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How has life changed for you?


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For us hubby has took a 10% pay cut for this year to help the company and half of the company is currently on furlough, we believe that the half that’s still at work will be on furlough from 28th. 
all his hours have also changed which means that my shifts will not match his and we will have no childcare. This could mean the kids will have to go back to school. 
home schooling is the devil. I hate it, it’s awful and I wish I didn’t have to do it. 
my work is ok. But like everything if it continues then it will suffer. 

but on the bright side we are all still here. Spending time mostly in the garden with the kids, having a bbq or on the bouncy castle. Trying to stay positive. 

I feel like when we are in the house the little home bubble hasn’t changed much. It’s when we leave the house is when everything seems to have changed. 

hope everyone is doing ok. 

stay safe

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Feeling blessed to be in our bubble at the minute. 

Trying not to worry about the future as there is absolutely nothing we can do... 

My only priority is keeping us safe, which we are managing to do at the moment. 

Exit strategies seem a long way off. 

Keep safe & smiling as best you can. 



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We're doing well here.  Nothing has changed too much. I sometimes get a bit frustrated  when I have keep asking our gandson to get things for us. I know he doesn't mind but it's  makes me feel useless  not being able to do the little things I used to do without thinking. Like nipping  into Barnsley to pick up toothpaste and shower gel etc or into the market for fresh fruit and vegetables. Selfish thinking  really,   when you consider the big picture. Heather, our  grandaughter, is back to work next week now her maternity leave is over. She works at Pinderfields hospital in Wakefield and will be on the a covid ward along with  many of our wonderful NHS staff. I'm staying positive by gardening, baking and reading. We all just have to be careful, step safe and do our bit no matter how small. Stay well


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My heart goes out to all that have to home school their children at the moment, my daughters are also having a nightmare home schooling the kids all different ages and levels of work. My husband is a key worker and returns to work on Monday after having two weeks off which we were supposed to be on Arcadia to the canary’s, but since being in lockdown my in laws have become more dependent on me with health problems having dementia/stroke and heart problems, so I’ve become a lot busier with two 85 yr olds and blessed they are still here and safe 

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Never been so busy working. Makes a normal panic ridden January seem a breeze and I now know what working in a call centre must be like:classic_sad:!

In the face of adversity it's tough on the front line of accountancy! 

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I've been locked down for months now from being very active, not nice but I keep telling myself

things will get better in the long run .One of the hardest things for us was the grand kids catching 

winter bugs months ago and then the covid risk comes along meaning we haven't seen them in ages now.

My Sister had a birthday yesterday so I  rang to wish her happy birthday but only to find her in tears.

A newborn grandson of hers was born with one kidney and the other one is blocked, not working well.

She told me that today the baby is in Sheffield Children's hospital having a stent fitted hoping it will work.

What a worrying time for the family with everything that's going off.Fingers crossed for the little mite.

To quote Andy "feeling blessed to be in our bubble at the minute. Trying not to worry about the future." 

Until this covid passes and we have a roof over our heads and food in our belly's and we all stay healthy-ish,

then I'm happy for now.

Stay safe everyone .



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11 minutes ago, kalos said:

I've been locked down for months now from being very active, not nice but I keep telling myself

things will get better in the long run .One of the hardest things for us was the grand kids catching 

winter bugs months ago and then the covid risk comes along meaning we haven't seen them in ages now.

My Sister had a birthday yesterday so I  rang to wish her happy birthday but only to find her in tears.

A newborn grandson of hers was born with one kidney and the other one is blocked, not working well.

She told me that today the baby is in Sheffield Children's hospital having a stent fitted hoping it will work.

What a worrying time for the family with everything that's going off.Fingers crossed for the little mite.

To quote Andy "feeling blessed to be in our bubble at the minute. Trying not to worry about the future." 

Until this covid passes and we have a roof over our heads and food in our belly's and we all stay healthy-ish,

then I'm happy for now.

Stay safe everyone .



Oh bless the little fella, our thoughts are with him.. 


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59 minutes ago, Vampiress88 said:

it’s definitely a hard balance 


I just really hope we come out of it all fast. I am starting to worry for what the next few years might look like


I think it will be a slow and careful emergence from our hibernation for us all. Which it needs to be. I agree with Raab that this is something that can't be rushed and has to be carefully thought through. We definitely don't want to take 3 steps forward only to have to take 10 steps back. I do however think things will be different and will take a while to return to normal. It will take time for us to stop social distancing,  and maybe we will  again begin to appreciate what we always took for granted. You never know what you have until it's gone.


