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The Daily for Sunday 04/10/2022


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Good morning  to all.It is quite chilly here and the heat is on full force.This old house has high ceilings and once it gets cold in here it takes a while to warm up.I brought Tana breakfast in bed since she was better off under the covers.

We have not been to the port  and like the looks if recipe number one. I will let you know how it turns out. Thanks Debbie @dfish for that and for the family picture. We were three growing up and I cherish my remaining  DB. 

We have been on a few cruises together over the years,the best of which was the Voyage of the Vikings. We were both still working  then and only did a half  voyage.

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Good morning friends and happy Palm Sunday.  It's only 34F here this morning so frost on the roofs, however it's expected to get up to 73 today so I'm happy about that.  I heard about snow in Ohio and Kentucky yesterday from family so I have no complaints.  DS, DDIL and Ren were in Lexington KY for a soccer game and I heard they won easily in the ❄️, as any good Michigan-based team should!  Today the Tigers play in Covington KY, then head back home tonight. 


Thank you Rich for the Daily this morning and thanks to Roy for the Care and Celebration lists.  I see the Care list is a little shorter and for that we're grateful.  I think you can add Buddy to the rotation with Jen.  I'm praying slowly but surely they will both improve.  Prayers for Ukraine, all our CC friends in need as well as my family members.  Is it our age or what?  I keep hearing from friends about sad news in their own lives and it's rather alarming.  I'm praying for all of them too!  Cheers to the Celebration list folks!🥂  @kazuJacqui good news on the new IPhone purchase.  I hope it works out better for you.  Hope your visit with Jose today is a good one.


How appropriate that Golfers Day is during the Masters.  Good luck today to the field and may the best man win.  Farm animals day reminds me of visits to my grandpa's farm growing up.  He had plenty of cattle, a couple horses, chickens, lambs and who knows what else.  His farmhouse had pot bellied stoves scattered throughout to heat it, they had no indoor bathroom (outhouse!), and cooked on a wood stove.  At least there was electricity but in case of outage there were oil lamps around.  It was an adventure for sure.  I still have two full siblings and there are two half brothers as well.  We didn't know them growing up but one of them is in touch with my siblings in St. Louis.  I only see him occasionally since I live out of town.  The other half sibling wants nothing to do with this part of the family.  So a shoutout to my siblings, one and all.  Sure do miss my dear older sister who passed away last year.  A good day to think about her and reminisce.😢  I think I'll stay away from the menu suggestion.  We haven't been to Olbia, Italy but stopped in another Sardinian port, Cagliari.  Last time we had Olbia was Oct. 15 but I don't recall the photos so would be happy to see them again.  


Also thanks to Jack @Heartgrovefor the photo of the Nieuw Statendam leaving FLL yesterday.  I blinked and missed it!  Hope they all have a great time.


By the way, I wanted to mention my youngest grandson Austin (13) and his Dad, my DSIL Travis are going to be baptized into the Catholic church next Saturday.  Austin started attending Catholic school 2 years ago and really became interested in the religion then.  His Dad enjoyed attending the Catholic church each Sunday with Austin and DD.  They took "classes" and learned all about it and are excited to be baptized and members of the faith.  I think those two know more about my religion than I do now!  Anyway it's good to have something positive going on with all the bad news we seem to hear each day.  I'm excited for them!🙏

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Good Morning All,

We’re on our porch, watching the sights of PV. We have a view of another small cruise ship that debuts in a few days. Apparently she is crewing up () and she’s catching my interest. It’s a new Mexican line.


DH is now of to his shorex. He is going zip lining for the first time. I told him I want to hear his best Tarzan call when he gets back. 

I’ll be off soon for downtown PV soon. Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning all.  Prayers for all in need.


I rarely follow the meal suggestions.  DH very picky and is not a food adventurer!  Twin sister and BIL live across the street and, since the beginning of Covid, we have eaten meals together 3 or 4 times a week.  Take out some times, meals from freezer or grilling usually.  

