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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 17th, 2023


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Good morning, all! I enjoy veggies, especially raw. I also love road trips, although my last real road trip was the summer before Covid, so it’s been awhile. Juggling is beyond me, although I enjoy watching. I’ve been to Panama City, but not Colon.

Yesterday I printed a scarf using the few Mopani leaves I brought back from north Kruger. It is subtle shades of beige and brown, with a lot of ghost prints as well as the main ones. I like the way it came out, and is my souvenir from our first safari camp. 
A friend dropped over for coffee and a card game. Tonight we’re going to their house for dinner, and bringing desert. I’m making Brazo de Mercedes, but with lemon curd filling instead of the traditional vanilla custard.

Happy Saturday, everyone, and cheers to our favorite BHB’s, wherever they may be!


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Good morning,

I have been trying to post for the past hour and between DGS and Molly I have not sat down. It will be a bust day but that is how I like it. We will be heading out to Wal-Mart shortly to pick up a present for a party DGS is going to this afternoon as his parents are busy putting an offer on a house. They have missed out on several. I did give them a portion of the money I got from my sons estate to help them meet a 20% down. This opened up a different price range and more houses. I get nervous looking at how much houses cost   

Have a great day. 

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I will eat my vegetables today. No road trip today for me, although BFF and I did 2 big ones (5k+ miles) in the past, concentrating on National Parks, which I had never visited. These days with how people drive, I'm not sure I'll do one again. I'll salute juggling although I can't do it. Excellent quote. Maybe on the meal, although I'd prefer beef. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine, but it's over my budget.

I've been past Colon on my Panama Canal cruise, but we didn't stop there.


It's forecast to be a very nice weekend here; 78F today and 80F tomorrow. The air quality is a bit worse today (AQI 126), unhealthy for sensitive groups. I don't have any specific plans. I've been relaxing, catching up on watching Bridgerton, lol. 


 @StLouisCruisers Good luck to Ren and his team today!

@ottahand7 Good news on the road work starting soon.

@kazu Enjoy the lobster meal.

@mamaofami Have a great time at dinner tonight.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos.

@Cruzin Terri I hope all goes to plan with your flights. Exciting that you're on your way!


Prayers for all in need and Cheers for those celebrating.

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Good morning all!

Well the rain/drizzle has begun, and according to the forecast will stay with us for the next week.  Much cooler too.  This is more typical June weather for us, not the hot weather we had before.


We eat a lot of vegetables here, and I would love to take a road trip.  Our last one was a couple years ago when we did a big loop and went to several national parks.  Usually jugglers don't interest me, but I do remember one on a BHB who was a lot funnier than the comedian we had!!  Good quote, and DH keeps me laughing every day.  I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine, and have not been to Colon. 


Prayers for all in need and a big cheer for all who are celebrating.



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Greetings again from the JAX airport Delta Lounge.  We were very fortunate to have a lovely lady who checked us in and was happy to check the luggage all the way through to London Heathrow.  And she did it with a smile.  It is so nice when you meet people who are happy to help you.  What a relief!  The last thing we wanted to do was have to pick up our luggage at JFK and recheck it.  However, we do have to check in again.  That is fine.

The sun has come out and the skies have cleared.  Our flight is on time so all seems well.

Thank you all for the well wishes for a safe trip.  We are excited.

Realized I forgot a few things.  However, London is a big city and I’m sure I’ll be able to find what I need.

Happy Saturday to everyone.


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6 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Greetings again from the JAX airport Delta Lounge.  We were very fortunate to have a lovely lady who checked us in and was happy to check the luggage all the way through to London Heathrow.  And she did it with a smile.  It is so nice when you meet people who are happy to help you.  What a relief!  The last thing we wanted to do was have to pick up our luggage at JFK and recheck it.  However, we do have to check in again.  That is fine.

The sun has come out and the skies have cleared.  Our flight is on time so all seems well.

Thank you all for the well wishes for a safe trip.  We are excited.

Realized I forgot a few things.  However, London is a big city and I’m sure I’ll be able to find what I need.

