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You also see a lot of people who post a single superlative or hyperbolic complaint, it was the worst ever, the colder than expected soup at lunch ruined my entire cruise, I saw a cookie on the deck and had to go to counseling for six weeks, and then disappear. They aren't interested in a dialogue or having a conversation because once everyone points out the reality of the situation and provides a frame of reference there really is very little they can say.


Lots of things go wrong on cruises and travel in general, usually Princess has done right by me in trying to make up for things that are their fault. However, part of travel, for me and my wife, is the adventure, the bumps in the road, the unexpected moments and the good memories that come from bad things happening.


Case in point, on our Cunard cruise on QM2, we both got nasty colds, I mean crushing, put you in bed for 48 hours colds. Even worse, it knocked us out of New Years Eve completely. However, we holed up in our room, drank almost unimaginable quantities of tea and water along with enough TheraFlu (or its UK equivalent) to ease our symptoms and read. Our cabin steward kept us deep in fresh tissues and room service kept us fed and hydrated. We had tons of hot water for soothing showers and steam and even a few laughs. By the night of 1 Jan, we were feeling much better and returned to join our table mates with whom we split the bottle of champagne meant for the night before.


A great attitude makes for great travel and a great life. An attitude of always complaining and seeing the worst in things, will find plenty to complain about and lead to a very miserable travel and life experience. Life is too short and cruising is way too much fun for that.


One last note, I am always most amused by the vociferous complainers who have racked up dozens of total cruises...it is so bad they just had to keep giving their money to the cruise lines!

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The widespread use of the internet has impacted the volume of complaints. Too many people are just plain disrespectful. I cruise to get away from my phone and increasingly find people can’t wait to arrive at a port to use their phones.


The interesting thing is complaining is a phenomena in every walk of life. You can sense an increase in dissatisfaction with every cruise line. And loyalty is a thing of the past.

I still love our vacations with Princess and overall find the passengers to be friendly. I have learned there is no escaping negative attitudes which have become pervasive. The times we have traveled on ultra-luxury lines, we were appalled by the rudeness and demanding attitude of some of the passengers. We felt out of place.


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I guess you haven't heard the news. Civility is dead! Gone! Forgotten. So why should cruise critic be different. Just look at some of the posts around CC and it is all apparent. You have folks justifying wearing baseball caps (often backwards) in the dining room. Don;t they know that good manners means that men do not wear hats indoors (except in a few places such as Sports Bars). Folks ignore dress codes/guidelines...because they just don't "wanna do it." People sit at dining room tables with other passengers and spend part of their meal on their cell phone. Some passengers think nothing is wrong with trying save 32 seats in the theater for somebody (often they do not even know who they are saving the seats for...and those folks fail to show-up anyway). Passengers cram into elevators without allowing others to first exit. Folks cut in lines without any hesitation. Yes, civility is dead replaced by "Me Me Me Me!"





I just lost my cap (not baseball, but a flat cap).


Disembarked this morning.


Had my cap on when we went to MDR for breakfast, rather than crush it in the bag and knowing I’d want to wear it on the drive home.


Took it off and put it on the floor beside my chair, walked out without it.

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my theory if interwebs is the only people who tend to post in forums or review sites are the people who LOVED!!!!!111!!!!!! it or the people who hated everything and need to share their misery. sure some complaints are totally valid, but that's not who i'm talking about, it is more people who think of themselves as a paragon of taste, and as such, find fault in everything. these people are motivated to seek out the approval of "peers" online. just look at any of the popular review sites, hardly ever a meh it was ok, or it was exactly as i expected. it is mostly extremes.

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A lot of changes have come about, such as technology, pricing, new menus, changes in the dress code, perks, new ship design, as well as changes to the loyalty benefits and room category status changes. All of the cruise lines have made drastic changes in some or all of these areas. When ever this happens people will voice their opinion. It happens so frequently now that it seems like someone is always complaining.

