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Just back off the Grand, Alaska - update on water soaked room and general review!


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Firstly thanks for all your comments and observations from my last thread about 'Dressing Gown questions and other observations'. Thought some people might want an update as to what happened now we are home, dry, safe and sound!


In brief, we booked the large aft Owners Suite at the very rear of the boat. We don't take what we can afford for granted and are very appreciative and grateful that for the hard work and saving well that we do, so we can just about afford this luxury. We were looking forward to relaxing in this room with the sweeping views that it affords. We were escorted on as suite/Elite guests, had a nice CC lunch since all the doors leading to the rooms on each floor are closed off until 1pm, booked the Sanctuary for first day (waste of money, since it was blowing such a gale and was quite cool, they only charged us $40 rather than 80$ for whole day which was good), and acquainted ourselves with the ship.


Anyway, on the morning of our second day, my wife was in the shower and I was wondering around the room, then I felt a drip of water on my head, followed by several more. I saw water seeping through the smoke detector, as fair and steady flow. Then looking around I counted 6 other 'trickles' of varying degrees coming through the roof. Quickly scrambling for ice buckets, bins, glasses I tried to capture the water to save the carpet from getting sodden. Shouting out to the wife, I called front desk to explain what was happening. Within 5 minutes our brilliant steward Sandrie turned up, followed by a plumber and carpenter to assess what was going on. Sandrie looked up... "Oh dear....". The ceiling was taken down and they initially thought it was the overflow of the aft small swimming pool getting overloaded with water and coming through. We would go for breakfast and get an update after such.


Our first CG (Suite) breakfast was as good as ever, and it is really special where after a day they know your names, rush to get your speciality coffee before even asking, joke and have a chat; it really is a great perk and we are grateful to have it, especially with 2 mimosas (mostly) a day!  Are we the only ones?? I only saw 1 in 3 or 4 tables have them. Felt greedy, but hey, its vacation time!


Back to the OS, the ceiling was part down, drilling and sawing going on, and by late morning we were told it was fixed due to the overflow. Thinking no more about it and a minor inconvenience, we went and braved the afternoon in the sanctuary. The stewardess was lovely and brought afternoon tea and sandwiches over, so much just for the 2 of us, but I think she was pleased with something to do! The front desk supervisor, when we checked on how things were going, advised we could swap rooms permanently. I advised I would not want to do that as it was a slight (S2 to S4 cabin grade) downgrade. She said no, no, the room might be slightly more squashed but it is all the same, and she didnt really understand the difference between the OS and a PS. I didnt want to come across snobby by saying there was a bigger difference than that, so I just said no, we would want our original room back.


I will speak about other stuff after I have completed this tale, so back to the room about 11.30pm, tired and happy after our first day at sea, excitedly sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge, feeling special and blessed that we could do such an amazing thing, looking forward to sailing up to Alaska, we retired just before midnight. Around 1.30am, something stirred me, in the back of my mind I could hear a small sound. I dismissed it thinking it was the rocky boat making noises and even initially forgot about the original leak. It became more persistent however and it woke me up fully. My wife was still asleep, so I tentatively got up, put a small light on, and ta daaa, another persistent flow of water just at the end of our bed. Looking around there were 2 more others near by. Still a bit dazed I rung front desk to explain. They were aware I think of what had happened and sent the duty night manager up to look. He immediately called a plumber and carpenter and within 15 minutes my wife and I had our dressing gowns on, half asleep, with 3 members of staff in our room taking the ceiling down, discussing the next move!


I overheard them say we would need to be moved and I got some immediate wash gear and underwear for the next day, when the night manager confirmed our move. Luckily, he said, there was a mid ship suite one deck below free which was unusual, and we should spend the night there and wait for an update tomorrow. So we had a restless few hours sleep, had breakfast before another day at sea and went to the front desk for an update. It turns out the problem was bigger than first thought, it was not repaired by the first man and it would need substantial reparation to be done, by building a new bespoke pipe in their workshop and fitting it, and then deep cleaning the room and drying the soaking wet carpets and could take at least 2 days!