We’ll see what Easter brings next weekend.  DSIL back in hospital with another stroke.  Have not heard latest update.  We would like to go visit (about 2 hour trip each way) if possible.


Off to a chilly Palm Sunday service at church.  Katherine 

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45 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.  


We have a bit of a chilly start today, but it is supposed to warm up this week.  Still a lot of rain, though.  I'll be heading to the pool later.  Sundays are quiet days at the pool and I like that.  I usually skip Saturdays as every kid in a 20 mile radius is there.  Or at least the noise level would make you think so. 


Siblings Day is a good one for me.  I have three younger sisters and two younger brothers.  We have remained fairly close over the years. You can see what a happy bunch we were.



Today's meal is interesting.  I think, from what I am seeing, that the cromlet part is a type of pancake made from chickpea flour.  I think I'd be willing to give this one a try.   Interesting flavors with the fennel and olives.   https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/cromlet-with-wilted-greens-and-fennel-and-olive-salad



This next version suggests making double the wilted greens and fennel salad and putting on a lentil pasta the next day.  I guess you could go straight to that step if you didn't want to mess with making the cromlet.  http://withthegrains.com/2017/04/05/socca-chickpea-flour-savory-pancake-aka-cromlet-fennel-olive-salad-yogurt-sauce/



This one uses a lemon coconut yogurt as a dressing.  It also adds radishes to the mix instead of the mushrooms.  I think you could have both if you wanted.  It shows that the dish can be versatile and tweaked to your tastes and ingredients on hand.   http://www.thefeministe.com/home/2017/10/17/cromlet-with-lemon-yogurt-sauteed-greens-and-fennel-slaw



Prayers for all who need them, especially the people of Ukraine and our Daily family members facing struggles.   Cheers to all who are celebrating, no matter how big or small the celebration is.   Wishing you all a wonderful day.


Debbie, your sibling photo is adorable!  I should look in the drawer of "old photos" for some of my childhood and get them scanned into our computer.  That would be a worthwhile way to spend some time.


Thanks for all the time you spend working on recipes for our group.  It would be interesting to hear how they turn out so will wait for Terry's report on their choice.

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26 minutes ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning all.  Prayers for all in need.


I rarely follow the meal suggestions.  DH very picky and is not a food adventurer!  Twin sister and BIL live across the street and, since the beginning of Covid, we have eaten meals together 3 or 4 times a week.  Take out some times, meals from freezer or grilling usually.  

We’ll see what Easter brings next weekend.  DSIL back in hospital with another stroke.  Have not heard latest update.  We would like to go visit (about 2 hour trip each way) if possible.


Off to a chilly Palm Sunday service at church.  Katherine 

Prayers 🙏 on their way for your DSIL Katherine.

Best wishes.


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59 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Morning Dailyites!  As I have adopted you, and you adopted me, HAPPY SIBLINGS DAY!  It's so nice to be a part of a family!


My grandfather was the farm manager for the Upway Farms in South Woodstock VT.  They raised Morgan horses.  So my father grew up on a farm, and my grandmother ran the garden area.  They had retired from farming by the time I came around, but the old farm became the Green Mountain Riding Association.  And every time we went up to VT, it was the first place that my Dad and I had to stop. I loved the smells of the stables, the horses, the hay, the leather of saddles.  But I am allergic to horses (and most other animals) so after an hour of petting, and patting, we would head into Woodstock and stay with my grandparents.


The Morgan horse is one of the earliest horse breeds developed in the United States. Tracing back to the foundation sire Figure, later named Justin Morgan after his best-known owner, Morgans served many roles in 19th-century American history, being used as coach horses and for harness racing, as general riding animals, and as cavalry horses during the American Civil War on both sides 







The new meds for DH might be working, but they sure make him sleep a lot.  Which in turn give me time to read the daily in the morning without interruption.  


@StLouisCruisers  I loved your sunrise picture from yesterday.  I was up early but there was no sun in Stone Mountain.  Our friend said when she got out to walk her dog yesterday, it actually sleeted on them.  What a strange spring the south is getting.


