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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday, December 21st, 2023


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1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

I have an update on Murphy. She continues to improve but has a couple of challenges. She had a gtube placed and was scoped to find one of her vocal cords is paralyzed. They feel it will improve but nothing by mouth for now. They found that the bases of her lungs were “floppy” DSIL words so will keep her on CPAP for now. Good news is that she is interacting more by smiling and regaining her strength through her various therapies. DSIL was there in the hospital with her last week while her parents had to work. They want someone in the room with her at all times. 


Thanks so much for the update on Baby Murphy.  OMG on one of her vocal cords being paralyzed & her lungs 😔. I hope she can improve and she continues to be in my prayers 🙏 



1 hour ago, cruising sister said:


I got my boarding time!  It is awful early at 10:40. It’s hard to believe they will be ready that early.


Wow!  that is early 👍 



1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

So far I am doing okay.  Hopefully there are no more flares.  Maybe being on a better schedule of weaning off the meds may work.  


That is great news, Terri.  Hope you continue to improve without flare ups 🤞 



1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

@rafinmd Roy, why was the MSC ship diverted from her normal ports of FL and Bahamas to Canada?  That’s the cruise our one granddaughter just did with her in-law family, and now other granddaughter is on honeymoon cruise in Caribbean…. so I’m very curious!  


Not Roy but MSC changed the entire itinerary from the Bahamas to Canada / New England at the last minute.  They said they could not get the ship safely to the Bahamas (weather and sea conditions).



1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Tomorrow I leave for New Hampshire again. I was ambivalent about going but the grandchildren called and specifically asked me to make the trip. Of course I said yes! The poor dogs are worried about suitcases being out and general scurrying around. DD will move into my room in order to help Tana overnight,


Safe travels to you tomorrow.  So kind of your DD to move to help Tana.  Bless her ♥️ 

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Good morning all!

Interesting collection of days, I like the quote but will pass on the meal, drink and wine.  

We will go to Moorea on the GANZ but not to this port. We have a private tour the first day and a HAL tour the 2nd day. 


We got our boarding time and have 10:40 also.  I'm not holding my breath, as it changed at least 3 times for our last cruise.  One person on our roll call got 10:20!  Looking forward to sailing with Rich again and meeting all the Dailyites on this cruise.  Not long now!



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Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser  we have made our decision on when to drive to Ohio, so I won't be on the Daily Sunday morning the 24th.  If you could do the links for Sunday that would be great.  I will check in later in the day and will post my photos then because it appears they have disappeared from the posts I made those earlier dates.  Very inconvenient having to retrieve them from Shutterfly and repost but it is what it is!


We may come home Wednesday the 27th but will let you know later on for sure.  


Annie @marshhawk I'm so sorry to hear you came down with something yesterday.  It's good you cut down on your hours to relax and perhaps begin to recover.  No going out in the cold with wet hair again!  (Do I sound like Mom?)


Lorraine @cruising sister enjoy your time with your grandson before you head out on your cruise.  I'm sad to hear about Baby Murphy's latest health issue and hope she can cope with that as she gets bigger.  Sounds like she's a happy baby otherwise!  


Terry @smitty34877 have a nice time with the New Hampshire family members!  That was sweet of the kids to personally invite you.  Hope DD and family have a nice Christmas and I'm sure they will include Tana and the teenager in everything while you're away.  Sorry the pups are so worried!!


Paul @kochleffel good luck with all the pressing issues before your cruise!  You can do this!


@Haljo1935 enjoy your cruise!  Sorry I haven't had time to check out all the posts from those cruising or preparing to in a day or two.  Sounds like you had some flight problems.  Hope everything runs smoothly from here on out.


Well, I'd better pick up the latest Christmas stocking (circa 2019) and get busy finishing it.  Especially if I offer to make the newest family member, Chris's, stocking for him.  DD is probably waiting for me to offer to do it instead of her.  She certainly doesn't have time!


This is a photo of the picture on the front of the cross stitch kit.  It's going to be pretty but I'm hating those outlines on the sled running slightly diagnonal.  That's what made me put this project down in 2020.  




