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Solstice had to return to Melbourne last night


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I’ve read this thread and whilst it’s a real inconvenience to the OP I’m a bit incredulous to her posts. When you are on floating transport like this things like this happen. It can be disappointing. To merriem, perhaps you need to go and have it out with the Captain and his navigation team so they can explain it to you properly. My sympathy lies with the poor person med eavacuated and I know for a fact that is how I would feel if I was on your cruise.



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Hope everyone remembers that the OP made only one factual, unemotional post. It was merriem and jenniparks who made the subsequent posts about missing the fjords.

Absolutely. I suspect that the OP has already went back to enjoying their cruiseinstead of obsessing over an unexpected chsnge to their plans. It’s about 8 am tomorrow in that beautiful country, so the malcontents should be back soon with their venom.

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Hope everyone remembers that the OP made only one factual, unemotional post. It was merriem and jenniparks who made the subsequent posts about missing the fjords.


I’m glad im not the only one who noticed (see post 82). I hope OP is enjoying his time onboard and unaware of the comments made by others who would rather be on CC instead of making the best out of the situation.

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To merriem, perhaps you need to go and have it out with the Captain and his navigation team so they can explain it to you properly.



Lol...I was going to suggest the same thing. Get the Captain to explain why the Fjord's had to be missed.


Originally posted by Merriem
Of course a medical issue takes the first concern. Never said it didn't. I know there was a thread about passengers over 70 not allowed on some tours...maybe they should look at the medical history and health of some of these passengers.

.Wow, maybe you think about having a break from CC for 24 hours.......

It's not mandatory defending your questionable position every 5 minutes with even more questionable arguments.

We get it that you are unhappy. Celebrity will get over with your cancellation for sure.


Deal with it and move on is my advise


Merriem, Maybe I did not fully understand your above statement, but you mentioned being ill...and over 70. Based on your above statement, you would be included in those passengers that might have medical problems and who's medical history should be looked at. Strokes can happen at any time. To the healthy or the not so healthy.


We were actually scheduled to go in 2018, but 6 months prior I had a stroke and we didn't feel comfortable going so far away.


Anyway, I know you are disappointed, but hope you can enjoy the rest of your cruise. ;) We were there a few weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it ALL. And we spent every much as you did for the entire trip. The Fjords were not the highlights for us.

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Well, if you haven't learned from this experience, then you need to reread this thread over again. This is NOT focused at any group of people, but just stating what I gleaned from this situation:

1. Older people do a lot of cruising. My personal viewpoint...

2. Many people who travel faraway together and are older love to cruise for various reasons.

3. As we age, traveling becomes more difficult for some, and also makes the time one has more precious.

4. No one knows what the weather is going to be like on a cruise.

5. Accidents and illnesses are more likely to happen onboard a cruise ship with a preponderance of people all traveling together. Sometimes ports are missed - I missed one from a dockworkers' strike.

6. Some people should not, due to age and health related issues, travel that far away from home, but many have clearance from their doctor.

7. Accidents can and will happen to almost all of us at some time or another.

8. No one really expects to have an issue on vacation, but these things do happen.

9. if you do not want to be subjected to these types of occurrences, travel in a very small group of people who are more physically fit or with one or more couples that you know and not on a cruise ship in order to lessen the possibility of someone falling very ill and causing a disruption.

10. There are no guarantees in life. You could be that person who needs to have the ship return to port through no fault of your own, so try to understand that kind of situation, as it is not the fault of the cruise ship. They have rules and regulations that they must follow. It is what it is, so make the best of it even though it is frustrating.


Disclaimer: This is not meant to point any fingers, but just to clarify what I have learned from this situation, along with my viewpoint about older people and cruising. I consider myself an older person too! You may have some more appropriate things to add to these. So, this is my "takeaway." I have been to Milford Sound with a group of hikers; I know how beautiful it is and how frustrating it would be to miss...I had an accident there when I was younger, but was lucky not to affect any of the other hikers. Actually, it made it better for those who wanted to not have to carry their backpacks the last nine miles of the hike. The helicopter that I paid for also took their backpacks in a huge net underneath....


Hope the person who suffered this illness is okay...

Edited by Lastdance
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I’ve read this thread and whilst it’s a real inconvenience to the OP I’m a bit incredulous to her posts. When you are on floating transport like this things like this happen. It can be disappointing. To merriem, perhaps you need to go and have it out with the Captain and his navigation team so they can explain it to you properly. My sympathy lies with the poor person med eavacuated and I know for a fact that is how I would feel if I was on your cruise.




Or, this alternative: the Captain fully explains the reason for the itinerary change. Whether that be for the night time arrival in the sounds, weather issues, tide issues at an upcoming port, whatever.