@grapau27 Thank you for my Sunday Sermon with Father David.  He had me laughing with the rock concert.


I hope you all have a wonderful day, I'm going to watch the F1 race as soon as DH wakes up.  Unfortunately while searching for the Morgan horse info, I saw who won the race.  Now I have to keep silent for several hours.  After the race, we are off to grocery shop for the week.    And now, I'm off to be the prep chef so that DH can make omelets this morning.


Ann, you're welcome for the photo of yesterday's sunrise. Sorry you didn't have any sun up there at your place. 


Speaking of Stone Mountain, DH and I once drove up to Stone Mountain and paid the national park fee to drive in to see the "main event".   The monument carved into that block of granite, the largest exposed block of granite in the world.  Three southern Civil War generals, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis.  I hear there will be updates coming to the museum exhibit.  It has to have the right light to get a photo this sharp.  200610000850-stone-mountain-file-super-tease.jpg


Here's how it usually looks, from way back.stone-mountain2-e1444660169941.jpg


I've never seen Mount Rushmore and I would love to go sometime.  It fascinates me that people can carve these pieces of art into rock!

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Good Morning from a sunny but cool day at the beach

    At least the wind has died down.  It was crazy here yesterday. I got blown all over the golf course as most of the time was playing into the wind. Should have quit, but I am persistent if nothing else!

     Golfers Day is a good day for me. I do enjoy the game, it is relaxing and I can be outside and DD often rides along with me. 

     Not sure about todays menu and have not been to todays port.  I had 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Both brothers have passed. 

     Heading to Boston later this week for a nephews wedding. It is on Good Friday. I told my sister that our mother is rolling in her grave. She said what could I do, I am the mother of the groom!  

    Otherwise a quiet Sunday here.


Stay safe and enjoy today



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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I don't golf, although I did carry one boyfriend's golf bag while we dated one summer.   I broke up with him right after that.   Both my dad and my father-in-law were farmers who had animals and they treated them very well.  I'm happy to say I have 3 half siblings who I only found out about when I was an adult.  We aren't close, but do keep in touch once in a while.  It's nice knowing I'm not an only.


Today's quote is interesting, as it's possible to be both happy and sad at the same time.  Re: today's drink - have you noticed how many drinks of the day contain bourbon?   If someone would like to buy me a bottle of today's wine, I'd certainly sample it, but it's a far reach from my Cardboardeaux price.


Thank you one and all for your lovely well wishes for our anniversary yesterday, they were greatly appreciated.  I made sure to read every one to DH and he was impressed at the care you show to people you've never met.  We had a great day together, first at our traditional breakfast spot in a major hotel.  I brought along our wedding album, so we sat looking through the photos and took a great trip down memory lane. The staff treated us like gold, and even the chef came out with a special dessert he made for us to take home to enjoy later.   Later in the afternoon, DH's daughter and her husband took us to a nice little Greek restaurant for dinner; a true feast was before us, which we thoroughly enjoyed.  And that wasn't all - after dinner, we got in the car and they treated us to an evening at the casino!  Unfortunately Lady Luck didn't have her arms around DH or I, but the young'uns certainly won enough to more than pay for the dinner we'd had, so that was good.  We were happy for them. 


The weather has cooled down - as it normally does here on the "frozen tundra" - and our temperatures will be below freezing for most of the week.  Another storm is predicted to hit the south-western part of the province mid week, which I hope isn't as destructive as last week's.  Hopefully it will just drop a lot of snow to provide moisture to the parched soil.  We're back to heavier jackets; I really laughed when I saw @kazu's meme about jackets because it's totally true!


@Cruzin Terri I meant to ask yesterday where you enjoyed your paella the other day.  We'll be back in Barcelona (fingers crossed) in November and are always looking for personal recommendations for places to eat other than those we normally frequent.

@Lady Hudson sending prayers for your DSIL's recovery from her latest stroke.