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27 minutes ago, kalos said:

I've been locked down for months now from being very active, not nice but I keep telling myself

things will get better in the long run .One of the hardest things for us was the grand kids catching 

winter bugs months ago and then the covid risk comes along meaning we haven't seen them in ages now.

My Sister had a birthday yesterday so I  rang to wish her happy birthday but only to find her in tears.

A newborn grandson of hers was born with one kidney and the other one is blocked, not working well.

She told me that today the baby is in Sheffield Children's hospital having a stent fitted hoping it will work.

What a worrying time for the family with everything that's going off.Fingers crossed for the little mite.

To quote Andy "feeling blessed to be in our bubble at the minute. Trying not to worry about the future." 

Until this covid passes and we have a roof over our heads and food in our belly's and we all stay healthy-ish,

then I'm happy for now.

Stay safe everyone 

 Sheffield Children's Hospital is a wonderful place as I know from our personal experience. He will be well cared for. My thoughts are with him and his family. Stay well kalos


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We always seemed to be living life at 150 mph and the last 2 weeks (our Easter Holiday) has seen us slowing down massively. It has taken a while to adjust but in some ways we are appreciating things so much more. The glorious weather of the last 2 weeks has helped and we've just enjoyed the garden and our local park so much more. The bird song is stunning.

Back to work next week, though it will be quieter than normal. Just all so surreal.


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2 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

it’s definitely a hard balance 


I just really hope we come out of it all fast. I am starting to worry for what the next few years might look like


Try not to worry about the unknown.  Whilst this is far worse than, for example, SARS, the world came through that and will come through this.

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I suppose in most ways I am lucky that apart from lockdown, I haven't been too affected.  Like many, spending hours at home has become a bore but I count myself as being very lucky to have a garden and living on the edge of woods and countryside.  The last few days I have been cheered up taking exercise by walking through acres of bluebell-clad woodland.  Being early-retired, I am also fortunate not to have the worry of an immediately reduced income.

Supermarket home delivery slots are rarer that hens' teeth around here so I do have to go shopping once a week, which makes me somewhat apprehensive - but as that's the worst I am living with, I will thank my lucky stars.

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15 minutes ago, Britboys said:

I suppose in most ways I am lucky that apart from lockdown, I haven't been too affected.  Like many, spending hours at home has become a bore but I count myself as being very lucky to have a garden and living on the edge of woods and countryside.  The last few days I have been cheered up taking exercise by walking through acres of bluebell-clad woodland.  Being early-retired, I am also fortunate not to have the worry of an immediately reduced income.

Supermarket home delivery slots are rarer that hens' teeth around here so I do have to go shopping once a week, which makes me somewhat apprehensive - but as that's the worst I am living with, I will thank my lucky stars.

Our experiences are very similar to yours. We know how lucky we are to be in this position and be able to enjoy beautiful outdoor space close by on our daily walks. We have rediscovered our local small shops and are managing to keep the dreaded supermarket visits to fortnightly or less.
We really miss our usual activities and seeing friends, but sadly feel it will be many months before we feel confident to mix with groups of people. 

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I have worked from home for 10 years so this isn’t a huge change for me. Hubby stopped commuting into London just over a month ago and i breathed a sigh of relief when he did. 


Foraging for online shopping slots has become a new hobby (not through choice) and when I do have to venture out it’s a surreal experience. Used a mask for the first time when I had to pick up something from the local shop - mixed emotions there - part glad I had a mask to use and also sadness that we are in such a state all over the world that I needed to use one. 


We live in the country now so we are exceptionally lucky to be able to walk without impinging or even really coming into contact with anyone - we wave at our friends and neighbours on the way to the river to take the dogs for their walks. 


My work has become hellishly busy so Easter weekend was the first chance I have had to take a proper rest and enjoy the quiet. 


We’ve all slowed down a bit I think, and embrace the smaller more successes and happy points in our lives. 

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Not massively different for us as we are retired and used to a more sedate lifestyle. We love sitting in the garden when warm which it has been most of the time since lockdown. We are surrounded by woods and fields and know all the local walks so no change with our daily exercise. The one thing we miss is meeting family and friends as this took up considerable time, and of course cruising, we should have been coming to the end of a 33 night grand cruise with 3 days in Tokyo. Keep safe everyone, ther is light at the end of the tunnel.

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6 hours ago, kalos said:

I've been locked down for months now from being very active, not nice but I keep telling myself

things will get better in the long run .One of the hardest things for us was the grand kids catching 

winter bugs months ago and then the covid risk comes along meaning we haven't seen them in ages now.

My Sister had a birthday yesterday so I  rang to wish her happy birthday but only to find her in tears.

A newborn grandson of hers was born with one kidney and the other one is blocked, not working well.

