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Yet another Live (almost) from the Maasdam Thread (Jun 9 thru 16)


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I almost hate to start another “Live from the Maasdam” thread since there’s no way to compete with the one that TomC is doing. But I have friends expecting to read one from John and I next week so guess I’d better get it started before we fly to Montreal tomorrow morning. Still have 4 more hours to work this afternoon (after I finish my lunch of course) and lots of errands etc to finish up tonight.


This will be my first time on the Maasdam but I’ve sailed the other 3 S class ships (The Ryndam being my first HAL cruise in 1996) so am looking forward to completing the set. It will be my husband’s first time on an S class so we’ll see how he likes the smaller ship. Hopefully he does since we have a 20 day booked on the Veendam next Jan. We originally hadn’t planned to take a cruise this year since we booked the long one for next year while on our last cruise (Alaska on the Amsterdam last Sep) but decided it would be too long between and we didn’t want to get out of practice. Well then there’s the fact that I’m just 4 days short of my 4th star and the free laundry would be really nice on next year’s trip. And then John figures it’s because he just got to 3 stars after the last cruise so I need to make sure I get ahead of him again (not that we’re competitive with each other or anything). My work schedule is really busy this year so we decided to go with just a 7 day but I’m sure it’s going to go by too quickly and then it will be back to real life again.


John has never been to New England or Eastern Canada and has always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island since he and his mother used to watch The Road to Avonlea series. My parents are from Boston and we lived in Vermont till I was about 7 before moving briefly to Mich and finally settling into Los Angeles. I’ve also done the New York to Montreal cruise twice. First in 1991 with my first husband and mother-in-law. And then again in 2006 just a few months after he died when I needed to get away from everyone for a bit. So this trip will be different from those and I’m looking forward to spending a wonderful week with my newer husband as he explores some new places.


Well that’s the start of it. As usual I’ll let John do most of the writing while we’re on board but will put in my 2 cents when necessary.

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Never, never, never too many live from Maasdam threads. :)

Your opening is wonderful and I'm looking forward to reading more as you go through your cruise.


We do that cruise every years, b-to-b, but cancelled it for this year. Thus, I am enjoying sailing along with those of you nice enough to take all of us along with you.

Travel safely and have a great time on the beautiful Maasdam.

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Every live thread is a joy - don't worry about TomC's thread. His are a lot of fun and we are all addicted - but every experience is so enjoyable for all of us. Please don't let that hold you back and please, do share your live thread with us:)


Heck, I'm boring - but I think people read mine - have a feeling yours will be much better;)


Looking forward to it:)

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I am really looking forward to you and John doing the Live from the Maasdam review. There can never be to many... ever!!! Everyone sees everything differently and this way, we will get your perspectives as well:)



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You just about always do a "Live from ..." thread, Sharon, so I'm happy to see you continue the streak. Since I've done the NYC to Montreal cruise twice, and live in the area, it will be fun to see this cruise through a newcomer's (John's) perspective.

Have a safe journey to Montreal.

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We did the Boston to Boston cruise and have been thinking of doing the b-to-b Boston to Montreal. We live in Plymouth so it and easy one for us. Can't wait to hear your take on the cruise.


Have fun and get those 4 days to a 4 Star Mariner and free laundry.:D

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Always good to have two "Live From" threads going. There's no need for us to compete; we can complement each others' views. I do my stuff and you do yours -- make everybody happy.


I hang out in the Lido with a mug of tea, something to read and a pair of binoculars. Join me anytime and if I'm sleeping, just wake me up. I tend to be very lazy on these trips and can fall back asleep quickly.


This post came to you Live From The Maasdam where tomc occasionally tells the truth.

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We will be on our first Maasdam cruise next month ( five weeks tomorrow!!!!) so we are delighted to read anything and everything about her.

Thanks for doing a "live from" thread. As previous posters have said, there can never be too many.:)


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Thanks for the comments so far. We're at the airport with about 2 hrs till our short flight to Detroit and then Montreal. We left a bit early expecting to hit traffic on a Fri morning but everyone must already be out of town or staying home today. I love the Remote Parking lot here. They hand you the ticket when you drive in and tell you what row to park in and then send the shuttle to meet you there. There's a luggage person on the shuttle in addition to the driver and he even gets your luggage out of the car. Then they hand you a slip indicating where you parked so you keep that for when you get back when they drive you to your car. All for $6 a day. Have no idea why the other airport (we live between two of them) doesn't do this.


