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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday April 5th, 2023

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32 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning from sunshiny San Diego.  I've been down with the mother of all influenzas.  I wonder if it's the same that @Seasick Sailor has.  Also wonder if having had covid is making these bugs harder to knock out.  


Sounds like the "bug" that I had. It took me over 3 weeks to get to feeling normal and others report the same thing. The main thing is not to push yourself. This thing is a doozy. Take it easy, sleep, and don't worry.... you will feel better.



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6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for bringing us today's daily reports.

It is raining and 42°F here.

Happy Passover week for our Jewish friends.

If I have ever been stung by a nettle while outside walking I have rubbed a dandelion leaf on the sting to ease the sting.

I much prefer a thin base Romana pizza to a deep pan pizza.

We have visited Bridgetown Barbados on a cruise.

Best wishes given to all Dailyites.



Thank you for the Pesach wishes.



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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Afternoon Roy.

I have a number of good Jewish friends on Royal Caribbean and have learned a lot of the greetings, celebrations etc.

Passover starts this evening.

It is 13.32pm here in the UK and 15.32pm in Israel.



Thank you for the Passover wishes. My favorite holiday. Matzah and all.

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Good morning Dailyites. 


I believe I have finally come back to the living. My goodness what a nasty cold or whatever I had. Thank you @JazzyV for the prayer request. I think you can remove me. @AncientWanderer I found that Mucinex "Fast-Max" helped clear my chest congestion better than the others. 


Thanks to all who loyally keep up the Daily for all to enjoy. I've missed ya'll. 


I used to love our deep dish pizzas in Chicago at Malnati's, but since moving west I prefer the crispy thin crust pizza. 


Dandelions... I just had our weed and fertilizer guy here yesterday. We came home to a yard filled with weeds. I've been pulling and spraying weeds for a few days myself. Filled a 3 gallon bucket twice before I surrendered to Ricardo. 




It's good to see you post a bit more Roy and hope you are on the road to recovery. I'm hoping all is well with @kazu. Have I missed her post or is she off for awhile?


Sandi Congratulations to Ren and so sweet of Graham to add his tips for kicking.


Wishing every well on illnesses, appointments and a toast to celebrate life tonight!

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Good morning again.  The clouds have moved on to depress someone else, and we have a mostly sunny morning.  It looks like the forecast has changed again.  It is now 56F and will (hopefully) warm up to 68F this afternoon.  I may have to change out of my shorts and back into jeans.  😒


It seems I clicked on submit replay instead of the multi-quotes.  I decided to do them in another post because of the time limits to edit.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Thank you for all the birthday wishes! My Dsis sent me a beautiful bouquet with peonies, hyacinths, tulips and other flowers that I can't name. A very unusual arrangement!

A former neighbor took me to lunch yesterday and my BFF is taking me out a week from Friday. (It didn't seem right to go out this Friday - Good Friday.) My DS is taking me to see Mickey Dolenz this evening - the last surviving member of the Monkees. I think DS is more excited about this than I am, but I'm happy to go along!

The sun is shining, it's warm... could Spring finally be here?

Stay safe, healthy and happy, dear friends!


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I used to make deep dish pizza, but we found we like the thin cruise pizzas better.  I rarely go for broke unless it's the last night in Las Vegas on the slot machines.  Dandelions look good in an open field, but not in my lawn.


My father also had a version of today's quote that is similar to Sandi's @StLouisCruisers.  For me, it depends on the guest(s) whether or not I want to throw them out after three days.


Today's meal sounds interesting since I like Vietnamese food, but the tofu would not be part of the meal.  We'll probably pass on the drink and the wine.


As I mentioned earlier, in the 1990s we were in Barbados many times, and we did the catamaran tour on one trip.  While we were heading to the snorkeling site, the Concord had just taken off from the airport and flew directly over the catamaran.  We got a fairly up close look at the underside of the plane.  


In 2000, while on P&O Oriana, we decided to wait until we returned to the ship to buy some beer for the cabin.  That was a big mistake.  By the time we got back to the port, the British passengers had relieved the liquor store of all their beer and gin.  Fortunately, when we got to Bonaire, they left a couple of cases of Amstel beer in the store for us.


@richwmn  Rich, thanks for adding the Today in History feature.  I hope you are enjoying your day in Casablanca.  It is an interesting port.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad Ren's team is still winning.  Good luck to them tonight.

@seagarsmoker  Enjoyed your pictures.

@cat shepard  Ann, loved the comic relief today, especially the "traffic report".

