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$500 fines for Rowdy Behaviour

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1 hour ago, ATL_Miami_Cruiser said:


We also jumped to Princess for this same reason and are considering other lines as well. A bad experience in June was the last straw for us. To Carnival's credit they promised to make it right and the policies we're seeing now reflect that effort, but we believe more time is needed before we can tell these policies are having an impact on this behavior and shipwide smoking. The continued super low prices aren't helping the situation.

Care to share your experience ?

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37 minutes ago, Cruise till you drop said:

Care to share your experience ?


Within an hour of boarding the ship in Miami, lots of marijuana smoking in the next cabin which filled up the hallway and our cabin. Security smelling it and not kicking the person off in Miami. The next day the same thing and security did not kick the person off in Key West. Harassment from that person the entire cruise and security did nothing but warn them about the continued smoking (the entire cruise they smoked). Open marijuana smoking by others on Lido and security did nothing. Long 1+ hour food lines and 2+ hour room service delivery times. On debarkation morning the next door marijuana smoker's 12 year old son went into cardiac arrest and died, gratefully to be revived in the hallway by the ships doctor (my wife's a medical provider and overheard the entire conversation). We received a full refund for that cruise and decided to take a break from Carnival after our October cruise. If I didn't have business to do in Dominican Republic we would have cancelled the October cruise as well.

Edited by ATL_Miami_Cruiser
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8 hours ago, Homosassa said:

It was true the time I needed to call 911 from the cabin because of the male yelling, the thuds on the wall, and the female and child sobbing  that we could hear in our next door cabin (first day of cruise after embarkation day).


Absolutely  no way I could call for help from the cabin. No 911 and Guest Services did not answer the phone. I needed to rush to Guest Services where I cut the line to the desk, enduring the bellowing orders from the guests  from the "I am special" line to take my rightful and lowly position at the rear of the peon line, to get the attention of someone at the desk where I explained the situation.


Once that staff member made the call, there were several armed security guards and a Medical Center nurse waiting in the hallway in case medical treatment was needed by the time walked back to my cabin.


No one turned out to be injured. The adult passengers' right to purchase any alcoholic beverage was revoked and security made cabin checks for the rest of the cruise.

So you're saying dialing 911 didn't work?

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On 10/8/2022 at 5:12 PM, Drew B 58 said:

Got back a few weeks ago from a 7-day cruise on Panorama.  Didn’t see any behavior I would remotely characterize as “rowdy”.  I think length of cruise is the biggest determining factor, but even on 3 and 4-night cruises I’ve taken, I witnessed a lot of over drinking (people puking or passing out) but never anything at all violent.

I was on the Panorama a few weeks ago and saw one man being restrained by 6!!! Security officers. They eventually restrained him in a wheelchair and took him to the medical office. A drunken family fight broke out on the tender pier at Cabo San Lucas. Thank god for security!

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Interestingly, although I’ve sailed the most with Carnival, my worst experience with other guests’ behavior came on a 13-day repositioning cruise to Alaska with Celebrity (which I would have expected to have a mature, sedate crowd).  The ship had a propulsion issue and had to miss two ports and a large portion of the passengers just lost their d@mned minds!  There were noisy, “protests” that went on for DAYS and made it difficult and awkward to even get around the ship because these folks were dissatisfied with the compensation offered (and NO compensation was required under the terms of the contract).  Honestly,  the passengers’ behavior had a way more damaging effect on the cruise than the missed ports did!

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20 hours ago, ATL_Miami_Cruiser said:


Within an hour of boarding the ship in Miami, lots of marijuana smoking in the next cabin which filled up the hallway and our cabin. Security smelling it and not kicking the person off in Miami. The next day the same thing and security did not kick the person off in Key West. Harassment from that person the entire cruise and security did nothing but warn them about the continued smoking (the entire cruise they smoked). Open marijuana smoking by others on Lido and security did nothing. Long 1+ hour food lines and 2+ hour room service delivery times. On debarkation morning the next door marijuana smoker's 12 year old son went into cardiac arrest and died, gratefully to be revived in the hallway by the ships doctor (my wife's a medical provider and overheard the entire conversation). We received a full refund for that cruise and decided to take a break from Carnival after our October cruise. If I didn't have business to do in Dominican Republic we would have cancelled the October cruise as well.

Oh my that sounds awful


Was it the marijuana smoking and lack of security action that was the reason for the refund ?

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12 minutes ago, Cruise till you drop said:

Oh my that sounds awful


Was it the marijuana smoking and lack of security action that was the reason for the refund ?


It was very awful. Every incident was documented with Guest Services and Carnival's investigation resulted in a full refund.

Edited by ATL_Miami_Cruiser
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17 minutes ago, Chaz212 said:

How can a private company fine anyone?  Under what authority?  Where is the due process?  Is there a judge or jury if you do not agree?  What happens if you refuse to pay?  More reasons to never give them a credit card, and just leave a small cash deposit if you haven’t prepaid for everything.