My wife was upset by this as we were building ourselves up for 18 months looking forward to this room and the views and Alaska, then to have all the middle of the night upheaval, inconvenience and minor distress, she was not happy. I wasn't to be fair, but I have a more pragmatic outlook I guess, to my wife's annoyance! The Customer Relations Manager, Predrag had come out by this time to apologise to us. He was great to be fair, took responsibility of the issue and his opening question was "what can I do to help put this right and take the stress out of the situation" which I thought was a great opening line. He offered a meal and wine, and I suggested a spa treatment each. No problem, he would arrange both, plus some immediate $300 OBC to spend as we saw fit. For our CG meal that night, I sneakily looked at the notes by our booking (I like doing that!) and it said 'Focus and Wine' and a code. I took that to mean extra attention and free wine. The deputy Maitre D' came over, no mention of anything, but entered an unusually long chat which was nice, and I mentioned to the waiter we were here complimentary because of a problem with our room, and could we have this ($130) bottle of wine? (thought I might as well ask....), and the head waiter came over..."Of course, no problem...we will decant this for you". I was impressed.


We felt a bit more calmer after this earlier interaction, and went back to our OS to get some more clothes and wash gear and carried on with our day in our temporary room. That afternoon the captain (John Smith, same name as the Titanic captain, ironically, and he made some good jokes about that), came over the room speakers to announce a passenger was seriously ill and needed life saving treatment, and would be airlifted off. We would be going slow for the next hour until an emergency helicopter was scrambled from Vancouver. This happened right outside our window and the helicopter was hovering in full eye view. Quite scary and surreal to see it, and put our little problems into perspective I guess. Because of this (saving a life) we missed Juneau, which was sad in itself, but absolutely a life must come first, the captain made the go to Tracy Arm instead. It was amazing and I am glad that was the default choice as it was beautiful, almost Jurassic like in places, gliding effortlessly through the calm waters, observing nature at its very best, so small gasps of equal awe from the other balcony guests. It was a pleasure to see and share this moment, and something to always treasure and remember.


So the second night in the cabin, and after the evening was out we got back to our room, where was ready for bed, but realised my contact lenses bits were in the other room. With my dressing gown on, barefoot at midnight, traipsing down the corridor to our other room, carpets up, doors open, blowers a blowing, no bed, I made the way to the bathroom to get my bits. I can laugh about it now.....


Mentally prepared to go back to our room today, I was happier and went to speak to the front desk. "I am sorry Mr C, we cannot let you into the room. It is still damp, wet and not quite ready, it would not be right to let you back in". I felt deflated and a bit (wrongly I guess, no-ones fault) angry about the situation and said that I hoped further compensation would be looked at. I was assured by the calming Predrag that it would be. We went into Ketchikan that day, so that would pass the day and when we came back it should be ready....


….and it was! Three days later, deep clean, fully dried out, fresh curtains, still musty, but it was our room again. We could settle and relax and start to fully enjoy. People might think that we should have enjoyed it and not made a fuss as we had a nice second room anyway, and perhaps that is right, but as I said, we paid for the OS and was really looking forward to it, and we really wanted to enjoy it for 10 days, not 7, plus there was a lot of inconvenience and upheaval. We enjoyed a balcony tea and bottle of champagne given to us on the first day as a suite welcome.


That brings that end of the story to a close. We received 2 more follow up 'care calls' and an offer of $$ was made, which was more than I thought considering we still had the cruise, entertainment, ship, food etc., just a different (smaller room) for 3 days and some inconvenience and relative stress. I accepted thankfully (it is in $, we are in the UK so I will have to wait 2-3 weeks and pay the cheque in and convert it to £; a small inconvenience with a rubbish exchange rate, but it is all they could do , and as I said, I was grateful with the outcome).


