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Posts posted by AncientWanderer

  1. Just now, REOVA said:

    I don't think this is new. Even prior to the shut down we were told if we booked a quad cabin, there would be a chance we would have to move if a family needed it. And it's also done on accessible cabins if you don't need the accessible cabin. Although most people don't book accessible cabins if they don't need it (unless it's the only one left). 


    Yes, you're definitely right about the quads.  That has always been the case with those.

    But I have to believe that the strategy is more aggressive than just that, if so many PCCs are talking about it.


    Whatever.  As for us -- we'll have our eye on the marketing campaigns.  

  2. This really is interesting.  Practically every cabin is a triple because there's a sofa that can convert.  The room is really designed for two, but it's sorta, "Knock yourself out if you want to jam another person in there."


    I guess my big concern -- more than finding an available cabin -- is that along with this will come all the special deals for 3rd and 4th guests in the stateroom.  We've experienced that on some summer cruises, and the ships feel really crowded.   Not pleasant.   If that's to become the norm all the time, we'll probably rethink how we travel. 

    • Like 4
  3. Good morning. Leisurely good morning here.  I'm happy for Day of Happiness because my hair stylist called to reschedule my appointment.  Just didn't feel like it this morning.

    I'm another Libra.  Quite a few of us here.  I think my Pocket might need a Yellow Vest.  I've never heard of that before.  He barks at all the dogs -- even those much larger than his 7 lbs.  

    Anything from Benjamin Franklin is usually spot on.


    All in all, very nice collection of days.  Yesterday while looking at bathroom showrooms, we saw the cutest doggie care room.  It was about the size of a laundry room and had a tiled shower, shelves for supplies.  Absolutely darling!


    Prayers are with all those having difficulties.  Today especially @kazu Jacqui and she awaits test results and for  @bennybear Brenda's DS as he defends his Masters today.


    I think I'll spend the day putting out some Easter stuff.  I'm designated to have the holiday dinner here, and move slowly, so will start thinking about that.  There will be eight adults and four children under five years old.  Hectic.


    Have a great day everyone!  🌷  🌷   🌷



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  4. 3 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:


    I appreciate the info and insight from you @Quartzsite Cruiser @RMLincoln @JazzyV @dfish @kazu @Sharon in AZ @marshhawk  @1ANGELCAT @0106 @bennybear and anyone I am failing to include (sincere apologies to anyone I failed to mention).


    I agree the SSA site has good calculators to know what you can receive when - it's just taking the time to do the math, etc when one had not planned for it at this time. Born in 1961, I am at the lowest level of benefits if I draw them now. I have been planning to work as long as possible & collect SS benefits at the highest level, so this is a big change.


    When it became obvious to me that health conditions were going to negatively impact work, I started checking into SS disability. The biggest wake up for me was learning you have to be below a certain earnings threshold for 6 months before you can file and if you go above that threshold, the clock starts over. When PCP recommended an LOA, I thought that would give me the opportunity to work through the SS disability process (does anybody get approved w/o going through a denial & appeals process?), file for STD then LTD if necessary. So PCP giving me grief about the papers is a bit of a stumbling block. So, I am not eligible to file at this time and am at least 6 months out from being eligible.

    During that time, I would be a addressing the physical stuff (PT, surgery, more PT, adjusting to meds, etc).


    It's a lot at one time then to feel like I've joined a track team jumping hurdles... Ugh


    My mother had bad tremors - mine are worse at this age than hers were, so I feel like I've seen my future and it worries me. Hers were in 1 hand only - mine are now starting on the other side, too. She was already not working when hers started, so I don't have experience watching someone navigate that transition. I greatly appreciate the feedback, input, recommendations and anything else you want to send my way - I read it all even if I don't comment. And prayers - I'm always receptive to prayers.❤️


    if your spouse’s SS benefit is greater than yours, better talk to someone expert about what happens if you start your own benefits early.  I think there are workarounds, but you could be locked into your lower benefit and be unable to step up to the higher amount, should your spouse die before you.  (This is fresh in my mind, because this is my Full Retirement year, 66 1/2.  DH gets much more than me, so I waited to Full Retirement, just to be cautious about it.)

