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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday October 21st, 2023


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@HAL Sailer prayers for you and your DH.  Please be careful and take care of yourself Melisa.  

@smitty34877 thinking of you today and praying things get easier for you. 


@dfish.  Gorgeous photo.  Our fall colors have been fabulous in Michigan but we have had so much cloudy weather it has hampered some of the enjoyment.  Still no frost, we got down to 36 last night. 

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Good morning.... very late. I love nachos and will probably be babbling for awhile since I got could not sleep this morning so got up really early and found my internet was down. It just came up - guess some sort of updating was going on. Did get the dogs walked twice, but it was cold and temps are supposed to drop early next week. I need to call the electrician and see if I can speed him up about the heaters. They do work but the timers are off and I have time of use electricity. All in all not a great start to the day.


Having said that, there really is little to report from here. The party for Sepp Kuss was a real success but I skipped it and I was right to do so. Downtown was packed with lots of people rushing about on bikes. So today will be another day of just plodding along and trying to clear. I am on my second swing through one closet. And beginning to work on putting things together for the Grand Australia.


Take care all.







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Good afternoon from a cloudy central Texas where it is about 85F.  This morning turned into a busy but productive one.  I've been needing to go to W-M for a while, and decided today was a good as any.  DH decided he wanted to go with me, and that we'd do a drive-thru breakfast.  When we got to the store, he went in with me, using his walker for safety.  He even headed to the automotive department while I headed to the grocery side.  We met up in the dairy section and finished our shopping.  Once home, we needed to plug the motorhome in the charge the batteries, and we also did a few things while we were inside.  DH is doing better everyday, and is walking around the house without the walker more and more.  We'll take the slow but steady progress, even if it is not a quick as one of us would like.  I can see the physical changes better than he can, and he can feel the internal changes that I can't.  There is a big difference from the days pre-shunt placement, so all is good.


4 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Dearest Daily-ites, 


I apologize for not updating sooner. 


It's been a long 3 ½ weeks with my DH in the hospital and then inpatient rehab. You all know what those long days sitting bedside are like and rehab wasn't much easier. I was asked to work with him at rehab during OT & PT plus he wanted me back each night for Visiting Hours.


DH finally got home Thursday. It is going to be a challenge. His heart is damaged; his lungs are still recovering. He is weak, a bit depressed, and his usual determination is undercut by his newly deepened dementia. 


We were both exhausted last night after his first full day home.


Yesterday morning I fixed our bed after one box spring support rail somehow worked off its tracks in the middle of Thursday night -- CRASH! BANG! damn!


(That's the first time I've lifted our Queen mattress + springs by myself. I was amazed to find the strength, but invisible forces were helping me.)


After that, we had a gentleman's spa day -- I cut DH's hair, trimmed his beard, clipped his nails, and helped him get his first at-home shower using his new shower chair. 


In between, I managed to fix breakfast and lunch. Then it was off to outpatient PT where DH's longtime therapist is continuing what inpatient started. 


All before dinnertime...Whew! 


Last night I realized that I'll need to pace myself better than yesterday…or neither one of us will survive. It's going to be a journey – unfortunately not one on a BHB.


Your care and prayer has surrounded us daily. With deep gratitude,



Melissa, thank you for the update.  I'm glad your DH is home, but understand that means more work for you.  As others have said, even if it's easier said than done, try to pace yourself and rest when you can.  The two of the things we used most when DH got out of rehab were the shower chair and the grabber.  Now the shower chair is more of a towel holder when we take showers, but the grabber is used frequently by both of us.


4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Slept much better last night, finally!  Ready to tackle today. 
The Goethe quote took some time to sink in!  
I could use a Strawberry Margarita! 
@smitty34877 I’m going through old shoes too. Can’t wear them with the lifts I now need for my short left leg, no sandals, no clogs…. But maybe a hip replacement in my future could solve my problem?  So I might keep a couple of my favorite pairs. 

Today, big red marking pens should arrive from Amazon. We’ll start relabeling boxes we reused from previous move, starting a new inventory system. 

@superoma Eva, we too recycled years of National Geographic. We gave all the maps to a family with 10 children, and all our Scientific American book series. DH’s mother was in assisted living and they used old magazines for projects. Some of mother’s Nat’l Geos went there with her. 

Thank you all for posting photos, I find them uplifting!  @grapau27 I can relate to the issue of the steps to the beach. But you have beautiful choices nearby. I enjoy seeing your dash display with the temp!  

IMG_2029.thumb.jpeg.ee307b7f387cb476d59e9e398da53abb.jpegThis is a view from our 6th floor condo now. We have an end unit and see three directions. The new apartment isn’t a corner so we’ll view only one direction but it’ll be trees and in winter the ponds, not parking lots and buildings. We’ll have an open balcony to sit out in fresh air which is something I miss here. I’m sure we’ll enjoy it. IF all the legal hurdles get resolved to DH’s satisfaction. 🙏

Blessings to you all, especially thinking of those struggling now. Near and far. 
Cheers to those celebrating. Happy Birthday @Lady Hudson and twin. Trusting your DH is doing well too. 
Smooth planning and travels to all away, may our cruisers enjoy it all!  

