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The Daily for Wednesday 01/12/2022


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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


I love hot tea and drank a few cups yesterday. A salute to pharmacist. Feast of Fabulous Wild Men made me chuckle. Thank you for the explanation Graham @grapau27.


The quote is great advice, I've always heard to watch how they treat their Mom. The meal sounds good.


Drinking coffee with a heating pad on my neck/shoulder area, but I will switch to hot tea again today in hopes it will help clear sinuses. (Ears feel much better and no headache. Now to get the nose and eyes to clear.)


The shower is on hold until the part needed to continue is delivered tomorrow. So, a small project or two and that's about it for us today.


@ger_77 Gerry, sometimes those impromptu conversations are the best. Also, it may be filling a need of someone in the group...who knows.


@smitty34877beautiful picture of Camilla.


Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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Wow! What a struggle getting on and CC working correctly. After this battle felt like I should be receiving combat pay again!


It’s off to the car dealer this morning for routine maintenance and probably one of those unexpected $$$$$ maintenance recommendations versus just tire rotation and oil change!


It was 39 degrees F this morning with a forecasted high of 59. Should have retired further South!


Thanks for the report Rich. Roy your contributions are always appreciated.


So looking forward to sitting in a dealer’s waiting room, masked up and finishing reading the daily.


Have a great day everyone.



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@StLouisCruisers I do remember snowmageddon.  I was working in Midtown, and my boss who grew up in Syracuse, told me she would give me a ride home.  We live 3 miles from each other, and only 11 miles from work, so we got on the highway side road, took a bunch of "through the country" roads, and by the time we got near my house, I told her to drive slowly through the church parking lot,  and don't stop, and I jumped out and she was able to keep the car going.   I walked home from there (about 1/2 mile) and she got stuck on a side road after two cars went over the edge and down into a house.  It took us two hours to get to my neighborhood, and it took her 5 hours to get to her house.  But most of my co workers never made it home until the next day.


Grocery shopping today, thinking a nice bowl of Chili will be nice on Sunday.

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Happy Wednesday!  I worked in Rome for two years and love Italy!  There is lots to see in civitavecchia without going into Rome- but it is easily doable by train which takes about an hour each way.  Of course with COVID,  who knows?


A lot of concerts and museum events are being cancelled right now in St Petersburg.

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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Cruise Critic USUALLY will automatically load a .jpg file as a photo, but ONLY if the link starts with https.  I learned that the hard way trying to load blog photos from blogspot.  What I am doing to get your meme to load was just adding an "s" to the link.  If the site is not secure that should not work but in most cases adding the "s" does work,  I just changed the http in your link to https and voila:





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Good morning, everyone.   Today is starting out as a nice day but we're supposed to get rain later on.  Here's something to get us all started today.




Nothing much planned for today except the pool and laundry.  Yeah!


Today's meal sounds really good.  And, they are super easy!   https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/chicken-pesto-roll-ups/



This one might be a little more work, but they sure do look like they are worth it!   https://natashaskitchen.com/chicken-pesto-roll-ups-video/




This one is paleo, gluten free and dairy free.   https://blog.paleohacks.com/chicken-pesto-roll-ups/




Prayers for those in need and cheers to those who are celebrating.   Enjoy!



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56 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@StLouisCruisers I do remember snowmageddon.  I was working in Midtown, and my boss who grew up in Syracuse, told me she would give me a ride home.  We live 3 miles from each other, and only 11 miles from work, so we got on the highway side road, took a bunch of "through the country" roads, and by the time we got near my house, I told her to drive slowly through the church parking lot,  and don't stop, and I jumped out and she was able to keep the car going.   I walked home from there (about 1/2 mile) and she got stuck on a side road after two cars went over the edge and down into a house.  It took us two hours to get to my neighborhood, and it took her 5 hours to get to her house.  But most of my co workers never made it home until the next day.


Grocery shopping today, thinking a nice bowl of Chili will be nice on Sunday.

The forecast here in the NW Georgia mountains for Sunday is rain and snow with a high of 36! Sounds like a cold mess to me. Chili was already on my menu for Sunday and now it seems like an even better idea. Comfort in a bowl.


Stay safe.

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Good morning, all! It has been raining madly here all night, and is supposed to continue today. The snow is mainly gone, except for where it was piled or drifted. Fingers crossed it doesn’t flood! I am going shopping with DH today - my first day out of isolation and back into the world in a limited way. 
The gingerbread house is doing nicely. Having a heads up on gremlin activity though, I’ll save pictures for tomorrow. I’m glad to see the picture of Miss Camilla posted, though.