To other things in brief (sorry for long email):


Boarding: Escorted on - new to us, but nice touch. Mini bar now does not contain cognac (shame) but 2 of Canadian Whisky, and 2 Dewars. We swapped sparkling to still water, coke to diet, extra tonic etc. Rather than the small bottle of champagne we used to get, we got one larger bottle of a different brand. I sound ungrateful, but it was tasteless and at 10% proof, wasn't up to much. Honest opinion. All in all 9/10.


Entertainment: Subjective of course, but we felt it not that great, overall. An American comedian cum rock singer, another American comedian (sorry USA folks!), Stardust fell flat (never heard of many of the tunes and I have quite an eclectic range), and Motown is not our thing. We did enjoy a magician comedian, a Scottish singer/piano/raconteur and the Invasion of the Brits show (I knew all the songs!!). Overall, a bit flat, and I don't thing the bar/lounge singers are that great to be honest. Shoot me know!  The Cruise Director Steve grew on me, though seemingly bland at times, very scripted in places, he had a good voice for the staff end of cruise talent show, and became funny at times! 6/10.


Crooners: New menu, a lot of the old favourites gone, very sad. They managed to do a couple of what we liked and had remembered, but it was a shame and there is less choice by far - AND, only one Bond cocktail! Great staff as usual though. 7/10.


Captain: Very good; cocktail party was one of the best we had been to. Witty, informative (Interesting to hear a bit about behind the scenes when the ill passenger was taken off - luckily we were updated he was doing fine now, but the split second decisions and thought involved for that and the subsequent itinerary change was very insightful), interesting - all in all, very good. He is British, and it was his last cruise for 3months. His Q&A in the Princess Theatre was very interesting too - the first we had attended and I enjoyed it. 10/10


Dining: CG upped their game since last time I think, and we had 2 nice meals there with a decent steak, Surprisingly pleased with it. MDR CC is a great add on for anyone in my view. Giovanni and team were attentive on the whole, friendly and fun and remembered our preferences. One waiter I didnt take to "Another splash of wine, love?" she would often say, but apart from that, a great crew. Food was generally OK. One or 2 very good meals, 2 poor meals, but the rest certainly enjoyable. The specialities were OK, 3 vegetarian options (we are not veggie, and I was told it saves costs of meat!), so that was a shame for us, but there was a couple we liked. I don't think many people enjoy the cherry thingy he cooked as I saw him hardly prepare any! 7/10 (CG 9/10).


Ship: Our issues not withstanding, and a recent refurb, it did look a bit creaky and older, needing further touching up here and there for sure. It is a smaller ship, it is nice and overall we enjoyed it, but I do prefer the larger, newer ships I guess. Personal choice though. 7/10.


Overall cruise (issues aside) - 8/10. Scenery made it for us, lovely room, good service, food ok-ish, service consistently good, entertainment OK, good ports (Victoria lovely). Sad to be home, but Med cruise on the maiden Enchanted voyage next June. Hopefully more calm and stress free!!


Thanks for reading - any questions, happy to answer.






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Wow - what a story. I guess the moral of the story is when they suggest you move, you move!


Glad the Captain did take you to Tracy Arm with missing Juneau.


Thanks for the details.

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1 minute ago, voljeep said:

without reading the complete review .. what was the final compensation awarded to you ... if you wish to reveal that

I think the important thing is that they were happy with it and thought it was fair.

Edited by Coral
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I applaud you on your composure, and your positivity. I'm so glad you still were able to enjoy the suit you had paid for, along with some lovely compensation for your inconveniences. More importantly, minus the hurdle you experienced non the high seas, you still had a lovely trip.

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Am sorry this happened when you’ve looked forward to the cruise for so long, glad it worked out in the end and you were happy with how they handled the situation. A great attitude goes to make the experience less stressful and you’ve got a great one. Thanks for sharing the photos and the video, must admit I was expecting drips but the video def shows more than a drip! 

