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The Daily for Saturday Apr 24, 2021


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39 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

So we get to meet on the 2022 Grand Africa! Are you on the Roll Call?


I hope we do get to meet on the 2022 Grand Africa!  Anymore I don't get my hopes up about a cruise until final payment time.  🤞


I have not joined that roll call yet.  They ask for an awful lot of information and photos so I've hung back from it.🤷‍♀️

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Thank you Rich and a GOOD warm yet drizzly morning to you all from Nashville.


Ah bookstores. I guess my generation is probably the last bunch of youngins who  spent our off hours endlessly perusing the vast aisles of bookstores (not unlike record stores too). Our local fav as college kids was one called Davis-Kidd Booksellers. It was a stalwart of 30 years and yet it succumb and was bulldosed down to put up some obscenely expensive shopping area many years ago. We still have one independent bookstore, Parnassus Books, and if you are down this way, it is worth a trip. I too do ebooks now. Easier on my eyes and easier to transport.


Birding or at least feeding them is a pastime here. My goldfinches have returned this year which was a wonderful surprise. I have lately been addicted to the youtube channel "Live Hummingbird Feeder Cam" out of Studio City, CA. In the afternoon I would bet they have 30 hummers at the feeders. It is so fun to watch. 


Pot Roast is a fav around here. I need to try one in the Instapot. Yes, I finally broke down and got one and I love it. I have used it almost everyday since it got here. Flo Lum on youtube finally convinced me. I enjoy her video recipes so I just had to say yes. 


That wine is good and cheap but I will admit Italian whites are my weakness. Pinot Grigio and Orvieto are our house wine. They go down way too easy.


The second Pfizer dose kicked my booty yesterday. I was in and out of bed and napped yesterday afternoon, which is unheard of. Feeling a bit better this am. Still downloading coffee so we will see once the progress bar is finished.


Prayers and kind thoughts to all on our list. Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing day!


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Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday!!  I woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep so just got up, too much on my mind today. 

Thank you for the Daily Rich. Interesting combo of days. We have several local bookstores here that DH visits on a regular basis. One is a “trading” bookstore, meaning that they buy, sell and trade, and more than just books, magazines, games, music, etc. I like watching birds but don’t consider myself a birder. Puppets are fun and I love watching young children watch puppet shows. 

Thank you for your lists Roy. I can’t wait to see you move yourself from the care list to the celebratory list after your surgery. 

The drink today sounded interesting but the cinnamon sounds weird to me. The meal suggestion sounds good and so does Roy’s but we’re having something easy tonight. 

I might not post in the next few days while I’m away, it just depends on the WiFi and how much time I have. I hope everyone has a great Saturday!!  

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Good morning all! 

It’s later than I realized, we’ve all slept in this morning, probably because it’s quite gloomy and rainy. I feel bad for our golfers, today is the annual Spring Fling tournament, and it looks more like a damp slog. 

Our independent bookstores were on their last legs and Covid may be the end for sure. I love birds, our yard here in Branson, as well as the one at home, attract a wonderful variety. I tried putting a bird identification app on my phone, but I haven’t found it helpful. I would prefer to grab one of my trusty bird books. Puppets are iffy with me. I watched Howdy Doody growing up and thought he was scary. I do like the Muppets (especially Elmo). Maybe it’s just marionettes that spook me.


I don’t have the makings for a pot roast (beef or pork), but it is a favorite of mine. I have a recipe using my electric skillet instead of the oven, which I would use in our RV. I love the drink and the wine. 

Haven’t been to South Africa, looking forward to some pictures of the port.


Yesterday was also a golf tournament here. Living along the 13th hole has an element of danger and excitement. 

Prayers to all on the care list 🙏 and cheers to all who are celebrating 🥂.


Take care,

St Louis Sal 



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Quick story about an independent bookstore.....Winter Haven  Florida has a bookstore that collects second had books from throughout the community. People bring them by the hundreds when houses change hands or houses are "cleaned out".