Happy Saturday to everyone.


I hope you can check in for your connectio from within the secure part of JFK.  Still, nice not to need to deal with luggage.



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1 minute ago, rafinmd said:

I hope you can check in for your connectio from within the secure part of JFK.  Still, nice not to need to deal with luggage.



i hope so too, Roy.  i am thinking about that and will see if we can do that.  Not fond of going through security again, especially at JFK.  However, we do have PreCheck.  That will help.


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I promise to eat my vegetables today. The only road trip in my immediate plans is for a conference next month, in New Jersey, which barely qualifies as a road trip from here. I don't have the visual coordination to watch juggling, never mind actually doing it.


I might like the portobello burger, although mushrooms are high in FODMAPS. Roy, I'm sorry, but it you make it without the mushroom, it's just a hamburger roll and condiments. No no no to cocktails involving coconut. I would probably like the wine, but if obtainable here would be expensive, so I'll suggest Dr. Konstantin Frank's Old Vines Pinot Noir 2020 from the Finger Lakes. It's the second-oldest planting of Pinot Noir in America.


The itinerary for my Panama Canal cruise next year doesn't include a call at Colon, but has an overnight at Fuerte Amador.





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It’s a warm day in Bordeaux. We have been on a wine tasting private of the Saint Emillion wine region today. Three wineries and a very nice lunch. Vineyards as far as one can and more around the bend. One vineyard had some wine that was 76 years old that they had on very special occasions.

Still full from lunch so not sure what the plans for this evening other for now just taking a break.

Tomorrow we tour and check out Sauternes.

Thanks for the reports.





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Good morning, 

It's a more overcast day here today and a rain is in the forecast. DS has been working diligently on the roofing and the front half is now all shingled and the back is all papered so we're good. Hopefully done by the end of the next week. 

DH is progressing and really has done well this week. It's like a switch has been turned on in his brain as he's more alert and definitely more verbal. He's insisting they get him up to go to Bingo on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Thursday he was doing an Eldergrow activity when I got there. We had his care conference yesterday and therapy continues for at least another week and then we'll set a coming home date! One goal is to be able to get in and out of the car. 

We love going on day trips and overnighters so getting in and out of the car is a must. Also, we drive to Seattle to board a ship so again - have to be able to get in and out. 


My DSIL and DBIL, years ago, had a company in Seattle that made toys for juggling for adults. They were so creative! There was a set of three penguins called "penguinis" and one called "Tossed Salad" where you juggled  lettuce, tomato and something else. There was a burger one where you juggled the bun halves and the meat. I remember one with three pigs and another with the moon and stars. 


Today is Berry Dairy Days in a nearby town so there's a parade this morning and lawn mower races this afternoon. 

Have a good day and an enjoyable weekend!



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Good morning and thanks all!  Agree about Colon, we got off the ship and got right back on after five minutes.  Eek! 
I love road trips, last big one was to Arches and Canyonlands, but agree with @ger_77 re the price of motels, average seems to be at least 300! We have been planning one in the Canadian mountain parks and it can even be more.   The beautiful Fairmont properties are well over a thousand! 
@Cruzin Terri Bon voyage and safe travels, wishing you a fabulous trip! 






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Will try to post before the days gets away from me.  That has happened for the last couple of days.  My healing seems to be going quite well.  I can wear my glasses for a period of time, but still have them off periodically as there is still some swelling in my nose.  All is good!!!!


My downsizing has begun.  I am starting to go through stuff, and make some very hard choices, but I know this is just part of the relocation woes.  At least I can get through stuff that I am holding on to, such as too much paperwork.  I will be taking lots to UPS for shredding!  


It is just beautiful here today, with sunny clear skies.  It is only forecast to be in 80's today as opposed to our normal June temps of 90's.  We did have a decent rain on Thursday night (local outdoor concert was cancelled).  It almost seems like the monsoons are setting up, which is about a month early.  Just as an aside, there is SNOW today on Vail Pass.  Welcome to Colorado where it can snow 12 months of the year.


