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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

Host Sharon

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Sorry to hear your visit was not what you expected and good on you for raising your concerns and now he’s rechecking and having a meeting and it’s good you only have to wait until next week for better results 🤞

So sorry for your decision that you have had to make about your dog now but with the vet’s guidance and your decision you know it’s the best one you can give now , he’s had a wonderful life with you and you have lots of lovely memories with him that will stay with you forever 💐

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Good morning hope everyone's as well as can be 🙂


I hope you have a great time when the Grandkids come over to see you Michelle .

Blackpool, haven't been there for a few years now ,probably too busy sailing past

on cruise ships.

I remember once passing a tram stop and seeing two lovely young ladies but they 

were both sobbing there eyes out. 

Taking pity on them I said  " Let me take you into the cafe and buy you a cup of tea..

..Everyone feels better with a cup of tea "

They seemed reluctant at first so I offered to buy a cake as well they could share.

Once I got them settled with a cup of tea they seemed much better ..

That was until I passed them the cake and knife..

All I said was "Right ,who's going to be mother ?"  🙃


Hope you all have a great day .take care :classic_love:



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2 hours ago, Peanut006 said:

Morning everyone, hope you are all ok this morning. It is dull here today but sun forecast this afternoon so fingers crossed.


We have our grandchildren and their parents arriving today for the weekend. The girls are very excited as they are going to The Tower Circus tomorrow. 

I saw the oncologist yesterday, I had DCIS that was removed during an unrelated operation in April and he thinks I am clear now and probably need no further treatment. There was a lot of “thinks” that I wasn’t happy with. He didn’t have my full histology results and hadn’t seen my mammogram had in Dec, I wasn’t happy and felt like it was a wasted visit. He has agreed to get everything together and put it before MDT again and bring me back. 

Took the dog to the vet last night, his paw is getting worse, vet said next stage it will probably start bleeding all the time. We agreed before it gets to this stage we will let him cross the rainbow bridge with dignity 



A friend of mine had DCIS last year.  She had a course of radiotherapy. No hormone treatment.

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5 hours ago, Peanut006 said:

Morning everyone, hope you are all ok this morning. It is dull here today but sun forecast this afternoon so fingers crossed.


We have our grandchildren and their parents arriving today for the weekend. The girls are very excited as they are going to The Tower Circus tomorrow. 

I saw the oncologist yesterday, I had DCIS that was removed during an unrelated operation in April and he thinks I am clear now and probably need no further treatment. There was a lot of “thinks” that I wasn’t happy with. He didn’t have my full histology results and hadn’t seen my mammogram had in Dec, I wasn’t happy and felt like it was a wasted visit. He has agreed to get everything together and put it before MDT again and bring me back. 

Took the dog to the vet last night, his paw is getting worse, vet said next stage it will probably start bleeding all the time. We agreed before it gets to this stage we will let him cross the rainbow bridge with dignity 



I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with DCIS, hopefully you won't  need further treatment.  In 2020 I was diagnosed with DCIS which was removed under local anesthetic and I have not needed further treatment.  I have to have annual mammograms now but I take the view that at least I  know that I am being monitored and that if it does recur it will be picked up early.

I know how heartbreaking it is to have to let go of your dog but you must have lots of memories of his time with you that you can look back on. 

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8 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with DCIS, hopefully you won't  need further treatment.  In 2020 I was diagnosed with DCIS which was removed under local anesthetic and I have not needed further treatment.  I have to have annual mammograms now but I take the view that at least I  know that I am being monitored and that if it does recur it will be picked up early.

I know how heartbreaking it is to have to let go of your dog but you must have lots of memories of his time with you that you can look back on. 

I am glad you are clear of DCIS Josy, I have a feeling I will be going down the same route as you and just been monitored. It didn’t show on my mammogram last December and was just picked up by accident after a different operation and tissue analysis. I consider myself lucky it was discovered and removed.


We have lots of happy memories with our dog and hundreds of photos and videos 



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Had a busy day yesterday doing a test drive in a Toyota Yaris. Was very impressed so have put a deposit down and should get it delivered at the end of September. My Corsa is now 12 years old so has served me well.