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope your DH gets a good report from the doctor today.  I'm glad you hired the aide, and I hope she is a good fit to work with Tana.

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for reminding us about the meaning behind some to the days.  I know Sandi appreciates your information about the positions in soccer and your kind advice for Ren.  Thank you for the information about Passover greetings.

@kochleffel  Paul, the explanation of the various foods used in the Seder was very interesting and informative.  Thank you.

@aliaschief  Bruce, while we don't have an oak tree in our yard, we get all the side "benefits", especially the leaves from our neighbor's oak tree.  At least, it's pretty in the spring and summer.  Great memes today.

@ger_77  Gerry, I am amazed at how generous and nice all your friends are with helping the Ukrainian family.  Safe travels tomorrow, and I hope your "Grandma's Cookies" are well packed for the trip.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad you were able to get Furnando back inside.  Congratulations on the two sales.  I hope the PET scan tomorrow does not show a serious problem.  Earlier, I was beginning to question my memory when others thought it was today.

@Safety Squirrel  Welcome to the Fleet/Daily, and thank you for the poem about military kids.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad Michigan accepted your tax return.  Now, I won't have to clean the rust off the file before I put it in the cake.  🤣




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Good morning all!

I'll pass on the deep dish pizza, but would love a thin crust pizza! DDIL who grew up in the Chicago area, only likes deep dish.  There are no dandelions in the yard right now, I try to catch them early.  Also will pass on go for broke, not a gambler. 😄  The meal sounds great if the tofu is replaced with some kind of meat, and I love Vouvray!  One of my favorites.  Although I can get good Vouvray at Total Wine for less $$. 


The quote seems to be a take-off from Benjamin Franklin's "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after 3 days."  I can think of some people this would be true of, but not most.  Will pass on the drink (coconut and pineapple).


Well you can add me to the Covid list.... 😞  I tested positive last night.  I knew it would be a miracle if I didn't catch it from DH, I'm sure he had it before we knew.  Anyway, so far it's very mild for me, just a scratchy throat and minor cold symptoms.  I've put a message into my Nephrologist to see if she even recommends Paxlovid for kidney patients with moderate disease.  Right now, after reading about the possible side effects I'm leaning towards not taking it since my symptoms (so far) are so mild.  DSIL the PA suggested I pick up the prescription, and then, if in the next 3 days I feel worse, I'll have it.  


Happy Birthday Edi @NextOne!!

Best wishes for a successful surgery @tupper10.

Oh no Maxine @AncientWanderer!  I'm so sorry you've gotten "The Crud" like several of us have had.  Hope you'll be feeling better very soon!

@Safety SquirrelThank you for posting the military children poem.  It sounds just like our DD and DS who were Navy dependents (won't say brats lol)

Annie @marshhawk In the past HAL let us know well before the cruise how many Gala nights there would be.  Unfortunately since Covid (?) now we don't know until just before (I mean days) before the cruise. 😞  I don't like the change, but it is what it is.  Your Navigator will just show "smart casual" for the whole cruise, which isn't true.  I don't remember how many days your cruise will be, but you can count on 1-2 Gala nights/week depending on the length of the cruise.  


We've been to Bridgetown once, and did almost the same tour that Sandi @StLouisCruisersdid.  So I'll just post a few of my photos that aren't the same as hers.



Some photos of the Orchid House and Sunbury House.








Collection of sewing machines in the Sunbury House



Swim suit from the early 1900's (!)



Optometry equipment



The rum flowed freely.  We got a huge kick out of the gals doing the rum tasting.  It was a lot like watching an episode of I Love Lucy. 😉  







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@Safety SquirrelThat was a beautiful thought, poem, about being an army child.  I copied it and sent it to DH's email, so that he can forward it to his brothers.  They are Air Force "brats" but each of the 4 sons served in one of the branches of the military.  DH was Air Force.


I'm glad that @dfish wont be spending time in the slammer.  Our menu items would consist of PB & J and bologna sandwiches.


We got the bills paid and mailed, the Taxes paid and mailed, the checks in the bank, and lunch taken care of.  The yard men were hard at work when we drove back into the drive way and I cant walk the dog until they leave, and they just left, so tata for now.  And @tupper10good luck with the surgery.


Oh, before I forget (and that happens a lot)  I read a  googly news article about this new flu.  Yes, it lasts a long time.  But the worst part was, it is contagious to others for up to 10 days after you feel well.  Longer than covid.  So I'm masking up still.  And not happy about going to the hospital to get these tests done.   There are germs in hospitals.....