The books are carefully sorted and the best are placed on sale in the bookstore. The store is a favorite of people in Winter Haven and, each year, the bookstore earns $75,000 to $90,000, all of which is contributed to help make the library in Winter Haven one of the best in the country for a small market.


Everyone who works in the bookstore is a volunteer. There is no inventory cost as the books are donated. It's a "win - win" for the library and the community... operated by Friends of the Winter Haven Public Library. I'm proud to be president of that fine group.


I wish more communities would support their libraries in a similar way.




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2 minutes ago, DFD1 said:

I wish more communities would support their libraries in a similar way.


I have contributed many books to the one here in Ocala. There is a large room just inside the front doors where the volunteer bookstore is located. Have even bought a few, read them and then donated them back.

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Drizzle and gray skies again today. 


Pot roast is always a good choice, whether it is beef, pork, or a combination of the two (Mitzi's favorite)! Today would be a good day for one, but we have a Costco chicken carcass begging to be turned into soup...


Today in 2017 we were in San Diego after our Panama Canal transit. Our friends and travelling companions disembarked but we stayed on to make sure that the Eurodam got properly repositioned for the Alaska season. I am sure the Capitan and crew were greatly relieved to have our assistance. 


The Nimitz was in port and we watched it get maneuvered into its berth and surrounded by protective netting -



The USS Russel was also in port - 



We followed the USS Stevens as we headed out to sea towards Victoria -




Passing the New Point Loma Lighthouse - 



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Good Saturday Morning!

I love small book stores and art galleries and always search them out in new places and old favorites.   Sadly so many have disappeared in our ever changing world.  

West Africa cruise started in Cape Town after an amazing week including a safari lodge, so missed this port, but if I could I would spend more time there.

Love those grumpy chickens.

Thanks, Prayers and Cheers Everyone.  Keep positive thoughts about cruises to come.

Stay safe and well.


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Good morning.  We are actually seeing the sun today and it’s just breezy.  We got about 3/4 inch of rain yesterday.  In Texas, we rarely get a slow steady soaking rain.  We get what are called either frog stranglers or gully washers.


The only independent bookstore I know of is the used bookstore in Waco.  I read a lot, and after this past year, I have lots of books to take there.  I usually save my Kindle for cruises, but it is beginning to be easier to read than holding a real book.  However, I have so much credit at the book store and will have more when I finally go back, I’ll be reading real books for quite awhile.  We have a new library in town, but I haven’t visited yet. 

@mamaofami We are fortunate to have two independent pharmacies plus one in the grocery store in our little town. 

Enjoy watching birds and trying to identify some, but am not a birder.  I am not big on puppets except the Muppets.  

The quote is all right as far as it goes.  I feel younger until I look in the mirror or remember my age.  Of course, age matters with wine. 🍷

I not a big cocktail drinker, but I might like today’s drink.  I like a rum collins, but not a Tom collins as I do not care for gin.


We have been to Cape Town and Durbin, South Africa, but not Port Elizabeth.


Beef pot roast is always a hit here, and I use the pressure cooker function on my Instantpot, which really makes it easy to cook.  Sadly, I have everything in the house except the roast.


Stay safe, wash your hands, sanitize and wear your masks.  I just saw that Japan is in lockdown just three months before the olympics are set to open.  This is due to a spike in covid cases.



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I hope we do get to meet on the 2022 Grand Africa!  Anymore I don't get my hopes up about a cruise until final payment time.  🤞


I have not joined that roll call yet.  They ask for an awful lot of information and photos so I've hung back from it.🤷‍♀️

The information is for the photo book, which is optional or joinable at a later date. You can join the roll call without giving out anything more than your user name, and just sort of lurk.

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1 hour ago, St. Louis Sal said:


Yesterday was also a golf tournament here. Living along the 13th hole has an element of danger and excitement. 





We live on the 7th.....which is often a mortal challenge....:)



Our view 5-9-19.jpg

Heron and Egret sharing the pond on New Years Day 1-1-20.jpg

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Good morning all!

It sounds like many of us are having some rain now.  The garden really needs it, I'm not sure it will need as much as is forecasted in the next few days though! 

Pot roast sounds so good, especially because it's turned cooler here today. But not today, not sure what will be for dinner. 

