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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday August 16th, 2023


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Good afternoon from central Texas where it is 95F and feels like 95F.  We had a good visit with the back surgeon, who's back has been acting up this week.  🤣  He said it was getting better, but he doesn't know what he did to it.  Is that Karma or what?


Anyway, all was good with DH.  We spent most of the time talking about the NPH and the likelihood of getting the shunt.  It was the back surgeon who referred DH to UTSW, so he's interested in what is going on.  We learned some more about shunts and procedures, which is always good to know.  Otherwise, we will have the 12 month checkup from the back surgery in two months with an x-ray.  That should be our final visit with the surgeon.  We appreciated his taking time to talk about the NPH and the shunt when he's usually in and out of the exam room quickly.  I think he might like having an unique case once in a while.  😉  Did I mention we rarely fit the norm, and even our cats and dogs were the unusual cases.


When we got home, I got the ribs in the smoker and got them cooking.  After the problems smoker in July, it was nice to see a lot of smoke coming out of the smoker.  I just hope I didn't put too much wood in the smoker.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute the Airborne. I'm not a joke teller. I love rollercoasters and live near Kennywood Park, which has 2 wooden rollercoasters, the Thunderbolt which will be 100 years old next year, and the Jack Rabbit which is 103 years old. I haven't ridden any in a few years. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal, pass on the drink, and yes for the wine. I haven't been to Akureyri. Today in history led to the gold rush.


It's cloudy, humid and 72F here (78 for the high), with chances of rain. I felt I had to get the lawn mowed, so fortified with ibuprofen beforehand, out I went. The grass was long and I needed the extra battery. It sprinkled a few times, but nothing much. I was really sweating, and my hair was soaking wet. I'm now cooling off. I have PT this afternoon.


@RMLincoln Safe travels home. 

@StLouisCruisers An exciting time for Ren! I wish his team success. 

@RedneckBob Thanks for the jokes!

@kazu Thanks for the memes. How is Ivan doing?

@grapau27 Congrats to England! Last score I had seen early this morning was 1-0 England.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope DH gets a good report from the spine surgeon. Great photos from Akureyri.

@kplady Nice photos and nice to see you and DH.

@smitty34877 Good news about DH's possible release. Fingers crossed! 

@dfish Sorry to hear you're not back to 100% yet. 

@Mr. Boston Safe trip home.

@Heartgrove Great photos of cute Lily with her DM and grandparents.

@ger_77 Your deck looks like a lovely area to enjoy. 

@Nickelpenny Cute memes.

@cruising sister Wonderful news about Baby Murphy!

@Cruising-along Sorry to hear about the tooth. Thanks for the photos from your tour.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry you're still in pain; do you think it will improve without increasing the Prednisone? 

@GeorgeCharlie Thanks for the link.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm glad you finally got the grass mowed, but I hope you did not get too hot.  I hope the PT this afternoon helps.


1 hour ago, lindaler said:

Good afternoon all. Just got back from a week at Disney World, Epco, etc. with grandkids and son. That is a vacation that you need a vacation from after you return. Lots of roller coasters there but I found that the dark roller coasters do not agree with me as well as I age. After the first time I let the rest go without me while I waited in a shady spot for their return. Today is the first day the heat index isn't over 100.  


Good to hear from you, Linda.  I know you had a good time with the family at Disney World.


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Hello again. We got Lou home about an hour ago.DD and DSIL helped and he managed the steps safely.Much dog happiness  ensued! The hospital staff was great but I am happy to have him here.


Terry, that is good new that your DH is home and managed the steps safely.  I know the family is relieved.  Now, you have two happy dogs who's pack is complete again.


2 hours ago, kazu said:


Thanks for asking.  So far he is excellent.  Full of vim and vigour.  He has even started to sit! (He couldn’t before with his arthritis).   so far, this injection is worth every penny.  Someone was back here for maintenance on the house and couldn’t believe it was the same dog.  Hoping it continues 🤞 




Jacqui, I'm very happy for Ivan and you that the injections are working, and he is a "new" dog.