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36 minutes ago, Rascal1 said:

Am sorry this happened when you’ve looked forward to the cruise for so long, glad it worked out in the end and you were happy with how they handled the situation. A great attitude goes to make the experience less stressful and you’ve got a great one. Thanks for sharing the photos and the video, must admit I was expecting drips but the video def shows more than a drip! 

Thanks. A few people have said they though we were exaggerating a bit, but there was quite a bit of water captured from the 7 various leaks, across the 2 days!


I think you have to be positive. It was circumstance and no-ones direct fault. Me shouting and raving wasn't going to speed things up and as upsetting and frustrating and inconvenient as it was, it was handled well and the outcome, albeit 3 days away from our room, was good. It's life I guess, and comparing it to the poor passenger who was airlifted away, these things happen, in the grand scheme of things it was a small issue, and life goes on. 🙂



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Wow, thank you for sharing your whole experience. I hadn’t read your original thread, so it was all new to me. Don’t feel bad at all for wanting your special suite for which you paid and for expecting compensation when you had to temporarily let it go! You handled the situation very well, and I’m glad they made it right for you. 😀

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11 hours ago, ian441672 said:



Firstly thanks for all your comments and observations from my last thread about 'Dressing Gown questions and other observations'. Thought some people might want an update as to what happened now we are home, dry, safe and sound!


In brief, we booked the large aft Owners Suite at the very rear of the boat. We don't take what we can afford for granted and are very appreciative and grateful that for the hard work and saving well that we do, so we can just about afford this luxury. We were looking forward to relaxing in this room with the sweeping views that it affords. We were escorted on as suite/Elite guests, had a nice CC lunch since all the doors leading to the rooms on each floor are closed off until 1pm, booked the Sanctuary for first day (waste of money, since it was blowing such a gale and was quite cool, they only charged us $40 rather than 80$ for whole day which was good), and acquainted ourselves with the ship.


Anyway, on the morning of our second day, my wife was in the shower and I was wondering around the room, then I felt a drip of water on my head, followed by several more. I saw water seeping through the smoke detector, as fair and steady flow. Then looking around I counted 6 other 'trickles' of varying degrees coming through the roof. Quickly scrambling for ice buckets, bins, glasses I tried to capture the water to save the carpet from getting sodden. Shouting out to the wife, I called front desk to explain what was happening. Within 5 minutes our brilliant steward Sandrie turned up, followed by a plumber and carpenter to assess what was going on. Sandrie looked up... "Oh dear....". The ceiling was taken down and they initially thought it was the overflow of the aft small swimming pool getting overloaded with water and coming through. We would go for breakfast and get an update after such.


Our first CG (Suite) breakfast was as good as ever, and it is really special where after a day they know your names, rush to get your speciality coffee before even asking, joke and have a chat; it really is a great perk and we are grateful to have it, especially with 2 mimosas (mostly) a day!  Are we the only ones?? I only saw 1 in 3 or 4 tables have them. Felt greedy, but hey, its vacation time!


Back to the OS, the ceiling was part down, drilling and sawing going on, and by late morning we were told it was fixed due to the overflow. Thinking no more about it and a minor inconvenience, we went and braved the afternoon in the sanctuary. The stewardess was lovely and brought afternoon tea and sandwiches over, so much just for the 2 of us, but I think she was pleased with something to do! The front desk supervisor, when we checked on how things were going, advised we could swap rooms permanently. I advised I would not want to do that as it was a slight (S2 to S4 cabin grade) downgrade. She said no, no, the room might be slightly more squashed but it is all the same, and she didnt really understand the difference between the OS and a PS. I didnt want to come across snobby by saying there was a bigger difference than that, so I just said no, we would want our original room back.


