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Tuesday November 7th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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In my roomette, settling in a bit.  Boarding started a bit before 3:30 and it was a bit of a challenge getting up the stairs to the upper level but I've made it.  Looks like they only have one string of cars to add; so we might leave early.  Yesterday's train left about 20 minutes ahead of schedule.



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We just returned from the Georgia Aquarium-what an amazing place. I spent nearly 1/2 hour watching the whale sharks glide around their pool. They are so huge! We also did the Behind-the-Scenes Tour but compared to others we've taken, this one was just so-so. And thank you Atlanta for giving us perfect weather. Back home to the rain on Friday. Have a great week everyone. 

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Another gala dinner tonight,  but the most conspicuous features were long waits for seating, and slow service. The menu was more to my taste, and the lamb chops were very good. The majority at my shared table ordered filet mignon and didn’t like it. The dessert service was confused; several people got none, or else wrong desserts and didn’t immediately notice. Mine was correct, but I could make a better and more authentic Linzertorte. It is strange, or maybe not, that the gala dinners aren’t as good as the ordinary ones.



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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

In my roomette, settling in a bit.  Boarding started a bit before 3:30 and it was a bit of a challenge getting up the stairs to the upper level but I've made it.  Looks like they only have one string of cars to add; so we might leave early.  Yesterday's train left about 20 minutes ahead of schedule.



Glad you’re onboard. Enjoy the train ride. We arrived back home on time. I believe it will pizza delivery night.

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Good evening. Maybe I have a modicum of hope. Despite a bad night last night, and hobbling down the stairs this morning, I did the leaf blowing for several hours this afternoon. I mainly had only the old muscular back pain, and no bad leg pain. Then I came in and had a 2 hour nap in the recliner. Dare I hope that maybe the injection is finally doing something, and it just took a while to work (it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I got the epidural)? It will be interesting to see how tonight's sleeping goes. This few hours without pain has been wonderful!


@Cruzin Terri It's good to hear that Jim is doing better with his knee issue.

@rafinmd I'm glad you're safely on the train. Now you can relax.

@kochleffel Sorry the gala dinner wasn't up to par.

@aliaschief I'm glad you're home safely.

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3 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good evening. Maybe I have a modicum of hope. Despite a bad night last night, and hobbling down the stairs this morning, I did the leaf blowing for several hours this afternoon. I mainly had only the old muscular back pain, and no bad leg pain. Then I came in and had a 2 hour nap in the recliner. Dare I hope that maybe the injection is finally doing something, and it just took a while to work (it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I got the epidural)? It will be interesting to see how tonight's sleeping goes. This few hours without pain has been wonderful!


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A very late good afternoon on what was a busy day.  With all the errands this morning, it was after 11 before I got back home.  After unloading the car and putting things away, I spent an hour or so on the computer getting some things done, including sending a copy of the insurance id card for the new motorhome to the dealer.  We should be all set for Monday morning now.


DH and I spent about an hour going through the last outside compartment where he stored all his treasures.  We threw away some things, left some with the motorhome, designated some to stay here or go to Quartzsite, and the rest will find a home in the new motorhome.  The drawer units he'd put in the motorhome in 1999 had never been removed.  Since they had to come out anyway, I took the opportunity to clean them.  It's amazing how quickly the spray foam bathroom cleaner removed 99% of 24 !/2 years of grime.  They look almost new, except for the stains.


Tomorrow should be a lot easier, since we'll be going through all the cabinets, drawers and closets in the motorhome.  Some things we'll leave in to transfer at the dealership, and the rest will be removed and then put in the Bounder.  Hopefully, we'll weed more things out, and take them to one of the thrift stores.


9 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cloudy morning. It’s supposed to get up to about 70 today.

I just stopped to vote and DB and I were the first ones to vote at 9:00. 
I found out yesterday that a family friend) former organist at church) husband Bill has been placed on Hospice care. Please keep Lynda and Bill in your thoughts.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


I'm sorry your friend's husband was placed in Hospice care.  I hope he is peaceful and comfortable in the time remaining to him.


8 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another rainy morning, but this afternoon looks promising.  