Edited by marshhawk
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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a cloudy, windy and cooler central Texas.  It is currently 61F and should warm to the low to mid 70s this afternoon.  A very noisy thunderstorm rolled through here about 5 am leaving 3/4 inch of rain.  I turned over and went back to sleep until 7:30 


Since I'm running late today, I repost my pictures of Barbados, and then finish reading the Daily.


I only found pictures from our 2000 world cruise on P&O Oriana and the 2015 Ruby Princess.  I'll try not to repeat any pictures.  We had been to Barbados several times before 2000 on various ships and cruise lines, including two calls on 1998 on the Ryndam.  Each time, we've rented cars are visited various places on the island.  We have always enjoyed our visits to Barbados.


First a look at the port. There was a nice shopping complex at the port.



In 2015, we took the tour through Harrison's Cave.  These are of the complex looking down from the top of the cliff and the elevators to reach the complex.  I'll not repeat any pictures of the caves.





We also stopped at Animal Flower Caves on the northern tip of the island in 2015.  Since we'd toured the caves, which are partially open to the ocean, with our DDs in 1998, we did not go back down.  These pictures are of the restaurant, the sea cliffs and the entrance to the caves.







A nice beach



In 2000, we stopped at St. Nicholas Abbey, an old plantation house.







For the Garden Club, one of the flowers in the Abbey's garden



A street scene in Bridgetown



In 2000, at the suggestion of the cruise staff, we stopped at the Boatyard Beach Club, and enjoyed a beer.








Great photos Lenda.

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


I believe I have finally come back to the living. My goodness what a nasty cold or whatever I had. Thank you @JazzyV for the prayer request. I think you can remove me. @AncientWanderer I found that Mucinex "Fast-Max" helped clear my chest congestion better than the others. 


Thanks to all who loyally keep up the Daily for all to enjoy. I've missed ya'll. 


I used to love our deep dish pizzas in Chicago at Malnati's, but since moving west I prefer the crispy thin crust pizza. 


Dandelions... I just had our weed and fertilizer guy here yesterday. We came home to a yard filled with weeds. I've been pulling and spraying weeds for a few days myself. Filled a 3 gallon bucket twice before I surrendered to Ricardo. 




It's good to see you post a bit more Roy and hope you are on the road to recovery. I'm hoping all is well with @kazu. Have I missed her post or is she off for awhile?


Sandi Congratulations to Ren and so sweet of Graham to add his tips for kicking.


Wishing every well on illnesses, appointments and a toast to celebrate life tonight!

I'm pleased to hear you are feeling a lot better Joy.


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22 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'll pass on the deep dish pizza, but would love a thin crust pizza! DDIL who grew up in the Chicago area, only likes deep dish.  There are no dandelions in the yard right now, I try to catch them early.  Also will pass on go for broke, not a gambler. 😄  The meal sounds great if the tofu is replaced with some kind of meat, and I love Vouvray!  One of my favorites.  Although I can get good Vouvray at Total Wine for less $$. 


The quote seems to be a take-off from Benjamin Franklin's "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after 3 days."  I can think of some people this would be true of, but not most.  Will pass on the drink (coconut and pineapple).


Well you can add me to the Covid list.... 😞  I tested positive last night.  I knew it would be a miracle if I didn't catch it from DH, I'm sure he had it before we knew.  Anyway, so far it's very mild for me, just a scratchy throat and minor cold symptoms.  I've put a message into my Nephrologist to see if she even recommends Paxlovid for kidney patients with moderate disease.  Right now, after reading about the possible side effects I'm leaning towards not taking it since my symptoms (so far) are so mild.  DSIL the PA suggested I pick up the prescription, and then, if in the next 3 days I feel worse, I'll have it.  


Happy Birthday Edi @NextOne!!

Best wishes for a successful surgery @tupper10.

Oh no Maxine @AncientWanderer!  I'm so sorry you've gotten "The Crud" like several of us have had.  Hope you'll be feeling better very soon!

@Safety SquirrelThank you for posting the military children poem.  It sounds just like our DD and DS who were Navy dependents (won't say brats lol)

Annie @marshhawk In the past HAL let us know well before the cruise how many Gala nights there would be.  Unfortunately since Covid (?) now we don't know until just before (I mean days) before the cruise. 😞  I don't like the change, but it is what it is.  Your Navigator will just show "smart casual" for the whole cruise, which isn't true.  I don't remember how many days your cruise will be, but you can count on 1-2 Gala nights/week depending on the length of the cruise.  