Thanks to everyone for the encouragement on my planned move to a seniors apartment.  @durangoscotswhen will I see you in GJ?  At least we have slightly more flights from here than you have in Durango.  With better airline connections, though, it still looks like it is going to be very complicated for me to get to Quebec City in September for my Zuiderdam cruise!


Back to purging!  Enjoy the weekend.

Mary Kay

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Good afternoon from central Texas.  It is now 90F and there is hardly any wind.  I got the yard work done before it got too hot, and there was a decent breeze most of the time.  As usual, I found other things that needed taking care of besides the mowing.  The marigolds I planted earlier are really growing and looking good.  However, they were growing over the zinnias, and half of the zinnias are almost dead.  While it's not a good time to move them, that was the only chance they had, so they are now away from the marigolds where they can get sun and water.  I just hope it's not too late for some of the ones in the worst shape.  Three are doing fairly well at least.


5 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning, thanks for today’s report.  Today is cooler than yesterday.  I did some more weeding this morning until the rain started again.  Heavy rain is expected later.  We are considering a trip to Providence for an outdoor event but expect the rain will keep us away.  I’ll replace the mushroom with bacon and enjoy a good burger for lunch. Wishing everyone a good Saturday.



Jake, while I like veggie trays, I'll take yours any day.  🤣


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We eat vegetables of some kind almost every day, either fresh or cooked.  We sometimes take day trips out of the city just to see what's happening in smaller towns in the area.  I haven't planned a long road trip in years, but they were fun; now you'd run yourself into the poor house just with hotel accommodations alone.  Not a fan of jugglers, but appreciate the skill it takes.  DH and I laugh at something pretty much every day.


DH was medically disembarked in Colon and transferred to Panama City; once was enough, there's no need to go back.  @Quartzsite Cruiser's photos pretty much sum it up, minus the drug dealers and ladies in waiting.


It's a cool, cloudy morning out there today and there's a stiff breeze as well, so it's looking like long pants and t shirts will be the order of the day.  Last night was enjoyable; DH and his band had an early evening gig, then our friend (and bandmate) who lost his wife last year came home with him and we spent a few hours on the deck having great conversation, Aperol spritzes and snacks.  Surprisingly there weren't any mosquitos, which was really nice.


Nothing much on the agenda today, just more sewing - I've made 13 sets of coasters already and have more fabric to go through.  DH wants to work on some old pieces of his music, so I'll have some nice melodies to accompany the sewing machine.  I'd like to try the drink of the day, would like a sip of the wine if someone offers it to me, and will pass on the menu option.  We've got a freezer full of smokies now (in advance of our annual summer barbecue), so DH will cook some of them up on the barbecue.  I'll make a Greek salad (vegetables) and that's what we'll enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, they probably moved the drug dealers and ladies in waiting way from the bus route.  😉  Panama City is marginally better, but it looks better from a BHB than up close.  There are shanties between the high rise buildings.   At least, we've been there, done that.


4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I have been trying to post for the past hour and between DGS and Molly I have not sat down. It will be a bust day but that is how I like it. We will be heading out to Wal-Mart shortly to pick up a present for a party DGS is going to this afternoon as his parents are busy putting an offer on a house. They have missed out on several. I did give them a portion of the money I got from my sons estate to help them meet a 20% down. This opened up a different price range and more houses. I get nervous looking at how much houses cost   

Have a great day. 


Lorraine, enjoy your day with the DGS.  I hope his parents' offer is accepted.


4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Greetings again from the JAX airport Delta Lounge.  We were very fortunate to have a lovely lady who checked us in and was happy to check the luggage all the way through to London Heathrow.  And she did it with a smile.  It is so nice when you meet people who are happy to help you.  What a relief!  The last thing we wanted to do was have to pick up our luggage at JFK and recheck it.  However, we do have to check in again.  That is fine.

The sun has come out and the skies have cleared.  Our flight is on time so all seems well.

Thank you all for the well wishes for a safe trip.  We are excited.

Realized I forgot a few things.  However, London is a big city and I’m sure I’ll be able to find what I need.

Happy Saturday to everyone.