5 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Lenda, I’ve been meaning to ask you what type of wood you use to smoke, and also, do you use chips or chunks?  I recently discovered chunks and like them so much better than chips. But I’m having trouble with flavor. I’m using mesquite but I didn’t like the flavor of my ribs this last time, however my chicken and steak are wonderful.  I’m thinking that I need to try a different wood for ribs. Today I’m doing Cornish Game Hens and using the mesquite. 


Sharon, for years we used mesquite chunks when we had a large wood and charcoal smoker.  It helped that my DFIL would send of bring us the branches trimmed from the many mesquite trees in their yard.  Once the UPS driver asked what was in a large heavy box he delivered.  I don't think he believed me when I said mesquite branches.  🤣


When we moved and got an electric smoker with a smaller wood box, we switched to chips after a few years.  They seem to work better than chunks in the smoker.  We switched from mesquite wood several years ago, and generally use apple (mainly for pork), pecan, hickory or Jack Daniels (for beef).  I like the pecan we used on the brisket in July.  We've also used cherry, too.  I like a milder wood and not a heavy smoke flavor anyway.  Our older DD gave us some wood chips several years ago made from an oak barrel that aged Cabernet Sauvignon.  We saved that mainly for smoking beef tenderloins, and it was good.  Unfortunately, we've used it all.


A lot depends on whether or not you are using the wood for smoking or for actually providing the heat to cook the meat too.  If its the later, then you need bigger pieces and a wood that will smoke longer.


1 minute ago, aliaschief said:

Try Apple or cherry chips. Or Jack Daniels barrel chips. Or the old standby Hickory. I find Mesquite OK with brisket and beef is OK but it can be pretty strong in taste if used to much.


Bruce, you beat me to the answer, but your suggestions are some that we've used or use.  We like to try different types of wood, but now stay away from mesquite most of the time.


4 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@smitty34877 i am so happy to hear that Lou is home.  I hope he continues to improve.

Prayers that all goes well.


We went to the Podiatrist and then Barnes and Nobel and then Sam’s Club and also the wine store for some Fino Sherry.  Made it back home before the rains came.  it just started to thunder as we got the last things in the house.


Bought a rotisserie chicken at Sam’s for tonight’s dinner.  Nice and easy.


PMR still giving me trouble—mostly in the shoulder and neck area.  I do not want to see a different doctor so I will wait.  Thank you for your concern.  A big problem is sleeping.  Just too much pain.

Got a thermopedic pillow, which is helping somewhat.


As for FedEx, we were lucky that they showed up before we left.  So we got the package.  I spoke to the lady who usually does our deliveries and she told me that if we are not going to be home and a package requires a signature, put a note on the door to leave the package and sign the note.  It will be sufficient.  Glad to know that.  it makes life a bit easier.


So that is all I have for now.

Hope all of you are having a good day.



Terri, I'm glad all the timing worked out and you got the package.  Thanks for the information about leaving a signed note for FedEX if you won't be home.  I'm betting that will work for UPS too.  The last few packaged we've needed to be home to sign for, the UPS driver "signed" for us with his scanner.  Glad you beat the rain home.


I just checked the smoker and it is still working.  So DH's fix on the wiring and the new heating element did the trick.



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6 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from central Texas where it is 95F and feels like 95F.  We had a good visit with the back surgeon, who's back has been acting up this week.  🤣  He said it was getting better, but he doesn't know what he did to it.  Is that Karma or what?


Anyway, all was good with DH.  We spent most of the time talking about the NPH and the likelihood of getting the shunt.  It was the back surgeon who referred DH to UTSW, so he's interested in what is going on.  We learned some more about shunts and procedures, which is always good to know.  Otherwise, we will have the 12 month checkup from the back surgery in two months with an x-ray.  That should be our final visit with the surgeon.  We appreciated his taking time to talk about the NPH and the shunt when he's usually in and out of the exam room quickly.  I think he might like having an unique case once in a while.  😉  Did I mention we rarely fit the norm, and even our cats and dogs were the unusual cases.


When we got home, I got the ribs in the smoker and got them cooking.  After the problems smoker in July, it was nice to see a lot of smoke coming out of the smoker.  I just hope I didn't put too much wood in the smoker.