It usually boils down the to the same problem. Poor communication from above. So easily solved and so rarely implemented. Whether due to hubris, instructions from "Miami" (usually the case) or some other factor, it is easily rectified. And the vast majority of customers would understand when presented the full story.


And unlike alot on here who are quick to bash the OP (and probably never had to confront exactly this situation) we've had this type of issue literally dozens of times. And are WAY more receptive if we get the whole scoop.

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Or, this alternative: the Captain fully explains the reason for the itinerary change. Whether that be for the night time arrival in the sounds, weather issues, tide issues at an upcoming port, whatever.


It usually boils down the to the same problem. Poor communication from above. So easily solved and so rarely implemented. Whether due to hubris, instructions from "Miami" (usually the case) or some other factor, it is easily solved. And the vast majority of customers would understand when presented the full story.


I agree, as I am a "why" kind of person, but also realistic too.

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When on the solstice in January over in nz we missed Dunedin and fjord land due to a cyclone bearing down on the south island.

Captain tasos explained his reasons for the missed ports in the showroom which most people went to and we all walked out happy with his explanations. Communication is a good thing.

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I’m glad im not the only one who noticed (see post 82). I hope OP is enjoying his time onboard and unaware of the comments made by others who would rather be on CC instead of making the best out of the situation.

I did notice your post, but it appeared that nobody else did, so I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try again;). I too hope the OP hasn’t even bothered to check the thread because he’s having a great time:)

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Actually they do make money at the fjords since a very expensive tour requires that passengers to exit that boat at Milford Sound, over nights in Queenstown, and then rejoins the ship at Dunedin.


If they were to do the fjords then it would impact port times and days and cause far more disruption then making the change on arrival.


I believe that you are missing the point that the cruise line handles emergencies first, and then gets back on schedule as soon as possible. When they must divert it is often the first scheduled event or port that gets canceled.

You need to also realize that lots of passengers have private tours booked in various ports and the ports themselves have schedules that need to be kept so if you are late out of port A and port B is your next stop then it is going to have suffer because you still have to be in port C on schedule.

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Reminder that the OP is not the same person who has been back multiple times. Hopefully Merriem has had a good night sleep and has a better attitude today!

You are right. I should have said 2nd poster.

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You need to also realize that lots of passengers have private tours booked in various ports and the ports themselves have schedules that need to be kept so if you are late out of port A and port B is your next stop then it is going to have suffer because you still have to be in port C on schedule.

Don't know you said you in response to my post when my post detailed that cruise lines try to return to schedule asap. I suspect you were really aiming you post at someone else.

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You are missing the point. The fiords make them no money. The tours do. My husband was speaking with other people who were equally upset. They have a choice on where to go, and obviously the $$$$$ is the determining factor.


You are mistaken, we took the same cruise and there was an expensive overnight tour in the fiords. The ship paused and passengers were taken to a smaller boat. They did a water tour and a land tour, met us at the first port in New Zealand. So yes, Celebrity lost a great deal of money skipping the fiords.

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RDC1, my apologies, I meant to say that in addition to the good points you made people also needed to consider those with tours in other ports. The realities are the ship was running half a day behind for a good reason and I should wait until my grandchildren go home for the day before posting on CC....they are three years old and 10 months old and there is always an adventure going on when they are here.

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Of course a medical issue takes the first concern. Never said it didn't. I know there was a thread about passengers over 70 not allowed on some tours...maybe they should look at the medical history and health of some of these passengers.




As the OP on the over-70s-on-excursions thread, all I can say is WOW. The whole point of that rant and subsequent thread was that people should not be so quickly judged based on external criteria like gender, race, or age. And you want to add pre-screening for medical conditions to the requirements to even get on a cruise? With all respect, get real. And heaven forbid that anyone else’s health should interfere with your pleasure. Because of course you are the only one that matters?

Safe travels.


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As the OP on the over-70s-on-excursions thread, all I can say is WOW. The whole point of that rant and subsequent thread was that people should not be so quickly judged based on external criteria like gender, race, or age. And you want to add pre-screening for medical conditions to the requirements to even get on a cruise? With all respect, get real. And heaven forbid that anyone else’s health should interfere with your pleasure. Because of course you are the only one that matters?

Safe travels.



I have yet to see a cruise line exclude someone from excursions due to race or gender.


Age yes, weight yes, but not race or gender so not sure why you threw those in there since they were not part of that discussion.

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I have yet to see a cruise line exclude someone from excursions due to race or gender.




Age yes, weight yes, but not race or gender so not sure why you threw those in there since they were not part of that discussion.




I believe he was being extremely sarcastic, to make his point.



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I believe he was being extremely sarcastic, to make his point.