Not a lot going on here today, I might pick up a broom and duster and tackle some of the dust-bunnies lurking in the corners.  Looking at today's menu suggestion, that won't be happening any time soon, as DH really doesn't like chick peas in any form.  I've got some veggies in the fridge to use up and there's a small steak in the freezer that will be turned into a nice stir-fry tonight along with some rice.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing assistance to them.  Extra also for our Daily family who are struggling with health and family issues.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on our growing happy list.  Be safe, wear your masks when you need to, get your boosters, wash your hands and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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2 hours ago, kazu said:

Well this is a first for me - posted on my roll call this morning and my post has to be reviewed by a moderator.  WTH?  Would love to know what the word was that I used that caused that.  Sheesh.

Jacqui, are you aware that if you are not on a cruise (or no longer on a cruise), you are not permitted to post on that roll call? I actually got a CC reminder about that.  I was not aware of that CC regulation.  I posted as a courtesy to let people know that there was a requirement to fill out a form in the Bahamas.  I was told that I was disruptive.


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Ann, you're welcome for the photo of yesterday's sunrise. Sorry you didn't have any sun up there at your place. 


Speaking of Stone Mountain, DH and I once drove up to Stone Mountain and paid the national park fee to drive in to see the "main event".   The monument carved into that block of granite, the largest exposed block of granite in the world.  Three southern Civil War generals, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis.  I hear there will be updates coming to the museum exhibit.  It has to have the right light to get a photo this sharp.  200610000850-stone-mountain-file-super-tease.jpg


Here's how it usually looks, from way back.stone-mountain2-e1444660169941.jpg


I've never seen Mount Rushmore and I would love to go sometime.  It fascinates me that people can carve these pieces of art into rock!

I was stationed with the Air Force in South Dakota in 1966 and visited Mount Rushmore twice, it is amazing and worth the visit but there's not much else to see in South Dakota except the Badlands. 

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5 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Jacqui, are you aware that if you are not on a cruise (or no longer on a cruise), you are not permitted to post on that roll call? I actually got a CC reminder about that.  I was not aware of that CC regulation.  I posted as a courtesy to let people know that there was a requirement to fill out a form in the Bahamas.  I was told that I was disruptive.



Wow - kind of dumb to call you disruptive when you are being helpful, to me.


I’ve been on this roll call forever Terri and I am booked on the cruise.  I have full intentions of going as long as Jose is secure in the nursing home.

that’s a dumb rule to me.   Someone must have reported you.  When I cancelled the Volendam cruise I posted on the roll call and advised and told them I would stay on if they liked since I was doing the spread sheet.  Everyone was in full agreement.  Now that the cruise is cancelled, no one is on it and roll call members are still posting with changed cruises, issues with cancellations, etc and sharing tips.


I’ve seen lots of people post on roll calls with tips, questions, etc that are not booked (or not booked yet).

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15 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@Cruzin Terri I meant to ask yesterday where you enjoyed your paella the other day.  We'll be back in Barcelona (fingers crossed) in November and are always looking for personal recommendations for places to eat other than those we normally frequent

The name of the place is Venetia. But the paella was quite bad.  i would not recommend you go there.  It was the worst paella I ever had. Sorry.


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2 minutes ago, kazu said:


Wow - kind of dumb to call you disruptive when you are being helpful, to me.


I’ve been on this roll call forever Terri and I am booked on the cruise.  I have full intentions of going as long as Jose is secure in the nursing home.

that’s a dumb rule to me.   Someone must have reported you.  When I cancelled the Volendam cruise I posted on the roll call and advised and told them I would stay on if they liked since I was doing the spread sheet.  Everyone was in full agreement.  Now that the cruise is cancelled, no one is on it and roll call members are still posting with changed cruises, issues with cancellations, etc and sharing tips.


I’ve seen lots of people post on roll calls with tips, questions, etc that are not booked (or not booked yet).

Well, Jacqui, that’s the way it goes.  I am not saying anymore about it, lest I get reported again.


