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CAUTIONARY TALE - Checking Bags on Flights to Your Cruise


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40 minutes ago, paulh84 said:

you are forced to fare check your carryon because others have abused the carryon allowances


What airline makes you pay for a gate-checked bag carry-on if the overheads are out of room?? On all the ones I've flown they don't charge in that case - they only charge for a gate-check if someone somehow got a too large bag through TSA and it doesn't fit in the sizer or the overhead bin. If it's correct size and there is no room, no charge to gate-check.

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We, too, put Air Tags in our bags so we can track them when they're away from us and that's been super helpful. And we divide clothes among both bags so we have something even if one disappears. If we lost one, we would go to the store to buy what we're missing to fill in the gaps. Not an ideal situation, but we'd make it work. I do love to shop, so I'd actually see that as a bit of an adventure, buying new things in another country or city where they offer things I can't get at home. We are flying to Vancouver two days before our cruise in three weeks, so we'd have to spend the day we were going to sightsee shopping instead, but if that's the worst thing that happens, we could deal. 

I always try to put it in that perspective - if this is the worst thing that happens, we spend XYZ amount on clothes (we have travel insurance so that offsets it), and we have to "waste" a day shopping, then so be it. That's not so bad. 

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My wife dreams of the day of being forced to go clothes shopping right before a cruise.  Our last sailing was from Rome and we spent 5 nights there beforehand.  I shudder to think of the financial damage if our luggage didn't arrive with us.

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We used to travel with 1 large & I medium checked bag plus 1 roll-aboard and personal item each.

Long story short, weather shutdown airports after our bags were checked.  The next available flight would get us to Florida long after the ship departed. Retrieving our checked bags was estimated to take 36-48 hours.  But there was a possibility that the luggage could get to FLL the next day although we couldn’t.  We found 2 seats on a different airline from a different airport and took the chance.  We flew Southwest and our luggage flew AA.  It worked out but was certainly stressful


We changed our packing but are not carryon only travelers.  Doubt we will ever be.   
We now each have a roll-aboard & personal item and we check 1 24” suitcase.  That suitcase has things that we use but aren’t essential; work out clothes, swim wear, first aid kit, costume jewelry, toiletries that don’t fit in the 1 quart bag, water bottle. umbrella and a sweater or jacket each. 


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Sorry about the situation.  We airtag all the check in bags so at least we know where they are even if they are left in a different country.   While you are stuck in Ghent, take the free walking tour.  I think it starts around 12 or 1pm near the tourist center.  It is great!   Also try Restaurant St George.   Review rating is not very high, but the inside decor is great for Instagram LOL.   I thought the food was great too.  And service was amazing probably because they don't have a lot of tourists because of the lower review ratings.

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The situation is unfortunate, but as you said, uncommon. I've been on many international flights and the only time we had a bag miss the plane was when there was a tight connection in Atlanta do to our first flight being delayed. We had to run to make the plane and weren't surprised our bag didn't make it. They delivered it to our home the next morning so no big deal. 


I do think you all should have gotten on with your trip though. If they felt the need to stay near the aribnb you could have gone on without them. And really, if the airline can't tell you where your bag is and when it will make it to you, just continue on and purchase some clothing for a couple days. It sounds like you were returning to ghent each day. Either request that the airport hold the luggage there when it arrives or let them drop it off at the aribnb. 

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4 hours ago, Ex-Airbalancer said:

I hope airlines will start checking everyone’s carry one size , since  it appears some carry on are larger my check bag 😁


Agree with this!  I actually gave feedback to the airline on a survey that they should be measuring all carry on luggage (using the airline's provided device for measuring bags at the gate).  Passengers boarded our flights with clearly oversize luggage, multiple "personal items". 

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I used Air Tags on our last trip; I was updated many times daily about our bags not being where they should be, but our luggage was never lost and always arrived on time.  When we arrived home, our Air Tag still had one bag at the airport.  Of course, the bag was home and so were we.  Now I have two new tags to use on the trip!  Thanks Apple!


I do feel sorry for the OP, mostly because these things can and do happen, even with the best preparation and intention.  It is always easy to share with someone what he/she should have done.  Yes, hindsight is 20/20 and words rarely make it better.