Agreed ... evolutionary "change" happens everywhere ... but are these mandated "changes" looked upon by many loyal passengers as positive? Are they actually moving Princess (and other cruise lines) in the direction of providing a better overall cruise experience? Or are they designed to increase the bottom-line? Monetary or experience-driven changes?

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Cruise lines are corporations that look at the bottom line. If a dollar can br made by shaving service or quality, they will do it. A new pax or someone with only a few under their belt may not notice the difference.

Our first cruise, specialty steak house surcharge was $5. Not only was there no hard sales pitches, you sometime had to go looking for someone when you wanted to spend money. The entire purpose of the cruise is now to remove money from the pax quietly and constantly. Princess Medallion system will make spending money that much more disconnected. No signature required, no paper. The end result AFTER the cruise is the FEELING of less value for the money spent. So while your experience was just OK before, It now the same thing now costs more that raises expectations.

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Life is not perfect, and neither are cruises. I go with the attitude that my cruise may not be perfect, but it’s far better than staying at home! You can’t let trivial stuff get to you. I guess some people aren’t happy no matter what! Must be a miserable way to live.



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Amazing how many people posting on this thread are not commenting on the OP's thoughts but simply adding their own complaints to the fray. :evilsmile:


And a the risk of this post going *poof* rather quickly my feelings are that the language and deportment here on the Princess board has gone so far downhill due to the lack of a full-time host to respond to the triangle clicks, move off-topic threads to where they belong--or even add their own perspective to the conversation. I don't mean this to be critical of Cruise Critic, just a simple observation on how simple this should work: when contrary behavior is not corrected in a timely manner, or not at all, the behavior is repeated. And anyone who pays even poor attention to the various media platform sees how that starts at the top.


(Or maybe this post will stick around for a while given the lack of moderation of this board. So maybe I shouldn't be considering applying for the job of volunteer host myself...:halo: )

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If it was just the people who complain who posted, then threads would look quite different. There seem to be as many of the positive folks who are sure that everything the complainers say is either made up or overblown as those who complain. It's the interplay of the 'Cheerleaders' and the 'Complainer's' that make the threads go on and on.


The biggest reason for the complaints IMO (I've been told that my Opinions aren't Humble ;)) is the constant reduction of services and quality in the travel industry in general and the cruise industry in particular.

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Those who are unhappy about something are quick to vent their anger online and in this case cc. Those who are happy with the experience and life in general tend not to post. Hence we see a lot of complaints and not many kudos. Perhaps those of us who are happy need to post more.




I’m happy! Love cruising!



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Here in the US southwest and west, it is perfectly acceptable to wear a hat in a restaurant. This comes from the days when men wore western hats and has carried over to wearing baseball caps. On the same note we wear jeans most of the time including to restaurants, church etc. It is perfectly acceptable. If we want to make it a bit more stylish we will wear a blazer with our jeans and shirt. There are different standards depending on where in the world you may live.
I thought in the good old days a real cowboy would tip his hat and take it off for meals and around ladies.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Forums mobile app

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You also see a lot of people who post a single superlative or hyperbolic complaint, it was the worst ever, the colder than expected soup at lunch ruined my entire cruise, I saw a cookie on the deck and had to go to counseling for six weeks, and then disappear. They aren't interested in a dialogue or having a conversation because once everyone points out the reality of the situation and provides a frame of reference there really is very little they can say.


Lots of things go wrong on cruises and travel in general, usually Princess has done right by me in trying to make up for things that are their fault. However, part of travel, for me and my wife, is the adventure, the bumps in the road, the unexpected moments and the good memories that come from bad things happening.


