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Friday December 1st, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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43 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Sandi.

We are at the bottom of our close and our back and front garden were flooded.

Sand and gravel that was under the closes path concrete slabs covered our front.

Our patio slabs/bricks were concreted in when Paulines brother laid them so they are okay.

The water board cleaning team have cleared the debris and are coming back when the water eventually gets turned on to power wash our drive and garage floor.



Sorry that you & Pauline have to deal with this. I am impressed at how responsive your Water Board is. 

Do anticipate any damage to your lawn, trees, bushes or flowers?

Edited by cat shepard
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36 minutes ago, superoma said:

I submit the following for today in history



Rosa Parks refuses to sit in the back of a Montgomery, Alabama, bus, defying the South’s segregationist laws.1955


Ukraine’s voters overwhelmingly approve a referendum for independence from the USSR. 1991




Excellent choices Eva! And both still so relevant. 

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Good cloudy and cold morning.It’s a very good day because yesterday afternoon Tee Tee somehow got out the kitchen door. We didn’t miss him right away since he likes to hide upstairs .Early this morning DB saw him at the side window and then he ran to the kitchen door, opened the door and he came right in and headed for food. He’s getting a collar and an air tag for sure. 🎉

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good morning. It will be a nice day today with sunshine and temperatures up to 47.DD DH’s grandfather was from Romania so I will toast them with my coffee mug this morning. World AID’s day remains very important. Rosa Parks  was a very brave woman and her actions remain relevant all these years later. I think the recipe would be a good one. Everyone likes fish here and Friday is a good day to purchase fish locally.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I know those  fans are noisy but they certainly do their jobs well. I hope you can get the radiator replaced soon. I am sorry that you continue to have such debilitating pain and I wish a treatment plan for it could be done soon. 
@grapau27, Graham, the blue bubble was uncooperative ( after just working) but I was  sorry to hear of your water troubles. I hope the beautiful garden can be saved. 
I am not in the mood for Christmas and the decorations and feel like a Scrooge. Most of our neighbors have pretty trees in the windows and outside lights up. Tana and I will do what we have to but enthusiasm is lacking. I admire those of you doing cards and such. 

Take care everyone.

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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie,  I slept later than planned and am running a bit behind but hope to leave for the station about 10.  It's pleasantly cool and cloudy and I checked the home weather forecast; It should be warm enough in Lorton to transfer from the train to the station to the car without a heavy coat.  I visited Fortaleza in 2019 on the 2019 Prinsendam Grand South America.  I did not think it a great destination for me.  Rather than search for photos I'll link to the blog post for that day.





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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!  How can it be December already?!

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report.  I’ve been reading, but haven’t posted in awhile,  I just finished reading Yesterday’s Daily, and was so excited to see the darling photos of our thread’s Miracle Baby!  She’s precious! 


prayers for all with pain, illness, or troubles, and wish good health, wealth, and smiles for all.  Sandy, hope the news comes soon!  I think many of us have an idea what it may be about. 

I think I’ll put up the Christmas 🎄tree today.  My outside roof lights have been up since early last month.  Before Thanksgiving (please don’t judge me 😂) .   I can’t help it - the man who puts them up for me each year has so many customers, that the latest he could fit me in was the first week in November. Since them, I am permanently on his calendar for that week.   My neighbors don’t seem to mind, and happily start their own decorating after mine go on.


Have a blessed day, everyone!

Edited by ocean sounds
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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Bunny, bunny, playboy bunny.  Will that bring me luck?


On a much more important event, as stated in prior posts Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of a Montgomery Alabama bus on this day in 1955. I grew up in Montgomery and though very young at the time I remember this event. And was witness personally something very similar in a few years later! It definitely left an everlasting memory!



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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.  Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We usually wait until Dec 1 to turn the Christmas lights on, but this year we were a couple of weeks early - maybe because the neighbours all had theirs turned on.  Today is a good day to remember those who have died because of AIDS and those who still struggle with it.  Hopefully soon we will find a cure for this horrible disease.  Good for Romania.


Another cool and dark morning; we're currently sitting at -13C (8F) and expecting to hit a high of 1 (33).  Looking at my FB memories a year ago today we were experiencing our first Extreme Cold Warning where wind chill temperatures were going to go down to -43F.  At this point I'm still wearing my light leather jacket with just a fluffy scarf and I'm comfortable - not sure how long that will last.


