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36 minutes ago, wowzz said:

Personally I don't think BoJo will say anything about cruising. Probably some indications as to when self catering holidays might be allowed, and tentative plans for hotels re-opening, but cruising will be kicked down the road.

We have a week in Cornwall booked for late May, a week in Dorset in Late June and our Iona cruise at the end of August. He must know that our Alaska cruise is off. Oh and 2 weeks in Minorca in September. Apart from allowing that, not too bothered.

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2 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

Why?  Those in the older age groups, and those in vulnerable groups will be, or will have been, vaccinated very soon, the younger ones are very unlikely to be ill with virus, even if they do contract it.

So your saying once the over 50's have been jabbed get all the teachers back to school?

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42 minutes ago, wowzz said:

Personally I don't think BoJo will say anything about cruising. Probably some indications as to when self catering holidays might be allowed, and tentative plans for hotels re-opening, but cruising will be kicked down the road.

I feel the same. I doubt that cruising is even remotely on the government radar yet. I’d be staggered if it’s even referred to in the road map, other than perhaps just to say that a decision will be taken once other forms of holiday have re-opened and proven to be safe. As I have said before, my hunch is that as cruising was the first type of holiday to run into difficulties during the pandemic then, for the same reasons, it will be the last to return to normal. 

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2 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

I feel the same. I doubt that cruising is even remotely on the government radar yet. I’d be staggered if it’s even referred to in the road map, other than perhaps just to say that a decision will be taken once other forms of holiday have re-opened and proven to be safe. As I have said before, my hunch is that as cruising was the first type of holiday to run into difficulties during the pandemic then, for the same reasons, it will be the last to return to normal. 

My view too. Just wish they would cancel my cruise in June, so we can draw a line under it.

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6 minutes ago, WECRUISEUK said:

So your saying once the over 50's have been jabbed get all the teachers back to school?

You do realise that teachers aren’t sitting at home? Most have worked through the pandemic teaching the kids of key workers and others. So there is no issue about getting them ‘back to school’ as most of them are already there! 

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6 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

You do realise that teachers aren’t sitting at home? Most have worked through the pandemic teaching the kids of key workers and others. So there is no issue about getting them ‘back to school’ as most of them are already there! 

I realize a lot are still there and doing a great job,my point is if he wants all of them to return on 8th march then at least give them the protection they want.

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1 minute ago, WECRUISEUK said:

I realize a lot are still there and doing a great job,my point is if he wants all to return on 8th march then at least give them the protection they want.

We all ‘want’ it, but have to accept that we have to wait until those scientifically proven to be more at risk of death from the virus are vaccinated first. As I said before, populist moves such as what you are suggesting will cost lives and that cannot be right. 

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7 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

We all ‘want’ it, but have to accept that we have to wait until those scientifically proven to be more at risk of death from the virus are vaccinated first. As I said before, populist moves such as what you are suggesting will cost lives and that cannot be right. 

Would younger teachers want it in preference, and at the expense of their older parents ?. I doubt it. Those most at risk first as the current procedures. Why do folk call for the police to be given preference?. Leave the list to the experts.

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1 hour ago, WECRUISEUK said:

If he wants the teachers back on 8th march at least let them have the first jab.

If they do that some older people will have to have their vaccination delayed, some may well die. Are fit young teachers going to decide who is unlucky.


IMO we have to stick to the 9 groups first as they are based on a greater risk of serious disease or death.


Controversially children should have several decades to recover from the effects of the virus, older people  maybe not so. The younger adults can wait a few more months.

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5 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

We all ‘want’ it, but have to accept that we have to wait until those scientifically proven to be more at risk of death from the virus are vaccinated first. As I said before, populist moves such as what you are suggesting will cost lives and that cannot be right. 

All they have to do is dedicate two days (next weekend) solely for teachers first jabs,to re-assure them about going back to the class room which will be full of pupils who will very likely have the virus.Waiting for group nine to be complete will take untill end of april,that's eight weeks stood in the full classroom,all i'm suggesting is two days.

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17 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

We all ‘want’ it, but have to accept that we have to wait until those scientifically proven to be more at risk of death from the virus are vaccinated first. As I said before, populist moves such as what you are suggesting will cost lives and that cannot be right. 


The list as produced for priorities will not only save more lives, but will help the NHS staff be able to manage the horrendous work they have had to deal with in the pandemic and will also mean that we can all get back to "normal or near normal" life much earlier.

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Re earlier question over and above impact of lockdown 


Just seen graph in paper, which shows by March 15th


Vaccination of over 70s


Will reduce cases by only 15% , just proportional to numbers vaccinated


ICU  beds usage by 35%


Hospital admissions by 59%


Deaths by 86% (by March 22nd)


The effects start slowly at beginning of  Feb and build up after then, basically parallel to build up of vaccine numbers but approximately 4 weeks later.

As people said we are starting to see it in numbers of over 80s being admitted to hospital. 


As this is over and above impact of lockdown 


If this is right when government reviews lockdown at end March things will look very much better , especially regarding deaths and hospitalization.  But if they've moved goal posts to case numbers then  say goodbye to  summer



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On 2/13/2021 at 11:57 AM, jaydee6969 said:

They are asking the 65-69's to book now in Southampton as my mother and the in-laws have all had letters from the NHS now. 

And as an update, I will be taking my mother along to her jab on Tuesday and the in-laws are booked for Wednesday.

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4 minutes ago, WECRUISEUK said:

All they have to do is dedicate two days (next weekend) solely for teachers first jabs,to re-assure them about going back to the class room which will be full of pupils who will very likely have the virus.Waiting for group nine to be complete will take untill end of april,that's eight weeks stood in the full classroom,all i'm suggesting is two days.