Case in point, on our Cunard cruise on QM2, we both got nasty colds, I mean crushing, put you in bed for 48 hours colds. Even worse, it knocked us out of New Years Eve completely. However, we holed up in our room, drank almost unimaginable quantities of tea and water along with enough TheraFlu (or its UK equivalent) to ease our symptoms and read. Our cabin steward kept us deep in fresh tissues and room service kept us fed and hydrated. We had tons of hot water for soothing showers and steam and even a few laughs. By the night of 1 Jan, we were feeling much better and returned to join our table mates with whom we split the bottle of champagne meant for the night before.


A great attitude makes for great travel and a great life. An attitude of always complaining and seeing the worst in things, will find plenty to complain about and lead to a very miserable travel and life experience. Life is too short and cruising is way too much fun for that.


One last note, I am always most amused by the vociferous complainers who have racked up dozens of total cruises...it is so bad they just had to keep giving their money to the cruise lines!

great post with some keen observations. Life is too short, too short to expend the vast amount of energy needed to be angry.
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Where can I complain about the people complaining about the complainers?


Mr. Steelers,

OK stop complaining your Steelers won only because I gave them only one ( ! ). Now if you want one more send $$$$$$$$. :D Just kidding. Go Steelers ( ! ). In case you didn’t see the game the Patriots also won.

Go Patriots !!!!!!!!!!

The Captain of The Rowboat,


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Where can I complain about the people complaining about the complainers?


Legends of the Steelers cruise out of Tampa - last year in the fall, as I remember.


Had no idea this was a Steeler based cruise until we got on board and saw a couple of passengers in their Steeler jerseys, etc...then a couple more...and more and more


about 1000 out of 2000 was what we were told. Some of the nicest people you would ever want to cruise with - total class.


Was told it was major $$$ to eat with them and get pictures taken and items signed...

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Here in the US southwest and west, it is perfectly acceptable to wear a hat in a restaurant. This comes from the days when men wore western hats and has carried over to wearing baseball caps. On the same note we wear jeans most of the time including to restaurants, church etc. It is perfectly acceptable. If we want to make it a bit more stylish we will wear a blazer with our jeans and shirt. There are different standards depending on where in the world you may live.

Ummmmm ok. Sorry to burst your bubble here, but, a Baseball Cap for every day use, is a MAJOR FAUX PAS in the fashion world( goggle it). Its regarded as a RED NECK LOOK( bring on the monster trucks and 18 wheelers...lol). Maybe the look passes down south, but, at other destinations (countries) in the world, not so much. Unless your on holidays, on a beach and sun vacation. Other than that, keep the baseball hat in a box. Can't imagine picking up your date in a baseball hat....How gauche....lol lol lol......Anyways, alls good. Just keep that look down south.

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Oh, boy, I like your style. A good attitude is everything, but there are some people who are determined to be miserable and that's their right, just as it is my right to not engage them.


They are mad and the internet provides them with a podium to react from. People who had a great cruise tend to go along with life and not post about the great cruise they had, lest the naysayers start climbing all over them about, "How dare you enjoy yourself when I'm miserable!?" Who needs that?


I just came back from a great cruise. Why? Because it was a cruise and I'm happiest when I'm on the water. Be there a bit of rust on the ship, a tiny shower that you had to step outside the bathroom to use (okay, I exaggerate), not fourteen entrees to pick from for lunch or dinner - I don't care, those things do not detract from the fact that I was cruising.


If someone is unhappy with a cruise line or even with cruising in general, there are other options. and now if you will excuse me, I need to go post a review about what a great experience I had.


You also see a lot of people who post a single superlative or hyperbolic complaint, it was the worst ever, the colder than expected soup at lunch ruined my entire cruise, I saw a cookie on the deck and had to go to counseling for six weeks, and then disappear. They aren't interested in a dialogue or having a conversation because once everyone points out the reality of the situation and provides a frame of reference there really is very little they can say.


Lots of things go wrong on cruises and travel in general, usually Princess has done right by me in trying to make up for things that are their fault. However, part of travel, for me and my wife, is the adventure, the bumps in the road, the unexpected moments and the good memories that come from bad things happening.