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Yes, but the point is that they are not the same. There is clearly medical issues that are statistically more prevalent with age, that make certain activities higher risk. While the choice of a cutoff might be somewhat arbitrary 70 vs 65 or 75 etc. there is clearly increasing incidence of issues with older populations.


Thus trying to make such choices to seem even more arbitrary by trying to tie in sex or race is exactly why I raised the question to point out what he was trying to do.

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I am on this cruise. I hope the passenger that became ill is recovering. At around 10:40 on the evening this happened, the cruise director made an announcement that was heard in all cabins that a guest experienced a medical emergency and after sailing 6 hours from Melbourne the ship would be turning around and sailing back to Melbourne. The next morning a video announcement was made by the captain explaining his decision. The passenger became ill at 9:30 the previous night and was in critical condition. After the ship’s doctor consulted with other doctors, logistic people, etc, it was determined that a transport by helicopter or boat would not be feasible based on the patient’s condition and the best option was to return to Melbourne for treatment. This video could be viewed on one of the ship channels throughout the day. Later in the day we also received a letter with an explanation and the revised itinerary.


Though a disappointment to miss the fjords, unforeseen things happen. I feel the ship kept us informed. Thanks for others posting their experiences on a similar itinerary as well as the weather link. We are sailing in moderate seas with our fingers crossed for arriving in Dunedin.

Edited by lilybob
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I am on this cruise. I hope the passenger that became ill is recovering. At around 10:40 on the evening this happened, the cruise director made an announcement that was heard in all cabins that a guest experienced a medical emergency and after sailing 6 hours from Melbourne the ship would be turning around and sailing back to Melbourne. The next morning a video announcement was made by the captain explaining his decision. The passenger became ill at 9:30 the previous night and was in critical condition. After the ship’s doctor consulted with other doctors, logistic people, etc, it was determined that a transport by helicopter or boat would not be feasible based on the patient’s condition and the best option was to return to Melbourne for treatment. This video could be viewed on one of the ship channels throughout the day. Later in the day we also received a letter with an explanation and the revised itinerary.


Though a disappointment to miss the fjords, unforeseen things happen. I feel the ship kept us informed. Thanks for others posting their experiences on a similar itinerary as well as the weather link. We are sailing in moderate seas with our fingers crossed for arriving in Dunedin.




Thank you for your post. I hope the passenger is recovering, and that you continue to enjoy your cruise. New Zealand is a fantastic country!



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Strokes can happen at any time. To the healthy or the not so healthy.




Absolutely. I was 43 and totally healthy other than having migraines when I had my first identified one. I'd probably had one about 9 years before looking at what happened. Both times the ER dept at the hospital stated it was a migraine and sent me home after pumping me full of pain killers. It was only when the symptoms were still there on Easter Tuesday (I presented Easter Saturday) morning and I went to my GP I got an emergency CT and they discovered it had been a minor stroke. 6 months later when a major one happened from the same faulty blood vessel we knew what was happening and I was flown ASAP to Melbourne. That was 9 years ago now.

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I am on this cruise. I hope the passenger that became ill is recovering. At around 10:40 on the evening this happened, the cruise director made an announcement that was heard in all cabins that a guest experienced a medical emergency and after sailing 6 hours from Melbourne the ship would be turning around and sailing back to Melbourne. The next morning a video announcement was made by the captain explaining his decision. The passenger became ill at 9:30 the previous night and was in critical condition. After the ship’s doctor consulted with other doctors, logistic people, etc, it was determined that a transport by helicopter or boat would not be feasible based on the patient’s condition and the best option was to return to Melbourne for treatment. This video could be viewed on one of the ship channels throughout the day. Later in the day we also received a letter with an explanation and the revised itinerary.


Though a disappointment to miss the fjords, unforeseen things happen. I feel the ship kept us informed. Thanks for others posting their experiences on a similar itinerary as well as the weather link. We are sailing in moderate seas with our fingers crossed for arriving in Dunedin.



Thank you so much for this. It is nice to hear that you were all kept well informed and that there are some very sensible caring people on board the ship as well at the moment. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

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When on the solstice in January over in nz we missed Dunedin and fjord land due to a cyclone bearing down on the south island.

Captain tasos explained his reasons for the missed ports in the showroom which most people went to and we all walked out happy with his explanations. Communication is a good thing.

I think this is one of the problems, I personally dont think the captain has communicated his reasoning very well, hence a lot of unhappy people. We have captain Zisis Taramas, He certainly doesn’t seem to have the charm and communication skills that Captain Tasos does.

If he spent the time to talk to the passengers in a similar way as per your cruise, I think the mood may change.

I’m currently on this cruise, disappointed yes, but understandable. I’m one of the lucky ones, I have seen the sounds, and I live relatively close so can return.

I do feel for the many overseas visitors that are unhappy though.

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