We've been to Bridgetown once, and did almost the same tour that Sandi @StLouisCruisersdid.  So I'll just post a few of my photos that aren't the same as hers.



Some photos of the Orchid House and Sunbury House.








Collection of sewing machines in the Sunbury House



Swim suit from the early 1900's (!)



Optometry equipment



The rum flowed freely.  We got a huge kick out of the gals doing the rum tasting.  It was a lot like watching an episode of I Love Lucy. 😉  







Nice photos.

Sorry to hear you have tested positive.

I hope you have no effects and feel okay.


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Good day all. We are under a tornado watch. This is the tail end of the line of storms that has already hit @dfish and the front of the tail looks like it is bringing snow and sleet to @kazuagain. We are 68f and very muggy. When I drove the car out of the garage this morning I instantly couldn’t see a thing because my windows steamed up. Had to run defrost and heat for a few minutes to clear the windows. 

prayers for all that need them and a shout out to those celebrating especially birthdays!

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The Paschal Yam is out of the oven and now Brussels sprouts are roasting. Brussels sprouts have no symbolic meaning and aren't part of a traditional seder meal at all, but I usually make some kind of roasted vegetable in order not to have to deal with timing the cooking of a vegetable at the last minute.


Before I could prepare the Brussels sprouts, I sharpened the Passover paring knife, since I remembered from last year that it was dull. Yes, even my only-moderately-thorough observance entails having all separate dishes and utensils for Passover. A few years ago, one of my colleagues was having a guest whose observance, they thought, might be stricter than their own, and they agonized over whether they needed to buy a Passover teakettle.

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'll pass on the deep dish pizza, but would love a thin crust pizza! DDIL who grew up in the Chicago area, only likes deep dish.  There are no dandelions in the yard right now, I try to catch them early.  Also will pass on go for broke, not a gambler. 😄  The meal sounds great if the tofu is replaced with some kind of meat, and I love Vouvray!  One of my favorites.  Although I can get good Vouvray at Total Wine for less $$. 


The quote seems to be a take-off from Benjamin Franklin's "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after 3 days."  I can think of some people this would be true of, but not most.  Will pass on the drink (coconut and pineapple).


Well you can add me to the Covid list.... 😞  I tested positive last night.  I knew it would be a miracle if I didn't catch it from DH, I'm sure he had it before we knew.  Anyway, so far it's very mild for me, just a scratchy throat and minor cold symptoms.  I've put a message into my Nephrologist to see if she even recommends Paxlovid for kidney patients with moderate disease.  Right now, after reading about the possible side effects I'm leaning towards not taking it since my symptoms (so far) are so mild.  DSIL the PA suggested I pick up the prescription, and then, if in the next 3 days I feel worse, I'll have it.  


Happy Birthday Edi @NextOne!!

Best wishes for a successful surgery @tupper10.

Oh no Maxine @AncientWanderer!  I'm so sorry you've gotten "The Crud" like several of us have had.  Hope you'll be feeling better very soon!

@Safety SquirrelThank you for posting the military children poem.  It sounds just like our DD and DS who were Navy dependents (won't say brats lol)

Annie @marshhawk In the past HAL let us know well before the cruise how many Gala nights there would be.  Unfortunately since Covid (?) now we don't know until just before (I mean days) before the cruise. 😞  I don't like the change, but it is what it is.  Your Navigator will just show "smart casual" for the whole cruise, which isn't true.  I don't remember how many days your cruise will be, but you can count on 1-2 Gala nights/week depending on the length of the cruise.  


We've been to Bridgetown once, and did almost the same tour that Sandi @StLouisCruisersdid.  So I'll just post a few of my photos that aren't the same as hers.



Some photos of the Orchid House and Sunbury House.








Collection of sewing machines in the Sunbury House



Swim suit from the early 1900's (!)



Optometry equipment



The rum flowed freely.  We got a huge kick out of the gals doing the rum tasting.  It was a lot like watching an episode of I Love Lucy. 😉  








Carolyn, I'm sorry you tested positive, and hope your symptoms remain mild and you are well soon, and that your DH is better soon.  I enjoyed your pictures from Barbados.


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Great photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


I believe I have finally come back to the living. My goodness what a nasty cold or whatever I had. Thank you @JazzyV for the prayer request. I think you can remove me. @AncientWanderer I found that Mucinex "Fast-Max" helped clear my chest congestion better than the others. 