I've had this wine on a BHB and here at home and enjoyed it.


Never have been to this port, looking forward to any photos. 

Have a great day everyone!



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Good Morning, Happy Saturday and Thank You for the Daily!✏️

South Africa still on the Bucket List....someday? Looked at Oceania and two of their ships have S.A on part of their itinerary but no Port Elizabeth. 

👍When I hear the word Book Stores, I think of the movie "You've Got Mail"💻 .......I'm a convert to the Kindle and the Libby App through our local public library. 

Prayers to all in need!🙏

FB_IMG_1619274906920 (1).jpg

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Good morning. Just got back from the grocery store. My usual shopper is out of town so I thought now was a good time to really stock up on some odd ball things. Got all on my list and a bit more .... but no pot roast. That will come in a week or so when I work through what is in my freezer now.


I am not much of birder although one of my friends is. She also has multiple cats that I used to chase away from my feeder.... go figure. She and her cats have moved and the current cat owners seem to have indoor cats which is a good thing since we are on a fairly busy street.


We still have a number of independent books stores in Durango and so far they are holding on. One, Southwest Book Traders, is run by a real character who I see looking for books at auctions and thrift stores. He has some very interesting stuff... lots and lots of it We have a joke that if George is seen interested in something it is probably badly underpriced.  He buys more than books. You sort of inch through the accumulated piles. I try not to go in since I am trying to get stuff out of this place, not in. My back bedroom is bookcases wall to wall.


Weather here is sunny and warm although they are threatening us with a freeze next week. Our sprinkler system is turned on but I am adjusting it so it does not go on at night..... we do not need a skating rink in the back yard.  It will be ok if the temps don't get too low.One more thing to worry with.







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Good morning and thank you once again for the Daily!


Bird watching is good fun.  Count me among the "birders."  Years ago we took the bird-watching excursion in Mazatlan and enjoyed it so much that we now look for those wherever we go.  They typically get you out into beautiful natural habitat country, so even if you don't run into particular birds, it's always a day well-spent.  

We see all kinds of birds from our backyard, as we are on a canyon and lake. Owls, hawks, water birds, roadrunners, finches, quail....I could go on and on.  Love my birds.  🦆🦉🐦



Have a great day, Everyone!

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33 minutes ago, Rowsby said:



We live on the 7th.....which is often a mortal challenge....:)



Our view 5-9-19.jpg

Heron and Egret sharing the pond on New Years Day 1-1-20.jpg

What a gorgeous hole! I often wonder if any of the wandering birds ever get beaned. I know the two oaks by us get smacked a lot. We’ve messed with the rough a bit because the retaining wall between our house and the neighbors needed replacing and they had to do some contouring. They told me they found quite a few golf balls. 

I admit that, despite the danger, the bad golfers are more fun to watch 😂


St Louis Sal

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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

 Hey Rich, great Daily today! Thanks.

Good morning to my sister's and Roy.


Hey guess what I have in the crock pot?


Running to Farmer's Market and market-market. Will check in later.


Prayers and Cheers



Omigosh!  You put mushrooms in your pot roast too!  I have folks tell me I'm weird because I always put mushrooms in mine.  But -- other than dessert -- I can't think of a single dish that isn't improved by the addition of fungi.

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Good morning from the soggy Oregon coast.  Wet and chilly but our pellet stove is working away and warming me up.

Love bookstores.  Especially Powell's in downtown Portland.  When our kids were growing up it was the best excursion ever for us.  They were told they could get 2 books and we could leave them for over an hour in the kids section and they browsed to their heart's content.  Often we came home with more than 2 each!!  LOL.  Of course now we all read on our kindles but pre-covid we would take the grandkids there and they got to shop!  I still prefer holding a real book but traveling with the kindle loaded with reading is much easier.  In days past, one of the first places I would go after boarding a ship was the library.  

We have been to South Africa but on a land tour of our own with our son when he was in Peace Corp in Namibia.  Beautiful country and great wine. 

Thanks for all the news.  Keep wearing your masks and stay safe.  


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