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No more cruises with NCL. Mandatory Vaccines?


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9 minutes ago, graphicguy said:

Same here.  I have personally known people who passed away last year, who would still be here today if they would have have been able to get a COVID shot.  Those I know who survived COVID are not remotely the same, health wise, as they were before contracting COVID.


Following quackery, someone on a news channel, FaceBook, etc for COVID advice is a fool’s game.

All of this! Absolutely! I know some who have already had covid twice before receiving the vaccine as well. They will listen to crazy holistic doctors on YouTube  discourage the vaccine so they can prescribe Amazonian Tree bark and Aegean Sea seaweed instead and hopefully make some money for themselves doing so convincing people with their quackery. They listen to other bs propaganda political websites as well. I assure, what I am seeing everyday working at major hospital system is huge influx of younger ignorant unvaccinated patients ..... 

Edited by tallnthensome
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26 minutes ago, Sailing12Away said:

So, enjoy your cruise on Carnival as you will never catch me on there, and we will enjoy ours on NCL.

I will agree with the first 95% of your post.  I also hope that you have enjoyed your 4 NCL cruises in the past and your 2 in the future.  But, why are you bringing Carnival into play since they do not have an official policy at this point regarding vaccination requirements, only quotations as to where they may possibly be leaning. 

And why will you never be caught on Carnival?  Since all of your cruising eggs so far have been in the NCL basket you are missing out on what the various lines out there have to offer.  You of course can spend your vacation dollars however you want, but if I listened to those that put down NCL as the worst nickel and dime cruise line then I would not have had the 3 great cruises I had on the Escape, the one I had on the Bliss or the two in the future booked on the Joy and the Encore. 

NCL, Carnival, RCI and MSC all have their pros and cons but it's awfully short sighted to not do your due diligence and do extensive research on each line. If not, you'll be missing out on many great cruises.

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4 hours ago, wdsted said:

Why is this even a controversy?  If you're vaccinated, your chances of getting infected are almost nill, as are the chances of you infecting others.  If you're not vaccinated, you can infect others if you board infected or become infected during the cruise.  And, in doing so, you infect others. Other than an all-night rave with drunk and drugged out-people, name one other venue worse than a cruise ship for spreading a virus.  And if you think it's not a big deal to become infected or infect others, kindly keep you opinions to yourself.


Therefore, as an unvaccinated person, I am "almost nil" of a threat to you.  


NCL can make the rules for their cruises and that's that.  Will you also not attend parties, weddings, sporting events, etc. without knowing every person near you is vaccinated?  I don't plan to live like that.

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1 minute ago, cruisin07family said:


Therefore, as an unvaccinated person, I am "almost nil" of a threat to you.  


NCL can make the rules for their cruises and that's that.  Will you also not attend parties, weddings, sporting events, etc. without knowing every person near you is vaccinated?  I don't plan to live like that.

There’a already a class system forming of “vaccinated” vs “non-vaccinated”.   Social media and the conventional media are playing a big part in that.

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13 minutes ago, cruisin07family said:


Therefore, as an unvaccinated person, I am "almost nil" of a threat to you.  



But you are threat to yourself and others aboard a ship like you. What happens to you and others not vaccinated aboard ONE cruise ship it affects EVERYONE on what happens to that cruise while we all are on it. How do you not understand this? The ship gets 10 super sick unvaccinated passengers and the cruise is possibly  over for  EVERYONE because your selfishness set us back to square one and a cruise  cancelled mid trip possibly ..., SMH .....

Edited by tallnthensome
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1 hour ago, coffeebean said:

Then, why does the CDC advise people who have had Covid to wait at least three months to be vaccinated? The CDC does recommend people who have had Covid to get vaccinated.

No, the CDC advises that those that had COVID and received infusion treatments need to wait 90 days before getting the vaccine.  I had COVID in January (tested positive on January 13) and received my first COVID vaccine shot on March 10.  When I was offered the vaccine I made sure they were aware that I had COVID in January and after they checked they said that there was no reason to wait.  In fact - I know someone that had COVID at the same time as I did and received the vaccine less than a month after!


Oh, this is covered on CDC FAQ - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html

That FAQ doesn't specifically address a wait period if you DID NOT receive a monoclonal antibody infusion, but it does specifically say you need to wait 90 days if you DID...

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13 minutes ago, tallnthensome said:

But you are threat to yourself and others aboard a ship like you. What happens to you and others not vaccinated aboard ONE cruise ship it affects EVERYONE on what happens to that cruise while we all are on it. How do you not understand this? The ship gets 10 super sick unvaccinated passengers and the cruise is possibly  over for  EVERYONE because your selfishness set us back to square one and a cruise  cancelled mid trip possibly ..., SMH .....

“Tallnthensome” I am will to bet you that some of these people have never been on a cruise ship and are just trolling. They are on here just for the sake of arguing.

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1 hour ago, vpearlkc said:

All this talk about natural immunity vs vaccinated immunity doesn't concern me at all. I had covid in November and the vaccine in March. I also see no problem with getting vaccinated every year. I have been getting the flu vaccine annually for years.