Like every family, ours has been touched by cancer -- especially my dear sister who lost her battle at 68 after 10 years and 3 remissions.  I would hug a stuffed bear but they have all gone to the DGSs.  I don't think any of my skin creams have Retinol in them.  Very true quote, will pass on the red wine and drink.  The meal sounds good, I would have to buy some chicken with skin-on (always buy skinless breasts) but would like the last recipe best.  We've been to Turkey a few times but never to Marmaris.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos.  


I got quite a chuckle last night.  Obviously DD has realized that we will be gone a very long time on the GA, and suddenly lined up some overnights with the DGSs before we leave.  I've been waiting for this, lol.  We'll miss them so much, so of course were happy to say yes to all the requests. DGS will get his cast tomorrow, so he'll be all set for their first overnight this Thursday. We've changed the swimming plans to a movie theater instead. 


Gerry @ger_77 What a sad thing to happen!  Prayers for all.

Sandi @StLouisCruisers Great news about Scott.

Prayers for Lorraine's @cruising sister friend's DH who is battling a rare disease and @1ANGELCAT's friend's DH Bill who was put on hospice.




Carolyn, I'm glad your DGS will have his cast on by the time he has the first overnight.


7 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning.

After I posted my “bear hug” photo I had to get out of the house and hotfoot it to the Toyota Dealer to get my car serviced.  So here I sit and wait for the car to be ready.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for keeping us going every single day.  It is my go-to place everyday.  Sometimes I’m early and other times it takes all day to get here.

I will celebrate the days.  

I am all for Cancer Awareness and have lost some people very dear to me to that awful disease.

As you can see I have “hugged a bear” albeit not a real one.

As for retinol, I am game, if it helps.

I like the quote and think it is very true.

As for the F&B department, the meal sounds good, i will pass on the drink and wine.

I have not been to Izmir.


Jim’s knee is improving, but still somewhat swollen.  We removed the compression wrap yesterday. He is still keeping the leg elevated as much as possible and icing it as often as he can.  I think the prednisone is helping to reduce the inflammation and swelling.  He is walking better. 


Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those cruising and getting ready to cruise.


Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Happy Tuesday.

God Bless,



Terri, that is good news that Jim's knee is improving.  I'm glad he is still keeping it elevated and iced.


3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

In my roomette, settling in a bit.  Boarding started a bit before 3:30 and it was a bit of a challenge getting up the stairs to the upper level but I've made it.  Looks like they only have one string of cars to add; so we might leave early.  Yesterday's train left about 20 minutes ahead of schedule.




Roy, I['m happy you are on board and settled into your roomette.  Enjoy the journey.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Glad you’re onboard. Enjoy the train ride. We arrived back home on time. I believe it will pizza delivery night.


Welcome home, Bruce.  I'm glad you arrived safely.


40 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good evening. Maybe I have a modicum of hope. Despite a bad night last night, and hobbling down the stairs this morning, I did the leaf blowing for several hours this afternoon. I mainly had only the old muscular back pain, and no bad leg pain. Then I came in and had a 2 hour nap in the recliner. Dare I hope that maybe the injection is finally doing something, and it just took a while to work (it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I got the epidural)? It will be interesting to see how tonight's sleeping goes. This few hours without pain has been wonderful!


@Cruzin Terri It's good to hear that Jim is doing better with his knee issue.

@rafinmd I'm glad you're safely on the train. Now you can relax.

@kochleffel Sorry the gala dinner wasn't up to par.

@aliaschief I'm glad you're home safely.


Vanessa, that is good news that you had less pain today and were able to accomplish some things and get a good nap too.  I hope this trend continues.


Now, it's time to get a glass of wine.  Who am I kidding, make that glasses of wine, and cook dinner.  It will be easy since we're having hamburgers, cooked in the George Foreman and potato chips.



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59 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good evening. Maybe I have a modicum of hope. Despite a bad night last night, and hobbling down the stairs this morning, I did the leaf blowing for several hours this afternoon. I mainly had only the old muscular back pain, and no bad leg pain. Then I came in and had a 2 hour nap in the recliner. Dare I hope that maybe the injection is finally doing something, and it just took a while to work (it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I got the epidural)? It will be interesting to see how tonight's sleeping goes. This few hours without pain has been wonderful!