This might be a good stocking for a guy, don't you think?  There's no name on it yet.


DDIL and Ren flew to Ann Arbor Tuesday night from Dallas.  When they left she nearly forgot their passports and the Uber driver had to wait for her to run back in and get them.  They'll need them because during Christmas break they're flying to Cozumel for a New Year's beach getaway.  They go somewhere warm every year at that time because DDIL's birthday is Jan. 2.  When they got to the airport Tuesday night they were upgraded to first class!  Lucky ducks!!  

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Great days - humbug reminds me of my dad 😏

Agree w/the quote; yes to the meal, drink and wine; not been to the port; what important days in history.

Today is work, yes I know I'm leaving on a cruise, but I am working - 2 conf calls down, 2 to go. 

Currently 57° headed to 68°.

20231221_065617.thumb.jpg.7e5fec37118fbfee39f4a26ae519cbef.jpgFreeze warnings forecasted at home in the near future, lol, as in now. I think the person who puts the weather on the calendars must be the same person who schedules AA pilots...🙄

It was 57° this morning headed to rainy 63° as I prepared to board.20231221_051534.thumb.jpg.09418baa6ef0536e3d70d2d358fb6e06.jpg20231221_051501.thumb.jpg.ba31d8f866e9c27e9ee3a0c2758b6ca5.jpg


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A late good morning. Sunny here although it was foggy this morning when dogs and I went out. High today forecast for mid-40's. We are supposed to get rain and then rain mixed with snow and then maybe snow on Friday night/Saturday. Since I am not planning to go anywhere it should be ok except for dragging the dogs out into the wet.


Watching as everyone begins wending their way to various cruises. Got my boarding time for the Grand Australia and it is late but it may change before the actual time .... and I will probably go earlier and try for an earlier boarding. Time to deal with all that later. I will be happy to make it on to the ship..... this has not been easy  making travel arrangements and supports my idea that I will not be doing much travel in the future. Things are getting to be too much of a hassle. Late luggage pick up.... changes to flight times... etc. And just the worry of getting out of Durango in the winter although so far that looks good. Thankful for my next door neighbor who is willing to brave the early morning to get me to the airport.


Off to run an errand or so. I am not walking dogs at the Humane Society these last couple of weeks... it is too slippery in places and I get upset seeing the number of dogs and other critters coming in. Recently it has been rabbits .... including several obvious pets that were dumped. Grrrrrrr!!! Did make my end of year financial contributions to our local shelter and several others I support including Maui which is still dealing with injured pets from the fires. 


Take care all. For those traveling, hope all goes smoothly.









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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser  we have made our decision on when to drive to Ohio, so I won't be on the Daily Sunday morning the 24th.  If you could do the links for Sunday that would be great.  I will check in later in the day and will post my photos then because it appears they have disappeared from the posts I made those earlier dates.  Very inconvenient having to retrieve them from Shutterfly and repost but it is what it is!


We may come home Wednesday the 27th but will let you know later on for sure.  


Annie @marshhawk I'm so sorry to hear you came down with something yesterday.  It's good you cut down on your hours to relax and perhaps begin to recover.  No going out in the cold with wet hair again!  (Do I sound like Mom?)


Lorraine @cruising sister enjoy your time with your grandson before you head out on your cruise.  I'm sad to hear about Baby Murphy's latest health issue and hope she can cope with that as she gets bigger.  Sounds like she's a happy baby otherwise!  


Terry @smitty34877 have a nice time with the New Hampshire family members!  That was sweet of the kids to personally invite you.  Hope DD and family have a nice Christmas and I'm sure they will include Tana and the teenager in everything while you're away.  Sorry the pups are so worried!!


Paul @kochleffel good luck with all the pressing issues before your cruise!  You can do this!


@Haljo1935 enjoy your cruise!  Sorry I haven't had time to check out all the posts from those cruising or preparing to in a day or two.  Sounds like you had some flight problems.  Hope everything runs smoothly from here on out.


Well, I'd better pick up the latest Christmas stocking (circa 2019) and get busy finishing it.  Especially if I offer to make the newest family member, Chris's, stocking for him.  DD is probably waiting for me to offer to do it instead of her.  She certainly doesn't have time!