Terri, that is good news the agent was able to check your bags all the way to London, and with the added bonus of being a pleasant person.  Add me to the list of those who hope you can recheck in for the next flight without having to go through security.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

It's a more overcast day here today and a rain is in the forecast. DS has been working diligently on the roofing and the front half is now all shingled and the back is all papered so we're good. Hopefully done by the end of the next week. 

DH is progressing and really has done well this week. It's like a switch has been turned on in his brain as he's more alert and definitely more verbal. He's insisting they get him up to go to Bingo on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Thursday he was doing an Eldergrow activity when I got there. We had his care conference yesterday and therapy continues for at least another week and then we'll set a coming home date! One goal is to be able to get in and out of the car. 

We love going on day trips and overnighters so getting in and out of the car is a must. Also, we drive to Seattle to board a ship so again - have to be able to get in and out. 


My DSIL and DBIL, years ago, had a company in Seattle that made toys for juggling for adults. They were so creative! There was a set of three penguins called "penguinis" and one called "Tossed Salad" where you juggled  lettuce, tomato and something else. There was a burger one where you juggled the bun halves and the meat. I remember one with three pigs and another with the moon and stars. 


Today is Berry Dairy Days in a nearby town so there's a parade this morning and lawn mower races this afternoon. 

Have a good day and an enjoyable weekend!




Karen, I'm glad that your DS is making good progress on the new roof.  The news about your DH just keeps getting better and better.  I'm glad he wants to take part in the activities, and hope the goal of getting in and out of the car is reached soon.  


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Agree about Colon, we got off the ship and got right back on after five minutes.  Eek! 
I love road trips, last big one was to Arches and Canyonlands, but agree with @ger_77 re the price of motels, average seems to be at least 300! We have been planning one in the Canadian mountain parks and it can even be more.   The beautiful Fairmont properties are well over a thousand! 
@Cruzin Terri Bon voyage and safe travels, wishing you a fabulous trip! 







Brenda, many of our road trips were in the motorhome.  For years we'd visit a place for a few days, and then move on to other places.  The cost of sites in RV parks has gotten ridiculous too.  Before Covid, it reached the point that to be cost effective, we needed to stay for a month because the daily rates were outrageous.  It was also almost impossible to get into state parks, national parks and national forest campgrounds.  We've heard that since Covid, the situation is even worse.


53 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Will try to post before the days gets away from me.  That has happened for the last couple of days.  My healing seems to be going quite well.  I can wear my glasses for a period of time, but still have them off periodically as there is still some swelling in my nose.  All is good!!!!


My downsizing has begun.  I am starting to go through stuff, and make some very hard choices, but I know this is just part of the relocation woes.  At least I can get through stuff that I am holding on to, such as too much paperwork.  I will be taking lots to UPS for shredding!  


It is just beautiful here today, with sunny clear skies.  It is only forecast to be in 80's today as opposed to our normal June temps of 90's.  We did have a decent rain on Thursday night (local outdoor concert was cancelled).  It almost seems like the monsoons are setting up, which is about a month early.  Just as an aside, there is SNOW today on Vail Pass.  Welcome to Colorado where it can snow 12 months of the year.


Thanks to everyone for the encouragement on my planned move to a seniors apartment.  @durangoscotswhen will I see you in GJ?  At least we have slightly more flights from here than you have in Durango.  With better airline connections, though, it still looks like it is going to be very complicated for me to get to Quebec City in September for my Zuiderdam cruise!


Back to purging!  Enjoy the weekend.

Mary Kay


Mary Kay, I'm glad you can wear your glasses most of the time now.  Good luck with the downsizing.



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I try very hard to eat my veggies, most of my issues with them go back to my childhood trauma of them being boiled beyond recognition.


Mostly I am a hard core carnivore.  A few days ago I was starving on the job, bought some sushi to go.  It came with mizo soup, well darned it i didn't start checking on some 1/4inch chunks of tofu.  Just remember gasping for air in the cab of my truck thinking I was not ment to die this way.  I'm sure all my vegan neices would have seen the humor in it.