I think I managed to get all the main items at work organized before I left (guess I'll find out when I get back) and then we had a busy evening delivering some lasagna's John made for a church project and then finish off the last minute packing. John still hadn't found any of his hats this morning so figured he was going to have to buy one when we get there but he did find the Alaska one just before we left(bought when he forgot one last time). Not sure where the one he had to buy in Sydney 2 years ago is or the DAM hat we won playing trivia but we'll see if he loses this one and has to buy one in Canada afterall.


We were originally planning to go downtown to dinner tonight but think we're going to stick closer to the hotel near the airport. Between the demonstrations that have been reported (whether they're peaceful or not) and some race there this weekend (that made it difficult to get a hotel room) I think we're better off just taking it easy, avoiding the crowds and getting ready for tomorrow.


We're looking forward to getting on the ship and checking out our cabin. We booked an Inside guarantee and last week were assigned an inside on the Main deck just past the aft elevators. Seemed like a good assignment to us. But on Wed we got a change notice and were reassigned to a Lanai cabin. I know there are mixed feelings on these cabins so we'll see how it works out. But it's certainly a nice upgrade so we're not complaining.


Well that's it for now. Have a great Friday everyone!

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Never, never, never too many live from Maasdam threads. :)

Your opening is wonderful and I'm looking forward to reading more as you go through your cruise.


Thus, I am enjoying sailing along with those of you nice enough to take all of us along with you.

Travel safely and have a great time on the beautiful Maasdam.


I could not agree more! One year ago today we were on a b-2-b and were in Quebec City for three days due high waters in the St. Lawrence. Best luck we ever had!! Love the Maasdam and love this itinerary. My husband said tonight, "Well if can't be in Quebec, at least we can be together." Our daughter is getting married in August, so no Maasdam this year.


Have a wonderful trip! Looking forward to your trip reports. My husband also said there seems to be quite a "cult" following for the Maasdam. Maybe he gets this idea because I constantly give him updates on Maasdam trip reports here on CC... I told him if there is a cult following we are members!

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The flight to Detroit went quickly. Our flight to Montreal waited a bit on the ground before taking off but I kept busy with Sudokos and Sharon reading, and it wasn’t long before we arrived in Montreal, completed Declaration form in hand. We then meandered through the Montreal airport, from one end to the other, down and up through and around weaving through a maze on three levels, at one point with a glass wall separating us from the main terminal area below as we finally wound up at the border entry and customs clearing point. Here again were miles of cordoned pathways for diplomats, Canadians, and all other international travelers. It was reminiscent of the lines in front of a popular E-ride attraction at the original Disneyland; except we were fortunate that these lines weren’t full of people and we went straight to the customs agent. We then had to walk around the outside of the large customs assembly area to baggage claim, dropping off our customs form along the way. This is a bit different from the US where you clear customs with all of your bags, which are subject to examination. I guess they use the honor system here.


We had to wait a bit for our Park Inn shuttle at the A stop outside Door 25 of the airport, wondering why we hadn’t stayed at the Comfort Inn, Days Inn, Holiday Inn, Quality Inn, Hilton Garden Inn, Mariott or a slew of other whose shuttles came, sometimes more than once, before our shuttle arrived. But I already knew the answer to that: this is Grand Prix weekend and most all of the rooms were sold out. Our shuttle did come, and almost within the 15 minutes they had said, and we had a rather uneventful trip to the Park Inn, including a brief stop at a gas station to fill up. I’ve never been on a shuttle that stopped for gas before so we mark that down in our list of firsts. We were dropped off first and the driver helped us with our bags, even fetching a dolly.