Thanks to all who loyally keep up the Daily for all to enjoy. I've missed ya'll. 


I used to love our deep dish pizzas in Chicago at Malnati's, but since moving west I prefer the crispy thin crust pizza. 


Dandelions... I just had our weed and fertilizer guy here yesterday. We came home to a yard filled with weeds. I've been pulling and spraying weeds for a few days myself. Filled a 3 gallon bucket twice before I surrendered to Ricardo. 




It's good to see you post a bit more Roy and hope you are on the road to recovery. I'm hoping all is well with @kazu. Have I missed her post or is she off for awhile?


Sandi Congratulations to Ren and so sweet of Graham to add his tips for kicking.


Wishing every well on illnesses, appointments and a toast to celebrate life tonight!


Joy, I'm glad you are feeling better now.  I wish the dandelions were the worst of my weed problems.  Living in the country, I'm battling every invasive Texas weed and wild grass.  Just as I get one under control or eradicated, a different one pops up in the cleared area.  I guess I can look at it as it gives me something to do, but there are other things I'd rather do.  One neighbor says that as long as it's green, he mows it.  My problem is some of the weeds and grasses grow ten times faster than the others and the remaining grass.  With those weeds I could be mowing very two to three days.  😱


@AncientWanderer  Maxine, I'm sorry you caught what ever that nasty virus is.  Please rest and take it easy.  I hope your are feeling better soon.



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34 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

The Paschal Yam is out of the oven and now Brussels sprouts are roasting. Brussels sprouts have no symbolic meaning and aren't part of a traditional seder meal at all, but I usually make some kind of roasted vegetable in order not to have to deal with timing the cooking of a vegetable at the last minute.


Before I could prepare the Brussels sprouts, I sharpened the Passover paring knife, since I remembered from last year that it was dull. Yes, even my only-moderately-thorough observance entails having all separate dishes and utensils for Passover. A few years ago, one of my colleagues was having a guest whose observance, they thought, might be stricter than their own, and they agonized over whether they needed to buy a Passover teakettle.


Thank you for explaining this to us. I really appreciate it. 

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22 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:



Joy, I'm glad you are feeling better now.  I wish the dandelions were the worst of my weed problems.  Living in the country, I'm battling every invasive Texas weed and wild grass.  Just as I get one under control or eradicated, a different one pops up in the cleared area.  I guess I can look at it as it gives me something to do, but there are other things I'd rather do.  One neighbor says that as long as it's green, he mows it.  My problem is some of the weeds and grasses grow ten times faster than the others and the remaining grass.  With those weeds I could be mowing very two to three days.  😱



Lenda I did not realize how crazy the weeds are in Sun City! People are getting dun notices to clear up the weeds. Luckily we have been working on the front for hours and someone must see we are working on it. Other neighbors have huge weed problems.  I'm blaming it on the crappy sod installed with very little top soil. The weeds pop before the grass even shows.

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We spent many happy times in Barbados.  We had a timeshare there and went there every spring for about 40 years.  After we retired we would stay for a whole month.  It was bittersweet when we decided to sell it.  

I can’t match the photos you all have because most of mine are pre-digital.

However I do have one or two that are from the Atlantis Hotel with DH and DBIL enjoying a wonderful lunch and, of course, a Rum Punch . The last photo is on the Silver Moon Catamaran.

Sweet memories of happy times.





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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Lenda I did not realize how crazy the weeds are in Sun City! People are getting dun notices to clear up the weeds. Luckily we have been working on the front for hours and someone must see we are working on it. Other neighbors have huge weed problems.  I'm blaming it on the crappy sod installed with very little top soil. The weeds pop before the grass even shows.


Joy, when we put the yard in 23 years ago, we had top soil added and then the sod put on top.  We went with Bermuda because it does not require as much water.  It  did all right until about several  years ago when the crab grass began invading the yard.  It took over so much of the front yard, that it choked out a lot of the Bermuda, and I think the big freeze followed by the drought did the rest of the yard in.  I'm trying to kill or pull as many weeds as possible, then add more top soil and sod.  While I have my fingers crossed it will work, I'm not holding my breath.  The strong weed killer has killed some of the weeds, but others have taken their place.


The saving grace is our neighbors' yards are just as bad.  Even those who rocked their yards have weeds.



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46 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We spent many happy times in Barbados.  We had a timeshare there and went there every spring for about 40 years.  After we retired we would stay for a whole month.  It was bittersweet when we decided to sell it.  

