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The Daily for Sunday December 19, 2021


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Today is Look for an Evergreen Day, Oatmeal Muffin Day, and Holly Day

"We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life. - William Osler"

Meal suggestion for today - Creamy Paprika Pork

Drink of the Day - Mai Tai

Wine of the day - Camille de Labrie - France - Red

Destination of the Day - Drake Passage and Cape Horn

Ships with Passengers

Amber Cove, Dominicana, Puerto Plata
Eurodam 08:00 - 17:00

Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida
Nieuw Statendam 07:00 - 16:00

Freeport BS
Nieuw Amsterdam Florida 07:00 - 16:00

San Diego, California
Koningsdam 07:00 - 16:00

Willemstad, Curacao

Ships without Passengers

Corfu GR

Great Stirrup Cay
Noordam Anchorage

La Paz MX
Westerdam Anchorage

Rotterdam NL
Oosterdam Shipyard

San Diego CA US








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Thank you for the Sunday Daily, Rich.  A great selection of days.  Would love an oatmeal muffin but only on a ship or from Timmies.  I love the Osler quote.  I'd prefer the pork without the "creamy".  I have great memories of Cape Horn, although both it and the Drake tend to be quite stormy.  It looks like Zuiderdam and Koningsdam will be together today, followed by Rotterdam, Eurodam, and Noordam on Wednesday..


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui and healing as Jose declines
Himself with Covid

 Midwest tornado area
Welfare of furloughed crews
Seasick Sailor’s friend Walker wthdrawing from cancer treatments
Eruptions in Las Palmas and Indonesia
kakalina with spreading lung cancer in hospice
StLouisCruisers Niece DH with throat cancer surgery 12/20
lazey1's BIL with Covid
From the rotation:
My travel agent recovering from esophageal blockage
Grapau27 awaiting MOHS surgery 24 Decenber with pre-test 21 Decenber
summer slope BCC surgery in February
positive biopsy for Mtn2Sea appointment early January


Celebrations and Shoutouts:


5 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
4 days for Zuiderdam
4 days fir Ichib an Nekko (Nieuw Amsterdam to 1/8)
3 days for Rich and Sharon, garlicgtown and Av8tix (1/9)  (Rotterdam to 2 Jan)
Lindaler (2 Jan) and Seasick Sailor(Rotterdam to 1/16) , MissG (Nieuw Statendam to 1/9),  NCTribeFan and JAM37 (NA to 12/23) at sea
Welcome home Sea Viewer and Crazy for Cats

50 years for @Rowsby
Happy Birthday Aliaschief DD and DGD)
Surprise visit Monday from Niece for Durangoscots
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female staff captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




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Good morning everyone and thanks for the Sunday report. You don’t have to look very far to find an evergreen or holly this time of year.  The oatmeal muffin sounds good but I don’t think that I’ve ever had one. I like today’s quote and the meal suggestion sounds like it could be good depending on the recipe. I love the occasional mai tai. Prayers for all those on our prayer list and cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today.

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Good morning.  Thanks for the Daily Report.


An oatmeal muffin sounds good, maybe I'll dig out a recipe.  We have evergreen trees and holly growing in our yard.

Love the quote.

The meal sounds tasty, looking forward to seeing the recipe.

Wish I was in the Crow's Nest having a Mai Tai.  Hope the wine is good.


Looking forward to seeing pictures of today's destination. 


Prayers for everyone on the Care List.  Cheers for all the celebrations.


We had a dusting of snow overnight, not enough to shovel but everything looks so pretty.

Have a wonderful Sunday. 

Stay safe.

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Good afternoon from a misty and wet NE England.

Thank you for today's daily and fleet reports Rich.

Thank you Roy for the care, rotation and celebration lists.

A nice list of days today.

Evergreen trees and Holly are appropriate for this Christmas season.

Excellent quote today.

Nice food but I will miss on the wine.

Looking forward to photos of today's destination.

Prayers 🙏 for everyone on the care list today.

Take care and stay safe.



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Good morning Rich. Thanks for the Daily.


Anyone hear from Jacqui or Father? They are in our thoughts and prayers. 


Arrived bright and early to a beautiful morning in Curacao. No tour for us today. Decided to wait til lunch time and go downtown.


After all the door slammers left for the day, I ran up to Dutch Cafe for a couple of coffees and we're having a peaceful morning on our balcony. There's music below with dancers welcoming us.


A lot of concerned conversations regarding the new Covid Omicron. 


Will catch up later.



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Thank you for today’s Daily Rich. Safe travels tomorrow. 

Jacqui and Jose, praying for answers and success!  

Just a mini visit. I have family staying with me. And the gremlins are back. 🤬


First Friday’s amazing moon w/halo. 



A quick smile….



Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating. Stay well everyone!


Camille de Labrie

This Bordeaux red sounds amazing. Exceptionally loved by consumers. And very reasonably priced. The 2019 vintage seems easy to find online with prices starting at $11.99.


The wine Camille de Labrie is a Red wine produced in the Bordeaux region in France, by Château Croix de Labrie. This 2019 vintage comes from the Bordeaux appellation.

Tasting notes


Robe dense et grenat foncé, tirant sur le violet dans sa jeunesse.


Notes de fruits noirs avec des effluves empyreumatiques de cuir et de torréfaction.

Wine Floral | Fruity | Gourmand | Mineral | Spicy


Un vin gourmand, rond, charmeur. Une belle structure, élégant avec des tanins ronds et soyeux, avec des notes de fruits noirs, épices, réglisse.

Wine Fleshy | Fruity | Gouleyant | Round | Spicy

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Good morning! Getting ready to hit the road and drive home. As always it’s been great visiting daughter and family.