She told me that today the baby is in Sheffield Children's hospital having a stent fitted hoping it will work.

What a worrying time for the family with everything that's going off.Fingers crossed for the little mite.

To quote Andy "feeling blessed to be in our bubble at the minute. Trying not to worry about the future." 

Until this covid passes and we have a roof over our heads and food in our belly's and we all stay healthy-ish,

then I'm happy for now.

Stay safe everyone .



Oh Kalos, I really hope everything goes well.

After reading this it puts a lot into perspective so I will just say me and mine are fine and I have nothing to complain about.

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Well, life goes on here in South Devon.  Only difference is I work from home instead of going to the Harbour and I no longer do my watches for National Coastwatch at Prawle Point.  Not that there would be anything to watch, as nobody is allowed to do pleasure sailing and boating.


I walk the dog in the afternoon and my other half walks him in the morning.  I did have a little guilty sunbathe in the fields at the end of my walk 🙂


Otherwise, I go shopping once every couple of days.

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8 hours ago, kalos said:

I've been locked down for months now from being very active, not nice but I keep telling myself

things will get better in the long run .One of the hardest things for us was the grand kids catching 

winter bugs months ago and then the covid risk comes along meaning we haven't seen them in ages now.

My Sister had a birthday yesterday so I  rang to wish her happy birthday but only to find her in tears.

A newborn grandson of hers was born with one kidney and the other one is blocked, not working well.

She told me that today the baby is in Sheffield Children's hospital having a stent fitted hoping it will work.

What a worrying time for the family with everything that's going off.Fingers crossed for the little mite.

To quote Andy "feeling blessed to be in our bubble at the minute. Trying not to worry about the future." 

Until this covid passes and we have a roof over our heads and food in our belly's and we all stay healthy-ish,

then I'm happy for now.

Stay safe everyone .



Best wishes sent for a speedy recovery for your sisters grandson and for everyone on here.


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10 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

For us hubby has took a 10% pay cut for this year to help the company and half of the company is currently on furlough, we believe that the half that’s still at work will be on furlough from 28th. 
all his hours have also changed which means that my shifts will not match his and we will have no childcare. This could mean the kids will have to go back to school. 
home schooling is the devil. I hate it, it’s awful and I wish I didn’t have to do it. 
my work is ok. But like everything if it continues then it will suffer. 

but on the bright side we are all still here. Spending time mostly in the garden with the kids, having a bbq or on the bouncy castle. Trying to stay positive. 

I feel like when we are in the house the little home bubble hasn’t changed much. It’s when we leave the house is when everything seems to have changed. 

hope everyone is doing ok. 

stay safe

We are missing the freedom of going to the seaside and our 2 cancelled cruises this year.

Most of all we miss seeing our niece Sarah who lives in Newcastle 25 minutes drive away from us although we still facetime with her.

Edited by grapau27
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The biggest change for me is not working (should be home working soon which will be different), not seeing my grandson ( I normally look after him every Wednesday and he’s nearly 18 months) and having to shop for my parents.


John works in a Waitrose warehouse so nothing has changed much for him bless him. He had the long Easter weekend off so he loved pottering about the house and garden. Normally I’d be bugging him to go for a day out to the coast or a NT property! He was really sad to go back to work and I wish he could stay home in our bubble. I’m finding I really don’t like going out at all, I think some of us will stay home more after this is over.


One of my friends is getting bored at home but I really haven’t been, I’m quite content pottering about especially if the weather is good.


I know we’re lucky in that we still have money coming in but that doesn’t stop me worrying for him in case he catches it at work.I also worry about my parents (80 & 82) and my son who works for Sainsbury’s. 

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20 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

Sheffield Children's Hospital is a wonderful place


A quick update .The stent did not work so they did a tube replacement and baby is now in ICU .

Next week they will inject a dye to see if it has worked.

I only found out last night that he was born with only one kidney so lets hope this does work.

I passed on the good wishes from all of you on here and the parents say  ....

"Wow ,people we will never meet,giving support means a lot to us tell them Thank you."    

So Thanks and will post the out come .

You all take care ,


Edited by kalos
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16 minutes ago, kalos said:


A quick update .The stent did not work so they did a tube replacement and baby is now in ICU .

Next week they will inject a dye to see if it has worked.

I only found out last night that he was born with only one kidney so lets hope this does work.

I passed on the good wishes from all of you on here and the parents say  ....

"Wow ,people we will never meet,giving support means a lot to us tell them Thank you."    

So Thanks and will post the out come .

You all take care ,


Poor little mite. Sending my good wishes too, must be tough for you all.

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