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We did a cruise years ago, before all the luggage issues on planes, and our luggage was left behind in Toronto enroute to Rome.  We had a pilot friend search the orphan luggage room, look into where the heck in it was.  Our hotelier was dealing with phone calls for us since we don't speak Italian.  Our luggage arrived just as the car arrived to take us to the ship.  As I was pulling out clothes for our next Italian cruise I found some of the clothes we bought frantically in Rome.  Fun times

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4 hours ago, mahdnc said:

My wife dreams of the day of being forced to go clothes shopping right before a cruise.  Our last sailing was from Rome and we spent 5 nights there beforehand.  I shudder to think of the financial damage if our luggage didn't arrive with us.

A woman after my own heart. That would be a dream come true - unlimited shopping in Rome

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This happened to us.  We were in Barcelona and went to retrieve our bag.  Upon checking at the airline luggage claim, they found it never made it on the plane from Munich (turns out if fell off the conveyor belt).  The airline just took down the ship itenerary and told us they would get it to the ports of the ship if they could not get it to Barcelona in time (we had 2 days).  We didn't let it ruin our trip - just bought a few items of clothing to get past a few days and figured we'd buy extra along the way if needed.  We had one small carry on with medicines and anything we could not do without.  Bag turned up the morning we were to go board the ship.  Airline reimbursed us for 1) the bag which was pretty mangled and 2) the clothing and toothpaste/toothbrushes and few other things we purchased.

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We have been doing carry on only to Europe since 2015. When my husband first suggested it, I laughed in his face. Now, I would not travel any other way in Europe.


We don’t simply go to one city and stay at one place, we move about every 6-8 days. If you (generic you) are unwilling to do laundry, carry on only for longer than a one week trip probably isn’t for you. On a ship it is easy to send out, on land either the Airbnb needs a washer, the hotel needs to have laundry service, or we find a place to drop off.

I also have AirTags now “just in case.” I slip on inside my purse (a very ugly pacsafe crossbody that hold a lot), too.


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2 hours ago, SPacificbound said:

I would really like to see a list of clothing packed- from one or all of those who only do carryon. 


I always do bras and underwear by hand, and everything else to ship laundry. But still, I have no concept of how to pack in a carryon only.

The key (for me) is everything must match everything else in my bag. I also need to do laundry once per week. And, I order shampoo and conditioner to be picked up at an Amazon box.


We have a foldable suitcase we pack for any extra items purchased that we don’t have shipped home. We have only used it once (we went wild in Rome before out TA last fall), but it is worth bringing just in case.

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I just am not going to make myself worry about checked bags getting lost.  If it ever happens I'll deal with it and life will go on.  


I am sorry the OP had such a hard time of it, especially since it wasn't even their baggage that was lost.     

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12 hours ago, SPacificbound said:

I would really like to see a list of clothing packed- from one or all of those who only do carryon. 


I always do bras and underwear by hand, and everything else to ship laundry. But still, I have no concept of how to pack in a carryon only.


Just a gist...


I have a Gk Isles cruise this Aug. I will be sailing for 11 nights with 3 pre and 1 post hotel stay. I do the Wrap Method not Roll, I do follow the suggested dress attire on board but am in no way a fashionista. I have several maxi dresses that don't wrinkle and take almost no space. I re wear bottoms (Capris or shorts) As the poster above mentioned, shoes are always the tricky part and for women it's how many, for men it's how big. I get by with a daily sneaker for touring (wear them during flight) and 2 nightly sandals/flats. I use 1 regular sized carry-on and 1 boarding bag per person. My boarding bag fits the entire space under the seat in front of me. I've found that Delta Comfort is my best option for always holding onto my bags and being able to fit within the rules. 


So all in all for this trip, I'll be packing:


Carry On & Boarding Bag

5 shorts

2 kahki capris

2 jean carpis 

7 day tops

4 night tops

4 maxi dresses

1 jean jacket 

2 sundresses 

2 shoes 

Under garments 

Bathing suit

Meds & Toiletries (travel sized  refillable containers) 

Laptop & Cords 


2 Jammie T's & Slippers

Day Purse & Evening Clutch


Hairdryer (If it fits) 



I'll say Europe and the Caribbean are easier than Alaska but I still manage to make it work. I don't use camera equipment, just my phone. After I do the initial packing, I'll add the "just in case" items if there is space. I fill every nook! 