Thank you all for your encouragement on our move and health challenges, and for all the work that goes into this thread community. 


Maureen, the picture from your condo is beautiful.  You sound more upbeat after a good night's rest.  I think things for the move will come together in time, and you will have the movers to do the heavy packing.


3 hours ago, dfish said:

Our view from breakfast this morning.




Wow, just beautiful.


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

I would just like to say that I love all the pictures, memes and reports from everyone. I think my cruising days are in the rear view mirror but I love to hear about yours! I look forward to each day in order to find out what everyone is doing. Right now I am just trying to keep putting one foot ahead of the other and stay sort of sane!

@HAL SailerMelisa, please try to take care of yourself at this difficult time. Sending prayers for you both.

I still feel the exhaustion of the last several months. 


Terry, it will take time for exhaustion to ease.  Even though what DH and I have been through these past few years was not a bad as what you have endured, I'm still catching up on my rest.  While right now cruising may not seem to be in your future, please don't rule it out.  It is a safe way for single ladies to travel.  You never know what the future will hold.


2 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

Kind of busy yesterday and didn't get to the Daily until last night.  A few months ago I noticed that I had more than 100 old National Geographics in my storage room, some as old as 1916, a few from the 1920s and 30s and the majority from the 1950s to the 1980s.  I spent a few weeks reading each of them and it was very enjoyable, learning about countries just after WW1 and prior to WW2 that I have actually visited in the last few years.  Some of the ads were interesting, such as a 1919 Locomobile, or how wonderful lead paint was.  Wasn't sure what to do with them, so they are back in the storeroom.


Decided yesterday to have my roof cleaned.  It is metal, shaped like Roman tile, so can be pressure washed.  Used something like Angi's List and quickly received four bids.  Chose the one who actually came to my house, measured it, and described what he would do.  


Ray, I hope someday we can get out metal roof pressure washed, but we needed to get that pesky leak fixed first.  We have a pressure washer, but there is no way either us us will get on the roof or a ladder to tackle that job.  Some of your older National Geographic magazines might be worth some money.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Sorry but I got distracted when I heard the sound of a huge motorhome rumbling up our street to turn around at the cul-de-sac and then park next door.  Brenda and Paul are home!  However, they have a bible school party to attend tonight, and a wedding tomorrow near Macon, and a visit to friends Monday near Macon, so will be home for good Tuesday.  Had to run out and give out hugs!  


Lenda, thanks for your good wishes for Scott.  I'm hoping for the best for him, but I have to admit I'm worried.  Love the memes today!  Good luck to your Texas Longhorns.  Michigan-Michigan State play tonight for the in-state rivalry.  It's taking place in Lansing so no Big House to help motivate the team.  And Michigan State has beat the Wolverines plenty of times in the past, so who knows what will happen.


Melisa, I'm sorry you've had such a rough start but hoping things look better as time goes on.  Prayers for you and DH!  I'm glad he's back home now.


What a pretty view!  Prayers for you and your DH as well with that big move.  The movers will quickly finish up what you don't get accomplished so try not to worry to much over that.  I know for sure it would take me longer to do what you're doing than it would 5 or 10 years ago.  Take care!


So pretty!  Michigan is a beautiful state!


Terry, I want to give you a hug, too!  {{{{🤗}}}}   I'm sorry you think your cruising days are over but you just never know.  I'm sure it will be quite some time for your exhaustion to ease up.  Please take care of yourself.



Sandi, we've used a trickle charger at times, but since our cars can sit for up to six months and are in a port, we've found disconnecting the batteries works best for us.  We also do that when we have to park a car at an airport or port when we take a long cruise.  The battery disconnect that I showed @Mr. Boston makes it easy by just loosing the green knob, but it won't fit in many newer cars.  I'm glad that Ren and the team won.  Good luck to Michigan since they are not playing one of the colleges we support.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I will try not to babble. I have my mother's tin of buttons, but don't count them. I like nachos. Nice quote. The meal looks good; winter meals are often soup for me. Strawberry margaritas are a favorite of mine. I'll pass on the wine. I haven't been to Surabaya. I'll salute Florence Nightingale. 


It's cloudy here, and there was some morning rain. I slept well, after taking a benadryl before bed and the prior night's lack of sleep. When I woke up, I didn't have time to stretch my back, and had a lot of tingling and numbness in my leg, plus some pain. I hobbled to the bathroom, then tried to stretch after I got back in bed. I hope the epidural steroids will start to kick in more as time goes on. I may try to do laundry today. I also want to clean the floor (the grout) in the downstairs bathroom. When the plumber came to check the boiler and toilet, he found I need some new pipes for the boiler. And I decided to get a new commode that's higher than the 1950's one that in there. He will come on Thursday to do all this.



@Lady Hudson Happy Birthday to you and your twin!

@StLouisCruisers That's good that Scott can work toward getting transferred to rehab. Congrats to FC Dallas and Ren. I use a trickle charger too, if gone for a while.