You should read the terms and conditions of your cruise contact. From any cruise line. Shoot, read Southwest or Detla's t&c. Amazon's too. You'll be surprised. Amazon's actually says they're not responsible once your package leave the warehouse and they do not have to replace your order if you don't receive it. No one's reads contracts these days. Just agree. You agree to alot you have no idea about.

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9 minutes ago, Chaz212 said:

How can a private company fine anyone?  Under what authority?  Where is the due process?  Is there a judge or jury if you do not agree?  What happens if you refuse to pay?  More reasons to never give them a credit card, and just leave a small cash deposit if you haven’t prepaid for everything.


I would think it's the same policy that would apply to land based private companies such as hotels and car rentals. If you break something or smoke in a hotel room / car you get charged. If you don't pay or have a credit card on file, one option is to be placed on Carnival Corps (all brands) no sail list which I've been told is forever and it has also been noted by some sources that this no sail database is shared among the top cruise lines. In regards to due process, that's up to a judge to decide authority, whether Maritime Law, country of ship's registry or U.S. law. By then you would have spent more money on attorney fees than if you paid the $500 fee. I agree that some form of due process should be explored, but for now a favorable outcome is stacked in Carnival's favor if they have security cam video evidence of the infraction.

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41 minutes ago, Chaz212 said:

How can a private company fine anyone?  Under what authority?  Where is the due process?  Is there a judge or jury if you do not agree?  What happens if you refuse to pay?  More reasons to never give them a credit card, and just leave a small cash deposit if you haven’t prepaid for everything.


Carnival has immense authority once they get a few miles out to sea. 

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48 minutes ago, Chaz212 said:

What happens if you refuse to pay?  More reasons to never give them a credit card, and just leave a small cash deposit if you haven’t prepaid for everything.


Or, you can give them your credit card and just act like a responsible adult while having a good time.  Pretty simple.   😉

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5 minutes ago, Chaz212 said:

Until someone decides your definition of a good time is not their definition.  Pretty simple to understand how this is nonsense,


This is pretty much about common civility no matter if you are on board a ship or on land.  Adult behavior standards are simple to understand.  They aren't talking about someone who maybe is a bit loud but people are really causing disturbances, fighting, too drunk to function, etc.

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47 minutes ago, Chaz212 said:

That’s the problem.  They dont say exactly what they are talking about, your just assuming,  without them defining what they are actually talking about, and it would be totally up to them.  Then there is the problem of enforcing fairly with all groups of passengers.


They did say in a round about way: "Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and any guest whose conduct affects the comfort, enjoyment, safety or well-being of other guests or crew will be detained onboard and/or disembarked at their own expense and will [be] banned from sailing on Carnival in the future"


Sounds pretty much like a nightclub standard (x-bouncer myself for many years), pretty self explanatory, don't act like an arse, keep your hands and feet to yourself, don't touch any ladies without permission, don't be too loud or obnoxious (hold your liquor), no screaming/yelling/fighting/outbursts/loudly using profanity/threatening folks etc, basic common sense and courtesy. It's not too difficult to understand.


You do bring up a good point though, some with try and claim victim-hood or some kind of "ism" as a defense for being a jack-arse and unlike a nightclub, it's not as easy to toss them out or simply not let folks in for a variety of reasons or no reason at all. There are more difficulties on the ship with enforcement to be sure, probably best done before the ship leaves port but some passengers know to behave until the ship is far enough away or wait until the last port stop and is on the way back. I do think enforcement will be more so on the backend vs disembarking folks, it's much easier to wash your hands of knuckle head passengers than to try and clean up mid cruise. Once folks start finding their names on cruise line no-sail shart-lists, word will get out.     



Edited by cruisingguy007
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1 hour ago, starstruck05 said:

You should read the terms and conditions of your cruise contact. From any cruise line. Shoot, read Southwest or Detla's t&c. Amazon's too. You'll be surprised. Amazon's actually says they're not responsible once your package leave the warehouse and they do not have to replace your order if you don't receive it. No one's reads contracts these days. Just agree. You agree to alot you have no idea about.

I agree.  

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2 hours ago, starstruck05 said:

You should read the terms and conditions of your cruise contact. From any cruise line. Shoot, read Southwest or Detla's t&c. Amazon's too. You'll be surprised. Amazon's actually says they're not responsible once your package leave the warehouse and they do not have to replace your order if you don't receive it. No one's reads contracts these days. Just agree. You agree to alot you have no idea about.


To be fair, they can say whatever they want, enforcing all that nonsense is another matter entirely. I read plenty of the gibberish contracts you speak of and they can be quite comical sometimes lol. I don't think expectations of being civilized, courteous and following the rules is on par with the word salad, toss as much crap on the wall and hope some sticks bullcrap, that makes up the bulk of T&C's that are written as a one-sided hope/wish list essentially. Decency/safety is a basic concept. No long contract required.


They could certainly remove that "small cash deposit" option though or disallow folks to sail that have unpaid fines and the problem would naturally work itself out. Making passports mandatory could be another option to facilitate problematic passenger disembarkations, though that would hurt some passengers who follow the rules, don't cause problems, and don't have passports.