We checked in, and made our way to the second floor. We found our route in the sign that pointed the way to Rooms 201 to 346. Left, then right, then down this hallway that seemed to stretch on forever. Halfway down we noticed a ramp that seemed to take that part of the floor to a slightly lower level. As we approached we realized it wasn’t a ramp at all but 5 steps, which wasn’t going to work for our bags nicely stowed on the dolly. We were still only about two-thirds of the way to our room, which wasn’t even on that hallway, but half-way down another. So I took a couple of the bags and headed to the room while Sharon waited with the others. I found another dolly on that level so went back and got the remainder. We actually did pack lighter than normal but sure didn’t seem like it at this point. We eventually got our bags to the room and decided to have dinner at the Italian Restaurant in the hotel. Not that there was much choice since there doesn’t seem to be much around the hotel which is in a sort of industrial area. The desk clerk told others that the only other place around to eat would be at the airport. Since it had been 9 hrs since we’d had breakfast we decided to stay here. I started with the Stracciatella (Italian egg drop soup) and had their version of cannelloni (a spinach crepe stuffed with ricotta and covered with Bolognese sauce). Sharon had the hamburger, two burger patties only, with French fries. The roll had cheese in it, which the waiter was kind enough to warn, and needing no bun, cheese, bacon or anything, is why I think she wound up with two patties. She finished about three-fourths of that, only because we hadn’t eaten since breakfast. The waiter was very friendly and asked us about our trip. There was another group in the restaurant and one woman came over to say they were going on the cruise too (with her parents and 2 teenagers).


Not sure we’d recommend this hotel but it’s served its purpose for a 1 night place to sleep before the cruise. The people were very friendly but it is obviously an old hotel (but not one of the charming types with character) and could use some sprucing up. Checkout time is noon so we’re going to take our time this morning (hopefully they serve breakfast) and then get a cab to the port. Will post more from there.

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We slept in but still managed to arrive in the hotel restaurant shortly after it opened. A couple of early risers were already eating breakfast. We both ordered the Canadian that included eggs, breakfast meat, and pan fried potatoes, with Texas toast. Remembering the one culture disconnect from the previous evening I ordered a Coke, eschewing the “iced tea” which I ordered yesterday. Not seeing it on the French/English menu for dinner yesterday, I had inquired whether they had iced tea. Our very nice waiter in English heavily accented with the French responded “Oui, ov course vee have iced tea.” Becoming an Ohioan over the past year have prepared me for knowing the differences between iced tea and the sweet tea that you’re likely to get if you just order iced tea, I was hardly prepared for a bottle of Snapple.


Around 9:45 we checked out and ordered a Taxi, and I stole a few moments watching the French Open Women’s Final in which Marie Sharapova was up one set and ahead in the second. The drive to the Old Port and through downtown Montreal saw an abundance of roadwork. Fortunately this was a Saturday morning, and our driver informed us that the trip can take an hour or more on a workday. He said there were a lot of people in town but there were not quite as many as last year. He believed some people had pulled out because of the student demonstrations. When we arrived at the terminal we could hear the cars which were doing qualifying rounds.


We arrived a bit earlier at the terminal than we had planned, and were assigned “Group 3” as our boarding order. We caught our breath in the assembly area, filled out our health questionnaire, enjoyed a Canadian Coke which contains either sugar and high-fructose or one or the other. It didn’t taste like US Coke, but neither was it sweetened only by sugar the way Mexican Coke (or the Coke in Australia and Europe). It was finally our turn to board and we got our ID cards, and were allowed to go to our cabin. Our suitcases of course were not there yet. We made our way up to the dining room and perused the menu for dinner. We thought the formal dining room was closed for lunch, and that was certainly what the “In Port” daily planner newsletter led us to believe; but, we soon learned that they would be serving lunch at noon, just a few minutes hence. I detail the dining for my friend Ron who enjoys fine dining. I had the Bay Shrimp in creamy sauce, barley and mushroom soup in a light tasty beef broth, and a tiny plump tomato, mozzarella and arugula salad. For dessert I had the chocolate rum mousse cake with some berries. Sharon had the buttermilk pan fried chicken with red potatoes and kale that she avoided. Sharon enjoyed her sugar-free chocolate chip mint ice cream.


