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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Morning all!  A quickie before I get ready to head down the mountain to the dentist.  Fortunately, his office is right at the mouth of the canyon, so it's just a 20 minute drive!  OOTD will be my non-camo but that green linen shorts and a Tshirt.  


Yes, the tests will be easy tomorrow - just a couple of vials of blood and pee in a cup.  One addition - after chatting with my NP about weird issues I've had the last few months, she ordered a COVID antibody test.  There are a few of us who were really sick back the end of January/beginning of February where COVID was  not yet a diagnosis.  When we talk about what we felt like then, and strangeness since, we are convinced we had it.  The test may or may now show, since the test is only about 50% accurate, but I'd at least like to see what happens. It's just another blood test. 


My niece's family is indeed lucky to have raised smart and athletic children.  The oldest , Darby, had a scholarship and just started her career as a teacher.  Devon already has his full-ride.  And Deesa still has a few years left to get to the scholarship stage, but she'll get one, I know it.  Nice for a family of 5 in a small rural town!  My niece is a teacher and her hubby is in the family landscape business.  


I binge-watched the whole Eco-Challenge series.  My Gosh!!!!  I would not have made it through half of the first day!!!  I can see how my "kid" said it was the hardest thing she'd done.  Some of those locations you couldn't get driven/helicopter'd into, so they'd have to craw/climb/ etc...   


Feeling so much for the people on the Gulf Coast right now.  So much of the area never recovered from Katrina, and now they are going to get nailed again.  I cannot imagine fleeing to a shelter, only to be scared to death to go into the shelter due to COVID.   They all are in my daily prayers.   


Off to get ready...  

Happy National Dog Day!!



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Well, that was fast.  My appointment was at 12:30 and I'm back home at 1:14!!   It was an easy, little straight hole.  I swear it took about under minutes to do the whole thing (drill, clean, fill, clean, file, polish).  The longest was waiting for the local to kick in to give me the shot.  Now, I feel like a slobbering fool!!!  Hopefully I'll be able to eat some soup at dinnertime!!!!   


I ended up with a different OOTD.  I remembered I had another cool running skirt from Title 9, so I brought it out,.  It's multi-colored with "bubbles" of blues, purple, lime greens.  Put on a very lightweight gray Tshirt 'cause it was going to be hot down there.  Worked out well.  

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21 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

Hello All, another smoke filled, bad air quality day where I am! Getting a bit tired of staying in but so far no end in sight.


Sounds like several medical/dental appointments going on. I guess we knew we couldn’t put them off forever. Hoping all results are good ones.

Kat, big congratulations to your great nephew! Just think, he and his parents won’t be bogged down with the college application process when he is a senior. 

Cruisemom thanks for the dawn/vinegar tip for glasses and to Debbie for also giving it a good review.


Kat, sounds like quite a TJ haul. For me, the fact that TJ’s wants customers to stand well away from the register while checking out just means more of a shock when they give me the total! Before I could watch the total rising and the shock factor wasn’t quite as bad. Well, that and now I’m trying to go less frequently.


Melody, sorry you missed out on the marathon festivities. The smoke must have made it difficult for all the runners.


Debbie, I’m sorry your race was cancelled. I remember you mentioning, earlier on this thread, that you and SIL were doing it together. Nice that they give you a way to participate anyway. 

Take care everyone.




Hi Sharon,  we are lucky enough that we have clear skies now,  I hope they can get a handle on the northern fires soon, for everyone's sake.    Regarding the race, our cruise, etc, I think that at this point we just have to accept that fall & winter "normal" 2020 are just cancelled, & do our best to enjoy & appreciate what we can do.  


I'm really wondering what Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas are going to look like.  Halloween in my area is a very big deal.  People get not hundreds, but over a thousand trick or treaters (they actually filmed the hocus pocus tick or treat & school scenes about half a mile from us)    Some people on our online neighborhood watch are saying that they aren't going to decorate, (again, a very big deal)  while others (like us are going to decorate & probably just put candy at the end of the driveway.   I'm hoping that our town will come up with a cohesive, safe plan.... I hate for the little ones (including my grandkids) to miss out, but we need to find a safe alternative....