Vanessa, I'm glad you finally got the grass mowed, but I hope you did not get too hot.  I hope the PT this afternoon helps.



Good to hear from you, Linda.  I know you had a good time with the family at Disney World.



Terry, that is good new that your DH is home and managed the steps safely.  I know the family is relieved.  Now, you have two happy dogs who's pack is complete again.



Jacqui, I'm very happy for Ivan and you that the injections are working, and he is a "new" dog.



Sharon, for years we used mesquite chunks when we had a large wood and charcoal smoker.  It helped that my DFIL would send of bring us the branches trimmed from the many mesquite trees in their yard.  Once the UPS driver asked what was in a large heavy box he delivered.  I don't think he believed me when I said mesquite branches.  🤣


When we moved and got an electric smoker with a smaller wood box, we switched to chips after a few years.  They seem to work better than chunks in the smoker.  We switched from mesquite wood several years ago, and generally use apple (mainly for pork), pecan, hickory or Jack Daniels (for beef).  I like the pecan we used on the brisket in July.  We've also used cherry, too.  I like a milder wood and not a heavy smoke flavor anyway.  Our older DD gave us some wood chips several years ago made from an oak barrel that aged Cabernet Sauvignon.  We saved that mainly for smoking beef tenderloins, and it was good.  Unfortunately, we've used it all.


A lot depends on whether or not you are using the wood for smoking or for actually providing the heat to cook the meat too.  If its the later, then you need bigger pieces and a wood that will smoke longer.



Bruce, you beat me to the answer, but your suggestions are some that we've used or use.  We like to try different types of wood, but now stay away from mesquite most of the time.



Terri, I'm glad all the timing worked out and you got the package.  Thanks for the information about leaving a signed note for FedEX if you won't be home.  I'm betting that will work for UPS too.  The last few packaged we've needed to be home to sign for, the UPS driver "signed" for us with his scanner.  Glad you beat the rain home.


I just checked the smoker and it is still working.  So DH's fix on the wiring and the new heating element did the trick.



Delighted to hear your good news about your DH Lenda.


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21 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Anyway, all was good with DH.  We spent most of the time talking about the NPH and the likelihood of getting the shunt.  It was the back surgeon who referred DH to UTSW, so he's interested in what is going on.  We learned some more about shunts and procedures, which is always good to know.  Otherwise, we will have the 12 month checkup from the back surgery in two months with an x-ray.  That should be our final visit with the surgeon.  We appreciated his taking time to talk about the NPH and the shunt when he's usually in and out of the exam room quickly.  I think he might like having an unique case once in a while.  😉  Did I mention we rarely fit the norm, and even our cats and dogs were the unusual cases.


Terri, I'm glad all the timing worked out and you got the package.  Thanks for the information about leaving a signed note for FedEX if you won't be home.  I'm betting that will work for UPS too.  The last few packaged we've needed to be home to sign for, the UPS driver "signed" for us with his scanner.  Glad you beat the rain home.


I just checked the smoker and it is still working.  So DH's fix on the wiring and the new heating element did the trick.




Lenda, I'm glad to hear that DH got a good report from the surgeon. 

If you have the UPS app, you can release packages that require a signature, and they will leave them. With my RA med, even though they say no signature, when I get the email notification of an impending delivery it often says signature required. So I just use the app to release it. I have the FedEx app too, but I haven't had anything that required a signature so I'm not sure if you can do the same thing. 


@grapau27 Lovely photos of you and Pauline. 

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25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Anyway, all was good with DH.  We spent most of the time talking about the NPH and the likelihood of getting the shunt.  It was the back surgeon who referred DH to UTSW, so he's interested in what is going on.  We learned some more about shunts and procedures, which is always good to know.  Otherwise, we will have the 12 month checkup from the back surgery in two months with an x-ray.  That should be our final visit with the surgeon.  We appreciated his taking time to talk about the NPH and the shunt when he's usually in and out of the exam room quickly.  I think he might like having an unique case once in a while.  😉 


So glad your surgeon took the time to talk to you both.  Best of luck with your DH’s surgery.  It sounds like he is in very good hands 🙂 



25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Jacqui, I'm very happy for Ivan and you that the injections are working, and he is a "new" dog.


