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Vaping in Casino on Equinox


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10 hours ago, Baynanno1 said:

I guess there are comparatively so few of us "down under" that we don't rate a response from Celebrity.


I sent emails to three different addresses 5 days ago. While I had no expectation of receiving a phone call - that would cost money 🙄 no response, canned or otherwise has been forthcoming.

Maybe I'll write again. 🤔


We have a final payment date soon and several more cruises booked for 2024 and 2025, fortunately booked before the introduction of the new hefty non-refundable deposits.


If this harebrained, health threatening trial is put in place throughout their ships, we will also be voting with our feet and moving to a healthier cruise line.

Cheers Mate.

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1 hour ago, the penguins said:

Well done. The more facts they get the harder it will be for them to continue with this crazy proposal.


If the change was based on facts/health, they wouldn't have started to begin with. It's just a revenue measure; just whether they'll think the cost of the measure (incl loss of customers/revenue) outweighs the revenue gains from customers gambling more.

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I did get a reply which had my next cruise Eclipse 16, 2024 in the header. Being a couple of an age in which poor health can preclude cruising and our lives are statistically limited, I am wondering if Celebrity is giving any credence to all the protesting emails they receive from us senior citizens.


Here is the response I received Thursday:

Thank you so much for this valuable feedback. We really appreciate you taking the time to contact the Executive Offices at Celebrity Cruises.
This test is currently taking place in the casinos on the Celebrity Equinox and Celebrity Eclipse through August 20th. It is a test at this point, and all feedback is being taking into consideration, so again, thank you.
As a brand we will continue to keep our guests as the main focus, and you taking the time to reach out is truly beneficial and appreciated. Again, thank you so much for the feedback provided regarding our recent change.
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On 7/5/2023 at 7:30 PM, Josie201 said:

Celebrity seems to be refining their standard response.  Here’s what I just received.  



Thank you so much for this valuable feedback. We really appreciate you taking the time to contact the Executive Offices at Celebrity Cruises. 

This test is currently taking place in the casinos on the Celebrity Equinox and Celebrity Eclipse through August 20th. It is a test at this point, and all feedback is being taking into consideration, so again, thank you.

As a brand we will continue to keep our guests as the main focus, and you taking the time to reach out is truly beneficial and appreciated. Again, thank you so much for the feedback provided regarding our recent change.

Except that last line should read "regarding our PROPOSED change".  Sounds like a done deal to me!


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1 hour ago, The_Big_M said:


If the change was based on facts/health, they wouldn't have started to begin with. It's just a revenue measure; just whether they'll think the cost of the measure (incl loss of customers/revenue) outweighs the revenue gains from customers gambling more.

True but when faced with reality and, by the look of it, a monumental rejection of the idea by a huge percentage of passengers, change often happens. 
Personally I consider the idea will be dropped and X will revert to the previous arrangements.

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It seems that lots of good folks made their feelings known regarding this latest moronic attempt by Celebrity to enhance the cruising experience for its passengers. No doubt, vaping/smoking in the casino will do just that. Unfortunately, X responses from overworked staffers and uncaring executive assistants seemed nothing more than disingenuous attempts at placation. I don't know, does anyone know if any one member from the elite brainstorming committee responsible for this exercise actually showed their face around here. Probably not. Probably unwilling to take ownership, as an individual and as a group. You have got to admit, it is an ignominious position to be in. But, from a gambling standpoint one should at least have a pair and be willing to proudly show them, even in a losing cause.

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On 7/8/2023 at 12:31 PM, CruisinNole said:

I would be very surprised if they conduct a test of cigarette smoking in the casino. I'm sure that at the end of the vaping test, there will be an announcement that Celebrity casinos are no longer smoke free. 

Part of me agrees with that thought (cynic as I am) but the other part of me thinks that won't happen.  Why?  It is my belief (perhaps wrong; perhaps right) that this is not necessarily about casino revenue per se.  I think this is more about attracting a younger crowd, whose vice of choice these days is vaping.  Just about every 20-30 year old I know (and I confess that number is fairly small) vapes.  Statistically, younger people are not smoking regular cigarettes as much as before, particularly if you look at the demographics of who they might care to attract on their ships.  Therefore, according to my personal logic, adding smoking would be counterproductive as it would not entice them, and would, even more so than vaping, result in a number of people leaving the fleet.  

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22 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

  Just about every 20-30 year old I know (and I confess that number is fairly small) vapes.  Statistically

The few that I know who vape are vaping THC. Also none at that age are interested in cruises….

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5 hours ago, the penguins said:

True but when faced with reality and, by the look of it, a monumental rejection of the idea by a huge percentage of passengers, change often happens.


Is there a monumental rejection? How many of Celebrities passengers, current and on the next several sailings, know anything about the experiment?