    Rules change all the time, but that’s been the general rule.  Of course, Disability is entirely different.  
    Wishing you all the best sorting through this, and if I repeated what somebody else already said, I apologize for that.  I just felt it to be important.


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  5. Good morning all.  We have been busy with estimators for the remodeling of our two bathrooms. We're going with the company I really like who also did our kitchen some years ago.  So today it's off to the showrooms to get design ideas.  That's the fun part.


    We all read to the four grandchildren.  They all love their books.  So hats off to Read to Me Day.  And to all the wonderful nurses.  I've never met one I didn't admire.  Our DSIL practices international business law, so with him in mind, I'll also tip the hat to his clients.

    Chicken Cacciatore has wonderful flavor.  Even sounds good with polenta.  Those Long Island Iced Teas were a favorite in college.  I was tougher back then.

    Would love to go to Sri Lanka -- expect we will someday.

    Oscar Wilde...I don't want to be stabbed anywhere.


    @grapau27, Graham, your latest update on Sarah's mom actually made my stomach feel icky.  Keep Sarah close.  This has to really affect her physically.  It would anyone.  What a sad, sad situation.


    @lazey1 Jane, don't overlook the baked potatoes at lunch.  The salad with oil & vinegar you mentioned works really well for low-salt.  Sometimes that chopped up potato gives the meal a bit more substance.  (They may salt the skin, not sure.)


    Many thanks to our FR&D Team -- and to all who contribute.  Wishing everyone a great day -- even those who just stop by to visit, but never post.   ❤️

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  6. @Sharon in AZ, I’ll add to @bennybear’s great advice.  Your story about the heavy walker really hit home. 


    Like you, I was very close with my mom — probably “the favorite.”  When it came to her end of life care I, like you, had physical limitations on how much I could do.  It was essential that I set my own boundaries.  That created conflict, and we weren’t as close in the end as we had always been.  Mom was just too unrealistic by that stage to understand limitations.  

    it was a sad end of days for us.    Hopefully will go smoother for you.  As they say, the best you can do is all you can do.   Like @bennybearsaid, go with the flow.   There’s really no way to make the situation perfect.  

    Now I never even think about this difficult period when thinking of my mom.  I just remember all the good stuff, when she was her true self.  Hang in there, Sharon.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, kazu said:


    No, the cooks are not but the waiters have often helped with the boarding process.   For example, the Pinnacle Grill staff have been taking care of the wheel chair passengers for some time.




    Well, that's right, kazu.  It sure is a tradition of vessels, from a showboat on the Mississippi and on to the big ships, that everyone pitches in because of the space constraints.  People forget that sometimes.  (Although I'm not questioning that cutbacks are taking place.  They always are messing with this or that -- seeing what they can get away with.  Business as usual.)

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  8. We like the new tea service with the stands a lot better than the old way where the waiters came around with trays offering goodies.  It was distracting waiting around for the trays.  And the baked goods seem to be better than before as well.


    We observed that many people request the number of stands they want for their party size and the waiters happily oblige.  The trick is to ask right away so you're all squared away to enjoy your tea experience.  I really enjoy the tea time now, whereas before I seriously did not.  Have a good time @happytotravel!

    • Like 1
  9. Good morning and thank you for the Fleet Report.  

    Along with our collection of days, it's also World Sleep Day, which I'll need later on as I'm up so early here (4:30 a.m.)  Can't sleep because we got the email last evening at 30 days that six of our port days in Japan are switched around, so all plans for those ports have evaporated.  Seems to be a common scenario these days.  Of course, over dinner DH and I were talking about what a great cruise we had planned, with all ducks in a row.  Forgot to knock on wood.


    I have a quiet but very nice day planned today -- a date with DGD to come over for lunch and to see my collection of Disney pins.  


    Thanks everyone for all the contributions to the Fleet Report and Daily.  Have a great day, everyone.   ❤️


    • Like 28
  10. We've dined in MDR about 25 percent of the time on boarding day.  It's usually really empty.

    The good news is I can't remember the last time we've experienced an overcrowded, chaotic Lido on boarding day.  People come onboard at different times, are busy looking around the ship, checking things out.  And there's always something special at the carving station.  With MDR closed, they might make the buffet even more special on boarding day.