Happy Wednesday. Please note that though I announced the wrong day yesterday, at least the right mat was posted. When memory fails, trust the BHB!😉


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The chicken sounds delicious! Not so much the drink of the day - I’ve never been a fan of “mules”. I would definitely try the wine. I was never much for white wine until I moved from the frozen north (MI) to hot TN. Just can’t drink a dry red when it’s 95 degrees with 95% humidity! One thing to be said of the South - they are the best at making iced tea! Unsweetened of course, since I’m still a Yank. 
My last trip to Civitavecchia was on the Prinsendam. I took the train to Rome and got off at the San Pietro stop, thinking I was going to walk to my hotel by cutting through the Vatican. Nope - it was Sunday and the Pope was doing his speech. I came around the corner and was shocked at the throngs of people. I’m thinking “what the heck is going on?” As I walked around the colonnade I heard him speaking. I was so excited! Whipped out my iPad and took pictures and a short video. I just stood there with my luggage (being a sailor, I travel light), transfixed, until he was done. Then… I had to take about a mile detour to get to my hotel because they had the whole area blocked off. Ugh… it was a very warm day so by the time I got to the hotel, I was pooped. They offered me a lovely adult cocktail while I waited for my room, which made it worth the hassle 🥰. It was so good I had another…


@richwmn - your rating badge looks like a CT one. I used to be a CTI in my previous life…

yes, this is my first Daily post. I have enjoyed reading them!


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Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday!  

Craig will definitely celebrate hot tea day, that is his morning drink of choice. Not so sure about the wild men day. Pharmacists are very important. 

I haven’t read the Daily yet so I’m interested in Debbie’s recipes. I wanted to post first before the gremlins got me. 

Speaking of recipes, our ladies group are putting together a cookbook of 3 of our favorite recipes from the past year. I submitted my Carnitas Burrito Bowl and Spinach Quiche recipes and need to think of a third one. It’ll be fun seeing what our favorites are. 

@smitty34877 What a beautiful baby Little Miss Camilla is!  Thank you for the new picture. 

Have a great day everyone!



Edited by Sharon in AZ
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When I last posted a photo from my 2016 trip that featured Crystal Symphony to Antarctica I was on QM2 approaching Southampton.  On January 10 I transferred to Queen Victoria and January 12 was our second sea day on the way to Ponta Delgada and onwards to Fort Lauderdale.




We've had talk today about snowmageddon.  I booked the Cunard crossings so I could avoid flying from Maryland for a bucket list cruise.  The day I would have flown was the Blizzard of 2016 with about 30 inches of snow in Maryland.  The only thing I saw of that monster storm was a whole line of people trying to reschedule flights in Miami Airport.



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Good morning!

Amen to the quote, and to Graham’s mention of the Golden Rule.  It can be amazing how a modicum of power can make people forget that they’re — just people.

We spent a very enjoyable 24 hours in Civitavecchia before our most recent (not saying last!) cruise.  Walkable, pretty, friendly, and of course good food and drink.

@marshhawk I’m glad to hear there’s a little work coming your way.  You’ve given me, and probably some others, a fresh perspective of telemarketers.  I know, I know, I should refer to my first comment!

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Good morning, 

I'm a "tea granny" from the word go. Can't handle coffee at all. I have quite a collection of Murchies Teas and rotate throught them. Some favorites include Mint, Library Blend, Editors Blend and Earl Grey Cream. My walking partner and I have tea and cookies when we get back from our walk. However, that hasn't happened for quite a while due to snow, DH's finger, etc. Today we have rain (and did yesterday) so finally have more grass showing than snow which is a good sign. 


Last night I finally got to water aerobics and the last time I was in the pool was Dec. 21st. It felt so good and DH did well staying by himself for a couple of hours. We are starting some in-home health services for physical therapy and occupational therapy to hopefully get him back closer to where he was before hospitalization. They came and did an evaluation yesterday and services start next week. I'm still doing the daily infusions and will do so at least through next Monday. Friday we have an appointment to get the cyst on his finger removed. The infectious disease doctor thinks that's where the infection entered. 


I know it sounds like a lot but we're doing well. I read the Daily every day, several times, and love being part of this community. 


