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Posts posted by quilty964

  1. Happy Saturday!  Cheers to those cruising today!  It's cloudy and rain is in the forecast today.  We're going to a graduation party later, hoping the rain is done by then.  DGD stayed with us last night...she's still sleeping!  

    Cheers to all who are celebrating and good thoughts for all who need them.  Have a good day.  


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  2. Good evening from another nice day here...no rain in the forecast for now.  We had more during the night!  Thanks for all the sharing of the D-Day pictures and stories.  Thank you to all of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice then.  Just saw a story on the local news, a gentleman who recently celebrated his 107th birthday is in France at the memorial events.  He is from a small town near the town where my mother was from.  My uncle knows him and said he is an amazing man!  

    Drive in movies, there is a baseball venue in our area that shows outdoor movies in a big parking lot.  They set up a big screen for the shows.  They started doing it during the covid shutdowns.  Haven't been, but it sounds like fun.  

    No thanks to the meal and drink.  Haven't been to the port.  

    @Seasick Sailorglad to hear you saw a dr and had your foot looked at.  Prayers for good healing.

    @marshhawkThanks for sharing the Dr visit info, prayers that all goes well.


    Hugs and prayers for all who need them, cheers for the rest!  Have a good night, Karen


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  3. Good afternoon, it's sunny but a bit humid here.  We've had a lot of rain in the last few days.  Maybe DGD will get in her softball game tonite, it was rained out on Monday.  The port looks nice.  The meal is ok, but I'd prefer less "spicy."  The wine might be good.  @grapau27thanks for the info about Delusions day...

    @Cruzin Terrisorry to hear about your travels yesterday...prayers that you can now rest and relax on your trip.

    @marshhawkthinking of you as you take DH to the dr today, hoping you can get some peace and good answers.  

    @StLouisCruisersthe pups are adorable!  Good luck to Ren!  

    @dfishHoping your test shot goes well.  I had an SI joint injection a few weeks back...it felt so good for 6 hours to have no pain.  My follow up is in a few weeks, we'll see what the Dr. says then.  I have a lot of "old age stuff" going on in my back, but it seems to hurt in different spots each day!  

    Congrats to all on the celebrating list and prayers for those on the cares list.  

    Have a good rest of the day, K

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  4. Good afternoon, it's a beautiful day here.  We were away for the weekend, drove through rain again Saturday...no fun.  

    Thanks for the pictures today.  

    @kazuyour lilies of the valley are very pretty.  Ours bloomed a few weeks ago...love the smell.  Our irises are still blooming, the are pretty now.  Next the yellow day lilies will start.  

    @Vict0riannsorry to hear about your biopsy results.  Prayers that all goes well for you.

    @marshhawkI'd also love to see some kitty pictures!  

    Thanks for all of the info passed on here...I learn something every day!  

    Have a great afternoon, Karen


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  5. Good morning!  It's a sunny, beautiful day here.  We had a fun weekend at the lake house with family.  It rained all day Sunday, but we found games to play with the kiddos.  Thanks for all the reports and sharing here!  Happy Birthday and Happy anniversary greetings to @cat shepard and @Horizon chaser 1957@grapau27I hope you and Pauline are feeling better soon.  I'll  skip the meal today, we're having leftover baked salmon.  Sounds like we "need" an air fryer to cook it!  (I'm trying to down size, not get anything new!)  

    We visited Anchorage in 2019.  It was our first cruise.  We were on the Westerdam and did the cruise and then the land tour to Denali.  In Anchorage we did the trolly tour of the town and then did a flight seeing tour later in the day.  We were amazed at the beautiful flowers there.  We hadn't planted any of ours yet that year.  The sunshine and long daylight hours are sure good for them!  (our veggies and flowers are growing now!)  Can't wait for tomatoes and cucumbers fresh from the garden! 

    Have a great day, here are some of our photos! 





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  6. Good morning from a cool but sunny day in Wisconsin.  It's 56 with a high of 72 predicted.  We're at our "up north" house, drove 2 hours yesterday in a very heavy thunderstorm.  No fun. DGD also drove through a storm to get here.   About 15 minutes before we arrived, the wind got very strong, and trees were swirling.  Arrived and found 2 big trees down, 1 next door, and 1 across the street.  1 fell on a boat and the other on the their house...no broken windows, but looks like some roof and gutter damage.  Another storm blew through before bed time.  Today is predicted to be the best day of the weekend.  

    The meal looks good.  Dad used to drink Manhattans.  I try to avoid plastic.

    Happy birthday to @ger_77!

    @kazudon't overdo today

    @RMLincolnwhat a sweet note!

    @dfishanother sweet note!

    A 3 year old child is missing from our area.  Most likely the parents are involved . They are both in jail now.😞


    Have a great weekend!


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  7. Good morning, the sun is shining and it's 70F here now!  The weekend forecast is iffy, but we shall see what comes.  

    Thanks for all of the info today.  Also the port and garden pictures. I'll take the meal, but not so sure about Taffy, I've had more than enough dentist visits for a while!  I was at our school's closing service this morning.  They sure have more fun now than back in my school days!  

    @ger_77Good to hear that surgery went well yesterday. 

    @smitty34877Happy Birthday to Tana! 

    Have a great day!  Karen


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  8. Good morning.  It's another dreary day here.  We had tornado watches and severe storm warnings yesterday.  We skipped the school concert and stayed home in case something bad was coming...we had nothing here, but we did have high winds later.  The tornado damage in Iowa looks awful this morning...prayers for those people.  

    @kazuso sorry to hear about Ivan...so scary for you and him.  Hoping he is well today.  Hoping you can get some answers for your foot soon.  