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@ger_77The name of the place is Venecia.  Spellcheck keeps changing what I write.  Don’t go there for paella in Barcelona.  We have not tried any other place for it.  We have mainly tried places that serve tapas because we like to eat earlier than 8 or 9 pm.  


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54 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

I was stationed with the Air Force in South Dakota in 1966 and visited Mount Rushmore twice, it is amazing and worth the visit but there's not much else to see in South Dakota except the Badlands. 

You must have not visited the world's only Corn Palace or Wall Drug.  LOL.  If you did visit the Badlands you probably stopped at Wall Drug for a free glass of ice water, their biggest draw.

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3 hours ago, kb4683 said:


Both DH and I are only children and each of us only had one child (by previous marriages of course).


Hope your weather improves and you have a wonderful cruise beginning tomorrow.




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2 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning all.  Prayers for all in need.


I rarely follow the meal suggestions.  DH very picky and is not a food adventurer!  Twin sister and BIL live across the street and, since the beginning of Covid, we have eaten meals together 3 or 4 times a week.  Take out some times, meals from freezer or grilling usually.  

We’ll see what Easter brings next weekend.  DSIL back in hospital with another stroke.  Have not heard latest update.  We would like to go visit (about 2 hour trip each way) if possible.


Off to a chilly Palm Sunday service at church.  Katherine 

Sending  prayers for  your DISL on this  Palm  Sunday.


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2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, Jacqui, that’s the way it goes.  I am not saying anymore about it, lest I get reported again.




LOL Terry, it will never be by me 🙂 


I do appreciate the head up.

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Good morning, all! A salute to farm animals, as I used to live on a farm and raise them. I will call my remaining sibling, DS, later today. And of course, it is also Palm Sunday. The meal sounds good. I’ve made SOC a, which is similar, but baked. The cromlette will make an appearance for dinner tonight. I’ll pass on the wine - the price point is too high to have ‘it’s not a great wine’ included in the review!

We are back on the mainland, as DH has a dental appointment tomorrow.

We are trying to decide if going to DS’s for Easter is a go or not. There will be twelve of us there. Four I don’t know. Two more are my nephew and his wife, who announced a week ago that they both had Covid with mild symptoms. A week later we need a negative test to board the Zuiderdam for our first cruise since BC. Neither of us are comfortable going, but feelings will be hurt. Thoughts, anyone?


Happy Sunday, everyone! Wouldn’t the lead up to Easter be fun on a BHB?

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Good afternoon, and thank you for the Daily, the lists and the friendly landing pad.

Today is the day that we had double booked cruises- Eurodam Panama Canal and Koningsdam Hawaii - and planned on choosing as time got closer. We ended up cancelling both because of the new grandson being born in 10 days, and a trip to Cairo for baby and almost 3 year old cuddles later in the month. We land on King's day, so maybe we should wear orange on the plane. 😉  Here's hoping that spring is arriving for those in this hemisphere soon!

Prayers for those who need them, and blessings for all!

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Good morning, Dailyites.  I'm baaaack!  We had a great cruise, even without a window or internet, although I must say I would have liked to have had both.  I'm posting after I read the threads but not Father David's sermon, although I will go back soon and listen when I can pay attention properly.


Yesterday, 39 people disembarked in Victoria, we were escorted off as a group at about 1:15 (those not disembarking were allowed ashore at 11).   We waited in the Helijet parking lot for DD to pick us up, and there was a continual stream of cars driving through to get a picture of the Koningsdam.  We made the front page of the paper this morning:




The article mentions we were CDC green, and on board the Captain was very pleased we were all healthy.  We found many staff members we knew from previous cruises, everyone was pleased to be back at work.  One new thing for us this cruise was Club Orange - we had never tried it before, but we decided that a more private dining room might be a good thing, and we really enjoyed it.  I think we may try to include it in future cruises, if the price is right...


But we're happy to be home, and laundry is waiting to be done!

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