I will speak about other stuff after I have completed this tale, so back to the room about 11.30pm, tired and happy after our first day at sea, excitedly sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge, feeling special and blessed that we could do such an amazing thing, looking forward to sailing up to Alaska, we retired just before midnight. Around 1.30am, something stirred me, in the back of my mind I could hear a small sound. I dismissed it thinking it was the rocky boat making noises and even initially forgot about the original leak. It became more persistent however and it woke me up fully. My wife was still asleep, so I tentatively got up, put a small light on, and ta daaa, another persistent flow of water just at the end of our bed. Looking around there were 2 more others near by. Still a bit dazed I rung front desk to explain. They were aware I think of what had happened and sent the duty night manager up to look. He immediately called a plumber and carpenter and within 15 minutes my wife and I had our dressing gowns on, half asleep, with 3 members of staff in our room taking the ceiling down, discussing the next move!


I overheard them say we would need to be moved and I got some immediate wash gear and underwear for the next day, when the night manager confirmed our move. Luckily, he said, there was a mid ship suite one deck below free which was unusual, and we should spend the night there and wait for an update tomorrow. So we had a restless few hours sleep, had breakfast before another day at sea and went to the front desk for an update. It turns out the problem was bigger than first thought, it was not repaired by the first man and it would need substantial reparation to be done, by building a new bespoke pipe in their workshop and fitting it, and then deep cleaning the room and drying the soaking wet carpets and could take at least 2 days!


My wife was upset by this as we were building ourselves up for 18 months looking forward to this room and the views and Alaska, then to have all the middle of the night upheaval, inconvenience and minor distress, she was not happy. I wasn't to be fair, but I have a more pragmatic outlook I guess, to my wife's annoyance! The Customer Relations Manager, Predrag had come out by this time to apologise to us. He was great to be fair, took responsibility of the issue and his opening question was "what can I do to help put this right and take the stress out of the situation" which I thought was a great opening line. He offered a meal and wine, and I suggested a spa treatment each. No problem, he would arrange both, plus some immediate $300 OBC to spend as we saw fit. For our CG meal that night, I sneakily looked at the notes by our booking (I like doing that!) and it said 'Focus and Wine' and a code. I took that to mean extra attention and free wine. The deputy Maitre D' came over, no mention of anything, but entered an unusually long chat which was nice, and I mentioned to the waiter we were here complimentary because of a problem with our room, and could we have this ($130) bottle of wine? (thought I might as well ask....), and the head waiter came over..."Of course, no problem...we will decant this for you". I was impressed.


We felt a bit more calmer after this earlier interaction, and went back to our OS to get some more clothes and wash gear and carried on with our day in our temporary room. That afternoon the captain (John Smith, same name as the Titanic captain, ironically, and he made some good jokes about that), came over the room speakers to announce a passenger was seriously ill and needed life saving treatment, and would be airlifted off. We would be going slow for the next hour until an emergency helicopter was scrambled from Vancouver. This happened right outside our window and the helicopter was hovering in full eye view. Quite scary and surreal to see it, and put our little problems into perspective I guess. Because of this (saving a life) we missed Juneau, which was sad in itself, but absolutely a life must come first, the captain made the go to Tracy Arm instead. It was amazing and I am glad that was the default choice as it was beautiful, almost Jurassic like in places, gliding effortlessly through the calm waters, observing nature at its very best, so small gasps of equal awe from the other balcony guests. It was a pleasure to see and share this moment, and something to always treasure and remember.


So the second night in the cabin, and after the evening was out we got back to our room, where was ready for bed, but realised my contact lenses bits were in the other room. With my dressing gown on, barefoot at midnight, traipsing down the corridor to our other room, carpets up, doors open, blowers a blowing, no bed, I made the way to the bathroom to get my bits. I can laugh about it now.....


Mentally prepared to go back to our room today, I was happier and went to speak to the front desk. "I am sorry Mr C, we cannot let you into the room. It is still damp, wet and not quite ready, it would not be right to let you back in". I felt deflated and a bit (wrongly I guess, no-ones fault) angry about the situation and said that I hoped further compensation would be looked at. I was assured by the calming Predrag that it would be. We went into Ketchikan that day, so that would pass the day and when we came back it should be ready....