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I do feel for the OP as we lost a bag on a flight from UK to Sydney (change in Singapore).   We had two days in Sydney pre cruise, but the bag did not turn up in time!  It was my husband's case and we had to shop in Sydney for everything!  We also had most of our  toiletries in the case and some shoes of mine.   It was a nightmare and cost a small fortune.    The checked case was found, but half way through the cruise when we were in Auckland.  They said they would fly it out, but that could have been a bigger headache and we agreed to collect it at Sydney on our return.   When we flew back, we collected the lost bag, but our luggage weight then exceeded the maximum weight due to the extra clothes and small case we had to buy, although the airline in question waived that fee.   I kept all receipts for the purchased items and we had not been greedy, but purchased only the items to get my husband through the cruise and dressed in accordance with the guidelines of evening attire.  At Sydney airport, we were told we would have to claim on our insurance.  I informed the  lady with whom I spoke that our insurance Company had not lost the case and why should they pay!  I made the claim on my return and we were reimbursed every penny - they were absolutely marvellous and did not quibble.  I would rather not have lost the bag however.  I think we will go down the Air Tag route and we also cross pack!

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OP, I feel for you and your party. It is always so disappointing when a well planned and much anticipated holiday goes pear shaped…Please don’t let it dampen your full vacation….


My mother always said hope for the best but plan for the worst…So….


We cross pack our check in luggage.

We have one simple change of clothes in each hand luggage.

Our travel insurance kicks in a significant payout for clothes once missing over 24 hours.

We always spend a minimum of 3 days in the port we are cruising from.

Being a glass half full person as long as I get to the port I am not going to get too upset if my luggage doesn’t arrive with me. A good excuse to buy another Posh Frock!


Personally I am not willing travel with hand luggage only when going on a cruise. I do enjoy in the weeks (and months) pre cruise choosing some nice things to take with me. It is part of my holiday planning pleasure! I could manage with less clothes but it is nice to wear nice things…Then I like to take my decent binoculars, a couple of ‘real’ books some of my own cosmetics….As I have already said, if my luggage didn’t arrive with me I wouldn’t let it spoil my cruise but every time it does arrive I enjoy having what I want to take with me. In years of travelling world wide we have only ever had luggage go awol on two occasions meaning that for the vast majority of the time it is not an issue.

One doesn’t stop playing golf because of the minimal risk of being struck by lightning so why worry too much about something that doesn’t happen very often and if it does you can have a plan B? I know I may live to regret this post if next cruise my luggage goes missing but I am sure there must be a lot of Posh Frock shops in Athens!

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35 minutes ago, Georgia_Peaches said:

I'm sure I'm over thinking this but what is the wrap method?  and have you considered making a video?...only half joking...😁


Hope this video helps, it's not me! 


I also pack with the expander open then zip it tighter, like a compression system. No packing cubes for me. I also do not do the Bundle System although it's another popular option. 







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1 hour ago, cw2go said:


. I do the Wrap Method not Roll,


I do the wrap method, and my husband does the roll method. He also goes an extra step with smaller packing cubes, putting in one set of clothing per day in each cube. I use larger packing cubes and pack by type of clothes (shirts, pants, etc.). 

Even though he is larger than I am, he always has extra room in his carry-on.:classic_dry: 

Next time, I may have to try the roll method in small packing cubes to compare how it works out for me.

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On 6/16/2023 at 9:56 AM, jelayne said:

We used to travel with 1 large & I medium checked bag plus 1 roll-aboard and personal item each.

Long story short, weather shutdown airports after our bags were checked.  The next available flight would get us to Florida long after the ship departed. Retrieving our checked bags was estimated to take 36-48 hours.  But there was a possibility that the luggage could get to FLL the next day although we couldn’t.  We found 2 seats on a different airline from a different airport and took the chance.  We flew Southwest and our luggage flew AA.  It worked out but was certainly stressful


We changed our packing but are not carryon only travelers.  Doubt we will ever be.   
We now each have a roll-aboard & personal item and we check 1 24” suitcase.  That suitcase has things that we use but aren’t essential; work out clothes, swim wear, first aid kit, costume jewelry, toiletries that don’t fit in the 1 quart bag, water bottle. umbrella and a sweater or jacket each. 


I don't know what year this was but now days I don't think a suitcase gets loaded on without the passenger on the same flight unless the airline is "catching" it up with the passenger.  We have been on a flight where a passenger didn't show up and they held the plane to take off their luggage. 

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