After lunch we made our way to the library to play the daily Sudoku. They now offer both two Sudoku (easy and hard) puzzles and two KenKen (4x4 and 6x6) puzzles. Unfortunately in a paper-saving effort the Sudoku puzzles now appear side by side on one-half a page, while the KenKen appears side by side on the other half. Pages are cut in half so people can play just Sudoku if they choose, without taking the KenKen and vice versa. The problem is the Sudoku puzzle squares are now so small that you can’t easily record possible numbers in the tiny cells. Either this made the puzzles seem tougher than normal, or they were indeed more difficult than those in the past. I did complete all four puzzles, but Sharon must have made a few mistakes. I see a recommendation coming to go back to the old full page for Sudoku puzzles (from the NY Times) and add KenKen on the backside to save paper… except of course now each person must take both puzzles.


Sharon’s bags came fairly promptly, but my big red bag took a bit longer to arrive. I was worried and went out looking for my bag, but didn’t find any being delivered. Once my bag arrived I unpacked and dressed for dinner (smart-casual was the dress code for our departure dinner). First we had to attend the Life Boat drill. Being in a Lanai Cabin makes it easy to walk out onto the lower promenade deck and down about fifty feet to our station. A few people were still boarding during the drill, forced to carry their bags onboard. These apparently were the missing people needed to complete the drill. Since the recent mishaps with another line, everyone is forced to attend the drill, and if one chooses not to, then they will be removed before departure. There are no more make-up drills while at sea!


We then attended the 5:00pm Vigil Mass, which Sharon as a good Catholic says counts for Sunday as well! The 82 year old priest, Maurice (or Morris) Pierce from Saint John Newfoundland, is quite a card. When we tried to stand at the beginning of mass he told us to sit down as we were on vacation. At one point he suggested that the mass might last about ninety minutes, but Sharon later noted that he was almost as fast as Father Chuck had been. I would have liked Father Chuck. [sharon] – Father Chuck was the pastor at my parish when I first started going there 7 years ago. He was known for his short (but always informative and entertaining) sermons and often his masses only lasted 20-25 mins. Now you did have to get there 30 mins early to get a seat as they were always standing room only.


I had been looking forward to dinner ever since reading the menu for the Rotterdam Dining Room. We were seated with another couple from Florida and two women from Columbus Ohio. During our dinner conversation the subject of the days in the elevators came up… for example today when passengers entered any of the onboard elevators there is a large foot mat on the elevator floor declaring “Saturday”. One of the ladies remarked how she had first thought that someone had named the elevator after a day of the week. Another said they had thought the same thing. Alas, that never would have occurred to either Sharon or me! The couple from Florida informed everyone at our table, to all of our amazement, that they do all of their cruising and traveling with a single carry-on each, albeit a heavy carryon. I started dinner with the Alaskan Crab Tower with Avocado, Cold Coconut Soup with Nutmeg and Vanilla Yogurt, and Crispy White fish with steamed Lobster Wontons. Sharon enjoyed the Beef Vegetable Soup and Prime Rib with Baked Potato. She had the Vanilla Ice Cream Sunday (no nuts) for dessert, while I had the Banana Crisp with the MochaMint cordial (Kahlua, Crème de Mint and White Crème de Cacao) with my complimentary HAL shot-glass. This time I got one with an all green bubble in the bottom. On the way out of the dining room, there was no one offering after-dinner mints. We’ll have to see if this is just a first-night thing or they’ve dispensed with this altogether. On our last cruise they stopped offering the butter-mints that Sharon enjoys.


We stopped by the cabin to drop off the shot glass and pickup Sharon’s casino cash on the way to the casino. There were two $5 blackjack tables in action, and all the casino tables offered normal blackjack (where blackjacks pay three-to-two). Sharon began the search for her machine. I had an incredible run of luck winning the first four hands, losing one hand and then winning twelve hands in a row before losing the final hand. If I win two hands in a row, I start a slightly increasing parlay, adding just $1 to my bet on the third bet. Sharon had stopped by shortly after I had lost the first hand, and I told her I would quit as soon as I lost a hand. She told me to meet her in the piano bar. I got my one and only blackjack on the final hand that I won, and quit ahead just over $300. So I have finally broken my losing streak on departure day. There is only one show at 9:30 tonight, so Sharon and I decided to call it a night, and to write up today’s blog.

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