Thanks.  He will have these injections for the rest of his life (ca-Ching) but to have a dog pain free and happy is so worth it - at least, for me.  We visited a neighbour on the walk today and he was amazed at the difference in Ivan. 


I am relieved as I leave in less than 2 months and while I will provide pain pills “in case”, it’s a big deal that there should not be this worry while I am away.



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Wait!! Where the heck is my post for the day!! I had some funny jokes to share. Oh boo! I'll keep this one short.


Allen was flight testing Apache helicopters on the TADS system in Orlando for a few months in 1992. I flew over for a few days and we went to Disney World.  We went on the Thunder Mountain roller coaster. I barfed up the hot dog I had for lunch.


Fast forward to Universal Studios Orlando. Aerosmith Rockin Roller Coaster, about 1997. Got off the coaster just in time to barf into my husbands jacket. While I sat on a bench next to a sweet vendor who gave me a bag of ice, Allen must have had another 3 or 4 more rounds on that coaster. The vendor told me "honey don't think you need no more of those rides". (Right?)


Fast forward to 2003. Took the grandkids kids to Disney/Epcot/ Universal.  I heeded the vendor lady's advice!



A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: “Ugh, that’s the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen!” The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: “The driver just insulted me!” The man says: “You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I’ll hold your monkey for you.”


I said to the Gym instructor “Can you teach me to do the splits?” He said, “How flexible are you?” I said, “I can’t make Tuesdays.”


Doc, I can’t stop singing the ‘Green Green Grass of Home’. He said: “That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome.” “Is it common?” I asked.  “It’s not unusual” he replied.


All of my prayers were lifted this morning. Looks like there's been good news since this morning. 


Take care. God Bless. Know you are loved.

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Had a nice but short rain this afternoon, without thunder. Yesterday's rain, which was really hard for short time, was accompanied by huge thunder claps. Dogs did not seem to notice. This afternoon I see  some sort of fungi growing in the lawn... after just two short rainfalls. Will start pulling them up tomorrow. We are supposed to get more rain this week and we do need it but would prefer no thunder and lightening.


Of Diane's cats... Jiffy has been adopted and Duffy, bless his kitty heart, is in foster care with a woman who now thinks she will keep him. Evidently her two dogs love him and he is perfectly happy with them. I did not realize this, but Diane had trained both cats to walk on leash. My cats in the past would never, ever have tolerated that.



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53 minutes ago, kazu said:


So glad your surgeon took the time to talk to you both.  Best of luck with your DH’s surgery.  It sounds like he is in very good hands 🙂 




Thanks.  He will have these injections for the rest of his life (ca-Ching) but to have a dog pain free and happy is so worth it - at least, for me.  We visited a neighbour on the walk today and he was amazed at the difference in Ivan. 


I am relieved as I leave in less than 2 months and while I will provide pain pills “in case”, it’s a big deal that there should not be this worry while I am away.




We think DH is in good hands.  UTSW is the top neurological department in this part of Texas.


Jacqui, I can understand giving Ivan the injections.  Dachshunds are prone to back problems, and both our Dachshunds had rather expensive back surgeries.  These surgeries are now every expensive, if if possible I'd still do that and putting down an otherwise healthy animal.  The surgeries gave Brandy and Nikki many more years of quality life. 


59 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


Lenda, I'm glad to hear that DH got a good report from the surgeon. 

If you have the UPS app, you can release packages that require a signature, and they will leave them. With my RA med, even though they say no signature, when I get the email notification of an impending delivery it often says signature required. So I just use the app to release it. I have the FedEx app too, but I haven't had anything that required a signature so I'm not sure if you can do the same thing. 


@grapau27 Lovely photos of you and Pauline. 


Vanessa, thanks for the information.  Our UPS driver signed for us even though we were home.


19 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Had a nice but short rain this afternoon, without thunder. Yesterday's rain, which was really hard for short time, was accompanied by huge thunder claps. Dogs did not seem to notice. This afternoon I see  some sort of fungi growing in the lawn... after just two short rainfalls. Will start pulling them up tomorrow. We are supposed to get more rain this week and we do need it but would prefer no thunder and lightening.