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2 hours ago, Chaz212 said:

Breaking something is tangible.  Smoking in the room is absolute (with proof) and I even wonder if anyone ever fought that, but rowdy behavior is subjective.  Ones persons rowdy, is another’s just having fun.  Some people would consider the pool games rowdy.  I just dont see how they are going to enforce something like this since it is overly broad and subjective, and unenforceable. 

I will infer that the "rowdy" behavior that Carnival is referring to is not misbehaving around the pool, but rather throwing the first punch and physically attacking another cruiser.  By having eyewitnesses and possible cell phone footage, the situation would no longer be broad and subjective but rather narrow and definitive.

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We are scheduled for a Feb 2023 7 day Mexican Rivera cruise. Loved Carnival a couple of years back but have to admit I am a bit nervous now.  We booked a Havana Cabana hoping to have a more subdued area if we felt overwhelmed. The Port is Los Angeles and it is 7 days & in Feb. Fingers crossed for a non eventful cruise.

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All the discussion in the world will not change the fact that carnival will not enforce this no more than they do any of their so called rules. Did my milestone cruise on Horizon in August , 8 day southern, had a group of thugs on board that would walk the halls and intentionally run in to you and then try and get you to react or confront them and unfortunately they were on our floor. Second night of the cruise the couple in the next cabin decided it would be a good idea to try and kill each other  , so as they were physically fighting I tried to call security and no you can’t from the cabin so when I finally got guest services to pickup the lady said she was sending security. Fast forward it was  an hour before anyone showed up and the couple had finished pounding each other and the man had left. We were informed by security the situation had been dealt with but the couple remained onboard and security had to deal with them multiple times. Several passengers went to security about the thugs harassing people in the hallways and also in the common areas and were told that they had reviewed video and the situation was being dealt with but they were never removed and continued the same behavior the entire cruise. Almost weekly you see brawls on carnivals ships and some passengers completely ruining others vacations acting like animals with no respect for themselves or others. If carnival doesn’t step up and resolve this escalating problem they will lose many customers as no one wants to go on vacation and have to deal with this.

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1 hour ago, ftrref said:

 Second night of the cruise the couple in the next cabin decided it would be a good idea to try and kill each other  , so as they were physically fighting I tried to call security and no you can’t from the cabin so when I finally got guest services to pickup the lady said she was sending security. Fast forward it was  an hour before anyone showed up and the couple had finished pounding each other and the man had left. 

Your story is the same as mine in post 22 of this thread.


No way to call security; 911 was an invalid extension number, Guest Services didn't pick up.


Did Guest Services call you twice a day (AM-PM) for the rest of the trip to ask if there were any issues next door?


They did us and it was annoying .  

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I have been on 20 cruises.  All but 4 of them were on Carnival.  The only time I have seen rowdy people was on my very first cruise on the Fantasy, a 3 day booze cruise out of Port Canaveral and my Med cruise on Royal.  I must be hanging out in the wrong (or right) places... LOL!!

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2 hours ago, ftrref said:

All the discussion in the world will not change the fact that carnival will not enforce this no more than they do any of their so called rules. Did my milestone cruise on Horizon in August , 8 day southern, had a group of thugs on board that would walk the halls and intentionally run in to you and then try and get you to react or confront them and unfortunately they were on our floor. Second night of the cruise the couple in the next cabin decided it would be a good idea to try and kill each other  , so as they were physically fighting I tried to call security and no you can’t from the cabin so when I finally got guest services to pickup the lady said she was sending security. Fast forward it was  an hour before anyone showed up and the couple had finished pounding each other and the man had left. We were informed by security the situation had been dealt with but the couple remained onboard and security had to deal with them multiple times. Several passengers went to security about the thugs harassing people in the hallways and also in the common areas and were told that they had reviewed video and the situation was being dealt with but they were never removed and continued the same behavior the entire cruise. Almost weekly you see brawls on carnivals ships and some passengers completely ruining others vacations acting like animals with no respect for themselves or others. If carnival doesn’t step up and resolve this escalating problem they will lose many customers as no one wants to go on vacation and have to deal with this.


That's terrible, I could certainly see why you'd want to jump ship to a new line after something like this.  

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We've never had a problem with well over 100+ days at sea. By biggest problem was a couple of ladies next door smoking on the Balc. Peeked around and told them this was my one and only polite warning. They grumbled... and stopped.... for the rest of the cruise.

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22 hours ago, Chaz212 said:

We have seen a lot of similar reports.  We were on carnival a few years ago and had a great time, but we wont be back anytime soon based on the reports we are reading here…..


8 minutes ago, dbrown84 said:

I just received a comp cruise on Carnival, which I've never sailed before.  I came to this board to learn about Carnival and see if it's something I want to do.  I must say, this is quite a first post to read. 🙂


Honestly, I wouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater.  A few reports of bad behavior on a few of many, many, many cruises should demonstrate that these types of incidents are in the minority of experiences.  Like @jsglow and @christyran1228 and probably thousands of other people, I have never witnessed anything like this on a Carnival cruise.  Were there some annoying people?  Sure.  Are there annoying people at my local movie theater?  More often than on a cruise!

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