Vanessa, I am so glad you had a few hours without pain.  I hope this is a trend for you!


@rafinmd Enjoy the trip!   I'd like to do a train trip sometime.

@aliaschief Welcome home!

@Cruising-along enjoy the overnights with the boys.  


My Zoom meeting this morning was cancelled so that meant I could go outside and do leaves - again.  We got the whole backyard done and I also did the front yard.  I think we're nearing the end of leaves because the big oak tree is almost bare and that is what has been coming down lately.  Cross your fingers everyone!

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18 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Lunch was at Panera again.  Officially, checking cars in opens at 12:30.  I lined up about 12:10 and things were already moving.  By 12:30 I had a number on the car, went into the station checkin desk, and have my ticket for dinner at 5.  Boarding is supposed to start at 3:30.




Safe travels, Roy.



23 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

My dear neighbors Paul and Brenda who have lived next door for nearly 3 years, have decided to move to a smaller home nearer their church.  They are very involved in the church and feel having this huge house sitting empty while they are on the road with their motorhome is a waste, so will be selling soon.  We are both very sad about it but it is what it is.😞



So sorry to hear this, Sandi.  I know how you feel.  My neighbours of 30+ years are also moving.  They think the time is right.  The housing market certainly agrees with them.  I’m sad to see them go 😞 



23 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Received my MRI results before I got home.  It ran 1.5 pages!  Front and back, with "severe" mentioned several times.  Plus a 10mm cyst.  Hmmm.  Have to wait a week to see what the doc says. 


Hope the MRI can help bring a resolution for you 🙏 



23 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Came home and started to take off the cork backing to my Mariner tiles.  What's interesting is the new ones are made in Portugal.  Someone gave me 3 older ones and they were made in England.  I have 14 of them and still need at least a couple more to complete a table top I want to make. 


If you are still short tiles next October, remind me and I will be happy to throw a couple (or what you need) in my suitcase.  I have plenty 😉 or should I say too many?  😂 



23 hours ago, aliaschief said:

We disembark at 8:30 and if all goes well arrive at home at 3:30.

It has been a great cruising experience.


Safe travels & welcome home 🙂 



23 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Susan rang me yesterday and gave me some even better news about Scott.  They hope to release him Friday to go home and he can be driven to the adjoining town for outpatient physical therapy!  Susan will care for him but will try to get some home health care to come in some of the time to give her a break for shopping, errands, doctor appointments, etc.  She said he is able to talk again, not just whisper, and has no feeding tube so can eat normally.  He can also walk short distances with a walker!  That is a major improvement over a few weeks ago!



That is great news 🙂 



22 hours ago, ger_77 said:

A terrible thing happened at a small city not far from us - a woman and her 2 little girls decided to walk on the ice on a nearby lake and they fell through.  2 men saw what happened and went in to save them; the mother and 1 little girl were okay, but sadly both men and the second little girl perished.  We're just in shock, as we've barely had enough cold weather to put just a thin sheet of ice on any waterways.  When we used to go ice fishing, our friend always made sure there was at least a foot of ice before we went on it, otherwise we stayed home in front of the fireplace.


Oh my heavens, Gerry.  That is absolutely awful and so sad 😞 


I too am shocked.  It is far too early to trust any ice on any waterway.  Normally we have to wait until at least January for any ice fishing/walking on the ice.  There are always announcements when it is safe.



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15 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

We just returned from the Georgia Aquarium-what an amazing place. I spent nearly 1/2 hour watching the whale sharks glide around their pool. They are so huge! We also did the Behind-the-Scenes Tour but compared to others we've taken, this one was just so-so. And thank you Atlanta for giving us perfect weather. Back home to the rain on Friday. Have a great week everyone. 


Hi Susie,  so glad the weather has been great for you this week.  When you head home Friday is when the rain is predicted to hit Georgia.  40% chance Friday, Saturday and Sunday!  Let's just see how accurate that prediction is.  Meanwhile, I hope you have some sunny weather back home once you get there.  I knew you would love the Aquarium.  It's a tremendous asset here.  Continue to enjoy your visit with DS and family until Friday.  And safe travels back!

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