@cat shepard That's bad about the accidents.

@rafinmd I like that moody statue photo from Surabaya.

@smitty34877 Sorry that fixing the oil tank leak may turn into something big. But I'm glad you have heat! Good luck with the closet cleanout. Hugs to you.

@dfish Enjoy the wedding and family! Lovely view of fall foliage.

@HAL Sailer Thank you for the update on your DH. I agree you will need to pace yourself during his attempts to recover, so that your needs are also taken care of.

@RMLincoln I'm glad you slept better. Nice view.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep, and I hope the steroid shots work.



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Good cloudy and chilly afternoon. I hope everyone is having a good day.

Today is support all the fire companies in Lancaster County dinners day. We hit 3 of them for takeout. Witmer for ox roast, Caernarvon for turkey and finally, Martindale for roast beef. 
Good eating for sure.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


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Pass on all the special days. The soup would be OK if made with non-dairy ingredients. Probably no on the cocktail. This is the second Pinot Gris in a short time and this time I'll suggest the 2021 from Buttonwood Grove Winery on the west side of Cayuga Lake. I don't think that the name of the winery has anything to do with counting buttons. I haven't been to Surabaya.


Today I'm trying to finish the week's reading for the eco-chaplaincy class and get ahead on the written work. There are almost weekly writing assignments but grading is based only six of them. I've already done five, and a bibliography that is due on November 12 is ready. This is so that I won't have to submit any written work while I'm away--I will have the technical capacity to do it, but maybe not the mental capacity, given that I have the HIA package.


Also some pre-packing: not actually packing anything, but gathering things and getting them ready, and checking whether any clothing needs to be laundered. I see myself packing heavier than I want to, but there is good reason for everything, even if taking three hats (different kinds) seems excessive.



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Good Afternoon, today we tried a new place to eat.  I kept seeing posts about new place to get Puerto Rican food.  I thought it a restaurant but when we got there learned that it is a ghost kitchen.  I’d heard of ghost kitchens but never ran into one.  We ordered through their website and after about a 10 minute wait went home with our order.  The food was delicious and I’m sure we will be back for more.  

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Good evening, I'll take nachos for dinner along with a strawberry margarita!

@dfishYour views look wonderful!

@RMLincolnYour view also looks beautiful, hopefully you'll have great views at your new place!

@smitty34877thinking about you as you adjust to your new life...

@HAL SailerGood to here that your DH is home again, thinking about you as you also adjust to your new issues....


It's great to see the nice photos and stories here.  We spent a few days "up-north" - about 2.5 hours away.  The changing trees were beautiful.  Here is a sunrise picture for @rafinmd and also a picture as the sun was going down and shining on the trees.  



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3 hours ago, 57redbird said:

Hubby had to spend an extra night in the hospital, he's home now.  Just have to play the waiting game for a few months to see if the external ablation really did the trick.  Thanks to all of you for your prayers.


I'm glad your DH is home.  I hope the waiting to see if the external ablation did what it was supposed to do is not too long or hard.



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Well, I had a very interesting phone call this afternoon. This morning the Tacoma PBS station held the annual sewing and quilting pledge drive and it's sponsored the large quilt and vacuum chain of stores. I did my usual pledge which earns me their discount card. And then I won the top prize! Shocked! It's a Brother PrintModa Fabric printer. It will print on fabric and also copy any fabric design you download. It's also a plain paper copier too with the capacity to print legal size. I'm not sure I'll be able to afford the special fabric or ink but it will be a nice printer anyway. I sure wasn't expecting that phone call. I'm thinking it might help with fabric for our hospital quilts. As for buttons, on the windowsill by my sewing machine I have a crystal vase that was a 60th birthday gift from my sister. It contains 60 buttons-and a lot of dust by now. Take care everyone and have a restful night.

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15 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Well, I had a very interesting phone call this afternoon. This morning the Tacoma PBS station held the annual sewing and quilting pledge drive and it's sponsored the large quilt and vacuum chain of stores. I did my usual pledge which earns me their discount card. And then I won the top prize! Shocked! It's a Brother PrintModa Fabric printer. It will print on fabric and also copy any fabric design you download. It's also a plain paper copier too with the capacity to print legal size. I'm not sure I'll be able to afford the special fabric or ink but it will be a nice printer anyway. I sure wasn't expecting that phone call. I'm thinking it might help with fabric for our hospital quilts. As for buttons, on the windowsill by my sewing machine I have a crystal vase that was a 60th birthday gift from my sister. It contains 60 buttons-and a lot of dust by now. Take care everyone and have a restful night.


Congratulations.  I'm sure you will find many uses for the printer.



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40 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

... And then I won the top prize! Shocked! It's a Brother PrintModa Fabric printer. It will print on fabric and also copy any fabric design you download. It's also a plain paper copier too with the capacity to print legal size. I'm not sure I'll be able to afford the special fabric or ink but it will be a nice printer anyway. I sure wasn't expecting that phone call. I'm thinking it might help with fabric for our hospital quilts....


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