@cruising sister Thank you SO much for posting the photos of our dear sweet Murphy!  She is a gem and such a fighter . . . prayers continue for her daily.

@rafinmdI hope you had some restful sleep in the hotel last night so you can continue on your way home.


Late yesterday afternoon we had a phone call from Wayne, the friend we'll be cruising with in February, asking if we could help him.  He'd been at a health clinic in the afternoon and they wanted him to go to emergency at the hospital and he didn't want to drive.  DH flew out of the house, picked him up and promptly took him over.  It seems he's having heart issues (racing) and it isn't pumping properly so that his legs were becoming extremely painful.  It's strange because this is a man whose only previous problems were with his knees from a lifetime of playing recreational basketball.  We kept in touch with him throughout the evening and at this point we know he's being admitted to the cardiac ward where he will likely be held for a couple of days for tests.  I'll text him in about an hour for an update and to see if we can bring him anything (razor, toothbrush, etc) to make him comfortable.  I wouldn't mind if you all would keep him in your prayers, as it sounds quite serious.


On another note, we caught a mouse under the kitchen sink yesterday!  Little bugger!  I don't know how he got in or where he might have come from, but a day ago I saw what looked to be shredded paper under the trash bag.  I asked DH if he'd thrown some in the garbage rather than into recycling and he said he hadn't.  We set a trap and bam!  Caught it.  We reset the trap and I checked it this morning but it was empty . . . I'm not cheering yet though, as I know where there's one, there's usually more.


I'm passing on the drink of the day, would like to try the wine, and will look forward to seeing the recipes for the arctic char.  It's Friday night pizza night so DH and I will peruse the online menus for something ooey and gooey to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the hostages still in captivity, and all the innocents in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!    ☺️☺️☺️ 



Edited by ger_77
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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit


Good Morning from a foggy day at the beach

    Suppose to burn off and be in id 80`s. Crazy weather.

    Our Christmas lights went on yesterday . I have never been to todays port.

 @grapau27  Graham,  Not a good start to the month. Hope it is fixed quickly and damage is minimal. 

    @rafinmd  Roy, Safe travels today. 

      @cruising sister Murphy is beautiful. Prayers for her and her family that she continues to thrive.

   We got the 3 trees at the library decorated yesterday. Looks really nice. It was our usual 9 people. One of my friends made these wonderful cookies, so we were all very happy.  

    Today is a simple day for me. Water aerobics and Publix. 

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Covid aftereffects STILL lingering! Today is 14 days so I guess that is to be expected. Sue and I are taking turns as to who feels worse.  😄   DSIL is still feeling fine.  🤞


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.

- Jack

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Good morning. It was a good morning to sleep in. Dreary overcast day with lots of rain on its way. Currently 66 degrees.

Our small group dinner was wonderful and was enjoyed very much. It will be the only holiday gathering this year. We laugh at that because when I was in the military I had to make appearance's at different units Christmas events. Sometimes more than three a night. Do not miss that.

Graham sorry to hear about the water break. Glad you got by with no internal damage.

Thanks for the reports. Bruce




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Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit 🐇. Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  Lots of reasons to be grateful today;  Christmas lights keep is entertained in the long dark days, how far we’ve come in the struggle to understand the Aids virus and Romania’s independence!  The quote is a good reminder that the Americas had been “discovered” long before Europeans arrived.  The meal sounds tasty and the drink sounds like a nice sipping cocktail.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for all on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events! 🥂

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Just heard from my friend Dena. The antibiotics are kicking in and the inflammation is going down. Still no idea what caused it and not being released yet and having more tests. But considering she lives alone, no children nor nieces or nephews the hospital is probably the best place for her right now. I told her I asked for prayers from the group and she is thrilled - she is a huge believer in the power of prayer. Thank you all again. 

grey and wet day here, just above freezing. Prayers for everyone needing them and a celebratory shout out to cruisers and those celebrating other events.

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@ger_77,Gerry, I am sorry to hear about your friend Wayne and his cardiac issues. Sending prayers his way.

@Heartgrove,I am sorry the after effects are still with you and Sue. We found it took almost six weeks to feel “normal “ after we had it.The fatigue was the worst for me.