Been cloudy and muggy here today. Got some financial stuff sorted online this morning and - eventually - managed to check in for my Aurora cruise. What a palaver. Tried to do it on my phone knowing a photo was requested. The front page was ticked indicating I had completed all my personal details but then another part said it still needed passport details and I couldn't print luggage labels until this was done. After re-entering it several times, I tried printing and it said it was downloading for ages before saying 'error'.

Switched to the laptop. Still wouldn't let me print but it said you can do it from the Booking Summary page. This time it printed! Then tried to print Boarding pass but it was the wrong size so didn't print everything on the page so had to muck about to re-size it.

Why is P&O IT so rubbish... I need a holiday now...😂

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I've just taken a trip over to Asda to pick up one or two bits, as I am now allowed to drive again, decided to be lazy and went by car. Listening to the car radio just before I got home the weather forecast said that it would be mainly sunny and 21c but there was the possiblity of the odd shower. Got home put the shopping away and sat down with a cup of coffee and it's raining! Good job I did go by car as I would have got pretty wet otherwise!


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55 minutes ago, Paddypuss said:

Took grandchildren on day out yesterday, love watching them play , then out for lunch. Lovely day but so expensive


 A friend complained that she hoped that her sons didn't have any more children because they were so expensive and she couldn't afford anymore. When I attempted to lighten the mood with the joke that; "But my goodness... they're free on the national health!" ... lead balloon just didn't come into it!

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I have just been watching a video clip that my niece has sent to me of her daughter's 13th birthday party last night.  I am glad that I decided that 12 13 year old girls would be too much for me.  My niece had managed to contact an ice cream man who used to be a friend of my brother and booked him to come for half an hour.  The squealing from the girls when they were told that they could have whatever they wanted was probably heard all over Stoke on Trent.  My niece's daughter was invited into the van to help to serve and all of her friends were videoing her serving so I guess that it will be all over social media today.

It was definitely different to the tea parties that we used to have for our birthdays.

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When I was little no expensive days out , don't remember going for days out with granny. There seems to be numerous soft play areas laser guns  big  attractions with fairgrounds etc, to spend a very large amount of money.We went local baths with jam sandwiches.

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We are going to a 9th, 40th and 70th party today.  Should be fun😄


Sods law, like buses, they all come at once, just had a call from my daughter and grandaughter.. shall we meet at Hampstead Valley for coffee and spend your money in the clothes shops!!!!   I was gutted to have to say no, they are great fun when we are out in a girly gang.  Still my purse and cards are happy!!!!!!!

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We are hosting our annual Druidfest today.  Seventy people expected and we pray the weather forecast of no rain after 3.00pm is correct.  Four gazebos up but no idea where everyone with go if the forecast is wrong.  Ten hours spent yesterday setting up but now can't do the final bits until later. We must be gluttons for punishment, every year I say no more and every year people plan it for us.  Guess it's a compliment they like to come but then it's not them setting it up!

Edited by Megabear2
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18 hours ago, Britboys said:

Had a busy day yesterday doing a test drive in a Toyota Yaris. Was very impressed so have put a deposit down and should get it delivered at the end of September. My Corsa is now 12 years old so has served me well.

Been cloudy and muggy here today. Got some financial stuff sorted online this morning and - eventually - managed to check in for my Aurora cruise. What a palaver. Tried to do it on my phone knowing a photo was requested. The front page was ticked indicating I had completed all my personal details but then another part said it still needed passport details and I couldn't print luggage labels until this was done. After re-entering it several times, I tried printing and it said it was downloading for ages before saying 'error'.

Switched to the laptop. Still wouldn't let me print but it said you can do it from the Booking Summary page. This time it printed! Then tried to print Boarding pass but it was the wrong size so didn't print everything on the page so had to muck about to re-size it.

Why is P&O IT so rubbish... I need a holiday now...😂

To cheer you up. Wine kept overnight on Aurora in Fixed  Dining but not in Freedom. 