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41 minutes ago, Navybikermom said:

The chicken sounds delicious! Not so much the drink of the day - I’ve never been a fan of “mules”. I would definitely try the wine. I was never much for white wine until I moved from the frozen north (MI) to hot TN. Just can’t drink a dry red when it’s 95 degrees with 95% humidity! One thing to be said of the South - they are the best at making iced tea! Unsweetened of course, since I’m still a Yank. 
My last trip to Civitavecchia was on the Prinsendam. I took the train to Rome and got off at the San Pietro stop, thinking I was going to walk to my hotel by cutting through the Vatican. Nope - it was Sunday and the Pope was doing his speech. I came around the corner and was shocked at the throngs of people. I’m thinking “what the heck is going on?” As I walked around the colonnade I heard him speaking. I was so excited! Whipped out my iPad and took pictures and a short video. I just stood there with my luggage (being a sailor, I travel light), transfixed, until he was done. Then… I had to take about a mile detour to get to my hotel because they had the whole area blocked off. Ugh… it was a very warm day so by the time I got to the hotel, I was pooped. They offered me a lovely adult cocktail while I waited for my room, which made it worth the hassle 🥰. It was so good I had another…


@richwmn - your rating badge looks like a CT one. I used to be a CTI in my previous life…

yes, this is my first Daily post. I have enjoyed reading them!



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👍Thank you Rich @richwmnfor The Daily and to Roy @rafinmd for both the Care and Celebration Lists. 😊This photo was taken in Billboards last week on the Rotterdam and I think that's Nick with Viviane. They spoke French together and Nick is also from Belgium! 😄He's a character. 🙏Prayers to all in need.🙏


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Good morning.  Happy Wednesday.  The weekly early release day for our grandkids is here again but only for the 2nd grader.  I pick her up from school at 1:30 and it isn't far so we get a small walk in on the way there and home.  She will have reading homework and I enjoy hearing her read.  Don't mind helping with that at all!!  So I have a few hours to get something done here....mainly the laundry!  Always seems to be laundry.

Having my first cup of tea...my hot drink of choice.

 Appreciate pharmacists greatly.  My nephew is on in Las Vegas and he has been putting in a lot of overtime lately.

Enjoyed our visit to Rome years ago.  Best pizza and wine in a small cafe over at the Trevi fountain.   

Thank you for all the lists.  Prayers to those on the care list and happy, happy to those celebrating.

Take care and stay safe.


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Good morning all!

First I want to thank everyone for the kind comments and prayers on the loss of my two friends.  And thank you @rafinmdfor adding me to the care list. 🙂  


I'm not quite sure what to think about the Feast of Wild Men, haha.  I'm not real fond of hot tea, but love iced tea.  My favorite pharmacist is my next-door neighbor and very good friend.  She is a whiz.  She moved here from Germany about 30 years ago and became a pharmacist very quickly.  She knows what meds I'm taking better than I do, and is always happy to give advice. 😉  


I love that quote, except for the word "inferior".  I believe all men (and women) are created equally.


My go-to Sauvignon Blanc is any from Marlborough NZ, but I'd try this one.  The meal sounds delicious, and I think I have some pesto -- I like the second recipe the best.  




We've been to Rome several times, I'll post some photos from our first time there in 2011.  My profile pic is also from that trip.


The Civitavecchia shoreline, taken on a walk near our hotel. There were 4 ships in port that day.



Of course I found a kitty, this one lived at the hotel.  When we were there again in 2019 I learned he had died, but there were several others there.



An olive tree on the hotel grounds



Flowers in October



Street performer in Rome



The Colosseum



Looking down into the underground at the Colosseum



We took a tour into the underground, one area here.



Panoramic view from the top of the Colosseum





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Good morning from a chilly, but warming Quartzsite.


An interesting collecion of days.  I'm not sure about Fabulouis Wild Men, but like hot tea even though I don't drink it often. and then mostly on a BHB.  I will salute pharmachists.  We have a good one in Whitney and DH's late step-mother was a pharmacist.  She met DFIL when he had a prescrition filled.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.


We've been to Rome more times that I can count and even spent a couple of port days in Civitavecchia.  This was the port of the day on September 6 last year, and I posted pictures of both Rome and Civitavecchia.  I'll look to see if I can find any different ones to add today.


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanation of Fabulouis Wild Men day and tea day.

@mamaofami  Carol, it sounds like the aide is working out except for being a stickler abput starting time.  Maybe, he could end a little early if Sam needs him shortly before 9am.  It sounds like Sam is making progress.  👋 

@marshhawk  Glad your boss found more work for you, and hope the LV job comes through.

@JAM37  Julia, good that you are feeling better, and hope the eyes and nose improve.

@Navybikermom  Welcome to the Daily which we all think is the friendlist place on CC.  Hope to see you again.

@aliaschief  Thank you for the pictures of Civitacecchia.  The food made me hungry.

@luvteaching  Karen, glad things are going well for your and that DH is improving.  Hope the home help gets him back the ground he lost while in the hospital.  Also, good that you are taking care of yourself.

@Cruising-along  Thank you for sharing your pictures.



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