….and it was! Three days later, deep clean, fully dried out, fresh curtains, still musty, but it was our room again. We could settle and relax and start to fully enjoy. People might think that we should have enjoyed it and not made a fuss as we had a nice second room anyway, and perhaps that is right, but as I said, we paid for the OS and was really looking forward to it, and we really wanted to enjoy it for 10 days, not 7, plus there was a lot of inconvenience and upheaval. We enjoyed a balcony tea and bottle of champagne given to us on the first day as a suite welcome.


That brings that end of the story to a close. We received 2 more follow up 'care calls' and an offer of $$ was made, which was more than I thought considering we still had the cruise, entertainment, ship, food etc., just a different (smaller room) for 3 days and some inconvenience and relative stress. I accepted thankfully (it is in $, we are in the UK so I will have to wait 2-3 weeks and pay the cheque in and convert it to £; a small inconvenience with a rubbish exchange rate, but it is all they could do , and as I said, I was grateful with the outcome).


To other things in brief (sorry for long email):


Boarding: Escorted on - new to us, but nice touch. Mini bar now does not contain cognac (shame) but 2 of Canadian Whisky, and 2 Dewars. We swapped sparkling to still water, coke to diet, extra tonic etc. Rather than the small bottle of champagne we used to get, we got one larger bottle of a different brand. I sound ungrateful, but it was tasteless and at 10% proof, wasn't up to much. Honest opinion. All in all 9/10.


Entertainment: Subjective of course, but we felt it not that great, overall. An American comedian cum rock singer, another American comedian (sorry USA folks!), Stardust fell flat (never heard of many of the tunes and I have quite an eclectic range), and Motown is not our thing. We did enjoy a magician comedian, a Scottish singer/piano/raconteur and the Invasion of the Brits show (I knew all the songs!!). Overall, a bit flat, and I don't thing the bar/lounge singers are that great to be honest. Shoot me know!  The Cruise Director Steve grew on me, though seemingly bland at times, very scripted in places, he had a good voice for the staff end of cruise talent show, and became funny at times! 6/10.


Crooners: New menu, a lot of the old favourites gone, very sad. They managed to do a couple of what we liked and had remembered, but it was a shame and there is less choice by far - AND, only one Bond cocktail! Great staff as usual though. 7/10.


Captain: Very good; cocktail party was one of the best we had been to. Witty, informative (Interesting to hear a bit about behind the scenes when the ill passenger was taken off - luckily we were updated he was doing fine now, but the split second decisions and thought involved for that and the subsequent itinerary change was very insightful), interesting - all in all, very good. He is British, and it was his last cruise for 3months. His Q&A in the Princess Theatre was very interesting too - the first we had attended and I enjoyed it. 10/10


Dining: CG upped their game since last time I think, and we had 2 nice meals there with a decent steak, Surprisingly pleased with it. MDR CC is a great add on for anyone in my view. Giovanni and team were attentive on the whole, friendly and fun and remembered our preferences. One waiter I didnt take to "Another splash of wine, love?" she would often say, but apart from that, a great crew. Food was generally OK. One or 2 very good meals, 2 poor meals, but the rest certainly enjoyable. The specialities were OK, 3 vegetarian options (we are not veggie, and I was told it saves costs of meat!), so that was a shame for us, but there was a couple we liked. I don't think many people enjoy the cherry thingy he cooked as I saw him hardly prepare any! 7/10 (CG 9/10).


Ship: Our issues not withstanding, and a recent refurb, it did look a bit creaky and older, needing further touching up here and there for sure. It is a smaller ship, it is nice and overall we enjoyed it, but I do prefer the larger, newer ships I guess. Personal choice though. 7/10.