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Good afternoon. Late today for no reason other than I just really had trouble getting started with anything today. Dogs and I were out early which is a good thing. While it was chilly - only 38 with a forecast high of 68 today, we had a good walk and went further than usual.  As we were headed home the sky began to darken and just as we hit the front of condo the sky opened up. A very cold rain. The sun did reappear about noon but our temps are still below average. That will change in the next couple of days with highs headed into the mid to upper 80's. Nights will still be chilly.... but in the 40's rather than the 30's.


I have to agree that HAL seems to keep the veggies to a minimum. I sometimes request an extra  veggie plate to be shared at the table. And I nearly always eat salads at lunch since I usually eat in the Lido and can piece together what I want. I am happy to eat mushrooms any time. Have not been to Colon and think I could skip it from the sound of it.


Like Mary Kay, I am down sizing with the thought of moving and while I am not planning to move soon, I know I will have to eventually. I am no spring chicken by any means.... actually "celebrating" my 86th birthday today. Had a celebratory breakfast at lunch time at Dennys with a couple of friends (not fancy but it was the only place with room when we went). I know my nephew would not be happy if he has to sort through all the "treasures" in this condo. It is amazing what you can accumulate over time. I am going to be very frugal with shopping on the cruise this winter. I have enough T-shirts to last me. I am past dragging awkward things home on the plane.


So.... I had better get ready to give the boys their afternoon walk and I really should go the store although I will probably put that off until tomorrow. I also need to schedule a appointment for a service appointment for the car .... the dogs have a vet appointment coming up and I have a doctor's appointment coming up too. That means scheduling a lab-work appointment as the lab I used to go to is no long functioning. Staffing problems they say.


Take care all.











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Greetings from JFK. 

We are in the Delta Lounge.  Did not have to leave the secure area.  When we arrived at the Lounge the agent was able to check us in and we are all set.

Enjoying some F&B pre flight and watching the planes taking off.

So far everyone has been super helpful and we have been super impressed with the way Delta has treated us.

Thank you all again for the well wishes.


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7 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good afternoon. Late today for no reason other than I just really had trouble getting started with anything today. Dogs and I were out early which is a good thing. While it was chilly - only 38 with a forecast high of 68 today, we had a good walk and went further than usual.  As we were headed home the sky began to darken and just as we hit the front of condo the sky opened up. A very cold rain. The sun did reappear about noon but our temps are still below average. That will change in the next couple of days with highs headed into the mid to upper 80's. Nights will still be chilly.... but in the 40's rather than the 30's.


I have to agree that HAL seems to keep the veggies to a minimum. I sometimes request an extra  veggie plate to be shared at the table. And I nearly always eat salads at lunch since I usually eat in the Lido and can piece together what I want. I am happy to eat mushrooms any time. Have not been to Colon and think I could skip it from the sound of it.


Like Mary Kay, I am down sizing with the thought of moving and while I am not planning to move soon, I know I will have to eventually. I am no spring chicken by any means.... actually "celebrating" my 86th birthday today. Had a celebratory breakfast at lunch time at Dennys with a couple of friends (not fancy but it was the only place with room when we went). I know my nephew would not be happy if he has to sort through all the "treasures" in this condo. It is amazing what you can accumulate over time. I am going to be very frugal with shopping on the cruise this winter. I have enough T-shirts to last me. I am past dragging awkward things home on the plane.


So.... I had better get ready to give the boys their afternoon walk and I really should go the store although I will probably put that off until tomorrow. I also need to schedule a appointment for a service appointment for the car .... the dogs have a vet appointment coming up and I have a doctor's appointment coming up too. That means scheduling a lab-work appointment as the lab I used to go to is no long functioning. Staffing problems they say.


Take care all.





Susan, wishing you a very HAPPY 86TH BIRTHDAY!





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4 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:


Greetings from JFK. 

We are in the Delta Lounge.  Did not have to leave the secure area.  When we arrived at the Lounge the agent was able to check us in and we are all set.

Enjoying some F&B pre flight and watching the planes taking off.

So far everyone has been super helpful and we have been super impressed with the way Delta has treated us.

