need to do some financial work this morning.... pay bills, sort out some things and take a look at my credit cards. Got a fairly good size "reward" yesterday that I did not anticipate. Need to see if there are any other $$ out there. Every little bit I can shift into my cruise fund helps.


Take care all.



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Happy Sunday Morning Dailyites!  It is 73 and cloudy, I have 4 fans going, just to keep us on the cool side, the cats were not wanting hugs this morning.  This morning they are sleeping and then running around and then sleeping.in the windows again.  We watched F1, and I need to start studying and printing up my information. I have no idea what DH has planned for today, I however want to watch the F3 and F2 races (they were on at 3 something and 5 something this morning, but I slept until 7:30).


Bubbles was here this morning for his breakfast, but no Fawn, and both DH and I are very sad.  It's been a week, with no sign of her.  I think that tomorrow we will check with the county to see if someone trapped her and sent her on her way to the pound, but I doubt if we will find her there.  She knew about cages, and only ate Temptations and was very wary of people.  I am still cleaning off the porch, as the indoor kitties keep staring out the door but as I tire easily, it's just a bit more each day.  Tomorrow the porch will be returned to the indoor kitties and humans.





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We stopped at Corner Brook while on the Nieuw Statendam last August.  Our excursion was a highlights tour of the area, which included a drive through downtown before we went to an overlook area that included a small display showcasing James Cook before he became a captain.  Our next stop was to look at the rock face of a mountain to see “the man in the mountain.”  










Our tour guide said his mother was in her eighties before she saw the man.  I guess I’ll have to come back when I’m older.


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  @ger_77 thanks for the Tent Caterpillar Cocktail recipe. I’ll mix that up right away! I’ve also just remembered some Bobbex deer repellant in the garden shed. Maybe that can protect the roses - it’s worth a try. Hand picking them is a losing battle. They blend in with the ground, but the canopies give an idea of the general coverage. And when I clear them off, it’s like this again in a couple of hours:



@cunnorl Charlene, it must have been someone else asking about Exmouth. We were there in April this year, but I only saw it on the drive through to Leeds Castle and Canterbury, which we enjoyed. We were supposed to be in Le Havre, France that day, but went to Exmouth because of the general strike in France closing the port. On the way back from Canterbury, our highly skilled local driver treated us to a tour of a village I forget the name of. The other coach was about 3 feet longer and physically couldn’t follow us.



@StLouisCruisers my thoughts are with you on this sad anniversary. 

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DH was tiring of waiting for service technicians to call us about our treadmill belt replacement, so he watched numerous YouTube videos on how to do it.  Then yesterday after lunch he started taking it apart. Guess that's an engineer for you.  I had to help at one point to slip the belt on.  It had to be oiled underneath too.  What a process!  He tested it briefly yesterday and tomorrow will be the true test.  He plans on getting up and being downstairs with me when I do my workout, to make sure all goes as expected.  Fingers crossed!


Maureen @RMLincoln, Terry @smitty34877, Graham @grapau27, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Charlene @cunnorl, and Laura @Horizon chaser 1957 thank you all for your kind thoughts today.  I appreciate your warm hearts. ❤️


Gerry @ger_77 happy birthday to your DSIL!  Your menu for the birthday dinner sounds delicious, as usual.🍽️


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thank you for the information about the Dutch pipe organ on the Zaandam.  We will be sure to check it out.  It sounds awesome.


Bruce @aliaschief thanks for your beautiful photos.  We were in Valencia on a Sunday morning and it took hours for people to start showing up on the streets.  Have a wonderful Azamazing evening!


Laura @Horizon chaser 1957, you really do have a tent caterpillar problem from the looks of those canopies.  Yikes!  Good luck trying to take control over from them.


Annie @marshhawk best of luck getting your porch ready for the indoor kitties.  I sympathize with your malaise after Covid.  It's real!


Robert @Mtn2Sea thanks for your photo input on Corner Brook.  It's a really lovely area as shown from your excursion photos.  I don't see the man in the mountain either, so guess you have to be in your 80's.🤷‍♀️


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1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Good Sunday morning,

We have a beautiful morning and I am enjoying reading the daily on the front porch with DGS.  

Sandi, I agree your DS is loving on those baddies in heaven.  Prayers for those on our care list and others in need. 

I have a funny story to tell. A new young woman (30’s) and her daughter moved in our mainly over 60+ neighborhood. Great for DGS as he has someone to play with. She is a body builder and had just worked out when she came outside to get her daughter. I never saw so many (men) in my neighborhood working in their front lawns.

Have a great day!


I'm sorry Lorraine, your post came in with a bunch of them while I was typing and I missed it first time around.  I hate when that happens!  Thank you for your visual on DS Nancy holding her two great grandsons.  That's how I picture them too.


Funny story about the hottie in the neighborhood.  Love it!


Back to work on my photo book from last summer.  It's different - that's for sure!

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48 minutes ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We stopped at Corner Brook while on the Nieuw Statendam last August.  Our excursion was a highlights tour of the area, which included a drive through downtown before we went to an overlook area that included a small display showcasing James Cook before he became a captain.  Our next stop was to look at the rock face of a mountain to see “the man in the mountain.”  










Our tour guide said his mother was in her eighties before she saw the man.  I guess I’ll have to come back when I’m older.


Lovely photos.

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