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Same day flight times. This is okay?


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I'm all booked for our first cruise.  I used a travel agent and they have booked everything directly through Carnival (including flights).  A lot of the reading I did before booking mentioned that you should fly in/out the day before/after your cruise to avoid delayed flights or late disembarkation.  I mentioned this to the agent when I started everything, but going over my paper work and I see that my flights are booked the same days as my cruise leaves/arrives.   I know I also have shuttle from airport to port and vise versa, but these are the things that will nag my mind and stress me until we are there (I'm the worst case scenario person, than always happy when things turn out just fine).  We start and finish in Jacksonville, my flight arrives there close to 1pm on departure day and our flight home leaves around 12:30pm.  We are a family of 5, but my youngest is eight so the kids should be okay transitioning quick.  I'm sure my travel agent knew what they were doing, but I'd love a little extra reassurance that these times will be okay, that things run smoothly.  Maybe its simply I don't like the idea of the extra chaos or stress being rushed the first and last day of our vacation. 

Edited by MandaR
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When is your cruise?  What time does your cruise depart?

I see you are flying in from Ontario - I guess you'll leave from Pearson - Toronto.

You are arriving in Jacksonville at 1pm the day of departure.  That's cutting it too close for me.

If you have any problems leaving Toronto (you know snow, wind, mechanical issue etc) you could arrive too late to get to the ship.  You must be aboard 90 minutes before departure.

I'd get a different flight.

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1 hour ago, puppycanducruise said:

When is your cruise?  What time does your cruise depart?

I see you are flying in from Ontario - I guess you'll leave from Pearson - Toronto.

You are arriving in Jacksonville at 1pm the day of departure.  That's cutting it too close for me.

If you have any problems leaving Toronto (you know snow, wind, mechanical issue etc) you could arrive too late to get to the ship.  You must be aboard 90 minutes before departure.

I'd get a different flight.

I will have to pull up the info, but I think the cruise leaves at 4 (if that's normal). We actually fly out of Detroit. Summer cruise so snow won't be an issue, but doesn't mean weather won't be.

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You will probably be ok with the 12:30pm flight home. This assume you ship gets in early morning that day.


You did not give us a time for sailing at the beginning of the cruise. 1:00pm would certainly not be my choice unless you are leaving in the evening, ie. 8 pm or later.

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Even with a summer flight, there are other reasons for flight delays.

If everything goes right, you should be okay.  But, do you have a plan B if your flight is delayed leaving Detroit?  What about border delays for your trip to Detroit?  (I guess I'm a worrier)

If your ship departs at 4, you must be aboard by 2:30.  How long do you think it will take to grab your luggage at the airport and get to the ship? 

As I say, if everything goes right, no problem.  But it's cutting it too close for my piece of mind.

Your flight home shouldn't be a problem.

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the flight home is not an issue.  but no way on god's green earth would I accept a flight arriving at 1 pm for a 4 pm departure.  you must be on board 90 minutes prior., so you have to pick up luggage,  get to the pier and be checked in by 230.  far too close for my personal comfort.  I'd insist they change your flight to the day before, even with the  fact that by booking through the  cruise line they are obligated to either wait for you or get you to the fort port on their dime.    you could miss far too much of the cruise if anything goes wrong

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Thanks. I am going to triple check times today and contact my travel agent. I am frustrated as I requested the flight be booked the day prior and after. Just trusted his 30 cruises experience when told it would be fine. His comment was simply that it's booked through Carnival so not to worry. I keep thinking they won't hold the boat for 5 of us either way.

We would be staying at a hotel the night before in Detroit anyhow, so I'd rather pay that in Jacksonville and save the stress.

Return dock is 8am...and at least if things go wrong that day we have some flexibility to reschedule. Just won't have funds for much.

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JAX is a relatively small airport.  Luggage comes out pretty fast, and it's a relatively short taxi/transfer to the port.  But arriving at 1pm would still make me nervous.  I have flown in and out of JAX a lot, although never for a cruise (it's just a two hour drive for us).  A cruise out of JAX is a four or five day, and could easily be done with carryon baggage.  EM

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Since you booked thru Carnival's air...they will hold the ship, unless it's HOURS late.  At that point, they will get you to where you can board the ship.


Your flight home is fine.  The  "odds" of a huge delay getting off the ship are slim.


Most do prefer to fly TO their home port the day prior....but it's not always possible.