The only thing I'm worried about is coming up positive on a required covid test and maybe being denied boarding on a cruise or international flight.

You have all bases covered. Congrats to you. I agree with your worries of being tested, especially if you wind up with a false positive test that could prevent you from traveling.

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42 minutes ago, tallnthensome said:

Yes, I'm aware of the fake cards for sale . I am not against testing and the results. Regardless ..... This is my concern. I like to sail cruises 10-14 days when allowed. You can test test test test test ..... if guests on board get sick with covid at anytime its the unvaccinated guests that are the ones that will get the sickest and at its worst possibly even die. Thats when the cruise line will have to decide to reroute, return, or canel a cruise mid trip thus ruining it for EVERYONE aboard.... A lot can happen on a 14 day cruise with 5000 regardless of just testing and that is to have everyone vaccinated for the best interest of all passengers, crew, and cruise ports and their citizens..... That is without a doubt the most reasonable and sensible approach. 

I understand exactly how you feel...for us we much prefer doing 14 day cruises mostly out of NYC and sadly feel that those may not quite be on the horizon yet. With regards to your points on vaccinations (which I totally agree with) I would like to add one more reason why I feel they will be required for quite some time into the future...it's simply called "Risk Mitigation" on the part of the cruise lines themselves...I'm  sure in the end all of them will end up requiring them even if only as a CYA legally.

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Today, if not for covid, would be our first sea day on a 9 day cruise on the Breakaway. We will not be able to cruise until 2023 due to limited vacation time. 


The one bright spot is that, I assume, cruising will have resumed and we will have some idea of how cruising and covid are shaking out 

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42 minutes ago, cruisin07family said:


Therefore, as an unvaccinated person, I am "almost nil" of a threat to you.  


NCL can make the rules for their cruises and that's that.  Will you also not attend parties, weddings, sporting events, etc. without knowing every person near you is vaccinated?  I don't plan to live like that.

Parties, weddings, sporting events, etc. are land based and not in the middle of a body of water. There will be no quarantining at a party or a wedding or a sporting event as far as I'm aware. These examples are like comparing apples to pineapples.


Folks don't want to their cruise vacation ruined by a Covid positive person or persons on board who require hospitalization and ICU care. That just may impact everyone on board.

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39 minutes ago, tallnthensome said:

But you are threat to yourself and others aboard a ship like you. What happens to you and others not vaccinated aboard ONE cruise ship it affects EVERYONE on what happens to that cruise while we all are on it. How do you not understand this? The ship gets 10 super sick unvaccinated passengers and the cruise is possibly  over for  EVERYONE because your selfishness set us back to square one and a cruise  cancelled mid trip possibly ..., SMH .....

I'm with you. Why, oh why, do people not understand this? It is a very simple concept to grasp yet they simply ignore what many many people have said over and over and over on these forums.

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Well that is it.  I thought CruiseCritic.com was about cruising.  The enjoyment of the vacation.  I thought we all had a kind of appreciation and understanding because we all loved to cruise.  Instead, a cruising blog has to debate the business decision of the cruise brand that has been shut down for over a year because of a pandemic that none of us created.


Now out of a sense of desperation to stay in business, many cruise companies are instituting a mandatory Vaccine policy.  Instead of just saying to one  self, I just won't get a vaccine which is my choice so it seems I won't be cruising on this brand; we make this a political BS battle and blame the brand that has not made a dollar in over a year.


If you don't want to get a vaccine, fine.  Your call. If you are upset that brands won't let you on board, tough.  There right.  Want to boycott them, your right. Now that every one has their rights in check, lets find a way to cruise and enjoying ourselves instead of debating science. 

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34 minutes ago, hallux said:

No, the CDC advises that those that had COVID and received infusion treatments need to wait 90 days before getting the vaccine.  I had COVID in January (tested positive on January 13) and received my first COVID vaccine shot on March 10.  When I was offered the vaccine I made sure they were aware that I had COVID in January and after they checked they said that there was no reason to wait.  In fact - I know someone that had COVID at the same time as I did and received the vaccine less than a month after!


Oh, this is covered on CDC FAQ - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html

That FAQ doesn't specifically address a wait period if you DID NOT receive a monoclonal antibody infusion, but it does specifically say you need to wait 90 days if you DID...

Thank you for clarifying the 90 day wait period. But, my point was that the CDC still recommends people who have had Covid get vaccinated. That is still true.

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4 hours ago, Sthrngary said:

You wrote a controversial Post.  You made a claim hoping others would support you.  At it core it was obviously political on a cruise board. Then you got lots of folks emotional about the subject.  Congratulations. Science supports vaccines.  Companies support science. People quote 24 hour news channels that have no scientific proof.  People make the rules on where the spend their money.  Your decision no to cruise NCL and every other cruise line that requires a vaccine  did not nor would not change any logical persons mind.  The fact you posted shows you think you have more ability to change peoples behavior because they want to follow you.  Now you see, they don't.  So it is watch your 24 hour channel, believe entertainers instead of scientist, think everyone is out to get you and while doing so, wave at the rest of up when we are cruising away. 