What about policemen , bus drivers  all who have much higher death rates that under 50s fit teachers.  The two days become more.


I see on the news that 60% of covid deaths were in the disabled, many of these under 65 are in group 6 (7.5 million ) surely we are not having fit young teachers jump ahead of them. At 7.5 million Group 6 is by far the biggest group, after they've been done the other groups will only take a week and a bit


Yes when we get to the under 50s then we can think about policemen,  teachers other public facing workers,  before otherd

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20 minutes ago, WECRUISEUK said:

All they have to do is dedicate two days (next weekend) solely for teachers first jabs,to re-assure them about going back to the class room which will be full of pupils who will very likely have the virus.Waiting for group nine to be complete will take untill end of april,that's eight weeks stood in the full classroom,all i'm suggesting is two days.

My wife is 65 and is having here jab next weekend. Thanks a bunch.

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2 hours ago, Windsurfboy said:

I don't care about for example if wearing a mask in shops becomes permanent  ,  but when will we be able to see family  and when can we go on holiday

But if you wear a mask in a shop for life and may do then it is reasonable to assume we will ergo have to wear them on cruise ships for life as well.

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1 hour ago, terrierjohn said:

Why?  Those in the older age groups, and those in vulnerable groups will be, or will have been, vaccinated very soon, the younger ones are very unlikely to be ill with virus, even if they do contract it.

Maybe because some teachers are dying. And maybe even because some of these kids when they go back to school might spit/cough on the teachers the way the police get it? I am sure that will happen.

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1 hour ago, WECRUISEUK said:

So your saying once the over 50's have been jabbed get all the teachers back to school?

No they should go back when the govt say that schools should re-open, as I explained the younger unvaccinated should be at very little risk of severe illness and very unlikely to die.

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Last Friday when I went for my Jab a guy stood in front of us was telling us how 

he was so sad that his sister had died of covid a week before and how he wished 

she was stood there with him . Less than 3 week and she had gone .

If you look back to posts earlier today , you will find a poster who is worried sick

about his wife who has serious health issues as we are about my SIL  in a serious 

health situation .Many others as well in the same situation . As much as we would

love to vaccinate all frontline vocations , we cannot .

I would not like to be the one to tell these people who are at high risk, to make way 

for others who are at much lower risk . We have to follow the science that seems to

be digging us out of this horrible situation . 

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7 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

Maybe because some teachers are dying. And maybe even because some of these kids when they go back to school might spit/cough on the teachers the way the police get it? I am sure that will happen.

If you have proof that teachers are suffering a higher mortality rate than other professions or trades who are still working, then please provide a link to the data.

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11 minutes ago, kalos said:

Last Friday when I went for my Jab a guy stood in front of us was telling us how 

he was so sad that his sister had died of covid a week before and how he wished 

she was stood there with him . Less than 3 week and she had gone .

If you look back to posts earlier today , you will find a poster who is worried sick

about his wife who has serious health issues as we are about my SIL  in a serious 

health situation .Many others as well in the same situation . As much as we would

love to vaccinate all frontline vocations , we cannot .

I would not like to be the one to tell these people who are at high risk, to make way 

for others who are at much lower risk . We have to follow the science that seems to

be digging us out of this horrible situation . 

Excellent post and spot on. x

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14 minutes ago, kalos said:

Last Friday when I went for my Jab a guy stood in front of us was telling us how 

he was so sad that his sister had died of covid a week before and how he wished 

she was stood there with him . Less than 3 week and she had gone .

If you look back to posts earlier today , you will find a poster who is worried sick

about his wife who has serious health issues as we are about my SIL  in a serious 

health situation .Many others as well in the same situation . As much as we would

love to vaccinate all frontline vocations , we cannot .

I would not like to be the one to tell these people who are at high risk, to make way 

for others who are at much lower risk . We have to follow the science that seems to

be digging us out of this horrible situation . 

Thanks Kalos, summed the situation up extremely well.  There are many out there in my situation and I know how they feel. It felt like winning the lottery when I had mine two weeks ago, I just want to feel like I have won a triple rollover when my wife has hers and hopefully in a couple of months life can start to return to some normality.  


Thanks those who have given us support, it is appreciated.

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16 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

If you have proof that teachers are suffering a higher mortality rate than other professions or trades who are still working, then please provide a link to the data.

As maybe but if the teachers are vaccinated and the kids can't spread it then there is no reason schools cant be open. But they are also saying the infection rate will increase if schools open. So you can't win can you.

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26 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

Maybe because some teachers are dying. And maybe even because some of these kids when they go back to school might spit/cough on the teachers the way the police get it? I am sure that will happen.

Teachers do not appear to be at higher risk than other occupations; at most risk, according to the ONS, are restaurant staff, factory workers, care workers, taxi drivers, security guards and nurses. I imagine you can add shop staff, bus drivers, prison officers, police, railway workers, and quite a few others to that list. Where do you draw the line? 


And yes, I might be biased - two of my daughters are in group 6, one with a serious chronic condition, the other with asthma. I'm afraid I would like them vaccinated, along with quite a few regulars on this forum, before members of any profession at lower risk; teachers at increased risk will be vaccinated along with everyone else in line with the scientific advice.



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5 minutes ago, bobstheboy said:

Thanks Kalos, summed the situation up extremely well.  There are many out there in my situation and I know how they feel. It felt like winning the lottery when I had mine two weeks ago, I just want to feel like I have won a triple rollover when my wife has hers and hopefully in a couple of months life can start to return to some normality.  


Thanks those who have given us support, it is appreciated.

I had mine on Saturday. The nurse said if you could sit in the waiting area for 10 minutes we will let you know when you can leave, that's to prevent you skipping down the high street yelling " Yippee, I've had my first jab." That can upset the younger folk.

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