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2 hours ago, MandaR said:

I'm all booked for our first cruise.  I used a travel agent and they have booked everything directly through Carnival (including flights).  A lot of the reading I did before booking mentioned that you should fly in/out the day before/after your cruise to avoid delayed flights or late disembarkation.  I mentioned this to the agent when I started everything, but going over my paper work and I see that my flights are booked the same days as my cruise leaves/arrives.   I know I also have shuttle from airport to port and vise versa, but these are the things that will nag my mind and stress me until we are there (I'm the worst case scenario person, than always happy when things turn out just fine).  We start and finish in Jacksonville, my flight arrives there close to 1pm on departure day and our flight home leaves around 12:30pm.  We are a family of 5, but my youngest is eight so the kids should be okay transitioning quick.  I'm sure my travel agent knew what they were doing, but I'd love a little extra reassurance that these times will be okay, that things run smoothly.  Maybe its simply I don't like the idea of the extra chaos or stress being rushed the first and last day of our vacation. 

You're seeking reassurance from CC folks, most of whom do not fly regularly. Some of them will say "I always fly in on the same day with no problem." Make that "no problem YET."

Missed and/or cancelled flights/connections and luggage snafus are plentiful in this modern era of air travel and can easily derail your plans. Recognize that long gone are the days of "I'll just catch the next flight." When there's a cancelled/delayed flight/connection, what few seats (if any) on the next flight(s) will go to that airline's highest tier FFs. So your new flight might be the next day or later. Think about that with a family of five (seats)!

Depending on your cruise itinerary, even promises by the cruise line (through whom your flights may have been arranged) that "we'll get you to the next port if your delay means missing the ship departure"  is worthless if the next port is days away.

Heed the words of the "million milers" on CC who fly/flew for work and or to commute: NEVER fly in on the same day as embarkation.

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  Well I just pulled up my paper work to recheck and I was off by times. Off and worse, apparently my flight arrives in Jacksonville at 1:57pm.  I am going to have to make some calls and sort this out.   Hopefully since we have time I can get the flights changed without a huge price markup.  Thank you everyone for helping, even if its not 'good news' its nice to know that my instinct was justifiable for this. 


  Sadly its left a bitter feeling towards the agent, I feel like if my initial request had been made in the first place this added stress wouldn't be happening.  I'm not sure if they were trying to save me money, but since I'm paying $150 each way for airport to port shuttle, I'm guessing a hotel and taxi will not be a huge amount above and the final cost will be pretty close to the same.

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If you booked your flights through Carnival, they will by default book day of, unless its not possible to get you there day of. You need a deviation to fly on your schedule. You probably would have been better off picking your own flights.

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Years ago when Air/Sea packages were part of what made cruising so popular, air was very commonly provided day of the cruise.

Nowadays , flights are loaded with potential delays caused by traffic delays , tight connections , TSA security , weather cautions , unruly passengers , on & on.

Fly in day before especially since you are staying at an airport the night before and appear concerned about your TA's risky advice.


Edited by MCC retired
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You need a new TA


Okay, your TA bought your tickets thru the Carnival Fly2Fun program. Your TA bought your transfers to/from airport to/from ship.



 The Fly2Fun Sales brochure makes it sound like Carnival "Guarantee's" to hold the ship for you and/or get you to the next port of call to catch the ship. There is no such "Guarantee". 

What they guarantee is that they will work with all the travel providers to ensure your travels are trouble free.


In fact,, in Carnival own contract which you agree to,  it clearly states:



32. Liability and Relationship with Airlines: If Carnival is unable to arrange for air transportation for any cause beyond Carnival’s control, such as airline capacity controls, air transportation arranged is no longer available, or otherwise fails to materialize, Carnival’s sole liability will be limited to refunding the air add-on paid or cruise only credit. Carnival acts as an independent travel agent, and it is not affiliated with the airline carriers. Carnival books air as a convenience for the Guests. Carnival assumes no liability for any of the airlines’ acts or omissions, including, without limitation, those involving cancellation of flights, schedule changes, re-routings, damage to or delay or loss of baggage, flight delays, equipment failures, accidents, pilot or other staff shortages, overbooking or clerical/system errors. Your rights against the airlines are controlled and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the airline’s ticket and tariffs, and any and all applicable laws and regulations.

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1 hour ago, Krazy Kruizers said:

Not arriving until 2 PM on day of departure would stress me out.


I book our own flights and we do arrive a couple of days early.


I hope you can get all this straightened to suit you.


Please keep us updated on what happens when you talk to your TA.

Just FYI: your choice of font is barely visible/readable on a mobile device.

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6 minutes ago, Flatbush Flyer said:

Just FYI: your choice of font is barely visible/readable on a mobile device.

Yeah a few posters seem to have adopted it, and to be honest I basically scroll on past those posts, I’m not doing my eyes in on it.