Oh my, I think you read way to much in to my post, which was in no way political.  I made no political comments what so ever.  I am not in favor of getting a vaccine that is still in the midst of clinical trials and I do have concerns for the safety of those who have rushed in.  On this board that makes me selfish.  I chose to get my information from sources outside of MSM...that's not political either...like everything, it's a choice.  And I certainly did not come her to get support in my stance.  I really don't care what anyone else decides to do...for now, we still have free will and I encourage everyone to use it..  I don't need support of strangers on a cruising chat forum. Like everyone else, I made a comment to a post that originated by an author who is also not willing to cruise under mandatory vaccines.  Clearly we are in the minority and I am a-ok with that as well. Like you, I love to cruise.  I won't be doing so for some time in light of vaccine requirements and that should make all of you breathe a sigh of relief.  I pray all of you stay healthy and mean none of you any harm.  As you once suggested, "you do you" and thank you, I shall.

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KnowTheScore appears to be a dedicated anti-vaxxer-here's his refusal to take ANY vaccine which he posted in late 2020


"I am more than willing to be so tested before boarding but I sure as hell won't be taking any Flu, Covid or other vaccines."

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4 minutes ago, Stallion said:

KnowTheScore appears to be a dedicated anti-vaxxer-here's his refusal to take ANY vaccine which he posted in late 2020


"I am more than willing to be so tested before boarding but I sure as hell won't be taking any Flu, Covid or other vaccines."

Busted..... Life long Anti-vaxxer apparently and now totally irrelevant.  Not getting on board anyway.....

Edited by tallnthensome
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4 hours ago, hoops71 said:

Just curious.  Was there this much controversy over the polio vaccine when if first was made available to the general public?  This many doubters?  Concerns?  Were there people claiming that we should just let natural or herd immunity take place over time?  

Unfortunately, there was plenty.  It's just the controversy did not spread via social media like it does now.  Any poison in the debate was more easily confronted by the medical experts.  Not like what happens today.





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I am scheduled for my second vaccine this week. In our family as each member was able to secure an appt we cheered and saw this as our way to return to normal. After a year of being extremely careful it felt as if a cloud had lifted. Having said that, it is up to each individual what they feel comfortable with. It is not my choice who decides to get vaccinated and who doesn't. But, a decision not to vaccinate could prolong this epidemic and cause more mutations to develop.


Cruise lines are in a tough spot. They haven't generated any revenue for a long time. Their best option to get going again is to have vaccinated passengers only to start with. Testing is important, but only a snapshot in time. Could test negative one day and positive the next. They are being asked to figure out what to do if they have covid cases onboard and this could be a real mess when dealing with many foreign ports, not to mention the liabilities involved. Private businesses have the right to make decisions that they feel is best for their business and at this point they say vaccinate.


No one is going to persuade someone else to "their side" of the debate on a CC forum. I will gladly sail with vaccinated only cruises, would not with unvaccinated passengers - at this point. Not sure if this is scientific or not, but that is how I feel and no one is going to convince me otherwise. I'm not going to waste my breath trying to convince someone who is anti-vax that I am right.



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7 minutes ago, vswan said:

I am scheduled for my second vaccine this week. In our family as each member was able to secure an appt we cheered and saw this as our way to return to normal. After a year of being extremely careful it felt as if a cloud had lifted. Having said that, it is up to each individual what they feel comfortable with. It is not my choice who decides to get vaccinated and who doesn't. But, a decision not to vaccinate could prolong this epidemic and cause more mutations to develop.


Cruise lines are in a tough spot. They haven't generated any revenue for a long time. Their best option to get going again is to have vaccinated passengers only to start with. Testing is important, but only a snapshot in time. Could test negative one day and positive the next. They are being asked to figure out what to do if they have covid cases onboard and this could be a real mess when dealing with many foreign ports, not to mention the liabilities involved. Private businesses have the right to make decisions that they feel is best for their business and at this point they say vaccinate.


No one is going to persuade someone else to "their side" of the debate on a CC forum. I will gladly sail with vaccinated only cruises, would not with unvaccinated passengers - at this point. Not sure if this is scientific or not, but that is how I feel and no one is going to convince me otherwise. I'm not going to waste my breath trying to convince someone who is anti-vax that I am right.



Point well made. I feel the same way. I have no intention of arguing with people I know nothing about and care the least bit about as to why I choice to do or not do something. Some of these people need to get a life and stop making CC their life.

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19 hours ago, Sailing12Away said:

No one's forcing you to get it. But you equally can't force companies to accept you on their cruise ships if you don't want to follow their rules. 

Exactly why I said I wouldn't be cruising.  I don't think I ever said anything about taking steps to force a cruise company to allow me to sail.  I merely said people shouldn't be forced to put an experimental anything into their bodies in order to participate in society.  That said, I don't care enough to fight the cruise lines over their policy.  I don't believe it will last and I can wait it out.

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