There are many words against allowing vaping from many contributors to this forum. But Celebrity ships can carry over 32000 passengers and only small portion of them post here. ( Wikipedia lists 15 ships and their capacities total 32377. ) There are about 450 posts so far in this topic, if all 450 were from different people then that represents only about 1.4% of the current passengers on ship.


I would much prefer that vaping and smoking be completely banned on ship. But the current rules allowing a them on a couple of outside places is a reasonable compromise.

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13 minutes ago, Chanbre said:


Is there a monumental rejection? How many of Celebrities passengers, current and on the next several sailings, know anything about the experiment?



I would guess very few as they have taken the signs down and the only mention is in the Cruise Planner.


This does not seem like a very good test of anything.  But I am sure Celebrity will spin it however they want to.

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4 minutes ago, NMTraveller said:

I would guess very few as they have taken the signs down and the only mention is in the Cruise Planner.


This does not seem like a very good test of anything.  But I am sure Celebrity will spin it however they want to.

I don't get the impression that Celebrity cares how valid the test is. I'm guessing that the decision has been made and they're just going through the motions.

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10 minutes ago, CruisinNole said:

I don't get the impression that Celebrity cares how valid the test is. I'm guessing that the decision has been made and they're just going through the motions.

That is my impression also.

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37 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

Part of me agrees with that thought (cynic as I am) but the other part of me thinks that won't happen.  Why?  It is my belief (perhaps wrong; perhaps right) that this is not necessarily about casino revenue per se.  I think this is more about attracting a younger crowd, whose vice of choice these days is vaping.  Just about every 20-30 year old I know (and I confess that number is fairly small) vapes.  Statistically, younger people are not smoking regular cigarettes as much as before, particularly if you look at the demographics of who they might care to attract on their ships.  Therefore, according to my personal logic, adding smoking would be counterproductive as it would not entice them, and would, even more so than vaping, result in a number of people leaving the fleet.  

I’m afraid it probably is about casino revenue. And I don’t think that’s the right question. 

I’ve given them a pass on a lot of operational decisions given their finances. But all we’re seeing are operational decisions. This seemingly simple change cuts at the heart of their business strategy and what separates them from other cruise lines. Forget the arguments about nickel and diming, they’ve positioned themselves as different. This takes away a difference. In 8 weeks they can at best collect data on casino revenue from current bookings. Period. They’re not going to see a sudden change in their demographic; that would take months, maybe a couple of years. If existing customers create more casino revenue if vaping is allowed, that’s at best interesting and demonstrates nothing. It certainly doesn’t mean they’re going to suddenly recruit a bunch of late 30 to mid 40 cruisers. I don’t see them positioned to 20-30 year olds. 

You’ve got a brand president with an operations (efficiency) background. She can be outflanked by another line with a more strategic view. Assuming one exists. There’s a near axiom in business that you don’t try to out Walmart Walmart. Swimming into a red ocean full of competitors doing the same thing only better than you isn’t a viable strategy. Do what you do better than them!


In 5-10 years MBA students will get to suffer through case discussions about Celebrity. With the “what should Laura do?” question…

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6 minutes ago, markeb said:

I’m afraid it probably is about casino revenue. And I don’t think that’s the right question. 

I’ve given them a pass on a lot of operational decisions given their finances. But all we’re seeing are operational decisions. This seemingly simple change cuts at the heart of their business strategy and what separates them from other cruise lines.



For the last 6 months they have been throwing away their market niche.  Now they are looking the same as other less expensive lines.

Edited by NMTraveller
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1 hour ago, Chanbre said:


Is there a monumental rejection? How many of Celebrities passengers, current and on the next several sailings, know anything about the experiment?


There are many words against allowing vaping from many contributors to this forum. But Celebrity ships can carry over 32000 passengers and only small portion of them post here. ( Wikipedia lists 15 ships and their capacities total 32377. ) There are about 450 posts so far in this topic, if all 450 were from different people then that represents only about 1.4% of the current passengers on ship.


I would much prefer that vaping and smoking be completely banned on ship. But the current rules allowing a them on a couple of outside places is a reasonable compromise.

My use of the word monumental was compared to those supporting the trial which on CC has so far been zero.

My "logic" for thinking that X will reverse its decision is to look at X's current response and to compare it with it's short lived attempt at the compolsary introduction of AI.

When passengers started to question the change X's reaction was:

Everyone likes it - the complaints soon disproved that.

Noone has complained - partly true until the ships started sailing then the floodgates opened.

It has only had a small affect on prices - again passengers soon came up with lots of examples to disprove that ( in my case AI added over 80% to the cost of a TA on Silhouette).