    For us, not the end of the world.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:


    Good morning from the Atlantic Ocean on our way to Ft Lauderdale. I can’t believe this sojourn is almost over. I will definitely celebrate the 3 days in addition to Pi Day. I love science, super smart people and I always ask questions to the chagrin of my friends and colleagues. And Pi Day fits right into the mix. Pass on the meal and drink and never been to the port. The quote is pure Joan Rivers!  It is very sad to realize women were not allowed in the golf club until 2017. It should have happened in 1917!!  🤬


    I was very lazy yesterday and just went onshore in Road Town buy a magnet and a shirt for the young man who was taking care of Martina. Two sea days left and the a very sad trip home. The crew talent show was last night and it was very, very well attended even though it started at 2215. Got to start thinking about packing. 



    Happy Birthday to the 3 who are celebrating today.  Thoughts for those needing a hug and cheers for those celebrating other fun times. Have a great day everyone!


    Such a bittersweet end to your trip, Pennie.  Been thinking about you.  While DMIL was traveling, her sweet doggie died while at the sitter.  She didn't find out until she got home.  Modern communication is a mixed blessing, I guess.


    Just wanted to wish you safe travels home and say how kind it is of you to think of the young man and bring him something back.  He must feel terrible, too. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:


    Our house painting is finally done however we have an issue with our pool deck where they painted the wrought iron fencing. The house looks great and very refreshed and updated. No more 80’s brown, yay!  It was rather stressful though. I’m not good with upheaval. Thinking of you Maxine @AncientWanderer with your bathrooms. 

    I have been dealing with some problems with DM’s taxes. It seems she didn’t update some addresses when she moved almost 5 years ago. Yikes!  She is getting more and more confused about things which makes it difficult to explain things. For example, she couldn’t remember her DD DH’s birthday (not my father) and had difficulty finding a document with that information. 

    Sharon, hooray that the project is done and you’re happy with it.  I bet Blue will be glad when the workmen aren’t around anymore.  

    I’ve.been following along about your mom.  Things are kind of the same right now with DH’s mom.  She is 91 now and very confused.  It’s sad.  We are trying to take her on more outings to clear her head — meals out and visits to grandkids.  Not sure what else can be done.  Sorry your beautiful mom is slipping.




    3 hours ago, dfish said:

    For some reason, this reminded me of my Daily friends.






    Debbie, I love this.   Bet it sure does resonate with many here.  🤗

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  13. We just recently encountered this situation for the first time -- and it frustrated me enough that we canceled our booking.  It's really counterintuitive because for a long cruise, accommodations are more important.  What I might tolerate for two weeks, I might not tolerate for a month.


    It's just something to be aware of, and if we need to do separate bookings to get accommodations we want, we will do that.



  14. 9 minutes ago, cat shepard said:


    Well we thought we were home free. But the hospital wants my Sister out today and there are no beds currently available at her chosen facility. So we are all scrambling trying to find a decent facility in the general area. 




    Oh, how disappointing and stressful.  I know we're all sending positive thoughts and prayers that things sort themselves out in a positive way.  

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  15. 4 minutes ago, tjcox9 said:

    Perhaps only those of us of a "certain age" would quickly get the alligator.............😊


    No, no, no.  Talk about overthinking a joke!  I kept looking at the small portrait on the wall thinking it must mean something, like he'd let himself go since they married or something.  Pretty mismatched couple!  🤪

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  16. Good morning from sunny San Diego.  Hard to believe that Daylight Savings Time will be here this weekend.  

    Thanks for all the contributions today.  La Possession looks like a beautiful island.  Never been, but would like to.


    @cat shepardAnn, it's great to hear what a nice place your sister has for her rehab.  We've experienced challenges here in California for both my mother and DH's.  Florida is probably better set up for retirees and elder care.  


    Thoughts are with Sarah, Pauline and @grapau27Graham during this difficult and sad time.


    I'm busying myself with early "staging" of things to take for our 30-day Japan cruise.  I wish they would let us know how many dressy nights there are.  Not that it really matters, because I wear the same black dress over and over again, but, you know...knowledge is power.  lol


    Thinking of all of you and wishing the best to each and every one.

    @Seasick SailorJoy, I still don't get the alligator joke!

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