    @ger_77Prayers for your DH, you and his caregivers today.  


    I'm off to breakfast with a friend, have a good day.  karen

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  9. Good afternoon.  The weather forecast is for storms later.  We had a lot of rain yesterday.  DGD is supposed to have her spring concert at 5:30.  It's outside, so hopefully the rain holds off.  Our school had their outside "fun day" today.  The rain has held off for them.  I walked by the playground a bit ago, and they were having lots of fun!  We bought tomato and cucumber  plants when the rain paused yesterday!  Planting in raised beds instead of straw bales this year...hoping we get a good crop!  

    Prayers for @kazu, @JazzyV and your BFF, and @ger_77and your DH.  May all go well!  

    Have a good evening, Karen


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  10. Good morning from a rainy day in Wisconsin.  Woke up to thunder, forecast is storms today and tomorrow.  I don't think DGD will be playing softball tonight.  Maybe the Wednesday game will be ok. 

    Thanks for all of the pictures and sharing here!   @StLouisCruisersThe cakes look yummy!  I think I tried the Black Forest Torte in February...it was good!   

    Cheers and prayers for all who need them.  Karen

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  11. Good morning and happy Saturday!  Thanks @grapau27for the explanations and the lovely pictures of your garden.  We're working on planting some flowers now.  Not a fan of asparagus and haven't been to the port.  Our weather is going to beautiful today.  More rain is forecast for the next few days.  

    Happy anniversary to @Norseh2o

    @ger_77hoping your DH is ok for surgery next week.  

    Prayers that all of our Texas people are safe.  The news this morning is showing some very scary scenes.  

    @dfishgood luck with your furniture!  Following pictures to put things together can be a challenge....and then things don't line up, more fun!  

    @kazuhoping you are feeling better soon and that your foot is healing well.  

    @JazzyVhoping things are going ok for you and your BFF.  

    Have a good weekend!  Karen


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  12. Good afternoon.  It's a dreary, cool day here.  DGD had her 1st softball game last night...got rained out after 2 innings.  the team is 6 - 8 year olds, I think they were having fun.  The treat at the end is the best though!! 

    I'm going to pass on the meal today.  The drink sounds interesting. Haven't done the chicken dance in a while...maybe with DGD at her 3K Grandparents day celebration! Stars and Stripes is a great march!  I'm guessing we played that during my  band days.   The pictures of the port today look like fun.  

    @Nickelpennysorry to hear that you have to be flat for a while, hoping the pain isn't too bad. 

    @summer slopeHappy Anniversary!

    @marshhawkHoping your DH is doing well with his surgery.  

    @JazzyVHoping your BFF is doing ok waiting for surgery. 

    I'm getting ready to go to Hand Bell choir practice with our kids choir, they didn't have enough kiddos to play the songs they wanted, 3 people from the adult choir are helping them out.  

    Baked another sourdough bread today.  They aren't turning out right, but if you make toast with the slices, they are ok.  The taste is good, but the look is not right!  Not sure what I'm doing wrong!  😆

    Have a good afternoon, Karen



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  13. Good morning from a partly sunny day in SE Wisconsin!  Rain is in the forecast for later.  We had a nice time at our local beer garden yesterday!  Lots of dogs and people to watch!  I'll take a bloody Mary without the tabasco sauce.  The salmon bean burger sounds interesting.  Croutons are good, but no thanks to the hummus...it's a texture thing!  I have a quiet day here, DH just left to golf.  I may work on my next quilt project.  Just finished binding 3 lap quilts.  I have some fabric to start the next project.  I also need to get some ribbon to make a "taggie" to go with the baby quilt!  Working on another loaf of sourbread today...I haven't had much luck so far!😐

    Welcome back @richwmn

    @JazzyVSorry to hear that the surgery for BFF has been postponed.  Hoping it doesn't hurt too much! 

    @NickelpennyPrayers for you and your care team today! 

    Blessings on your day!  Karen



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  14. Good afternoon and Happy Mothers Day!  Another nice day here, but I haven't been able to see any lights in the sky!  They say tonight is another possibility.  Today is a quiet day, church this morning and now some quiet time.  We're going to a local park for a beer garden later.  Our 1st visit this year.  

    Thanks for all of the photos, and caring and sharing!  

    Here is my mom and my sister and I.  I'm the bigger one! Every summer we headed "up north" for a week of camping in the woods.  Here we are dressed and ready for church! image.thumb.jpeg.3a7f20e7c5b14656115deb359ba5731b.jpeg

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  15. Good morning from a pleasant day in SE Wisconsin.  It's 54 and sunny.  We've had a lot of rain this week.  

    No thanks on the drink, haven't been to the port, I'm looking forward to pictures!  Thanks @grapau27for the info about the foam roller, I think I need one! 

    @1ANGELCATso sorry to hear about your Houdini...you gave him a wonderful life.  Sending hugs...💔

    Happy cruising to those leaving today and soon!  BonVoyage!

    @Crazy For Catsthanks for the reminder about email links.  A local hospital system was hacked this week...probably one you're working for and trying to help.  I can't imagine what it's like to be working there now!  Nothing works without the computer!  I drove by one of their clinics yesterday and saw cars in the parking lot.  Heard they couldn't cancel appointments because they had no phone #'s to contact people. 

    @marshhawkGood to hear you got some sleep last night!  My niece has 4 foster kitties right now.  They got them when they were around 4 weeks old...she sends lots of cute videos!  Sounds like yours are fun also!  

    The northern lights were visible here last night.  The weather guys said they would be visible around 1 am...lots of people saw them much earlier...I should have gone outside before I went to bed! 

    Blessings on your weekend!  Karen

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