@Seasick Sailor, Joy,  I enjoy hearing about your cruise and today sounds perfect. Love sea days!

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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit!


Good morning, everyone!


I am glad to hear that everything went well for @Sharon in AZ Sharon yesterday and that @rafinmd Roy is up and feeling chipper.  Safe travels today, Roy.  Sue is feeling better due to her medication and will hopefully lick this bug she has.  We have to cancel Farkel tonight as DB and DSIL are both under the weather.  Graham, @grapau27, I'm sorry to hear of the water issues.  Hopefully the mess is cleaned up quickly.  Nothing much on the agenda today.  I'm heading to another hardware store chasing down the transformer we need for the under cabinet lights in the dining room.  


Today's meal sounds good to me!  Arctic char is similar to salmon, so you can easily substitute salmon if you can't get the arctic char.  The recipe is a Bon Apetit/Epicurious recipe.  I will post the link for those of you who can see it.  The kitchen is closed to me.  I could not find the complete recipe on another site.  Punchfork and Pinterest list the ingredients, but you have to figure out what to do with them.  https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/ba-syn-arctic-char-with-greens-and-gribiche-dressing




Here is a recipe for the gribiche dressing.  https://cookswithoutborders.com/new-wave-sauce-gribiche




Here is a recipe for some arctic char with greens.  It isn't the exact dish of the day, but it will help you keep body and soul together.  https://www.sugarlovespices.com/citrus-crusted-arctic-char-with-mixed-greens/




You can use the greens of your choice.  Or make it a green salad to have along side.  Here's a recipe for arctic char with a blood orange salad.  Sounds pretty good to me!  https://biggreenegg.com/recipes/arctic-char-with-blood-orange-salad/




I hope this finds everyone well.   Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Good morning,

I let Murphy’s mom that you all thanked her for sharing the photos. There is still a long road ahead but definitely light at the end of the tunnel. 

I am starting a new medicine for pre diabetes today. I am not happy about it. It doesn’t matter how much I exercise keep my weight down and eat right and the numbers still rise. I know it is in the DNA and I am at increased risk but still frustrating. Unfortunately I did not tolerate metformin so I am trying  Brenzavvy which insurance will not pay for. I did get a great price on Mark Cubans online pharmacy. We will see how this goes. 

Tonight is DGS Christmas program. I can’t wait to go. He really likes kindergarten which is a breath of fresh air after preschool was a mess with all the deaths. 

I am sad to read about everyone’s troubles. Hopefully it will get better soon. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day 

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42 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. It was a good morning to sleep in. Dreary overcast day with lots of rain on its way. Currently 66 degrees.

Our small group dinner was wonderful and was enjoyed very much. It will be the only holiday gathering this year. We laugh at that because when I was in the military I had to make appearance's at different units Christmas events. Sometimes more than three a night. Do not miss that.

Graham sorry to hear about the water break. Glad you got by with no internal damage.

Thanks for the reports. Bruce




But Chief, when you shovel snow, there is a bottom. Not white sand!

Edited by RedneckBob
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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

I am not in the mood for Christmas and the decorations and feel like a Scrooge. Most of our neighbors have pretty trees in the windows and outside lights up. Tana and I will do what we have to but enthusiasm is lacking.

That’s understandable.  Holidays can be hard after loss, or for other reasons.  It’s OK to feel that way.  Just know you have many Daily friends still praying for you and Tana.  🙏🏻 🤗 

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Thank you @kazu for the welcome home. We had a good R & R time - probably gained 20 pounds, and are now ready to begin tackling the insurance battles over the flood in or home that occurred on Oct 27 from a broken fire sprinkler in the unit upstairs of us. They are remodeling so we are sure the insurance issues will be complicated involving our HOA, the contractor and all affected homeowners. 

Thanks to everyone for maintaining this daily thread as a place of refuge. 

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Good Friday Morning Daiyites!  Rabbit Rabbit, white rabbit.  Neighbor is working from home, but she still wants me to walk the dog this morning, in 5 minutes, and I slept until 9.  Oops.  

Turns out that one of two oxygen products will be delivered, sometime today, before 9 pm tonight. Dont know which one, so I just sent an email to the woman I talked to yesterday, who set the account up.

  I have the day off, but I have lots of calls to make today.  


to the dog I go, will be back.

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