Case in point, on our Cunard cruise on QM2, we both got nasty colds, I mean crushing, put you in bed for 48 hours colds. Even worse, it knocked us out of New Years Eve completely. However, we holed up in our room, drank almost unimaginable quantities of tea and water along with enough TheraFlu (or its UK equivalent) to ease our symptoms and read. Our cabin steward kept us deep in fresh tissues and room service kept us fed and hydrated. We had tons of hot water for soothing showers and steam and even a few laughs. By the night of 1 Jan, we were feeling much better and returned to join our table mates with whom we split the bottle of champagne meant for the night before.


A great attitude makes for great travel and a great life. An attitude of always complaining and seeing the worst in things, will find plenty to complain about and lead to a very miserable travel and life experience. Life is too short and cruising is way too much fun for that.


One last note, I am always most amused by the vociferous complainers who have racked up dozens of total cruises...it is so bad they just had to keep giving their money to the cruise lines!

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A great attitude makes for great travel and a great life. An attitude of always complaining and seeing the worst in things, will find plenty to complain about and lead to a very miserable travel and life experience. Life is too short and cruising is way too much fun for that.


This! We can't stand being around negative people and little things don't impact our enjoyment of our much needed vacations. I am amazed sometimes of what little can happen that will cause someone to threaten to never cruise with Princess again or cruise at all. As if the issue isn't experienced anywhere else. Stuff like "my water didn't get refilled immediately after I just finished drinking the last drop means terrible customer service and it just ruined the entire cruise" makes you wonder if some people have no ability to deal with small stuff. Or, the crew was so unfriendly, they never smiled at us. Funny, we always smile and say hi to crew members when we pass them in the hallways and we've always gotten a smile back and even had some crew members stop and talk with us. Maybe if people treated others the way they want to be treated, they would see how friendly the crew really is.


We don't spend thousands of dollars each year to cruise only to whine and complain constantly during our vacations. A positive attitude is the key on whether you will enjoy your cruise or anything else in life for that matter.

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Re the mass market lines in general - Can anyone think about cruise lines moving in a positive direction in any area? Is the food ... selection and quality ... actually improving in any MDR? Are the towels and linens getting softer and fluffier? Are the drink packages getting less expensive and more encompassing? Are people getting more considerate around the pool deck (chair hogs)? And on and on.


Why there are so many complaints is that the overall passenger experience seems to be in a downward spiral. Cruise lines need to keep their investors happy with "nice" bottom-line figures. Maybe, hopefully, at some point, they will realize that it's the passengers that will ultimately determine the success or failure of a company.[/quote


We booked our first balcony on a seven day Western Caribbean cruise in 1987. The original cost was $1899 per person. A lot of money for us back then. The price dropped to $1299 per person before final payment and we got the discount. There were no additional perks.


We have a 11 night Southern Caribbean cruise booked for this November at a cost of $1599 with a beverage package and $300 on board credit. This is for a similar level balcony.


I think the current pricing compared to 30 years ago is outstanding. I can handle not having chocolates on my pillow for the ability to cruise at today's prices. Prices that have basically not increased in 30 years if you research and do you homework.

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I have been reading Cruise Critic posts since 2006. Is it just me or does it seem that there are WAY MORE posts lately complaining about Princess and cruising in general?


I have not been a member very long, so can not confirm nor deny that it has gotten worse. I will say that more people have access to the internet than in 2006, so that could be one reason. Plus, I find those that have a bad time are more likely to make a comment than those that had a good time.


Personally, I never let negative attitudes get in my way of having fun. Something we always do the first day in the MDR or first evening at the Martini Bar, or wherever else we frequent...smile, have fun, and include the staff. They tend to gravitate towards vacationers that are having fun and are polite and considerate...in the long run, you, your party members, and your staff will all have a great cruise...they appreciate your attitude and it usually pays off with great service!!! Besides, life is way too short to pout and complain and sulk over menial things. :) ;)

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