I can’t match the photos you all have because most of mine are pre-digital.

However I do have one or two that are from the Atlantis Hotel with DH and DBIL enjoying a wonderful lunch and, of course, a Rum Punch . The last photo is on the Silver Moon Catamaran.

Sweet memories of happy times.





Nice photos and nice memories for you Terri.

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@JazzyVVanessa, I think you can take DH and me off the Care list. We're both feeling good, and will be sorung from our covid jail on Saturday! Unfortunately we've missed 4 of the 6 New Zealand ports, so I guess we'll have to come back. Ill wait until i get home to start planning...




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I've been occupied a lot of the day but have been keeping up with reading the Daily.  So much news from this crowd!  Good to hear Joy @Seasick Sailor is doing better, but pulling weeds sounds like a lot of work for someone so ill recently.  Please take care!   Also good luck to Annie @marshhawk tomorrow with your scan.  We have you on our prayer list!  Hoping all the "nasty virus" sufferers are past the worst of it.  I'm sorry if I fail to mention people but rest assured I do read your posts and care about you all.  🙏


During dinner prep we were being updated by DS about the 4 to 6 pm central time soccer game.  At halftime the score was 2 to 0 FC Dallas.  But Ren wasn't in yet.  He was put in after halftime and within 2 minutes scored.  Before I could type an exclamatory response (Yay Ren!), DS typed that he just scored again!  He was back in his usual spot, striker (scorer) position.  4 to 0.  Then the other two top scorers scored and before I knew it FC Dallas was 7 to 0.  Ren assisted one of his teammates to score, then Ren scored two more.  Yep he scored 4 goals and one assist.  The final score was 10 to 0!  It was breathtaking keeping up with such rapid scoring.  Wish I could have seen it!  DS has a flight back to Dallas tomorrow to be there for the remainder of the tournament, and DDIL will fly to I think Austin for a run this weekend.  She's into running.  I get dizzy thinking about everything they fit into one week!


Maxine @AncientWanderer I asked for the final decision about colleges and older brother to Ren has decided on UCLA!  Sorry but it won't be USC as you were hoping for.  Apparently USC wanted someone other than a #2 in class, 1580 SAT scorer, speaks English, French, and Mandarin and is first viola in the school orchestra-type student!  What more do they want??  I'm sure he will be happy at UCLA.  🎓


So yeah, it's been a busy day.🥴



Edited by StLouisCruisers
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8 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I've been occupied a lot of the day but have been keeping up with reading the Daily.  So much news from this crowd!  Good to hear Joy @Seasick Sailor is doing better, but pulling weeds sounds like a lot of work for someone so ill recently.  Please take care!   Also good luck to Annie @marshhawk tomorrow with your scan.  We have you on our prayer list!  Hoping all the "nasty virus" sufferers are past the worst of it.  I'm sorry if I fail to mention people but rest assured I do read your posts and care about you all.  🙏


During dinner prep we were being updated by DS about the 4 to 6 pm central time soccer game.  At halftime the score was 2 to 0 FC Dallas.  But Ren wasn't in yet.  He was put in after halftime and within 2 minutes scored.  Before I could type an exclamatory response (Yay Ren!), DS typed that he just scored again!  He was back in his usual spot, striker (scorer) position.  4 to 0.  Then the other two top scorers scored and before I knew it FC Dallas was 7 to 0.  Ren assisted one of his teammates to score, then Ren scored two more.  Yep he scored 4 goals and one assist.  The final score was 10 to 0!  It was breathtaking keeping up with such rapid scoring.  Wish I could have seen it!  DS has a flight back to Dallas tomorrow to be there for the remainder of the tournament, and DDIL will fly to I think Austin for a run this weekend.  She's into running.  I get dizzy thinking about everything they fit into one week!


Maxine @AncientWanderer I asked for the final decision about colleges and older brother to Ren has decided on UCLA!  Sorry but it won't be USC as you were hoping for.  Apparently USC wanted someone other than a #2 in class, 1580 SAT scorer, speaks English, French, and Mandarin and is first viola in the school orchestra-type student!  What more do they want??  I'm sure he will be happy at UCLA.  🎓


So yeah, it's been a busy day.🥴




It's funny Sandi, I only remember you mentioning Berkley and USC, and I wondered at the time why the heck he didn't apply to UCLA.  I think it's the best of western schools right now.  That's great news that he's chosen UCLA.  Congratulations to your family for all of their achievements. 

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