This is a photo of the picture on the front of the cross stitch kit.  It's going to be pretty but I'm hating those outlines on the sled running slightly diagnonal.  That's what made me put this project down in 2020.  




This might be a good stocking for a guy, don't you think?  There's no name on it yet.


DDIL and Ren flew to Ann Arbor Tuesday night from Dallas.  When they left she nearly forgot their passports and the Uber driver had to wait for her to run back in and get them.  They'll need them because during Christmas break they're flying to Cozumel for a New Year's beach getaway.  They go somewhere warm every year at that time because DDIL's birthday is Jan. 2.  When they got to the airport Tuesday night they were upgraded to first class!  Lucky ducks!!  

Nice Christmas stocking Sandi.

Safe travels on Christmas eve.

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A very weird thing happened last night. We went up after dinner to star gaze and I felt faint. Started shivering and had to sit on a bench til I could walk. We went to our cabin and took my tetemperature: 100


1 am: 100 and ran to throw up.


3:30: 98.2 and a bit queezy.


5:30: OK with a slight sore throat, probably from vomiting. No fever.


Having a cup of tea while Allen has breakfast. 


Feeling OK now but tired


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3 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

A very weird thing happened last night. We went up after dinner to star gaze and I felt faint. Started shivering and had to sit on a bench til I could walk. We went to our cabin and took my tetemperature: 100


1 am: 100 and ran to throw up.


3:30: 98.2 and a bit queezy.


5:30: OK with a slight sore throat, probably from vomiting. No fever.


Having a cup of tea while Allen has breakfast. 


Feeling OK now but tired



Oh no, Joy!  That sounds like a miserable night.  Please do take it easy today and yes, tea and something light to eat is a good idea.  Keep an eye on any symptoms the next few days.  Could be anything, flu, Covid, who knows?  Take care!❤️

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8 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

A very weird thing happened last night. We went up after dinner to star gaze and I felt faint. Started shivering and had to sit on a bench til I could walk. We went to our cabin and took my tetemperature: 100


1 am: 100 and ran to throw up.


3:30: 98.2 and a bit queezy.


5:30: OK with a slight sore throat, probably from vomiting. No fever.


Having a cup of tea while Allen has breakfast. 


Feeling OK now but tired


I'm so sorry to hear you have been unwell Joy.

Prayers 🙏 for good health to yourself and Allen.


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3 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

It is our Sarah's birthday on Christmas eve and we are bringing her to ours for Christmas day and she is staying overnight.

Pauline has the table all ready.



Truly a beautiful table setting!  But of course I wouldn't expect anything less from Pauline!  Just look at that tablecloth!  I hope you three have a lovely Christmas dinner and Sarah has a fabulous Christmas Eve birthday!


For Sarah


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22 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Oh no, Joy!  That sounds like a miserable night.  Please do take it easy today and yes, tea and something light to eat is a good idea.  Keep an eye on any symptoms the next few days.  Could be anything, flu, Covid, who knows?  Take care!❤️


Not Covid. I took the test right away. I'm fine now. 4 chamomile teas and tummy is good. Thanks Sandi.

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17 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

@Seasick Sailor something similar happened to me back in 2014 and nothing further happened.  Could you have eaten or drunk anything off the ship recently?  Hoping your experiences mine.




It may have been too rich of food.  But fever? We ate in PG and I had mushroom soup, lobster drenched in oils and butter, creamed spinach.. I do not know, but thankful ok right now.


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20 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

It is our Sarah's birthday on Christmas eve and we are bringing her to ours for Christmas day and she is staying overnight.

Pauline has the table all ready.



What a lovely table setting. Pauline has the most beautiful table cloths, even when you sail! 

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13 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Truly a beautiful table setting!  But of course I wouldn't expect anything less from Pauline!  Just look at that tablecloth!  I hope you three have a lovely Christmas dinner and Sarah has a fabulous Christmas Eve birthday!


For Sarah


Thank you Sandi.

I hope you and your family have the most amazing Christmas.

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