Quote is a good one especially in this “Me Me” world we live in.


Prayers for all and may all of you have a wonderful and safe week as we begin this joyous holiday week!


Thanks Rich and to all our guest editors!

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Good Morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebrations Report. And thank you everyone for caring and sharing! Happy Weekend to all!


Watched the Nieuw Statendam sail in this morning. It reminded me of the fantastic 20 days we spent aboard her at the end of 2019. Nice to see the Carnival Sunshine docked there as well. We are doing a short 4-night cruise from Charleston in April aboard her.


- Jack


Edited by Heartgrove
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Good morning and thanks for the update.

  I never made it to the concert last night,.

I tripped over one of my cats and landed on my hand, it’s now a lovely shade of purple, especially my little finger.I may go to urgent care, no way am I going to the ER. I can move it, so I don’t think it is broken.Just another day 😢

      Blessings and prayers to all on our lists ❤️🙏




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3 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update.

  I never made it to the concert last night,.

I tripped over one of my cats and landed on my hand, it’s now a lovely shade of purple, especially my little finger.I may go to urgent care, no way am I going to the ER. I can move it, so I don’t think it is broken.Just another day 😢

      Blessings and prayers to all on our lists ❤️🙏




Yikes, hope your all right.  I understand about the ER, I would have to be having a heart attack before I would go there.

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Good Morning from  a warm and sunny day at the beach

        I love the smell of evergreens but there are none here. I had a very difficult time finding  some to decorate for Christmas, Ended up at a nursery in Orlando. 

     Pork was on the menu for today , but our friends invited us to join them on their boat. So we are going, always fun. 

     Have not been to todays port. It was on our cancelled S. America/Antartica trip. Hopefully we can go at another time.

      Continued prayers for Jacqui @kazu and Jose.  Hope to hear an update. 

      Dafe travels to all that are traveling this week. All those cruising, enjoy and we look forward to your reports on your return.


Stay safe and enjoy today 


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@1ANGELCAT, I am so sorry that you had a kitty accident.  They do have a way of getting underfoot.


Thank you so much for the Daily!  I come here to visit every morning, during the work day and before I go to bed at night.  It's like getting a hug from a friend.


Today is our trip to the Farmers market.  I have gotten to the point where i am tired of planning meals for a week.  Told DH last night that I'm thinking of just going back to veggies.  This way I can have all the best tastes from childhood Christmas minus the meat, which I can do without.   Creamed onions, butternut squash, salads.  And maybe a granola muffin.😁


I hope you all have a day full of wonder, and find an evergreen.

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22 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update.

  I never made it to the concert last night,.

I tripped over one of my cats and landed on my hand, it’s now a lovely shade of purple, especially my little finger.I may go to urgent care, no way am I going to the ER. I can move it, so I don’t think it is broken.Just another day 😢

      Blessings and prayers to all on our lists ❤️🙏




I'm sorry you missed your concert last night and really sorry you fell over your cat and bruised your hand.

I hope you have not done any more damage.

I hope this Cheers you up.



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Good morning everyone. Love muffins and any kind would be good.

We are vacillating between having or canceling Sam’s birthday party right after New Years . There will be 15 of us, all immediate family. My main concern is our one daughter and two grandsons who will be flying in from LA on the 29 th. Not sure how they will celebrate NYE or if they can take a rapid test that morning. One grandson will be spending two days in NYC with his friends who live there now. I have already ordered the food and a driver to take the LA grandson to the airport because he has to be at work the next day. 
Stay safe everyone,


Edited by mamaofami
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We've done five Drake passage crossings and as I recall only one of them was rough. The best we had was on the Zaandam in 2015 and we managed to get some rather good photos of the Albatross monument on Cape Horn. It is in honor of the estimated 10,000 seamen who gave their lives attempting to round the Horn. It was erected in 1992. This is definitely the closest we came on any of the crossings.

Cape Horn (4).JPG

Cape Horn (6).JPG

Edited by tjcox9
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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!   Although we don't have a Christmas tree in our house, we have a few evergreens in our back yard that I can see every day of the year.  I haven't made oatmeal muffins in a long time - usually I use a mix rather than from scratch.  I've always loved the look of holly, even though it's got those hurtful spikes.


For those who are wondering, I had a brief communication from Jacqui - there's nothing really to report at this time, but she's grateful for all the prayers and well wishes.  I say we keep the prayers coming and that we hope for a Christmas miracle for her and Jose.  


With the new variant, and our cruise about 6 weeks away, I'm starting to get a little nervous.  I know we'll be sailing with fully vaxxed people, but the fear is starting to creep up a bit.  I spoke with our lovely TA who assured me if we needed to, we can cancel because we have HAL's platinum plan, but I still have concerns.

I saw this yesterday and it gave me a good chuckle; I hope it does the same for you:



Just a couple more things to do before I'm finished in the kitchen before Christmas - I have 1 more batch of Christmas Crack to make, and then DS's favourite frying pan cookies where I basically remove all of my fingerprints with the hot mixture.  LOL  The things we do for our kids, right?!?


I like today's menu suggestion, but don't have any pork on hand.  Because we'll be leaving mid-week, I think it's time to dig around the fridge to see what we need to finish up before leaving for the week.  I know there's ham in there, so will likely make up a ham and noodle casserole; served with a crunchy coleslaw, it will be a good dinner for us on a cold winter's night.  And wine.




Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Jacqui, Jose, and his medical team, and for everyone who has experienced loss at this time of year.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay warm, get your boosters, wear your masks, wash your hands, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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