Overall cruise (issues aside) - 8/10. Scenery made it for us, lovely room, good service, food ok-ish, service consistently good, entertainment OK, good ports (Victoria lovely). Sad to be home, but Med cruise on the maiden Enchanted voyage next June. Hopefully more calm and stress free!!


Thanks for reading - any questions, happy to answer.






We had water in our mid-ship suite on a Holland American cruise to Alaska several years back.  All large suites our size were occupied and they claimed the blowers would only by blowing night and day for one night.  We could go to a smaller cabin and we elected to stay put.  We had blowers for two nights and all we got out of the arrangement was $100 in the store and a large coffee table book on techniques for making drinks.  A great voyage with a ton of issues all because of storm water coming through the balcony glass.

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9 hours ago, Lucky TGO said:

I agree. Wow!!


I also agree - wow!


Thanks for all the comments, and yes, whilst Juneau was cancelled, we did our own thing in Ketchikan, did a river/jet boat and wildlife cruise in Skagway, and a city highlights tour of Victoria Island - all very enjoyable, and it was good to get off the boat at these times!


I agree, the ship should be retired. Whilst the steward said he had never seen anything like it, I have since heard there has been quite a bit like it, and most days we saw blowers on somewhere in the ship!

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4 hours ago, ian441672 said:

I also agree - wow!


Thanks for all the comments, and yes, whilst Juneau was cancelled, we did our own thing in Ketchikan, did a river/jet boat and wildlife cruise in Skagway, and a city highlights tour of Victoria Island - all very enjoyable, and it was good to get off the boat at these times!


I agree, the ship should be retired. Whilst the steward said he had never seen anything like it, I have since heard there has been quite a bit like it, and most days we saw blowers on somewhere in the ship!


It's so funny. I've been all over the ship and haven't seen one blower, bucket or leak! I'll keep a sharper eye out though.


I've found her to be quite serviceable still, even if she is showing her age. I will miss the Window Suites for sure when she's gone. It's our first time in them, but they are awesome! 

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4 minutes ago, Dani24 said:


It's so funny. I've been all over the ship and haven't seen one blower, bucket or leak! I'll keep a sharper eye out though.


I've found her to be quite serviceable still, even if she is showing her age. I will miss the Window Suites for sure when she's gone. It's our first time in them, but they are awesome! 

That's because they fixed them all last week on our cruise! - no exaggeration, our room aside, I saw 5 blowers across 5 different leaks in the last 4 days! I wouldn't have noticed or paid much attention to them, had it not been for our issue and we were a bit more 'in the know' lol. Glad you are all safe, sound and dry :).

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1 hour ago, Dani24 said:


It's so funny. I've been all over the ship and haven't seen one blower, bucket or leak! I'll keep a sharper eye out though.


I've found her to be quite serviceable still, even if she is showing her age. I will miss the Window Suites for sure when she's gone. It's our first time in them, but they are awesome! 

We were on this sailing ( 6th time on Grand ) on the Caribe deck. It wasn't till the 6-7th day till we saw a blow or bucket in the hallway. A new record! Loved Tracy and Glacier Bay on same sailing. Missed Juneau, but scenery was beautiful.

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17 hours ago, Yehootu said:

We were on this sailing ( 6th time on Grand ) on the Caribe deck. It wasn't till the 6-7th day till we saw a blow or bucket in the hallway. A new record! Loved Tracy and Glacier Bay on same sailing. Missed Juneau, but scenery was beautiful.

Nice to see someone else on our cruise! It was good, wasn't it? Shame we missed Juneau (although I had been there before), but Tracy Arm more than made up for it!


Our second/substitute room was Caribe deck, 422!

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Have experienced "leaks" on Princess, Oceania, and Seabourn.  Not sure all those ships needed to be retired.  Alot of leaks are caused by passengers flushing things that should not be.  Yours probably was not yet the other blowers you saw could have been.  Just something to consider.


All in all, am very glad you made lemonade from lemons.

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