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46 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

We are hosting our annual Druidfest today.  Seventy people expected and we pray the weather forecast of no rain after 3.00pm is correct.  Four gazebos up but no idea where everyone with go if the forecast is wrong.  Ten hours spent yesterday setting up but now can't do the final bits until later. We must be gluttons for punishment, every year I say no more and every year people plan it for us.  Guess it's a compliment they like to come but then it's not them setting it up!

That sounds fabulous. Do you dress up? Also is the date significant. My thoughts would have been 21st June 

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1 minute ago, happy v said:

That sounds fabulous. Do you dress up? Also is the date significant. My thoughts would have been 21st June 

Yes everyone dresses up quite an effort made by most.  We organise lots of silly games and run a quiz and treasure hunt in the garden.  This year to keep on theme we have ducks hidden around, some of whom have prizes written on the bottom of them. My neighbour's little girl has sent her inflated paddling pool round and announced the ducks will need somewhere to swim.  I'm just waiting to see which of my OH's rugby or football friends takes a swim in it. Just to confirm no pineapples apart from in the Pinacoladas!


The date isn't significant regarding the time of year, however we go for July because we have family and friends coming from as far away as Scotland, Leeds and the Midlands.  Generally that section of the family take a holiday in Weymouth for a week to tie in with the Carnival there in the first week of August so it means only one big trip down for them.  Most of my own family come from Essex and London so also a bit of travelling.  It's quite a performance booking local B&Bs and hotels. 


Thankfully the sun is now out with no clouds in sight and apart from a bit of wind the garden thermometer is now showing 24 degrees in the sun.

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11 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

Yes everyone dresses up quite an effort made by most.  We organise lots of silly games and run a quiz and treasure hunt in the garden.  This year to keep on theme we have ducks hidden around, some of whom have prizes written on the bottom of them. My neighbour's little girl has sent her inflated paddling pool round and announced the ducks will need somewhere to swim.  I'm just waiting to see which of my OH's rugby or football friends takes a swim in it. Just to confirm no pineapples apart from in the Pinacoladas!


The date isn't significant regarding the time of year, however we go for July because we have family and friends coming from as far away as Scotland, Leeds and the Midlands.  Generally that section of the family take a holiday in Weymouth for a week to tie in with the Carnival there in the first week of August so it means only one big trip down for them.  Most of my own family come from Essex and London so also a bit of travelling.  It's quite a performance booking local B&Bs and hotels. 


Thankfully the sun is now out with no clouds in sight and apart from a bit of wind the garden thermometer is now showing 24 degrees in the sun.

Sounds like a lot of fun. Fingers crossed🤞 it stays dry for you.

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1 hour ago, Megabear2 said:

Yes everyone dresses up quite an effort made by most.  We organise lots of silly games and run a quiz and treasure hunt in the garden.  This year to keep on theme we have ducks hidden around, some of whom have prizes written on the bottom of them. My neighbour's little girl has sent her inflated paddling pool round and announced the ducks will need somewhere to swim.  I'm just waiting to see which of my OH's rugby or football friends takes a swim in it. Just to confirm no pineapples apart from in the Pinacoladas!


The date isn't significant regarding the time of year, however we go for July because we have family and friends coming from as far away as Scotland, Leeds and the Midlands.  Generally that section of the family take a holiday in Weymouth for a week to tie in with the Carnival there in the first week of August so it means only one big trip down for them.  Most of my own family come from Essex and London so also a bit of travelling.  It's quite a performance booking local B&Bs and hotels. 


Thankfully the sun is now out with no clouds in sight and apart from a bit of wind the garden thermometer is now showing 24 degrees in the sun.

That sounds absolutely amazing. We used to do one on Bonfire night. Like you I kept saying I was getting too old, but they kept turning up! After the COVID break one of the younger generation took over. So we are now guests. It may happen for you. 

If the sun stays out I predict a lot in the pool

Enjoy yourself

'Jealous from Durham' x

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

It is 20°C and sunny here at the beach.

It is Pauline's lovely late dad's 15th memory today so a sad day.


Hopefully Pauline has lots of happy memories to dwell on too.

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