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22 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

That was my one household hint . Glad you all got haircuts . I hated when I could not get my hair cut and colored .The one thing I have not had yet but would love is a pedicure . I am ready to venture out to get one . Having a new facet installed tomorrow . My other one was so slow .I hope this has a better flow. Lois , I hope your test went okay .


Hi Sally, just out of curiosity, I looked in my calendar for when my last cut was,  January 22, 2020 :classic_ohmy:  every time I've made an appointment, salons have shut down again, so I 've just given up,  which is ok for now, I've always been a hat wearer anyway :)  


But, like you, a pedicure is the thing I miss the most, & if nail salons ever get to open again, that's the first thing I will get.    & thank you so much for the dawn/vinegar thing!

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Hi girls, I made portobella mushrooms for dinner.  (they were the BIG ones) and I stuffed them. I had some 

fresh asparagus that I chopped up along with some artichoke pesto. I mixed everything together and then put 

grated cheese on top and baked them.  They were delicious🙂

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I put off my tests until tomorrow.  I didn't eat/drink at all after my filling - that dang anesthetic stayed around and I couldn't even drink water without dribbling.  Yes, I'm suppose to fast before the tests, but I didn't think 24 hours without food would be good.  Plus, I was HUNGRY.  Not a biggie, since all I have to do is to go to the drive-through lab setup my practice's office has, put my arm out the car window and get the blood done.  


The smoke is probably 90% gone.  But, we're still Red Flag Warning up here.  Good to hear that SoCa has had it dissipated also.  


I'm going to make a salad tonight, I think.  I picked up some already done chicken pieces at TJ's and I'll toss them in.   Lois - those mushrooms sound really good.  If you like balsamic marinades, you can do one with the portobellos before you grill/broil/bake them.  Adds another layer of flavor.  


Mindless TV alert:  Saw the first ads for The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City!!!  This should be interesting.  This Fall. 

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21 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi girls, I made portobella mushrooms for dinner.  (they were the BIG ones) and I stuffed them. I had some 

fresh asparagus that I chopped up along with some artichoke pesto. I mixed everything together and then put 

grated cheese on top and baked them.  They were delicious🙂


Lois, that sounds delicious :)    I have some that need to be used & might steal your recipe :)

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2 hours ago, slidergirl said:

I put off my tests until tomorrow.  I didn't eat/drink at all after my filling - that dang anesthetic stayed around and I couldn't even drink water without dribbling.  Yes, I'm suppose to fast before the tests, but I didn't think 24 hours without food would be good.  Plus, I was HUNGRY.  Not a biggie, since all I have to do is to go to the drive-through lab setup my practice's office has, put my arm out the car window and get the blood done.  


The smoke is probably 90% gone.  But, we're still Red Flag Warning up here.  Good to hear that SoCa has had it dissipated also.  


I'm going to make a salad tonight, I think.  I picked up some already done chicken pieces at TJ's and I'll toss them in.   Lois - those mushrooms sound really good.  If you like balsamic marinades, you can do one with the portobellos before you grill/broil/bake them.  Adds another layer of flavor.  


Mindless TV alert:  Saw the first ads for The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City!!!  This should be interesting.  This Fall. 


Hi Kat, I've never watched any of the Real Housewives series, but I agree, mindless tv is a good distraction from what's going on :)    & a 24 hour fast, no thank you :)

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1 hour ago, cruise kitty said:


Lois, that sounds delicious 🙂    I have some that need to be used & might steal your recipe 🙂

Hi Debbie, be my guest😀

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3 hours ago, cruise kitty said:


Hi Kat, I've never watched any of the Real Housewives series, but I agree, mindless tv is a good distraction from what's going on 🙂    & a 24 hour fast, no thank you 🙂