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1 hour ago, Krazy Kruizers said:

Not arriving until 2 PM on day of departure would stress me out.


I book our own flights and we do arrive a couple of days early.


I hope you can get all this straightened to suit you.


Please keep us updated on what happens when you talk to your TA.

Thanks, I tried calling but no answer so have also emailed my TA. Hoping it's just a quick fix, but who knows.  Font looks fine for me.

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request air deviation, that's the only way to book through the cruise line and get into the port a day early.  Otherwise they will put you on a plane that will leave you stressing.  

ALSO  always look into booking flights on your own, and compare to what the cruise line is charging (with deviation), as you might be saving a lot of money booking yourself. 

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The flight after your cruise should be ok. It’s the flight on the same day as the ship sails that worries me. Technically if the airfare is booked through Carnival they will pay to get you to the first port if you miss the ship, but that means you need to have a passport. And it means you will miss the first day on the ship, and any subsequent sea days before the ship gets to the first port. Personally, I would have your TA change the flight for the day before. 

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18 hours ago, MandaR said:

I will have to pull up the info, but I think the cruise leaves at 4 (if that's normal). We actually fly out of Detroit. Summer cruise so snow won't be an issue, but doesn't mean weather won't be.


If the cruise really leaves at 4:00, you have to be on board by 2:30 at the latest.  Getting in at 1:00 means that you have 1h 30 m to get off the plane, get your luggage, get to the cruise port and board the ship.  If final boarding is at 4:00, you have a bit more time but it is still way too close.  


If it is at all possible, I would fire the person who is masquerading as a TA and make every effort rebook your flight for the day before.  Also, the $150 fee for the airport transfer is highway robbery.


The supposed TA may charge you a fee to switch the reservation to another TA or to Carnival but if they do, bump it up the chain of command at Carnival until you get to someone who can get it done.  


It is a shame that you are not allowed to mention a TA's name on CC since all of us would be interested in the name of your TA.



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5 hours ago, donaldsc said:



If it is at all possible, I would fire the person who is masquerading as a TA and make every effort rebook your flight for the day before.  Also, the $150 fee for the airport transfer is highway robbery.


The supposed TA may charge you a fee to switch the reservation to another TA or to Carnival but if they do, bump it up the chain of command at Carnival until you get to someone who can get it done.  


It is a shame that you are not allowed to mention a TA's name on CC since all of us would be interested in the name of your TA.



My husband keeps saying the same thing.   I have never really used a TA for vacations before, and like now am usually over informed by the time I book things.  Having no idea about cruising I thought a TA would be useful for money saving ideas and tips to get the best experience. I have never really flown anywhere either, we've always driven to past vacations, so the flight part of it was what had me worried about getting a deal to start with.  The TA has booked everything directly through Carnival, so the price I have is the same as what they would charge me on my own I'm assuming.  Knowing its high, but hoping once they change my flights (and I've been told it will get sorted out today) I can relax and go back to looking into the fun things to do on this trip.

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2 hours ago, MandaR said:

My husband keeps saying the same thing.   I have never really used a TA for vacations before, and like now am usually over informed by the time I book things.  Having no idea about cruising I thought a TA would be useful for money saving ideas and tips to get the best experience. I have never really flown anywhere either, we've always driven to past vacations, so the flight part of it was what had me worried about getting a deal to start with.  The TA has booked everything directly through Carnival, so the price I have is the same as what they would charge me on my own I'm assuming.  Knowing its high, but hoping once they change my flights (and I've been told it will get sorted out today) I can relax and go back to looking into the fun things to do on this trip.

There is much to learn about choisibg a TA and when it is best to use them. 


We always use one of several of our preferred cruise line's top selling TAs because of commission sharing and added amenities as well as s/he having a lot of clout should an issue arise. For longer, more expensive cruises, this can mean hundreds to thousands of dollars in your pocket and peace of mind.

There are many threads on CC regarding how best to locate a great TA. Search and read them. 


As for air travel, we DIY. But, admittedly, this arena is very challenging (even to us "million milers"). Nonetheless, because we prefer multi-city extended stays pre/post cruises, we invest the time/energy in researching airfares.


For the future, learn to maneuver the ITA Matrix website to identify best routings/prices/airlines for you air travel. There's no tix sales there. But, you come away fully knowledgeable when you book direct with the airline.


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We frequently fly in the same day.  I don't stress over much but I would not do the arrival flight you describe.  As already suggested your departure flight should be fine and even if you do miss it all you lose is a delay getting home.  


Sounds like you have flexibility and are rebooking.  Good for you.   

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