Thank you all again for the well wishes.



Terri, we have flown Delta for our last several overseas flights, and have been impressed with them too.  It's great they could check you in for the flight at the lounge.


Safe continued travels.




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6 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I did give them a portion of the money I got from my sons estate to help them meet a 20% down. This opened up a different price range and more houses. I get nervous looking at how much houses cost   


How very kind and generous of you to help them out ♥️ 



8 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Mostly sunny today with some rain this afternoon. We are celebrating Father’s Day tonight at a steak house chosen by my DH. Couldn’t get a reservation for tomorrow. 


Enjoy your dinner out, Carol 🙂. I actually think you are wiser to do tonight as tomorrow will be a zoo and the service will most likely not be the same.


Have fun 🙂 



25 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:


Greetings from JFK. 

We are in the Delta Lounge.  Did not have to leave the secure area.  When we arrived at the Lounge the agent was able to check us in and we are all set.

Enjoying some F&B pre flight and watching the planes taking off.

So far everyone has been super helpful and we have been super impressed with the way Delta has treated us.

Thank you all again for the well wishes.



I am so glad things are going well for you Terri 👍. It’s about time that things went your way 😉. Enjoy the F & B and safe continued travels.



36 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good afternoon. Late today for no reason other than I just really had trouble getting started with anything today. Dogs and I were out early which is a good thing. While it was chilly - only 38 with a forecast high of 68 today, we had a good walk and went further than usual.  As we were headed home the sky began to darken and just as we hit the front of condo the sky opened up. A very cold rain.


Sounds like you have my luck walking.  The skies always open before I get home 😔 



36 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Like Mary Kay, I am down sizing with the thought of moving and while I am not planning to move soon, I know I will have to eventually.


I am doing the same - going slowly admittedly as I feel sad and feel like I am betraying my DD DH every time I get rid of something he wanted to ‘save’.


But it has to be done.  Good for you.



36 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I am no spring chicken by any means.... actually "celebrating" my 86th birthday today.


Wow!  And you are still walking dogs and doing all that work at the shelter!  I am truly in awe.


My very best wishes for the happiest of birthdays for you.





2 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Will try to post before the days gets away from me.  That has happened for the last couple of days.  My healing seems to be going quite well.  I can wear my glasses for a period of time, but still have them off periodically as there is still some swelling in my nose.  All is good!!!!


Yippee - glad the glasses can go on for a short while.  Progress 👍 



2 hours ago, cruzn single said:


My downsizing has begun.  I am starting to go through stuff, and make some very hard choices, but I know this is just part of the relocation woes.  



Good for you.  It’s a tough job but you will be glad you got it done in the end.



4 hours ago, luvteaching said:

DH is progressing and really has done well this week. It's like a switch has been turned on in his brain as he's more alert and definitely more verbal. He's insisting they get him up to go to Bingo on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Thursday he was doing an Eldergrow activity when I got there. We had his care conference yesterday and therapy continues for at least another week and then we'll set a coming home date! One goal is to be able to get in and out of the car. 


Wow! This is fabulous news 🙂. So glad your DH is improving so well.  It will come - I’m confident now with the way he is progressing 👍. My prayers continue though to be safe 🙏🏻 



4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

It’s a warm day in Bordeaux. We have been on a wine tasting private of the Saint Emillion wine region today. Three wineries and a very nice lunch. Vineyards as far as one can and more around the bend. One vineyard had some wine that was 76 years old that they had on very special occasions.


Lovely Bruce!  We did a fabulous wine tour when we were in Bordeaux too.  Sounds like you have a full day tomorrow.  I’m guessing you are docked downtown and hope you can explore Bordeaux for a bit - even a night.  It’s a different look.  Enjoy - we were enchanted there

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Good afternoon from the sunny Santa Catalina Mountains where it’s very breezy. We are enjoying watching the birds, chipmunks and squirrels. 

We are having steak and baked potatoes for lunch, although a bit late. Tonight I think it’s just leftovers. DGD has asked for cheese tortillas and beans. 

Later…..    Have a great day everyone!

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