I got sucked into it with Real Housewives of Orange County - I went to high school with one of the original husbands.  Now, it's all mindless "white noise" when I'm on my computer.  And, then came Below Deck, Below Deck Med...  I know my one neice is big into all those shows, so I can type a blurb on my FB page and she'll respond - she knows it all.   It's all so fake that it's funny,

I was almost on a show called "Uncover Boss" back when I was working the lifts at the ski resort in 2011.  Got through everything - here's an older 50+ newly divorced (and screwed by her ex in the settlment)woman knocking it out with the 18-23 years olds, using that 3 ft long drill, hauling poles around, running up and down the hill.  I thought the camerman was familiar (he was actually our resort owner), but i didn't think much about it.  It was all done except for the "reveal" to us.  THEN, the owner saw the episode with Hooters and pulled the plug on it.  When I found out what was really going on, I was mortified that I would have been on there!!!  


Oh well, it's The Real Housewives of New York City tonight - better choice than that "other thing" on TV tonight!!!  

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Good morning,  I think I may have watched The Housewives 3 or 4 times many years ago........ I am just not

into those shows......I know they have mega followings so they certainly don't need me watching to have good

ratings LOL


Kat, last night I watched reruns of Chicago PD on ION Television.............I love that show.


I have seen some of the news about the destruction from the storm in Louisiana.........omg..........it looks so bad.☹️

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This has been an almost normal week.  Three days now I have put on makeup and my going out capris/tops/sandals.  Wednesday I met with my knitting group, Thursday I had lunch with my son and today I have a nail appointment.  Big fun.

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3 hours ago, Lois R said:

Good morning,  I think I may have watched The Housewives 3 or 4 times many years ago........ I am just not

into those shows......I know they have mega followings so they certainly don't need me watching to have good

ratings LOL


Kat, last night I watched reruns of Chicago PD on ION Television.............I love that show.


I have seen some of the news about the destruction from the storm in Louisiana.........omg..........it looks so bad.☹️

I do reruns of Chicago PD quite a bit.  It's a good, gritty show.  When my dog was still alive, I'd leave the TV on for him when I went to work.  I always left it on the same channel so he became used to the voices of the same actors.  He liked USA because it had NCIS.  


Well, it was fast in/out for my lab this morning.  This time, it was only one tube of blood.  Went straight to Starbucks afterwards for a Venti 2% Latte and a turkey bacon egg breakfast sandwich.  In a much better mood now.  OOTD was another running skirt and Tshirt  since I never had to get out of my car for anything!  Love drive-up lab tests!!!

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Good Morning Everyone, we made an early morning trip to Trader Joe’s. (Look at me thinking that going 4 miles to a grocery store is a “trip”!) I finally remembered to buy the Jicama Wraps so I need some advice on prepping them for tacos. So Kat and anyone else who has used them-HELP!! Also,  I haven’t opened the package yet so wondering if they soft and pliable enough to use as wraps or is there a tip or trick for that?  I welcome any and all suggestions. If I don’t get this right DH will be reluctant to even try them! 

On the recommendation of a friend I bought a container of Plucots. Yummy! They are actually grown in the Valley so if anyone buys then, give them a good wash, a warning resulting from all the residue from smoke that may have settled on them.


The Housewives Series-well, if I argued and yelled at my friends like they do, I wouldn’t have any friends! They are all so over the top in their lifestyles that I can’t even begin to identify. I grew up in Orange County but certainly not that OC! All that said, I do watch some of them-Good way to divert my thoughts from real life. 

Kat, do you know when the Salt Lake series will begin? Wonder if they are filming now-can’t see how that will work out with Pandemic and it’s limitations.


Debbie, I too wonder about all the holidays that are ahead. It will be a very unusual year for sure unless some miracle happens. Not sure how we will handle it because it’s unlikely that an outdoor celebration with our daughter will be possible and our son and DIL live in the Midwest so getting together will not be possible for any of the holidays this year. 

Just a heads up about USPS delays. In the past 10 days I have experienced 4 different mail delays/problems. The worst was that I sent my passport renewal application Priority mail with an expected delivery date of Monday Aug 24-it finally arrived at it’s destination today, the 28th! Now if that is the situation with Priority mail, First Class doesn’t stand a chance. I am in no way making this a political thing, just a big concern, no matter the source or reason.  