Book with an Agent which offers Sail Only Rates - when challenged X admitted that Sail Only Rates were being withdrawn from every Agent as those Agents deals came up for renewal.

Then the change when X stated - we appreciate that not every passenger wants or needs a drinks package or unlimited WiFi and we are working to address this issue.

Finally compolsary AI removed from all cabins except Aqua and Suites.

The current position on Vaping is that word is spreading, for example it has appeared on the Reflection Roll Call for 19 October, and passengers there have also now registered their objections to the Vaping trial. 

Hopefully I will be proved right and if not you won't find us in the Casino and if Vaping is extended to cabins and balconies you won't find us on any Celebrity ship. 






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If my wife and are going to be subject to second hand smoke , vaping or otherwise, we will just have to bite the bullet and forget about our loyalty to X . The Main reason we have remained loyal is that the inside of their ships have been smoke free for many years now.

If we are going to tolerate second hand smoke and the negative health effects and horrible smell on our clothes and in our hair , we will just cruise on the line that offers what is best for us with regard to itinerary, price , food etc. Goodbye loyalty. It was fun while it lasted.

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1 hour ago, the penguins said:

My use of the word monumental was compared to those supporting the trial which on CC has so far been zero.

My "logic" for thinking that X will reverse its decision is to look at X's current response and to compare it with it's short lived attempt at the compolsary introduction of AI.

When passengers started to question the change X's reaction was:

Everyone likes it - the complaints soon disproved that.

Noone has complained - partly true until the ships started sailing then the floodgates opened.

It has only had a small affect on prices - again passengers soon came up with lots of examples to disprove that ( in my case AI added over 80% to the cost of a TA on Silhouette).

Book with an Agent which offers Sail Only Rates - when challenged X admitted that Sail Only Rates were being withdrawn from every Agent as those Agents deals came up for renewal.

Then the change when X stated - we appreciate that not every passenger wants or needs a drinks package or unlimited WiFi and we are working to address this issue.

Finally compolsary AI removed from all cabins except Aqua and Suites.

The current position on Vaping is that word is spreading, for example it has appeared on the Reflection Roll Call for 19 October, and passengers there have also now registered their objections to the Vaping trial. 

Hopefully I will be proved right and if not you won't find us in the Casino and if Vaping is extended to cabins and balconies you won't find us on any Celebrity ship. 


The smokers and vapers have been pretty quiet on this thread. They might also be voicing their approval with the decision thru Emails and not wasting their time on CC. The yeas might (?) out number the nays. WAG. 

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6 minutes ago, davekathy said:

The smokers and vapers have been pretty quiet on this thread. They might also be voicing their approval with the decision thru Emails and not wasting their time on CC. The yeas might (?) out number the nays. WAG. 

Well that’s not surprising considering the responses received from many here. Why would we waste our time arguing with people incapable of reasoned discussion or willing to carry out even a little research? Why let the science get in the way of a good rant?  I Went straight to the exec office to applaud their decision and received a phone call the following day to thank me. 

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21 minutes ago, davekathy said:

The smokers and vapers have been pretty quiet on this thread. They might also be voicing their approval with the decision thru Emails and not wasting their time on CC. The yeas might (?) out number the nays. WAG. 

When I met with the revenue director a few days ago she indicated that they have received a lot of feedback, both in favor and against. She said the nays were more vocal but that they had also heard from some yeas.  I really doubt that, tbh. 

Edited by Georgia_Peaches
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31 minutes ago, Daveywavey70 said:

Well that’s not surprising considering the responses received from many here. Why would we waste our time arguing with people incapable of reasoned discussion or willing to carry out even a little research? Why let the science get in the way of a good rant?  I Went straight to the exec office to applaud their decision and received a phone call the following day to thank me. 

Possibly, but I, you or anyone else can't speak for why others aren't. I for one hope the nays out number the yeas. I've also voiced my concerns about the temporary decision thru Emails with follow up phone calls. Now we'll wait to see and let the chips fall where they may. Pun intended. 

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19 minutes ago, Daveywavey70 said:

 ...or willing to carry out even a little research.  Why let the science get in the way of a good rant?  

I'm not trying to be a smart*ss, but genuinely noting that I have never seen a scientific research article that states that vaping is healthy for you, not harmful to those around you, etc.  Would be very interested if you could provide some links demonstrating this science please?  Again, not trying to be an *ss, but my stepson vapes and truly interested.

Edited by Reel Love
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4 minutes ago, Reel Love said:

I'm not trying to be a smart*ss, but genuinely noting that I have never seen a scientific research article that states that vaping is healthy for you, not harmful to those around you, etc.  Would be very interested if you could provide some links demonstrating this science please?  Again, not trying to be an *ss, but my stepson vapes and truly interested.

Google is your friend. 

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