Of Diane's cats... Jiffy has been adopted and Duffy, bless his kitty heart, is in foster care with a woman who now thinks she will keep him. Evidently her two dogs love him and he is perfectly happy with them. I did not realize this, but Diane had trained both cats to walk on leash. My cats in the past would never, ever have tolerated that.




Susan, I tried walking a couple of our cats on a leash.  The only way I got them to go where I wanted was to walk in the opposite direction.  I also tried with DD's cat, but wound up just dragging him across the concrete.  Glad you got some rain with more on the way.  



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32 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Of Diane's cats... Jiffy has been adopted and Duffy, bless his kitty heart, is in foster care with a woman who now thinks she will keep him. Evidently her two dogs love him and he is perfectly happy with them. I did not realize this, but Diane had trained both cats to walk on leash. My cats in the past would never, ever have tolerated that.


Oh that is such wonderful news, Susan.


I am sure your heart is bit lighter with this news ♥️ 


Many, many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away when I lived in an apartment, my cats loved to be outside.  they were Siamese and all walked on leash on a harness.  It was very handy when we were travelling as they could get out of the car and have fresh air when I did.


I am so very glad that this has worked out. 💜 

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50 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Had a nice but short rain this afternoon, without thunder. Yesterday's rain, which was really hard for short time, was accompanied by huge thunder claps. Dogs did not seem to notice. This afternoon I see  some sort of fungi growing in the lawn... after just two short rainfalls. Will start pulling them up tomorrow. We are supposed to get more rain this week and we do need it but would prefer no thunder and lightening.


Of Diane's cats... Jiffy has been adopted and Duffy, bless his kitty heart, is in foster care with a woman who now thinks she will keep him. Evidently her two dogs love him and he is perfectly happy with them. I did not realize this, but Diane had trained both cats to walk on leash. My cats in the past would never, ever have tolerated that.




Susan, I don't know where my mind was.  That is very good news about Diane's cats.  I hope the foster "mama" does keep Duffy.  It sounds like the right place for him.



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I'm home from the dentist -- after 2 hours in the chair.  A bigger piece of tooth broke off than I thought, so I was prepped for a crown today.  I told them let's get this over with, I have a cruise in a few weeks 😉  

Thankfully it didn't cost as much as I expected, so that's good -- well not good, but not too awful.


Susan @durangoscotsThank you so much for letting us know about Diane's cats.  I've been worried about them.  Great news!

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I took for granted that National Airborne Day referred to airborne divisions in the military, and not to cold medicine. I tend to tell jokes too rapidly, but at least in the right order. My mother told them from the middle outward in both directions. I used to enjoy roller coasters but I don't think that I would now.


Pass on the chicken wraps and the drink. The wine is available in my state but not very near me, so I'd consider another from Dr. Frank's, 2019 Amur, which sounds like it might be similar in character even though the grape is from a completely different region. I haven't been to Akureyri. Aside from transiting KEF, my only visit to Iceland was unintentional.


I've just finished doing what I could toward registering for the fall term. The school has simple online registration, but to register online you have to have an account in their enrollment-management system, and the only way to get such an account is through registering. Hmm....


When I was in graduate school the first time, I worked at registration most terms. There, you had to show up in person with various paperwork, including a card with basic information. My job was usually to check those cards before the students continued to course registration. In the summer session, there were quite a few older students who were in religious orders (nuns and monks). The word got around that they should always come to my station, because I would let them use contact information for their superior in the order and not insist on the legal or biological parents.



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It’s good to be home! Safe and Sound!   We made decent time but that took three reroutings around stoppages. I still travel with maps and they are so useful. I do love the Navigator too, working with both seems best for us.  We usually split tge driving but I have to admit that I didn’t do all of “my half today “.  Just wasn’t quite as up to it as sometimes. Now I hate to unpack because we’re leaving in just over two weeks for the NCL Joy cruise. But I will unpack tomorrow. And do grocery shopping. And probably laundry. 

Great to have good news!  
Lou is home! Yay!  

Murphy is improving! Yay!

Ivan is responding to the injections! Yay!  



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