Keksie, nice that you could have some normality in your week. 

Lois and Kat, thinking good thoughts about your test results. Debbie and Sally, hope you get your pedicures soon, Debbie, I wonder of LA will be off the list soon? 

cruisemom, how was your week-TGIF?

57redbird, how is your bath remodel coming along? 


Melody, hope the smoke and fires are under control. Our smoke situation is improving slightly but our air quality (different from smoke) is still not in the good range.

Take care all,







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good afternoon (it's almost noon here)   TV wise, we've been watching Umbrella Academy, & really enjoying it :)  Reality TV wise, I love HGTV shows...we've had a few of our listings (from my work) on house hunters  which is always fun (we're always the not picked,  & that's actually all done in advance... they've already bought, & the show finds the not picked house)   People on my team have been on several of the real estate shows, but I always say no, I'm like Kat, no desire to be on TV.     My favorite reality Tv is Amazing Race, & Survivor,  I wonder if those will be on in the fall...


Lois, I've been avoiding the news, but I hope the people in the path of the hurricane are ok.  


right now I've got two projects going,  a bird house for our front yard, & I'm making Limoncello,  the recipe I'm using takes 6 weeks, so I'll be patient & see what happens :)


hope everyone else is safe & well & keeping busy :)

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Sharon, good to hear from you :)   that must be so difficult for you, with your kids living far away during this.  We are lucky enough that our kids both live nearby, we get together outdoors every couple weeks, which I'm super grateful for :)  


Yes, mail wise, the last few months have definitely been different.   I am also not being political, but plan on hand delivering my ballot to the registars office (with a mask on lol)



Kelsie, hello there,  it's so intestine to hear how things are in different parts of the country,  things here are definitely not anywhere near the old normal :)

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45 minutes ago, purduemom1 said:


57redbird, how is your bath remodel coming along? 


Thanks for asking ---- awaiting the glass shower door, the access panel covering for the tub (so the plumbing can be accessed), the transition strip between the tile & the carpet in our bedroom hall & some drywall repair.  The floor, tub, toilet & sinks are all functional...can't get towel bars till we get the shower door & find out how much clearance we'll have.

It's a process but so far we like it...

BTW - I'm Pat & we live in Bremerton, WA.







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Good afternoon!  It sounds like all of you are doing well.  Yesterday, We actually got very brave and drove over to Orlando for dinner.  Very pleased to see everyone wearing masks, but they have been mandatory in a Orange County for over a month.  Dinner was at Cooper’s Hawk, so there was wine, also.😂. They seemed to be doing a great job with social distance, masks, etc.  I felt very comfortable there.  OOTD was a black and white maxi sundress with glittery flip flops and make up!  I even blow dried my hair and left it down instead of pulling it back in a ponytail, I think my husband felt he was with a new woman!  And I had a color coordinated Johnny Was mask, thanks to whoever recommended them as they have become my favorites! 

It was very sad, however, to drive up International Drive around the convention center and see what has basically become a ghost town. Very little traffic, no one out walking or taking pictures.  I think it will be a long time before the tourist areas recover in Florida. 





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We really enjoyed watching Amazing Race! I had never gotten into it before and DH and I started watching it...IDK earlier this year? We made our way through all 29 seasons that are offered with Prime on Amazon. There are a couple more seasons out there but I'm not interested in paying to watch it...


We just finished watching Season 7 of Alone. That's our other reality tv fave...

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Amazing Race 👍🏻.  Used to watch Survivor, got too same-o, same-o; wonder how they’d do with masks?


i got several masks today from Chicos ($15 for 3). Beautifully made, great silky fabric with filter pouch & adjustable earpieces...think I’ll order the other 2 sets. 

today is the first day under 92 degrees in over 2 months!  Cool & pretty windy (blew the smoke out!  Yay). Spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove (Les is excited) Melody 


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